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LaRock Launches Senate Write-In Campaign

by Jeanine Martin

A message from Republican Del. Dave LaRock:

“I believe people are tired of Democrats destroying our Country and our communities and trying to run our lives. The people of Senate District 1, me included, deserve to be represented by a reliable conservative, someone who shares their values and can be trusted to represent them well, to serve the people, not the special interests.

“I’m extremely honored to have served the Northern Shenandoah Valley in the House of Delegates for ten years. SD-1 is already losing the influence and experience of Senators Jill Vogel and Mark Obenshain and Delegate Webert.

“If we go forward without the strong conservative voice I bring to the legislature, many conservative leaders are convinced that we are going to miss out on meaningful reforms and see our rights further eroded.

“Looking at the voter history and data from the Virginia Department of Elections, Republicans in the June 20 primary overwhelmingly chose me, Dave LaRock, out of a crowded field of candidates, to be their conservative representative. 

“So, why is Timmy French listed on the ballot as the “Republican” nominee for the First Senate District? When Democrats can’t win playing fair – they cheat and yes, Timmy French cheated. Timmy French teamed up with Democrats, including “Frederick First”, to cheat Republicans out of being represented by a true conservative in the First Senate District.

“Timmy refused to support the Republican Party candidates when requested in writing by the local Republican committee and is currently working to defeat our local Republican candidates in Frederick County. Frederick County Democrats did not nominate local candidates, instead they run as Frederick First candidates. 

 “Frederick County Democrats, a.k.a. Frederick First, think they can trick Republicans into voting for rapid growth and development, leading to massively increased taxes and spending. Timmy’s Frederick First team even promoted the recent Winchester LGBT Pride festival.”

Republished with permission from The Bull Elephant.

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