Lee Statue Meltdown

by James A. Bacon

At one point during the decade-long debate over Confederate statuary, the logic of the Taliban, er, progressives, was that the statues should not be commemorated in highly visible public spaces, but could be relegated to battlefields, cemeteries and museums. If the statues and memorials must be removed, that seems to be a reasonable fallback position, and we’ll see if and where it is honored.

But the statue to Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, where the leftist electorate is infected by a rabid animus towards its enemies, will never be seen again. Not in a battlefield, not in a cemetery, not in a museum. In the Peoples’ Republic the attitude seems to be: we’ve got the power, we’ve got the statues, you can’t have them back, and by the way, f— you, we’re going to destroy them, and you can’t stop us.

The news is out that organizers of the “Swords into Plowshares” project has melted down the Lee statue, which had been torn down in 2021 and the fate of which had long been the subject of litigation. The deed was done at an out-of-state foundry; the metal will be recycled into some form of progressive artwork.

John Reid, chair of The Virginia Council, released the following statement:

The Virginia Council denounces in the strongest possible terms the vile, vengeful, and repugnant act of destroying in a blast furnace the Robert E. Lee statue that stood for decades in Charlottesville.

Rejoicing in the destruction of historic statues and paintings and gleefully comparing it to the “execution” of a “rabid dog” reveals an alarming and juvenile belligerence. Only a weak and sick society allows this to happen, and it ought to be an extraordinarily disturbing sign about the future of this country.

Fair warning, these vengeful and hate-filled people will not stop at statues. They seek to destroy everything they disagree with or don’t understand, and that may include you.

Melting this historic statue helps no one, improves life for no one, and heals absolutely nothing. It is simply an act of vengeance (which should be reprehensible in all moral societies) designed to satisfy the hatred burning in the perpetrators’ hearts. It is an ominous warning to anyone who disagrees with the pre-approved rhetoric.

The Virginia Council calls on civic leaders, political leaders, and leaders in the art community to denounce this reprehensible act that threatens the heritage of Virginia, which may in fact be illegal under the terms of the revised Monuments Act passed by the General Assembly in 2020.

It is a rhetorical tic of the left to call everyone it disagrees with a “hater.” But hatred is the core animating principle of the far left. Destroying a magnificent piece of statuary — not just removing it, but destroying it and denying it to others — can be described only as an act of hatred. As Reid observes, the act makes no one’s life better. Not one child will learn to read. Not one homeless person will be housed. Not one person will be lifted from poverty. The far left has no workable ideas for any of those things. All it can do is revel in grievance, resentment and nihilism.

Update: The only political response to the Lee statue meltdown comes from Philip Hamilton, a candidate for state Senate running against Creigh Deeds in the district that includes Charlottesville. He called for the Attorney General’s office to charge those responsible for melting down the statue with violating state law allowing localities to “remove, contextualize, or cover any monument or memorial” — but not authorizing them to destroy historical works of art. Read his press release here.

James A. Bacon is executive director of The Jefferson Council. The views expressed here are entirely his own.

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89 responses to “Lee Statue Meltdown”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Not a long walk at all from putting statues in ovens to putting people in ovens.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      wow… you must have had “special” Wheaties for breakfast this morning…

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Those who ignore history get to repeat it.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Don’t you think comparing melting statues to putting people in ovens a bit of a stretch? Or have
          you been won over by those to your right these days?

          geeze, Haner….

          1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
            Kathleen Smith

            Not a stretch at all.

          2. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            Apparently you don’t watch what the taliban is screaming on college campuses these days.

          3. Not Today Avatar

            Don’t send your kids/grandkids…please.

          4. Not Today Avatar

            NOTHING IS THE HOLOCAUST BUT THE HOLOCAUST. Those who make comparisons declare themselves ignorant and foolish.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          History repeats whether you know it or not. It’s not a choice.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Internal temperature of 145 for medium but we recommend against consuming un- or undercooked meats or bronze for those suffering hyperbole disorder.

      Maybe not for Republicans with an authoritarian bent, but it’s a helluva long walk for normal folk. One large step for A man…

      1. The ovens weren’t used to kill Jews, but to remove the evidence.

        Lest you forget.

        1. Same intent here, with an extra step of gleeful evil intent from the most uncivilized.

        2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
          Kathleen Smith

          The cancel culture again.

  2. Wow. My stomach turned at the Wash. Post story that celebrated defacing Lee. Literally defacing: there’s video. Now Mr. Bacon so pungently expresses the revulsion this disgraceful desecration deserves.

    This writer is a moderate. This writer tries never to give in to anger (unlike Woke activists who incite anger; revel in it; profit from it).

    But given the ovewhelming fury that video generates, if they bring any piece of that statue back to Charlottesville, it seems very likely they’ll bring violence back with it.

    A mistake to name names and show faces in that Wash. Post article. Those people need to hide. Now. Wait for the anger to subside.

    The last thing we need is more violence, and martyrs. It becomes a self-perpetuating cycle.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I fully supported the local government’s decision to remove or add any art to its own public spaces, upon a proper vote. This was an intentional act of vandalism and provocation. Plus timed for the election, since maintaining and motivating a certain block of votes for a certain political party is what is going on here.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        No only that but it serves no purpose to destroy it, but that was then and always will be the end goal.

        Kind like a walk back to the 30’s in a certain European country.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        I’d think the opposite. Some of the GOP-leaning fence sitters might be influenced to get off the fence and vote GOP!

  3. Wow. My stomach turned at the Wash. Post story that celebrated defacing Lee. Literally defacing: there’s video. Now Mr. Bacon so pungently expresses the revulsion this disgraceful desecration deserves.

    This writer is a moderate. This writer tries never to give in to anger (unlike Woke activists who incite anger; revel in it; profit from it).

    But given the ovewhelming fury that video generates, if they bring any piece of that statue back to Charlottesville, it seems very likely they’ll bring violence back with it.

    A mistake to name names and show faces in that Wash. Post article. Those people need to hide. Now. Wait for the anger to subside.

    The last thing we need is more violence, and martyrs. It becomes a self-perpetuating cycle.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “It is a rhetorical tic of the left to call everyone it disagrees with a “hater.” But hatred is the core animating principle of the far left”

    It must be really hard to type while contorted so…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      It’s’ how Conservatives “think” these days… if you’re not with them, you are a “hater” by definition and a “baby-killing hater” in some circumstances… involving nations and abortion, etc.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        And “we hate haters…”

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    That’s a whole lot of plumbing fixtures.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yep.. all that “unpleasantness” associated with Jim Crow is all behind us now… but people still can’t forget it!


  6. DJRippert Avatar

    The statue should have been auctioned to the highest bidder. The monies received should have been transferred to the public treasury. The winning bidder would have been free to do whatever he, she, or zhe wanted with the statue.

    1. Was this legal?

  7. Monument Avenue in Richmond once had glowing reviews.

    So what if a beautiful attraction in Richmond is gone. Who needs tourism, or any business. It’s all capitalism right, and capitalism is evil.

    Richmond Monument Avenue
    968 reviews
    Points of Interest & Landmarks
    This location was reported permanently closed


  8. Thomas Carter Avatar
    Thomas Carter

    Fear No Art

  9. A brilliantly written article, Sir. My fury was equally measurable when I read of this barbaric act yesterday. My attempts to raise the alarm with those family and friends resident within Virginia could not remotely compare to your precise words. Thanks for the inspiration and unfortunate confirmation that evil runs wild throughout the Old Dominion.

  10. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Swords Into Plowshares project was the brainstorm idea of Zyahna Bryant. Yes, the same ZB BLM activist who wrecked the life of Morgan Bettinger. Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, Amazing the damage one Marxist can do.

    1. Can valuable artwork be destroyed without public notice? No requirement for a public referendum or auction?

      Seems odd to me.

    2. Can valuable artwork be destroyed without public notice? No requirement for a public referendum or auction?

      Seems odd to me.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        I believe C’ville philanthropist Paul Goodloe McIntire commissioned the Lee and Jackson statues as a gift to the city. 1917-1924 to make and install. The gift made it city property. A lot of back and forth between the city and preservationist groups between 2016 and 2021. The war memorial state law protected it. Until the law was changed. Lower courts ruled in favor of preservationists until the state supreme court overruled. Eventually taken down with the city intent on melting it down and making art out of it. I assume the city gifted both to the C’ville Black History museum. Have to assume the same fate awaits Stonewall. I imagine the Richmond monuments are heading to the foundry next. Might be Devon Henry’s next gig.

        1. Thanks for the clarification.

          Maybe they’ll make a statue of Ibram X. Kendi out of it.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Or maybe just retain the back half of Traveller and call it the ZB/IXK memorial to horses patoots statue. 🙂

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Or maybe just retain the back half of Traveller and call it the ZB/IXK memorial to horses patoots statue. 🙂

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          Uh oh! The man for whom he McIntire School of Commerce at UVa is named funded Civil War statues?

          Gotta rename that school – and soon!

          Maybe the Ibram Xolani Kendi School of Commerce?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            What is the explanation for so many schools, roads, and even military bases named for segregationists and worse?

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            It is a thing called history. Let’s change the name of Virginia. Fredericksburg. How about the entire State of Ku Klux Klan Robert C. Byrd?
            NOBODY cares about the names except activists who fool the stupid into getting riled up.
            No Monument Avenue sure has improved Richmond, amirite? Schools better! Crime down! And just wait until we get the casino to encourage behavior that won’t help the already “marginalized,” but Levar and Devon and all the grifters will get their grift.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            No, we be confused. History is not the same as memorials to white supremacy… The plight of the descendants of people subject to Jim Crow still are affected… yes… When you deprive people of a decent education and the ability to get a good job with benefits .. you very much do harm the succeeding generations who do not benefit from educated parents and acquired wealth.

          4. And you do a disservice to parents, black and white, who achieved a decent education in spite of having to leave school early to help support their families. They may not have acquired wealth but they endowed their children with the understanding that education was important and necessary. Too many today lack that knowledge.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            If those parents did not themselves get a good education, they could not earn a decent living to take care of their kids, acquire a house, send them to college, etc…much less help their kids with learning.

            It cascades through generations…

            yes, SOME of them manage to get above it, but most do not… and the cycle of poverty that springs from a poor education, continues.

            right now, we have economic segregation. If you live in a “good” neighborhood, the school often
            reflects the higher economic and education status of the parents. If the school is in a low income
            neighborhood, it reflects the education and economic levels of the parents in that neighborhood.

            Go to the DOE build-a-table for a school district with both high and low income neighborhoods and
            look at the SOL scores … it tells the tale.

          6. Not Today Avatar

            You do a disservice by assuming BLACK parents did not overcome a helluva lot more, INCLUDING supporting their families while STILL deserving more. Speak for yourself and stay in your lane.

          7. Not Today Avatar

            You do a disservice by assuming BLACK parents did not overcome a helluva lot more, INCLUDING supporting their families while STILL deserving more. Speak for yourself and stay in your lane.

          8. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Don’t forget McIntire Road and McIntire Park. Wouldn’t want our tender Marxist friends to experience an awkward moment.

  11. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Be careful of what you ask for, these guys are capable of turning the statute into a urinal. The cancel culture at its best. Just melt it away.

  12. Still want to know who the legal owner of the statue is or was. The statue was sculpted through personal commission, as I understand it. Did the Charlottesville city council “seize” that property and destroy it? Even if gifted to the City of Charlottesville 100 years ago, the only appropriate act, once removed, would be to return it to the descendants of the donor. As an article on the National Register of Historic Places, it would appear that the meltdown was an illegal act, also an interstate crime. Do they and their Black Lives Matter clan members really intend to use the molten remains to create their own statues? Isis?

    1. I too would like clarification about the legality of melting it down.

      I assume it was owned by the city, but why was there no public debate or opportunity to challenge this?

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      The Judge who had the case refused to really rule on it and let it pass to the UVA backed Marxist training school (Zyhana Bryant, graduate) that “won” the right to the statue through the “Swords into Plowshares” RFP. It had backing from two UVA controlled entities – one was the religion lab of the Democracy Institute (and coincidentally the director of the Marxist training USED to be on THAT Board) and Virginia Humanities.
      And now the melted bronze will be re-purposed into “public art.”
      I’d like to suggest Jim Ryan standing on a mountain of skulls who have been the victims of Marxism and all of its poisonous offshoots.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I’m betting Robert E. Lee himself would have approved…..

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Could be the only comment you have ever made that might be correct. Lee was a humble, good man. Unlike his critics.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Lee understood perfectly the issue.. that some folks today still do not.

            another good comment?

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Your streak begins and ends at 1.

  13. NEWSALERT: Immediately after the statue was melted down…… Black student reading and math scores remained dreadfully low.

    1. Not Today Avatar

      Can you walk and chew gum? I can!

  14. LarrytheG Avatar

    The folks who admired Jim Crow statues had decades to admit their Jim Crow origin and to take them down and preserve them on private sites.

    They chose not to do that and instead were fine gambling that they’d stay.

    Very fitting that descendants of those who were enslaved and subject to Jim Crow got to decide the fate, IMO.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      I take comfort in knowing that the memory of Robert E. Lee will long be remembered. The rest of us. Not so much. Including you.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Oh I’ll never forget him either!

      2. I grew up in New England, but I have tried to put myself in the position of southerners at the time. At that point in our history, one’s state was in effect his country.

        Would I have fought for the Union against my own friends and family in the south? To be honest, it’s highly doubtful.

        My ancestors fought for the Union because they came from the north, not because they had an innate morally superiority.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          How would you have liked 100 years of Jim Crow for you and your family and descendents?

          1. What is your plan for removing those 100 years? Did removing the Robert E. Lee statue remove them? How about the ones on Memorial Ave?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            The people whose families and ancestors who were subjected to Jim Crow laws and symbols wanted them removed. Who wants memorials to people who enslaved your ancestors and fought to keep
            them enslaved and than even after “freed” subjected them to a century of discrimination and harm?

    2. For those of ignorance who cling to the latest victimization fads and scams, fabricated in recent years for personal gain, bent upon destroying history and culture that you cannot understand…growing up in Virginia long ago with close friends and classmates, black and white who collectively knew of no Jim Crow or a Klan, it is now stunning to hear the current, vocal ferver of what was not. Serving for many years as a Marine…all Marines were green then…sharing a fighting hole with my buddy of African descent…we were brothers. Yet you liberal marxists insist upon tearing down those established bonds and trusts, creating a Nation of race baiting and hatred. You live with your foul fiction. I will hold to the facts and the inherent honor.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        The “ignorance” would be those who did not learn history with respect to Jim Crow, massive resistance, and racial segregation including in the military. Jim Crow memorials are not really “history”, they are symbols of racial hate and apartheid.

        1. Knowing history is not the same as not knowing of or witnessing such acts or positions contained in history, somewhere at some point. Aware of the history – did not know it personally while living during a time and in a place criticized of flagrant racism. Forgive my engineering mind, but you will have to show me a “Jim Crow memorial” before I will enter it into any logical calculus. Not looking for opinion – looking for fact.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            THey’re fairly easy to identify… many were put up by UDC. Many display “lost cause” and related symbology. You had/have black friends that know nothing of Jim Crow?

          2. Not Today Avatar

            You presume those alive today didn’t live oppression or communicate their lived experiences to their kids. THEY DID. https://www.vpm.org/news/2023-04-28/norfolk-monument-school-segregation-massive-resistance

      2. Not Today Avatar

        Do you know any of these people you ‘grew up with’ in a meaningful way today? Maintain contact with your non-white Marine comrades? LOL. Stop invoking people with whom you share no long-term, common bonds, to cover your schoolyard indoctrination.

      3. Not Today Avatar

        Do you know any of these people you ‘grew up with’ in a meaningful way today? Maintain contact with your non-white Marine comrades? LOL. Stop invoking people with whom you share no long-term, common bonds, to cover your schoolyard indoctrination.

      4. Not Today Avatar

        Do you know any of these people you ‘grew up with’ in a meaningful way today? Maintain contact with your non-white Marine comrades? LOL. Stop invoking people with whom you share no long-term, common bonds, to cover your schoolyard indoctrination.

  15. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    “At one point during the decade-long debate over Confederate statuary, the logic of the Taliban, er, progressives, was that the statues should not be commemorated in highly visible public spaces, but could be relegated to battlefields, cemeteries and museums. If the statues and memorials must be removed, that seems to be a reasonable fallback position, and we’ll see if and where it is honored.”

    As pointed out when this initial claim was made, those goalposts they do move and the Monument in the Confederate Section of Arlington and its treatment makes that point. Once you give an inch there will never be a ceasing.

    1. One might disagree with acts and monuments of history, but still preserve them. Taliban is a fitting label.

      Immediately after storming to power in Afghanistan last August, the Taliban renewed their assault on the country’s rich pre-Islamic heritage by looting archeological treasures in Bamiyan province, in Afghanistan’s central highlands. They zeroed in on the site of the giant Buddhas that, in the Taliban’s first incarnation two decades ago, became an international symbol of the group’s depravity as it declared the 1,400-year-old statues “idolatrous” before proceeding to dynamite them.

      One of the men behind one of history’s most heinous cultural crimes was Mullah Abdullah Sarhadi, now the Taliban’s de facto governor of Bamiyan province. Since the Taliban’s return, he has been overseeing the plunder of protected Buddhist antiquities, according to archaeologists and experts with knowledge of destructive activity. He is also implicated in the massacre of Hazaras, who regard Bamiyan as their homeland, dating back to the last time the Taliban ruled, from 1996-2001.

      “The looting and destruction, and the construction of some new commercial buildings at the cultural heritage sites began in the days after the Taliban takeover” on Aug. 15 of last year, said Ali Folladwand, a Hazara activist now living in exile who launched a global campaign with the Twitter hashtag #SaveBamiyanHistoricalHeritage.


      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Good thing we’re pouring money into Ukraine. God knows that our military misadventures over the last 60 years have certainly yielded good results:

        El Salvador

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          To the degree that those military misadventures have increased the strength and power of the military-industrial complex, from the point of view of those who benefit from that, they HAVE yielded good results.

      2. You’re comparing a struggle between a new power and existing population over items from over a millennia ago, and one set of people and items from a war not even two hundred years old and monuments just over a century old.

        These oranges aren’t apples, but nice try. And for people that complain about being called haters, you’re all certainly eager to do it yourself.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Exactly why the second amendment has to be aggressively protected. Never give progressives an inch.

      1. Progressives prefer to learn the hard way.

        As time goes on, appreciation for history fades, and gun control seems logical, especially to the young.

        Well, until it doesn’t.

        Following Terrorist Attack, Israel Relaxes Gun Laws and Arms Civilians


  16. Carter Melton Avatar
    Carter Melton

    The arrogance and sanctimony of those who preen about while broadcasting their morality from the pedestal of presentism is a pitiful sight.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      can you translate that to English?

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        The Left is a doctrine of hate, powered by people full of hate.
        Understand that, or is that too hard?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          taking down symbols of racial hatred sounds like a good thing…

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            That nobody cared about until stirred up by Marxists, who intend to re-write history. An act of hatred and hubris and ignorance, but you do you Larry. Just remember, when they come for you, you brought it on yourself…

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            so the folks that were affected for generations by Jim Crow did not care? And they’re coming for
            me? What the?

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I think he wants to buy the statue’s pedestal. Maybe?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          oh okay. had a poetic flow to it.. maybe an allegory….

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