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Lessons in Education, Democracy and Western Civilization from a Great Man

by James C. Sherlock

I recommend that every reader view a one-hour teleconference discussion between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and higher education leaders from around the United States.

You will watch a great and remarkably insightful man, in the middle of leading his country’s war for survival, speak and answer questions about preserving higher education, democracy and Western civilization in Ukraine and the world.

He first speaks relatively briefly but rivetingly.

American academic leaders then offer help. They ask him in various ways how they can best structure that assistance. He does not dissemble, nor does he play small ball. His answers portray a man in full command of detail who does not get lost in it. He does not shy away from the most difficult questions.

Each of us will take away our own lessons; but President Zelenskyy continues to raise the bar of leadership.

He has, in answer to unrehearsed questions, offered his audience a bracing perspective of what is important in life and in liberal education and its role in preserving western civilization.

I consider it an historic moment.

I hope the audience, including University of Virginia President James Ryan who asked him his views on how American universities can help Ukraine deal with disinformation, will put his words into action at their institutions.

If America’s education leaders are worth their salaries, they will include this video in their first year liberal arts curricula starting now.

Regardless, I won’t forget it.

Neither, I think, will you.

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