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LCPS Superintendent Ziegler and the Superintendent of Public Instruction

by James C. Sherlock

Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) can generously be described as “troubled” during the tenure of superintendent Scott Ziegler. You know, the guy who got left holding the bag when his predecessor fled the state.

To make a very long story short, his fate is in front of the new Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jillian Balow.

An organization named “Fight for Schools” has sent a 149-page letter to Ms. Balow asking her to remove Mr. Ziegler for cause. The details of the cause apparently took 149 pages.

Probably something in that letter about two rapes at two different schools by a kid he transferred so he would not be stressed about staying in the first one.

The letter cites the Code of Virginia.

§ 22.1-65. Punishment of division superintendents.
A division superintendent may be assessed a reasonable fine, suspended from office for a limited period or removed from office by either the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Public Instruction or the school board of the division for sufficient cause. A division superintendent may appeal to the appropriate circuit court any decision of the Board of Education or school board to assess a fine against him or to suspend or remove him from office and shall be entitled to a trial de novo on such appeal of whether there was sufficient cause therefor. (emphasis added.)

The McAuliffe/Northam-appointed Board of Education, upon Ms. Balow’s, recommendation, will need to stand up and be counted.

This will be fun to watch.

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