Lobbying Entertainment Data Still Deceptive

“Reported” entertainment events for the 2018-2019 cycle, a fraction of the actual number due to loopholes in Virginia law. Click for larger view.

By Steve Haner

‘Our friends at the Virginia Public Access Project are a bit later this year with their data and visuals on Virginia’s embarrassingly weak and intentionally vague lobbyist entertainment reporting.  It is still nothing but a sham, exactly how the legislators and lobbyists want it.

The 2018 VPAP coverage was subject of a May 2018 Bacon’s Rebellion report, but this time we are five weeks away from tight elections in both bodies.  Voters are not short of things to get outraged about, but we can add this to the list.

The basic 2019 report is little changed from VPAP’s 2018 data.   Last year 109 of the 140 legislators admitted accepting at least one entertainment event, and this year it appears 111 did.  The number who report accepting five or more has dropped.  The key word in that sentence is “reporting”.

UPDATE:  VPAP has now added this year’s graphic on the high number of lobbyist disclosures that simply ignore the directive to be specific about the “matters” that get their attention.  A few well placed $100 fines and red faces would fix that, but of course, the point is to PRETEND to disclose….

It remains possible and quite common practice under Virginia law (described here) to avoid reporting requirements, and there were probably hundreds of times annually when one or more lobbyists picked up the bar tab and dinner bill after a long discussion on issues, with no requirement to report.  The bill is split between two or more of the hosts, or two or more of that host’s clients, and voila, the cost per guest falls below the $50 reporting threshold.

Use the calendar of events provided by VPAP and find plenty of such instances.  Pick a few dates on your own and see.  Look for events with the same cost at the same venue.  You’ll also see plenty of events where the bill simply stayed below $50 per attendee (who had the house salad and who had steak and three drinks, you’ll never know.)

There is another wrinkle worth discussing, although David Poole at VPAP says it is not new with this report:  The total cost of several major entertainment events has been adjusted, lowering it on these reports.  State law is clear and has been reinforced by an Ethics Council ruling that the total cost of any event attended by a legislator or other reportable official needs to be reported.

If this is a dinner with ten members of an association and three legislators, the rule makes sense.  If the event is the christening of an aircraft carrier, with ten state officials and spouses among a crowd of five thousand, the requirement is nothing short of stupid.  Should you list the total cost of a Redskins game because a legislator sits in your company box?  No, just report the value of the seat, food and drink.

But if the event is some association’s annual legislative reception, such as the well-attended Agribusiness Council dinner, and the event exists entirely to wine, dine and lobby state officials, every dollar is a lobbying entertainment expense.  If a member from another part of the state is there, he or she came to be with legislators.   VPAP, which always remember is largely run by the lobbyists for the lobbyists, makes these adjustments on its own terms, using only the per person cost of the state officials.  For example, only $4,800 of the Agribusiness dinner’s total cost now shows up.

Poole says it is not new practice but said VPAP has gone back several prior years and made this adjustment retroactively.  Advocating to fix the law is not in VPAP’s brief, but “adjusting” officially reported data is now?  The adjusted amounts are marked and there is a long rationale provided, too long to reproduce here.

The focus on event cost, however, is a distraction from the real issue – the failure to list the names of state officials or their family members being entertained  unless that $50 per capita per payer threshold is hit.  Most such events are missing from VPAP or from the official reports.  The threshold is the first element of deception.  The ability of lobbyists to split the bill is the second element of deception.  They simply do not want us to know.

What I wrote earlier this year is still valid:  A discussion over coffee, lunch or even dinner in and of itself corrupts nobody. But lobbyists or private citizens who can afford to do it, and get their invitations accepted, enjoy an advantage over lobbyists or private citizens who cannot afford it or find the practice distasteful.  Such activities should be reported in full.

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7 responses to “Lobbying Entertainment Data Still Deceptive”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner


    Oh, that one linked above was called to my attention. Five different Colonial Downs events, reported but with no state officials listed as attending. But if they weren’t there, why report? I hate it when I’m the one providing the ammo for those who love to rail about Virginia being corrupt.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Dick Saslaw was apparently trying to keep the Bull & Bear Club (a private dining club in Richmond) afloat with his regular multi-thousand dollar meals there – paid for with campaign donations despite the fact that he almost always runs unopposed. It didn’t work …


      I’d be nice to Dominion too if they were funding my social life.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    This is an example of how gullible people are and how VPAP is being used to promote the idea that they are “reporting” and all is well.

    They invariably point to VPAP as the “official” and complete reporter of political money while they basically run amok on what VPAP is not reporting – and cannot.

    In other words – Virgina’s political money reporting is a sham .

  3. This is what I hate the most.

  4. Steve, I’m looking for clarity into what you mean when you say, “Such activities should be reported in full.”

    — Any time a lobbyist takes a legislator out to a meal, even if it’s under $50?
    — Any time a legislator attends an annual legislative session?

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      As I said, the cost is not the big issue. But yes, anytime a registered lobbyist or representatives of a company that has lobbyists entertains a legislator, the name of those attending and the topics discussed should be reported. At least get to the level of federal accountability. And it would be coupled, of course, with addressing my other pet peeve – requiring lobbyists to report all bills, all issues that don’t become bills, all appointments supported or opposed. The cost is not important, you could have a check box – above or below $50….

      For mass events, receptions, public activities like football games or ribbon cuttings, or (as mentioned) launching a Navy ship, just the names of attendees is fine – but if specific issues are discussed, list them. If I had a legislator on a shipyard tour and mentioned how we hated some tax bill, or wanted some grant program, well, having to report it might mean it wouldn’t come up at that time.

      Another approach would be to forbid it all, which I would not support.

  5. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner


    I’ll add it here, too. That’s VPAP’s update on the number of lobbyist forms that do not follow the directive to specify the bills or other matters worked on. This one divides the lobbying community a bit, because most of us want to know who is moving around in the dark background on the other side of our issues. Henry Howell was correct, it isn’t always Santa Claus…

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