Lockdown Lobby Crushed the Poorest Children

by Kerry Dougherty

The Federalist, one of my daily must-read news sources, had a great piece yesterday. It supported my point of view, naturally.

And it’s timely as Michael Osterholm, one of Biden’s advisors, predicted Sunday that lockdowns will return with a vengeance once the U.K. variant of Covid-19 becomes dominant in the United States.

In “Covid Lockdowns Were An Overreaction to Protect The Rich ,” Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford University and one of America’s outspoken opponents of many measures taken during the pandemic,  joined Megyn Kelly in a podcast to discuss the results of shutdowns around the U.S. They affirmed what has been glaringly obvious to anyone paying attention: Lockdowns protected the rich while putting the poor in harm’s way.

I noticed this early on in the pandemic when friends of mine on Facebook were hash-tagging the hell out of slogans like #JustStayHome.

Easy for them, when they weren’t missing a paycheck and had work-from-home jobs.

If you dug a little deeper you’d see that these entitled consumers had turned into Amazon addicts, forcing the working classes to fetch the most mundane items for them – dish detergent and Advil – so they didn’t have to venture out into the virus-infested world.

They strongly supported the closing of restaurants to indoor dining. Oddly enough, they were fine with food service workers preparing meals for them and delivering these delicacies via Doordash or tossing them into their open car windows.

On the rare occasions the #JustStayHome crowd ventured out – gloved and masked – they seemed happy enough to find fresh seafood, vegetables, meat and milk in the stores without worrying about the fishermen, farmers, farm workers and truckers who made that possible.

Surely they didn’t want THEM to stay home.

There’s a reason African Americans and Hispanics were hit hardest by Covid-19 in some areas: Beyond living in less-affluent, more crowded areas, they also made up a sizable percentage of folks who did the bidding of the stay-at-home gang.

Perhaps the worst victims of the shutdowns were children. As early as last spring it was clear kids were not being seriously affected by the virus and by summer even the American Academy of Pediatrics urged schools to reopen.

And they did. Private and parochial schools, that is.

Public schools, in the grip of anti-science teachers’ unions and associations, mostly stayed closed.

“The lockdowns have been an enormous and ineffective overreaction, not actually protecting the population from COVID. While at the same time, the collateral damage is absolutely devastating,”  Bhattacharya said…

One aspect of this “collateral damage,” Megyn Kelly said, is the fact that teachers unions are preventing students from returning to in-person learning. … “Their standard of safety knows no bounds. The truth is no amount of safety measures is going to get these teachers back in the classroom. …

“The private schools go back, and the kids who were in the public school system, which doesn’t have as much money behind them, they don’t get to go,” Kelly said. “It’s unfair. … The schools have to reopen. It’s safe, it’s been proven safe. The Chicago teachers who refuse to obey the district order to get back in the classrooms should be fired. Same for those in Montclair, New Jersey, and any other district that puts the well-being of students last.”

Fairfax County teachers have been making noise about not returning to class until all children are vaccinated, which is insane, since the vaccine is not approved for those under 16.

Teachers should have two weeks to get back to their classrooms after receiving their second vaccine or be sacked. Enough with their nonsense.

Good news, however, in Virginia Beach today. Elementary kids have their first day back in class in two months.

Ironically, it’s Groundhog Day.

Let’s hope the schools stay open this time, so the little ones at least have a chance to catch up with their private school contemporaries.

The column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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39 responses to “Lockdown Lobby Crushed the Poorest Children”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” When I was delivering for UPS I had a daily drop off to this itty bitty house down Lonesome Pine Lane. This lady was counting on it everyday. The way we shop and consume is forever changed.”


    AND – Amazon has figured out a way to go around UPS, Fed Ex and USPS:


  2. djrippert Avatar

    “The surge that is likely to occur with this new variant from England is going to happen in the next six to 14 weeks,” Osterholm said on NBC News on Sunday. He went on to say that if that happened, “we are going to see something that we have not seen yet in this country.”

    If we get clobbered again will the same liberals who spent the last 10 months howling at the ineffectiveness of the Trump Administration in containing COVID-19 start howling at the Biden Administration?

  3. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    And the teacher unions pushed no school to save, on average, middle aged white women while disproportionately harming BIPOC and ED children. And remember these are the same middle aged white women, on average, who are also responsible for the racist system of education in Virginia- according to Dr Governor and the Woke Posse… and these same middle aged white women are pretty much responsible for voting in the Woke Posse…. stranger than fiction?

  4. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    And the teacher unions pushed no school to save, on average, middle aged white women while disproportionately harming BIPOC and ED children. And remember these are the same middle aged white women, on average, who are also responsible for the racist system of education in Virginia- according to Dr Governor and the Woke Posse… and these same middle aged white women are pretty much responsible for voting in the Woke Posse…. stranger than fiction?

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    More facts that folks like Kerry ignore:

    ” Europe’s Schools Are Closing Again on Concerns They Spread Covid-19
    Countries are abandoning pledges to keep classrooms open as concerns mount over children’s capacity to pass on the virus”


    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Children might not get deathly ill, but EVERY infection is a virus mutation opportunity. One of the l’le buggers might create the l’le bugger what does us all in.

      Blessed are the willfully ignorant for they shall soon see God.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      So, compare the lockdowns overall in Europe to the lockdowns overall in Virginia. Should Northam be closing the restaurants again? Should he be shutting down all mass transit? Should he remove teachers from the vaccine priority list since the schools need to remain or be closed?

      If the Europeans and Biden’s health advisor are right – what is Northam waiting for?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        so… the real world – the actual real world is not black and white – it’s shades of grey and the “lockdowns are terrible and illegal” folks are largely ignorant, some willfully, on how this is going in the rest of the world – including the schools.

        The reality is there is a dang pandemic and no one is covered in glory.

        true! If you want to dam someone or something – keep a context.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    More facts that folks like Kerry ignore:

    ” Europe’s Schools Are Closing Again on Concerns They Spread Covid-19
    Countries are abandoning pledges to keep classrooms open as concerns mount over children’s capacity to pass on the virus”


    1. djrippert Avatar

      So, compare the lockdowns overall in Europe to the lockdowns overall in Virginia. Should Northam be closing the restaurants again? Should he be shutting down all mass transit? Should he remove teachers from the vaccine priority list since the schools need to remain or be closed?

      If the Europeans and Biden’s health advisor are right – what is Northam waiting for?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        so… the real world – the actual real world is not black and white – it’s shades of grey and the “lockdowns are terrible and illegal” folks are largely ignorant, some willfully, on how this is going in the rest of the world – including the schools.

        The reality is there is a dang pandemic and no one is covered in glory.

        true! If you want to dam someone or something – keep a context.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Children might not get deathly ill, but EVERY infection is a virus mutation opportunity. One of the l’le buggers might create the l’le bugger what does us all in.

      Blessed are the willfully ignorant for they shall soon see God.

  7. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Which is precisely why $1.9 trillion and not $0.6 is needed.
    Listen to the wildly successful WV Governor (R) since you tout him so highly.

  8. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Which is precisely why $1.9 trillion and not $0.6 is needed.
    Listen to the wildly successful WV Governor (R) since you tout him so highly.

  9. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” When I was delivering for UPS I had a daily drop off to this itty bitty house down Lonesome Pine Lane. This lady was counting on it everyday. The way we shop and consume is forever changed.”


    AND – Amazon has figured out a way to go around UPS, Fed Ex and USPS:


  10. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    You do realized that the implied tail to the hashtag is “if you can”. It is best for everybody (including Amazon drivers) if fewer people are in circulation.

    Noticed we are now ranked 14th by Becker’s as of yesterday. Can’t wait for your pat on Northam’s back.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Becker? Ted Danson? Loved that character.

  11. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    You do realized that the implied tail to the hashtag is “if you can”. It is best for everybody (including Amazon drivers) if fewer people are in circulation.

    Noticed we are now ranked 14th by Becker’s as of yesterday. Can’t wait for your pat on Northam’s back.

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” Noticed we are now ranked 14th by Becker’s as of yesterday. Can’t wait for your pat on Northam’s back”

    more than just Kerry… Jim, Steve, DJ for a start.

    Pats on Northams Back guys or is it “coonman” forever?

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        It’s also a bit ironic of a statement, considering he was all over the previous threads making excuses for the Governor.

  13. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” Noticed we are now ranked 14th by Becker’s as of yesterday. Can’t wait for your pat on Northam’s back”

    more than just Kerry… Jim, Steve, DJ for a start.

    Pats on Northams Back guys or is it “coonman” forever?

  14. djrippert Avatar

    The fact that Coonman got his act together six weeks after the long awaited vaccines started rolling in does not earn him a pat on the back. I’ll give him a “sucks less than he used to suck” award. If he can get us into the top 10 and stay there for a solid month I’ll give him a pat on the back. However, and remember you heard it here first, a lot of those jabs are going into people’s arms that are not in the priority classes. Sometimes it’s typical bureaucratic bungling – like the work from home employees of VCU health that got vaccines. Sometimes it’s worse – donors, trustees and relatives of executives are getting the shots. From the Associated Press … “Hospitals in Florida, New Jersey and Virginia also have faced questions about distributing vaccines, including to donors, trustees and relatives of executives.”

    We will see if Virginia’s crack leftist media uncovers any improprieties on the actual rollout of vaccines.

  15. djrippert Avatar

    The fact that Coonman got his act together six weeks after the long awaited vaccines started rolling in does not earn him a pat on the back. I’ll give him a “sucks less than he used to suck” award. If he can get us into the top 10 and stay there for a solid month I’ll give him a pat on the back. However, and remember you heard it here first, a lot of those jabs are going into people’s arms that are not in the priority classes. Sometimes it’s typical bureaucratic bungling – like the work from home employees of VCU health that got vaccines. Sometimes it’s worse – donors, trustees and relatives of executives are getting the shots. From the Associated Press … “Hospitals in Florida, New Jersey and Virginia also have faced questions about distributing vaccines, including to donors, trustees and relatives of executives.”

    We will see if Virginia’s crack leftist media uncovers any improprieties on the actual rollout of vaccines.

  16. Why don’t we come out and say it, herd immunity is the only solution to COVID. If people die or suffer long-term effects of being infected, it’s just too bad and the price of keeping the economy humming and schools open. Bosun

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I think you are correct – but there are different ways to get to herd immunity that involve less deaths less quickly.

      The latest I hear is that the virus is morphing/mutating- much like the common flu and cold virus does and we may be in this over a longer term than just this one time. We may have to get more vaccinations as they are developed for the mutating strains.

      We may be seeing fundamental changes in the way we do a lot of things, maybe most things.

  17. Why don’t we come out and say it, herd immunity is the only solution to COVID. If people die or suffer long-term effects of being infected, it’s just too bad and the price of keeping the economy humming and schools open. Bosun

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I think you are correct – but there are different ways to get to herd immunity that involve less deaths less quickly.

      The latest I hear is that the virus is morphing/mutating- much like the common flu and cold virus does and we may be in this over a longer term than just this one time. We may have to get more vaccinations as they are developed for the mutating strains.

      We may be seeing fundamental changes in the way we do a lot of things, maybe most things.

  18. LarrytheG Avatar

    Yep, but did you say you were wrong? And did you read the comments? Crickets from the critics!

    From the beginning, it’s been as much a data issue than substance.

    There are hundreds/thousands sources of the data that supposedly “flow” to a central site that then tries to make sense of it and posts it – and we’ve been using that as a political cudgel against VDH and Northam… steady drumbeat…

    1. djrippert Avatar

      If Northam lacks the competence to even count the doses accurately why would anybody believe he can effectively distribute those doses?

  19. LarrytheG Avatar

    Yep, but did you say you were wrong? And did you read the comments? Crickets from the critics!

    From the beginning, it’s been as much a data issue than substance.

    There are hundreds/thousands sources of the data that supposedly “flow” to a central site that then tries to make sense of it and posts it – and we’ve been using that as a political cudgel against VDH and Northam… steady drumbeat…

    1. djrippert Avatar

      If Northam lacks the competence to even count the doses accurately why would anybody believe he can effectively distribute those doses?

  20. djrippert Avatar

    “The surge that is likely to occur with this new variant from England is going to happen in the next six to 14 weeks,” Osterholm said on NBC News on Sunday. He went on to say that if that happened, “we are going to see something that we have not seen yet in this country.”

    If we get clobbered again will the same liberals who spent the last 10 months howling at the ineffectiveness of the Trump Administration in containing COVID-19 start howling at the Biden Administration?

    1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      Good one!
      Heck no… it was because Orangeman-Bad didn’t leave them a playbook….. and Putin was pulling the strings.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      who knows but you can count on the fact that they’ll wear masks and encourage others to do so and they will actually try to get money to small business and the schools and they will take some level of responsibility and they won’t be blathering their butt off in Twitter at 3am.

      Good riddance to Mr. Idiot.

  21. djrippert Avatar

    “God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America.”

    ― Otto von Bismarck

    I think Trump “blew a gasket” sometime during the election. From the first debate and thereafter the usually caustic Trump geared up and went into a downward spiral at an accelerating rate.

    I don’t like politician-for-life Biden or his policies. But I’m all about the cabbage. Since I retired from full time work I make most of my money trading stocks, options and the occasional commodity. I can put up with Biden and pay his higher taxes if he brings some stability to the country. I learned that with Clinton – who I didn’t much like either. He ran a very good economy – give or take the dot com bubble and the various financial scandals (like Enron). Bush the Junior cleaned that up pretty quickly. An actual V-shaped recession. Very rare.

    I support President Biden. He is my president. I am not a member of the resistance.

    Now, Uncle Joe …. make good on your drunken boast to accelerate the vaccine rollout. Baby needs a new pair of shoes. Well, actually – a new Intrepid.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      If Trump “blew a gasket”, it didn’t seem to cost him support in the GOP or in his supporters. If anything he solidified his base and, what 85% of the GOP supported him?

      Who knows how Biden’s term will go but if Ga had not gone Dem, Biden would be dead in the water on legislation. Even now, he can’t afford to lose any Dems on key votes and could face filibusters. And some Dem Senators will extract things they want in return for their votes.

      He’s not even going to get his stimulus bill without having to go the reconciliation path.

      Right now, he’s signing EOs left and right to roll back Trumps EOs and ferreting out Trump folks in the agencies…

      Interestingly enough, he’s not “undoing” ALL of Trumps EOs.. He’s actually keeping some.

      Finally, there will be a bunch of Congressional seats coming up for election and you can bet Trump will be there with his signature rallies, and bring along other Trump congressional supporters to demonstrate how potent he still is.

  22. djrippert Avatar

    “God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America.”

    ― Otto von Bismarck

    I think Trump “blew a gasket” sometime during the election. From the first debate and thereafter the usually caustic Trump geared up and went into a downward spiral at an accelerating rate.

    I don’t like politician-for-life Biden or his policies. But I’m all about the cabbage. Since I retired from full time work I make most of my money trading stocks, options and the occasional commodity. I can put up with Biden and pay his higher taxes if he brings some stability to the country. I learned that with Clinton – who I didn’t much like either. He ran a very good economy – give or take the dot com bubble and the various financial scandals (like Enron). Bush the Junior cleaned that up pretty quickly. An actual V-shaped recession. Very rare.

    I support President Biden. He is my president. I am not a member of the resistance.

    Now, Uncle Joe …. make good on your drunken boast to accelerate the vaccine rollout. Baby needs a new pair of shoes. Well, actually – a new Intrepid.

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