Left Behind…

Richmond resident and green card holder Javed Habibi has lived in Richmond since 2015 with his wife, and four daughters. The electrician and his family visited Afghanistan in June and was scheduled to return to the U.S. Aug. 31, but all hell broke loose when Kabul fell to the Taliban. The U.S. government promised him that he and his family would be evacuated. Said Habibi to the Associated Press: “They lied to us.” — JAB

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23 responses to “Left Behind…”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    THe buck will stop at Biden but pretty shocking that the folks he relied on for advice, the State Dept, the military and our intelligence folks all all did not expect the Afghan Govt to eavaporate as it did.

    But I’m also not buying the idea that somehow we could have “snuck out” everyone while no one else was looking. Sooner or later it would be discovered and some people trapped. Arguing about how many seems to be debatable and probably partisan. 2500 troops for all of Afghanistan when it took 5-6000 just to secure the airport is a reality also.

    Seems like it was either stay, violate the agreement and increase troops and back to combat, or get out and suffer the losses. Wishful thinking, not reality.

    And really, I can just imagine how the prior POTUS might have dealt with refugees with Mr. Miller on the “team”.

    We’ve still got a door open with the Taliban – both on refugees and potentially dealing with the Islamic nuts.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      The agreement required that talks continue. They didn’t. The agreement was null and void already. The former agreement also required that we leave by May I believe so, even if there were an agreement in force we would have been in violation.

      The idea that we had an agreement that was in force and that we were honoring is just another Biden lie.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        It’s just a rinse and repeat of the failure to renegotiate the 2008 SOF agreement. They blamed Bush 43 for their failure to engage.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      “We’ve still got a door open with the Taliban – both on refugees and potentially dealing with the Islamic nuts.”

      As it turns out, I hold the toll rights to the Woodrow Wilson Bridge. Please contact me. I’d be happy to sell you those rights.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yes, I realize the folks who say we have a door “open” are the same ones who did not see the Afghan govt collapse…

        Now, the Nation-building chicken hawks point out that we are now buddies with our sworn enemies that thousands of our guys/gals fought and died for – Japan and Germany, right?

        Back then if someone suggested we’d some day be their buxom buddies – talk of bridges for sale would also have been said.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          The Japanese were an industrial society with a medieval government structure. After they lost the war, were hit with two atom bombs and were occupied they reformed their governmental structure to be a democracy.

          The Taliban are still the Taliban.

      2. Matt Adams Avatar

        He only reads new that repeat his own bias.


        I’m rather certain the Military knew that a Afghan Army that had suffered 50k causalities fighting the Taliban in the last year, couldn’t hold out long.

        1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
          Kathleen Smith

          Amen to that Matt.

        2. read any of the SIGAR reports — it’s been known since 2008 – the first report…also read the transcript of ‘Bug Out’ Biden’s 23 July phone call with Ghani https://www.reuters.com/world/exclusive-call-before-afghan-collapse-biden-pressed-ghani-change-perception-2021-08-31/

  2. Why didn’t our foreign policy whiz kid ‘Bug out’ Biden get a Gitmo style lease on Bagram Air Base? It would have solved so many issues…. but he was probably too busy talking about his sons to anyone who would listen [and some who wouldn’t].

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      His advisors made the mistake of suggesting that after Biden’s afternoon pudding break. The sugar rush made him first agitated and then sleepy. He never really heard the advice.

      1. ‘pudding’ being a food or his grey matter? — and what does it matter that was DAYS AGO?

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Yes. I like it. We could have put the Jan6 terrorists there.

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    See, an intelligent group of human beings at State or DOD would have said, no don’t go in June, because we are about to bug out and all hell will break loose. So count that as a lie of omission. Entries except for the really necessary should have been blocked long in advance.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Or … a really novel and imaginative idea … get the civilians out before we withdraw the troops and give up Bagram Air Base.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      This was known since February 2020… “135 days after the next guy becomes President.”

      My sympathies end at people who decide to vacation in war zones, or, and just for you, forgo vaccines.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Speaking of that… it used to be a thing that the military would transport amateur sports equipment for free. All liability is accepted by the person, and it travels space available.

      A friend was going to Australia to race in a series of regattas and went to Norfolk OB to see if the Navy would ship his boat and trailer to Australia.

      The supply officer said, “No problem. It’ll go as deck cargo, but I have to warn you, it may have to be ditched at sea if Iraq invades Kuwait.” This was 3 weeks BEFORE it happened.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Oh, that happened a century ago. Just ask Field Marshal Montgomery.

      Actually, we’ve demonstrated untrustworthiness to friend and foe alike. Ask the Cherokee, they’ll tell you. America never signed a treaty that it hasn’t broken when it didn’t like the potential outcome, or inconvenience, of keeping it.

      Aside from Trump’s trashing of the Iran agreement, GW Bush violated the ABM Treaty because Raytheon didn’t want to wait 6 moths to test an intercept missile.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        A year from now, many folks will say Biden did the right thing but in a bad way, except for partisans and some military, the same types who say we surrendered in Vietnam.

        Today, does Vietnam “trust” us? It’s like a dumb question, no?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          We didn’t surrender in Vietnam. We didn’t lose. We just sickened of the carnage we wrought on women and children. Sure, we lost 60,000 and inflicted our usual 10:1 on the enemy, but we also slaughtered 1.6 million women, children and old men — men of military age always included as VC losses.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            yeah but… our guys were heroes and can’t be blamed for all of that….

            clearly we bailed AND we left people behind including MIAs…

            Even today, the Chicken Hawks nation builders say we cut and ran….

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            No, no. We “cut and run” in Lebanon. Prior to that, and Reagan defining the expression, it was called a “strategic advance to the rear”.

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