LaRock Launches Senate Write-In Campaign

by Jeanine Martin

A message from Republican Del. Dave LaRock:

“I believe people are tired of Democrats destroying our Country and our communities and trying to run our lives. The people of Senate District 1, me included, deserve to be represented by a reliable conservative, someone who shares their values and can be trusted to represent them well, to serve the people, not the special interests.

“I’m extremely honored to have served the Northern Shenandoah Valley in the House of Delegates for ten years. SD-1 is already losing the influence and experience of Senators Jill Vogel and Mark Obenshain and Delegate Webert.

“If we go forward without the strong conservative voice I bring to the legislature, many conservative leaders are convinced that we are going to miss out on meaningful reforms and see our rights further eroded.

“Looking at the voter history and data from the Virginia Department of Elections, Republicans in the June 20 primary overwhelmingly chose me, Dave LaRock, out of a crowded field of candidates, to be their conservative representative. 

“So, why is Timmy French listed on the ballot as the “Republican” nominee for the First Senate District? When Democrats can’t win playing fair – they cheat and yes, Timmy French cheated. Timmy French teamed up with Democrats, including “Frederick First”, to cheat Republicans out of being represented by a true conservative in the First Senate District.

“Timmy refused to support the Republican Party candidates when requested in writing by the local Republican committee and is currently working to defeat our local Republican candidates in Frederick County. Frederick County Democrats did not nominate local candidates, instead they run as Frederick First candidates. 

 “Frederick County Democrats, a.k.a. Frederick First, think they can trick Republicans into voting for rapid growth and development, leading to massively increased taxes and spending. Timmy’s Frederick First team even promoted the recent Winchester LGBT Pride festival.”

Republished with permission from The Bull Elephant.

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35 responses to “LaRock Launches Senate Write-In Campaign”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    “Frederick First, think they can trick Republicans into voting for rapid growth and development, leading to massively increased taxes and spending.”
    Uhh, Dave, this has already happened. Have you been in the Winchester area lately?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Interesting that LaRock’s plans didn’t get mentioned in this today from Virginia Mercury. But still relevant. I don’t know the lay of the land up there, and the nomination contest seemed to be ugly from this distance. As the Mercury report shows, it isn’t just the GOP losing party discipline.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        That was a good read. I forgot about Freitas and his write in campaign. French should do well in this new district. My travels and time in Front Royal suggest to me people up there are tired of insiders and double talk. LaRock is struggling with taking his ball, glove, bat and heading home.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Speakin’ of crazy Republicans, anyone think the Markets ain’t bakin’ in a two-month shutdown? Hey, excellent time to convert from Trad to Roth. Moving all those shares at a discount.

    1. how_it_works Avatar

      I have my 401K contributions set to 75% of my salary for the rest of the year.

      They (Fidelity) automatically send any excess over the pre-tax limit to post-tax 401K, and do a daily Roth in-plan conversion, so everything I contribute after-tax ends up as a Roth.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Careful with that Traditional. I am (was) a firm believer in “a tax deferred is a tax not paid”, combined with a firm belief that raising taxes is a political third rail. So I slammed it into the Trad 401(k), my Roth, my HSA, and the stay-at-home Mom’s Trad. I also invested well. AND, the company was throwing into the Profit Sharing.

        If you build too much of a tax-deferred nest egg, you can lose big time, and if not you, your children.

        If I don’t convert now, and a lot, my RMD will put me in a higher tax bracket than the one in which it was deferred. Say that when I put $1 in, I was in the 25% tax bracket. For all intents and purposes, 75 cents belonged to me, and 25 cents belonged to Uncle Sugar. But because it grew so much, my RMD puts me in the 32% bracket. Now, when I take that $1, I get 68 cents and Uncle Sugar takes 32 cents. Just got burned for 7 cents.

        What’s worse, the Trump administration changed the inheritance rules. Instead of an RMD based on the lower age of 85, my daughter has to drain it in just 10 years. At my current balances, she’ll be in the 37, or 39% tax bracket. I put 25 cents of Uncle Sam’s money in that Trad, and he’ll take 39 from my daughter.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          White privilege? Wealth privilege? Tax cuts for the poor slob who cannot scrape up capital for a retirement plan have no support from you guys….Wow.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Au contraire, I very much support full reimbursement for IRA savings for low income workers. This country needs a “SocSec Plus” plan for persons under, say, $30K/yr tapering off to median income. It doesn’t take much to secure their retirement out some 40 years. There’s already such. It needs more, and indexing.

            The Traditional IRA is an investment partnership between the government (fed&va) and the worker. In fact, if you think about it, an IRA is a way for Uncle Sam to invest by proxy since technically he’s prevented from doing so.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I would have preferred a fixed deduction/tax rate. Say 25%. You put $1 in, and even if you’re in the 10% bracket, you get 25 cents deductible, below the line if necessary. When you take it out 40 years hence, it’s taxed at 25%.


        2. how_it_works Avatar

          That’s why I like the Roth in-plan conversion–there’s no $6K annual limit on the amount that goes into it, and as of about mid-October through the end of the year, all of my 401k contributions will be after tax and converted to a Roth.

          I did inherit a 401k but because it was all my dad’s employer’s stock, I was able to use NUA (net unrealized appreciation), which means I had to pay taxes on the cost basis but the appreciation from the cost basis is capital gains, not ordinary income.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I just suffered a random delete. Oh well.

          2. how_it_works Avatar

            I had one get deleted for, I think, my use of the term “1D10T”. I will have to be more politically correct and use the term “intellectually challenged”.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Uh yup. That probably did it.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Uh yup. That probably did it.

          5. how_it_works Avatar

            I wonder if it has a problem with the phrase “recto-cranial inversion”?

          6. Is that malady similar to “Cranio-Rectal Insertion Syndrome”?

            I would guess they are at least in the same family of gastrodemental disorders.

          7. Does “maroon” get deleted?

            I’ve always liked that particular Bugsbunnyism.

          8. how_it_works Avatar

            I had one get deleted for, I think, my use of the term “idiot”. I will have to be more politically correct and use the term “intellectually challenged”.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    More polarizing hyperbole from the MAGA right.

    Here’s a clue… maybe nobody likes you. If you want to change that, try being a little less, well, you.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      And another seat thrown away by an egotist who prefers a Democrat to the “wrong” Republican.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        They’re your people. You either turn away from them or moderate them somehow, or else the Democrats will. The “J6 was a organized tour crowd” is a glaring red flare.

        Try money. I’m betting that’ll work.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          The district is so hard red the Democrat is being ignored. She has no money. But split the GOP vote and who knows? Ah, the circular firing squad in action.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            No money? There’s always money. Don’t make me use the b-word. Make a deal.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Dang!! LaRock is onto us Democrats! Let’s hope enough Republicans don’t believe him…. we need Timmy to win this one after we worked so hard to win him the nomination!

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      All that cross party votin’ may go down the drain.

      You know what’s better’n watching a Republican and a Democrat in a power-mad, eye-gouging, hair-pulling, tooth-spitting, knockdown, drag out fight?

      Yeah, too easy.

      For more entertainment, we could cover ‘em in brown gravy and lock ‘em in a basement with a wolverine on angel dust.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    So, I’ve been nosing around since this came up and read LaRock’s attachment. French won the primary a with 33% (no run off) and no question plenty of D’s took advantage of the open primary rules to butt in. There is great irony in Republicans complaining about that because both rules go back to the one-party era when the idea was to let R’s vote to keep the Democratic candidates closer to the center-right and defeat liberals. But it also works to favor more centrist Republicans.

    Perhaps LaRock worked to repeal those provisions while in the Assembly, but they have not been repealed. They is the rules.

    Don’t know French. Long-established political family that probably has roots as Democrats (just like my mother’s) and migrated to the Republican Party as the D’s moved left. Perhaps it was GOP pre-McGovern, like my father’s. Given the race was not seen as competitive most of his money so far has been local, lots of it family. A check from Dominion and one from Clean Virginia, both small. It may now get interesting, but the more interesting it gets, the better chance the Democrat could slip in.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I imagine a lot of Va Democrats moved to the Republicans in the 1960s. Nothing to do with fiscal policy however.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      I think Timmy French is going to do fine. Looks like he has built some bridges with a broad group of voters. That might rankle some but French checks a lot boxes for this district. Plus half of Shenandoah County is a kinsmen or at last hound dog kin.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        He’s got the good ‘ol boy schtick down pat.

  6. DJRippert Avatar

    LaRock should hire Jim Bacon to write his copy. I read his rant and have no real idea what he is talking about. For example, who are these apparently evil Frederick First folks?

    Ah … never mind … I don’t care.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Frederick First is a group of folks running for local office in Frederick County (Winchester area) and defines itself “as group of non-partisan, independent-minded individuals who are campaigning together to bring back civility to our local government.”

    2. Yes. His references to ‘Frederick First’ were confusing to me because the last time I checked, none of the localities in Virginia had chosen the little known “County Monarch” form of government. (Code of Virginia Section 15.2-600K)…

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Well, in places like that the Democrats might huddle under a different umbrella. Most likely it’s the establishment/business types not all that committed to either party. Yes, French was a plurality choice, but even more voters chose not to support LaRock. Seems like a long shot.

    3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Frederick First is a group of folks running for local office in Frederick County (Winchester area) and defines itself “as group of non-partisan, independent-minded individuals who are campaigning together to bring back civility to our local government.”

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        It the cardinal is on their pin, ’nuff said. 🙂

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