Layne Cautions Again about Excess Debt and Risk

The good news in Secretary of Finance Aubrey Layne’s presentation to the House Appropriations Committee this morning is that General Fund revenues, after a below-forecast start to the fiscal year, surged 27.4% in April. On a year-to-date basis, total revenues are 6.2% ahead of last year, beating the 5.9% forecast for Fiscal 2019.

The bad news is that U.S. economic prosperity is built on a mountain of consumer, corporate, and government debt. The national debt stands at $22 trillion, and the Congressional Budget Office says that debt as a percentage of GDP could increase from 78% this year to 96% by 2028. Plus, student debt exceeds $1.5 trillion, and credit card debt has surpassed $1 trillion, both record highs. And corporations are carrying a $9 trillion debt load, almost double the level of the Great Recession. At 46% of GDP, corporate debt is the highest on record.

Layne, a traditional fiscal conservative, is not predicting an imminent recession. Rather, he is saying that the U.S. economy and, by extension, the Virginia economy and state budget, are highly vulnerable to a downturn, should one occur.

As the old saying goes, poop rolls downhill. Virginia cannot count on the federal government to bail out the national economy with fiscal and monetary stimulus like it did in the past recession. As Layne pointed out, discretionary spending (defense and domestic) account for only one-third of the federal budget. Meanwhile, years of quantitative easing have kept interest rates artificially low, leaving the Federal Reserve Bank with less firepower than in the last recession to reinflate the economy. According to Layne, the “federal government is not in a position to bail out states in the next economic downturn.” 

In the past Layne has warned that a repeat of the 2008 recession could blow a Remember-the-Maine-sized hole in the General Fund budget, while an accompanying decline in portfolio earnings could add billions of dollars to Virginia Retirement System liabilities. Today, he alluded to other risks.

The tariff war with China could have a significant impact on foreign trade… which would have a significant impact on the Virginia Port Authority. The VPA has been enjoying a great couple of years, with operating income reaching $46.8 million in 2018. But the authority borrowed heavily to finance the capacity expansion that enabled it to grow. Long-term liabilities amount to $2.8 billion. It’s not clear what would happen if import/export volumes decline as the China trade war escalates, or if the economy sinks into another recession.

From my perspective, the lesson here isn’t that the VPA shouldn’t borrow, it’s that Virginia — like U.S. consumers, corporations, and federal government — has ramped up borrowing over the past decade. While Virginia’s General Obligation debt is highly transparent and well protected, we have no idea how much debt lurks in quasi-independent authorities like the VPA, the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, and a multitude of smaller industrial and economic development authorities. While the Commonwealth and local governments may not be legally obligated to stand behind this debt, they may be politically obligated in order to maintain the financial integrity of critical economic institutions. We just don’t know how bad the situation is because no one has taken stock…. just like no one has taken stock of hidden deficit spending by under-investing in road-and-highway maintenance.

Layne is more concerned about these big-picture questions than any other finance secretary I can remember. His office and the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC), which answers to the legislature, are the only two institutions in Virginia with the expertise and resources to put numbers on these hidden liabilities and risks. Hopefully, at some point they will feel motivated to do so.

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7 responses to “Layne Cautions Again about Excess Debt and Risk”

  1. djrippert Avatar

    Wow, I thought you were a libertarian. Let’s see, Virginia’s population grows about 0.66% per year. Inflation from 2017 to 2018 was 2.44%. Adding the two we get 3.1%. How is the state’s “total revenues” (a liberal’s term for tax receipts I assume) growing at twice the pace of population growth + inflation good news?

    Unless I’m missing the trend behind your numbers it sounds to me like the gang in Richmond is raising taxes at twice the rate they should be raising taxes.

    May I assume that your position as a speech writer for Elizabeth Warren will be announced soon?

    1. Good news in the sense that we’re NOT falling short of budget projections and won’t have cut programs and/or find new revenue sources.

      Is spending shooting higher way faster than economic growth this year? Yes. And I have inveighed against higher taxes and fees on many occasions.

      1. djrippert Avatar

        Cutting programs sounds like the solution here. If Layne were truly a “traditional fiscal conservative” he’d be talking about Virginia’s runaway spending problem, not just economic cycles.

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          I do not have access to calculate the precise percentages, but a significant portion of the increased spending is related to increased medical costs, both in Medicaid ( not related to expansion) and in other agencies , such as Corrections and the employee health plan. In addition, there was a 4% salary increase for state employees and $57.5 million for those higher ed institutions that froze tuition. All of that accounted for a hefty portion of the increased spending. What programs would you hav the Governor and GA cut to get to the 3.1% increase you think would be appropriate?

          1. djrippert Avatar

            Like in the real world outside of government …

            Cut every program 5% and lay off 5% of the state’s employees.

            It’s a shame when management is incompetent and overspends. But corrective actions must be taken. Ask the people at Ford Motor Company.


  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    In terms of per capita state spending – Virginia is in the middle of the pack.

    What you’d “cut” is not so simple since the Medicaid Expansion is 90% Fed Funded with the remained funded from a provider tax on hospitals.

    The original MedicAid is 50-50. If we cut our share, then the Feds cut their share.

    Transportation is funded from dedicated taxes not the general fund.

    So that pretty much leaves you with education – K-12 and Higher Ed and public safety.

    I’m all for lower taxes but not to the harm of health care and education – the two things that enable individual virginians to work – and pay taxes themselves. That’s just cutting muscle…

    1. djrippert Avatar

      I’m sorry Larry but the Medicaid expansion will pay for itself. Jim Bacon said so.

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