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Two weeks ago the last PART of THE PROBLEM WITH CARS went on line at Bacon’s Rebellion.

Our mail is running 60-40.

60 Percent say: “Right-on! Cars ARE the problem…”

40 Percent say: “No way! You will have to pry my cold dead hands off the steering wheel…”

I will not do that, but someone will.

With food and energy prices rising in the First World and food riots spreading in the “Developing World” where can citizens turn for answers?

The MainStream Media – as noted in THE ESTATES MATRIX – does prove some information. MainStream Media coverage of airline Enterprises – “restructuring” or “demise”? – presents the opportunity to learn from the most consumptive form of vehicle travel. Air travel also has the most unfair allocation of location-variable costs – pollution, noise, subsidies to encourage Mass OverConsumption…

Understanding the condition of aircraft Enterprises provides a good place to consider the question:

Can humans change settlement patterns, mobility options and governance structure fast enough to avoid Collapse?

Check out “The End of Flight as We Know It” in today’s Bacon’s Rebellion.

In answer to one question we have received today: Yes TRILO-G will have a chapter on “I told you so back when there was time to change.


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