Lane’s “Anti-Racism” Revolution in Virginia Schools

James F. Lane, Superintendent of Public Instruction for Virginia public schools

by James A. Bacon

If you want to know how the Northam administration is transforming Virginia public schools, don’t bother reading the newspapers. They might report on local controversies, but they don’t come close to recounting the wholesale changes taking place under the rubric of social justice. To find out what is going on, subscribe to the “Virginia Is For Learners” newsletter, in which state Superintendent of Instruction James F. Lane lays it all out. Here I publish, unedited, his latest missive. (I have added boldface for statements especially worth noting.)

Dear Educators, School Division Leaders, Parents, and Community Members,

As our nation, state, and local communities continue to grapple with the legacy of racism in our country, we are all being called to respond to the increasingly loud calls for social and racial justice amplified by protesters across the nation. It is important that as education leaders we affirm our commitment to advancing equity in Virginia’s public schools and facilitate courageous conversations in our school communities on racism and its continued impact on students and families of color. Now is the time to double down on equity strategies and lean into courageous leadership.

Many school divisions have designed new positions, Equity Directors, Equity Coordinators, or designated equity leads to advance equity outcomes at the division level. These members of our teams, in the current climate, are being called upon to lead and facilitate conversations on racism, bias, cultural proficiency, and inclusive curriculum in ways they never have before. At the same time, they have in many communities been positioned as the “face” of equity work – and therefore also the face of anti-racism in their communities. It is important that as leaders we recognize that this positioning may also put these leaders at risk for increased public scrutiny, so they need our support more than ever.

I recognize that the time that we are living in, balancing the health and safety of our students and workforce in the midst of a global health pandemic, while at the same time confronting the legacy of systemic racism in our schools is daunting. While many of us rely on the expertise and leadership of our equity directors and equity teams, it is equally important that we support and amplify their leadership and perseverance in our effort to eradicate racism from public schools. The work of advancing equity and confronting racism is often met with great resistance. During this time of social unrest, we must acknowledge the heavy burden our equity leaders are being called upon to bear.

These are the times when our vocal and demonstrated commitment to the work they are championing is imperative. We do this by establishing clear anti-racism and equity strategies, priorities, and policies. We do this by advocating for and allocating resources necessary to fully support their work. We do this by acknowledging and empathizing with the personal racial trauma many equity leaders endure while working to achieve racial justice and equity for all students. We do this by ready-ing our teams to guard against attacks on equity leaders’ professional and personal integrity by those who desire to thwart progress. This is how we become anti-racist education leaders.

This time calls upon us as education leaders to embrace anti-racism and strategically embed it into every part of the organizations we manage. While some may find discussions about race and racism to be uncomfortable and full of inconvenient truths, the problem of racism and its adverse effects on academic outcomes requires talking about it. No system can be eradicated if not fully confronted. At the Virginia Department of Education, we are committed to establishing concrete plans to dismantle any and all forms of systemic racism in Virginia’s public education system utilizing the principles of anti-racism. Anti-racist education leaders are critical partners in our efforts to advance our broader equity priorities including; developing a culturally competent educator workforce, eliminating disproportionality in student outcome data, closing opportunity and achievement gaps among marginalized student groups, increasing access to high quality early learning opportunities, and maximizing the potential of every Virginia student. I encourage you to join with me in this work by publicly affirming the contribution of education equity leaders across the Commonwealth as you join together to embrace becoming anti-racist educators and leaders in Virginia.

Bacon’s bottom line:

Under Lane, the Virginia Department of Education is dedicating itself to embed “anti-racism” into “every part of the organizations we manage.” By “anti-racism,” Lane is not referring to the goal of encouraging students and teachers to be accepting of all races and ethnicities — in the words of Martin Luther King, to judge an individual by the content of his character, not the color of his skin — he is referring to an ideology that posits that “structural” racism is endemic in Virginia’s schools and is responsible for the African-American and Hispanic academic achievement gaps.

To combat structural racism, VDOE and school districts are hiring “equity leaders” to “facilitate courageous conversations” about race. It’s not clear what is “courageous” about these conversations, as anyone who disagrees with the new dogma is shamed into silence and compliance. And it’s not clear what kind of “conversation” is taking place when the idea is to indoctrinate participants with the concepts of white privilege, white guilt, and white fragility… and anyone who disagrees with the dogmas is shamed into silence and compliance.

Lane’s work is revolutionary — not in a good sense, but in the sense that it is overturning the established order. He doing everything within his power to impose the social-justice ideology of liberal educated elites upon Virginia’s minorities. But as much as he rails against structural racism, he ignores the most blatantly structurally racist aspect of Virginia’s education system of all, which is inability of minority parents to opt out of failed public schools by means of charters or vouchers. Lane has done nothing to empower minority parents or expand their field of choices. He wants to keep them in public schools, and then he wants to indoctrinate them with his views on race.

By attributing the academic achievement gap to racism, Lane’s “anti-racist” ideology deprives African-American and Hispanic students of agency. How can they be blamed for poor academic performance? They are victims of racism. What’s the point of working harder? They can’t win; the system is stacked against them. The burden is on white people to relinquish their privilege and fragility (and tax dollars), not for minority students to cultivate the virtues of diligence, self-discipline, and hard work that have made a different set of “people of color” — Asians — so successful.

Lane’s leftist ideology is likely to make the academic achievement gap worse and, in so doing, set back African-American progress in other spheres of their lives.

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139 responses to “Lane’s “Anti-Racism” Revolution in Virginia Schools”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    Next go around in the General Assembly should produce yet another revision of the Standards of Quality. This was heavily modified in the past session. I would expect significant changes in teacher licensure. Some sort of course work will be required in the “Arts of Equity” along with a passing score on a measurable test. Here you can find the current standards to obtain initial teachers licensure.

  2. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

    Asian as a single category is a stupid artefact of white Americans insistence that the world can be divided into easily definable racial groups. When you look at subgroups of Asians in America you see that only three have better median incomes than whites – Indians, Philippinos, and Japanese. Chinese are about on par and everyone else is below. It’s just that Indians and Philippinos make up such a large share of the Asian racial category they distort everything else. And that of course doesn’t begin to touch the issue of Asian immigrants mostly coming from middle to upper class backgrounds already, not from an oppressed position like Black Americans live under.

    I’m just not sure what’s supposed to be so scandalous about Lane’s commitment to anti-racism. Because there are only three options to explain the gaps in this country between Black and white.

    1) Innate biological and genetic difference; this position has been taken behind the woodshed so many times we might as well leave it there.

    2) Cultural difference; this is silly – Black Americans are steeped in American culture just as white Americans are, Hell, it was forced on them by white Americans.

    3) Systematic racism; this is the only plausible explanation remaining. America has never addressed what was forced up the kidnapped and enslaved Africans that were brought here and their descendants and pretty much every effort has been thwarted – Reconstruction rolled back by Jim Crow, the open housing revolts of the 60s make it so by the time Milliken rolls around Brown has become unenforceable, Shelby Counting nerfing the Voting Rights Act, and so on.

    Literally the least our institutions can do is commit themselves to anti-racism, but even that is too much to ask. Because why? It might make white people feel bad? Spare me this bleeding heart conservatism. Because Black students won’t know they’re victims of institutional racism until they’re indoctrinated? That’s deeply insulting given that Stokely Charmichael and Charles Hamilton coined the term in 1967. Because the students won’t work as hard if the racism they labor under is acknowledged by the state? They already know the deck is stacked against them, maybe the system showing a willingness to unstack the deck will give them some hope.

    There is no good reason to oppose this effort by VDOE, just a bunch of bad ones.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      You are going to get your wish. This is not only going to happen it will happen for a generational period. It will be measurable as well. My bet is that the numbers will tell us the same thing we have always known. Success in schools can be attributed to:
      1. Intact family structures.
      2. Income of family.
      3. Education level of family.
      4. Homeownership of family.
      5. Participation in social institutions (church, YMCA, Boy Scouts, etc).
      6. Employment stability of breadwinners in family.
      7. Health of breadwinners in family.
      8. Number of hours committed to family structure.
      9. Number of actual instructional contact hours at school.
      10. Quality of instruction and instructors at school. Reduced class size too.
      11. Number of structured days in a academic setting.
      12. Availability of extra instructional resources to meet high standards.
      13. Quality of extra instructional resources that produce higher outcomes.
      14. High academic standards with built in remediation services.
      15. High standards of conduct in academic setting with built in remediation services.

      Notice how I did not include race?

    2. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      “Asian as a single category is a stupid artifact of white Americans insistence that the world can be divided into easily definable racial groups.” See, I kind of agree with that, but I would freely substitute other categories for “Asian” and still consider it a true statement. I made that point about Hispanic yesterday. I would also offer substitutes for “white” in that sentence, because they are not alone is seeking self-delusion or political advantage. Race itself is a totally cultural invention.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        “Most of what Whitehead points to are mostly #2 with some #3 rolled in. That intact nuclear family is a big one.”

        I agree but add that Success Academy proves that poor, but committed, single parents’ cooperating with highly quality, committed schools also builds scholars in abundance.

    3. djrippert Avatar

      “Asian as a single category is a stupid artefact of white Americans insistence that the world can be divided into easily definable racial groups.”

      And you think that black Americans are typically 100% of African descent? What race is Tiger Woods?

      You are whatever race the world perceives you to be. Tiger Woods is perceived to be African-American although I’d bet that less than 50% of his ancestry is from Africa.

      When those on the left speak of “people of color” do they exclude Indian-Americans (not American Indians)? How about Philippinos? Japanese? So, these “people of color” have higher median incomes than white Americans. By your own definition (see #3 above) doesn’t that demonstrate another form of systemic racism?

      I don’t know what to make of Mr Lane’s missive. He spends a lot of words not saying much. Perhaps if he gave some examples it would help to clarify his points.

  3. NorrhsideDude Avatar

    Yep. With the new work from home paradigm you will see a shift to some rural schools and those who remain in cities will be looking at private schools.
    RVA is a great example. Every city friend I have (left and right) pulls their kids from RVA schools in the 5th grade and either 1.) Moves 2.) Invests in private school….
    The really really bad thing, and I am serious, is the kids who are going to get hurt the most are those who can least afford it socially. It really really sucks because they are not less.

  4. NorrhsideDude Avatar

    I would not have written that last paragraph… that was ugly and not fair. Although I think this is the highest level of jackassery one should never compare this to the KKK… that is out of bounds and gross.
    I am curious as to how the Asian parents are going to take this when their kids are potentially dragged down in some of these initiatives. Hopefully some from that community will speak up and voice some opinions.

    1. Yeah, you’re right. The final sentence was needlessly inflammatory. I’ve deleted it.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Well I have to give you credit Northside Dude. That last paragraph as ugly as it is – actually reveals a lot about some folks thinking… including apparently Jim.

      We have a stubborn achievement gap – and nothing to date has reversed it – so why keep doing what we’ve been doing and expecting a different result.

      Sometimes in this blog – I get an odor that race and IQ are related… and not other things – equity – i.e. access to opportunity….

      Look at the issue in Loudoun County with it’s magnet school and children picked on “merit”. What happened and why?

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        An excited utterance…. like all the others.

    3. Grace Carter Avatar
      Grace Carter

      Ill go ahead and reply as a member of the Asian American community. Although I have experienced discrimination when applying to college because of the way “affirmative action” laws are written, I would never say that I am against them. Asian Americans have never expirienced the kind of widespread educational disparities that African Americans have.

  5. NorrhsideDude Avatar

    I would not have written that last paragraph… that was ugly and not fair. Although I think this is the highest level of jackassery one should never compare this to the KKK… that is out of bounds and gross.
    I am curious as to how the Asian parents are going to take this when their kids are potentially dragged down in some of these initiatives. Hopefully some from that community will speak up and voice some opinions.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Well I have to give you credit Northside Dude. That last paragraph as ugly as it is – actually reveals a lot about some folks thinking… including apparently Jim.

      We have a stubborn achievement gap – and nothing to date has reversed it – so why keep doing what we’ve been doing and expecting a different result.

      Sometimes in this blog – I get an odor that race and IQ are related… and not other things – equity – i.e. access to opportunity….

      Look at the issue in Loudoun County with it’s magnet school and children picked on “merit”. What happened and why?

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        An excited utterance…. like all the others.

  6. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    Next go around in the General Assembly should produce yet another revision of the Standards of Quality. This was heavily modified in the past session. I would expect significant changes in teacher licensure. Some sort of course work will be required in the “Arts of Equity” along with a passing score on a measurable test. Here you can find the current standards to obtain initial teachers licensure.

  7. SWVAgirl Avatar

    Aha! This explains the open position on the Montgomery County Public Schools job posting page for “Coordinator of Equity Compliance” on July 9, salary range of $58,963 – $95,953. I checked the page again today, and this past Monday MCPS began advertising for 9 “Secondary Equity Leads,” 1 teacher from each secondary school to assist the “Director of Equity and Diversity.”

  8. SWVAgirl Avatar

    Aha! This explains the open position on the Montgomery County Public Schools job posting page for “Coordinator of Equity Compliance” on July 9, salary range of $58,963 – $95,953. I checked the page again today, and this past Monday MCPS began advertising for 9 “Secondary Equity Leads,” 1 teacher from each secondary school to assist the “Director of Equity and Diversity.”

  9. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    The next revision of the Standards of Quality will need to address leaders in the “Arts of Equity”. Superintendents, Directors of Equity, school principals, and the chain of command of assistant superintendents will need clear measurable standards to produce meaningful results. School leaders will most likely need to add an endorsement to their license as well. I looked at the Loudoun County Director of Equity, Mrs. Spurlock. She has successful experience in the classroom as an elemetary teacher, served in administration at a number of schools, and led the Ad Hoc Committee on Equity. Other than that I don’t see any real expertise or credentials for Mrs. Spurlock’s position. I looked over the VDOE website for standards or requirements for leaders in equity. They might be there but I could not find them. It would make sense to raise the bar for this level of leadership to a very high standard. Below you can find the standards needed to obtain a license in Administration for Virginia’s public schools.

  10. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    The next revision of the Standards of Quality will need to address leaders in the “Arts of Equity”. Superintendents, Directors of Equity, school principals, and the chain of command of assistant superintendents will need clear measurable standards to produce meaningful results. School leaders will most likely need to add an endorsement to their license as well. I looked at the Loudoun County Director of Equity, Mrs. Spurlock. She has successful experience in the classroom as an elemetary teacher, served in administration at a number of schools, and led the Ad Hoc Committee on Equity. Other than that I don’t see any real expertise or credentials for Mrs. Spurlock’s position. I looked over the VDOE website for standards or requirements for leaders in equity. They might be there but I could not find them. It would make sense to raise the bar for this level of leadership to a very high standard. Below you can find the standards needed to obtain a license in Administration for Virginia’s public schools.

  11. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I would like to see a cost analysis on Superintendent Lane’s Equity proposal. Would more state money flow into local school budgets to pay the cost of creating a new strand of leaders in the chain of command at the local level? Or would this turn into another mandate from VDOE with the local school board expected to figure out how to staff and pay the administrative cost of the new positions?

  12. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I would like to see a cost analysis on Superintendent Lane’s Equity proposal. Would more state money flow into local school budgets to pay the cost of creating a new strand of leaders in the chain of command at the local level? Or would this turn into another mandate from VDOE with the local school board expected to figure out how to staff and pay the administrative cost of the new positions?

  13. LarrytheG Avatar

    Is “equity” a real issue in K-12 ? simple question…

    I suspect if your answer is “no” that you don’t think much of any of this.

    If your answer is “maybe” or “possibly” is this the right way to address it?

    Jim is obviously in the first group I suspect… Over a number of years – his writings here seem to hew along those lines.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Can “systemic racism” be clearly defined? I have yet to see a clear and logical explanation. Is this even a measurable hypotheses?

      1. NorrhsideDude Avatar

        I’m afraid it’s very easy. Racism exists in this system, thus the system is racist and we have systemic racism. Therefore create new system.
        The theory goes… if you believe all people are equal and there is racism, as evidenced by unequal outcomes, in the system then the system is the failure and systemic racism is evident.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          no… the question is are there disparate outcomes and if so why?

          different folks think they know the answer but to this point we really are not agreeing at all.

          there is “opportunity”

          is there such a thing as “access” to opportunity?

          do all kids have equitable access to opportunity?

          I don’t think one can honestly answer this with an “of course, it’s just not an issue”.

          When you stand up a magnet school and acceptance is based on “merit” – and you end up with almost no black kids being accepted – what does that mean?

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead V

            You raise an excellent point about the TJ High and Academies of Loudoun. So lets throw out merit based admissions due to is systemic racism symptoms. What would the new admission system under the new “anti-racist” education doctrine look like? Quota system? That will be quickly overwhelmed with applicants. Quota system with grades and standardized test scores? That would take us back to the old systemic racism model of leaving some in a position of no equity because they still didn’t get in. Require all schools to service students at the same level as TJHS and Academies of Loudoun? That sounds equitable but the cost of upgrading the infrastructure, teacher training, etc would be a mighty high bill.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well no, I’m not in favor of that but I think we should try to understand why this is happening.

            I actually think that by this point it’s too late and that those that do not meet the “merit” standard have lost and it would be wrong to promote anyone who lacks the academic credentials.

            But all the more reason to ask how this is happening and what we might do to address it.

            I just don’t understand WHY – it’s so wrong to want to find out what is going on and why? Why are people opposed to that?

        2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead V

          Jefferson said all men are created equal. So at the creation point we begin equal. But once we come out of the oven and into the world we seem to not be equal any longer. In a real sense there has never been equality from birth to death. Good news. When we leave this world we are back to equal. Nobody gets out alive and all you get to take with you is your soul and name. Some are not even sure about that.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well, it might take chutzpah to blather about “equal” when you got slaves about in your house and plantation….

            but more to the point today.

            do all kids have equitable access to k-12 opportunities?

            that’s the perceived “equity” issue.

          2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead V

            I think a better question is do all students have the habits of mind to utilize the equitable access to k-12 opportunities? What would Napoleon Hill say about this?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            so here’s a question –

            who is familiar with the term “tracking” in schools?

        3. NorrhsideDude Avatar

          I was simply defining systemic racism as most often used in critical race theory arguments. I was not supporting or denying.

          I will add that I believe it’s a disgusting concept. From both ends…

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            not theory – from a practical… perspective… different folks have different perceptions of systemic racism…

            pretty sure if you took a poll of white folks and black folks – you’d not get agreement.

            if that’s true – do white folks just disregard black folks differing views?

          2. NorrhsideDude Avatar

            Larry it is academically called Critical Race Theory…
            So yes it is a theory…. even to the black professors who teach African American Studies at Historically Black Colleges and Universities…
            Unlike a law… which since you always bring up science, you can probably define for yourself.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’m familiar with it – I always look for practical examples… it’s too easy to get into ideological food fights otherwise.

          4. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead V

            Norrshide Dude is on to something. The Critical Race Theory. Can this hypotheses be truly tested and defined? If so can a new social equation change the outcomes in education and society? What are the side effects of the treatment? What are the long term outcomes that would demonstrate the treatment works? What if it doesn’t work? What if it makes things worse? What if it really does work? Then what? A society at peace with itself? I am skeptical.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            If the goal ultimately is inquiry as to the reasons for disparity then that sounds righteous.

            The folks that are vociferously opposed to this I do not understand.

        4. sherlockj Avatar

          Those that believe that racism is evidenced by unequal outcomes in people’s’ lives, including their educational outcomes, will always view the world as racist. People have different talents, motivations and family support systems. Always will. Critical race theory began as a hustle for University resources and academic recognition. Even the hustlers must be surprised that liberals have bought it.

      2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Easily. Any racism in the US is systemic. All widespread racism, e.g., in certain police departments, is most certainly the result of American systemic racism, and is its continuation.

        When a cop deems a black man suspicious for jogging, or a teacher lowers his expectations of a student because he is black, that is the continuation of systemic racism.

        Out of 413 years of existence, racism was actually codified for 360 of them, starting in our colonial laws, then in our founding documents and still found as recently as Flowers v. Mississippi, 2019 (oops, make that, uh, 400, not 360, out of 413; clearly Mississippi is still up to the task).

        Every time there is yet another law struck down by a court as discriminatory on race, it resets the clock.

        But, it is so much fun to listen to the “systemic racism no longer exists” Conservatives. They’re like the guy who yells to his wife, “You can cancel the Orkin man. I just killed the last cockroach.”

  14. LarrytheG Avatar

    Is “equity” a real issue in K-12 ? simple question…

    I suspect if your answer is “no” that you don’t think much of any of this.

    If your answer is “maybe” or “possibly” is this the right way to address it?

    Jim is obviously in the first group I suspect… Over a number of years – his writings here seem to hew along those lines.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Can “systemic racism” be clearly defined? I have yet to see a clear and logical explanation. Is this even a measurable hypotheses?

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Easily. Any racism in the US is systemic. All widespread racism, e.g., in certain police departments, is most certainly the result of American systemic racism, and is its continuation.

        When a cop deems a black man suspicious for jogging, or a teacher lowers his expectations of a student because he is black, that is the continuation of systemic racism.

        Out of 413 years of existence, racism was actually codified for 360 of them, starting in our colonial laws, then in our founding documents and still found as recently as Flowers v. Mississippi, 2019 (oops, make that, uh, 400, not 360, out of 413; clearly Mississippi is still up to the task).

        Every time there is yet another law struck down by a court as discriminatory on race, it resets the clock.

        But, it is so much fun to listen to the “systemic racism no longer exists” Conservatives. They’re like the guy who yells to his wife, “You can cancel the Orkin man. I just killed the last cockroach.”

  15. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I don’t buy into Superintendent Lane’s assertion that Equity Leaders in the school divisions need some sort of protection or immunity in the discharge of their duties. Criticism, questioning, and challenging agents of change is part of the game. I do not believe superintendents, principals, and school board members are given a special status of blanket protection. Leaders have to be tough and be willingly to stand in the wind for their beliefs. If I recall correctly, Oliver Hill, Samuel Lee Gravely, and Carter Woodson had no special protection status and they were still able to achieve important change.

  16. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I don’t buy into Superintendent Lane’s assertion that Equity Leaders in the school divisions need some sort of protection or immunity in the discharge of their duties. Criticism, questioning, and challenging agents of change is part of the game. I do not believe superintendents, principals, and school board members are given a special status of blanket protection. Leaders have to be tough and be willingly to stand in the wind for their beliefs. If I recall correctly, Oliver Hill, Samuel Lee Gravely, and Carter Woodson had no special protection status and they were still able to achieve important change.

  17. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    For a fuller, broader and highly useful and informativve discussion of these issues, I recommend this article published today:

    “What To Read Instead Of ‘White Fragility’
    Sooner or later you’re going to encounter these anti-American ideas about addressing racism in your workplace, on kids’ homework, or in the faculty lounge – and you can’t be fragile when confronting it.” by Mark Hemingway.

    Here is its opening:

    “At this point, a lot of people merely yield or acquiesce to the will of their accuser out of misplaced guilt or fear of the reputational harm that comes with being branded a racist. If you are foolhardy enough to raise questions of the accuser about the veracity of the complaint, or are merely confused about what’s being alleged, a discussion will not ensue. There will be variations of the same theme: “I AM TIRED. AND EXHAUSTED trying to explain your white privilege to you. DO THE WORK.”

    What does “do the work” even mean? Well, if you want to go down the academic rabbit-hole from which this emerged, in neo-Marxian critical theory argot the term of art is “praxis.”

    In his late-phase Marxism, Jean Paul Sartre defined “praxis” as the transformation of the world in accordance with a specific ideological end. So when you’re told “do the work,” leftists don’t mean any kind of personal development that would allow for unique circumstances, individual understanding, and personal agency. They have a very specific program in mind for you to follow.

    So we get passages like this from a priceless open letter in Portland Monthly where “white people” are addressed en masse and told to “Consider your performative solidarity officially on notice”:

    I advise you to check your white guilt and the impulse you may now feel to reach out to the Black folks in your life. DO NOT CALL YOUR BLACK FRIEND RIGHT NOW! This might be a novel concept, but consume content about the Black experience produced by Black creatives and thought leaders—not white non-experts on Blackness you feel safe with. We all have the same internet, and from it you have equal access to books, culturally-specific contemporary publications, podcasts, and other seemingly endless resources that can be the impetus for your own self-examination.

    t’s telling that engagement is one-sided – you’re not to be engaged until you’re immersed in a “culturally-specific” and political understanding of their choosing.

    To that end, the author above provides a link to a Google doc with a slew of resources to get woke. The suggestions range from relatively benign or helpful (read Toni Morrison novels!) to eye-rolling (follow The New York Times’ Jamelle Bouie on Twitter) to pernicious works influenced by critical race theory that damage race relations and interpersonal relationships (the work of Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi, authors of White Fragility and How to Be an Anti-Racist).

    By now it should be obvious what’s going on. If you’re aggressively confronted about alleged personal weaknesses, shut out from dealing directly with the supposedly aggrieved party, told you can only begin these failings by engaging with and agreeing to a specific doctrine, and at that point you relent… congratulations! You’ve just joined a cult.

    The purging of wrongthink will be total. Last month, The New York Times published an op-ed encouraging people to send texts “to your relatives and loved ones telling them you will not be visiting them or answering phone calls until they take significant action in supporting black lives either through protest or financial contributions.”

    The Kafka Trap

    While critical race theory is seeping into the culture from a lot of different directions, it’s worth looking at the two most influential books, White Fragility and How to Be an Anti-Racist, which are currently dominating the bestseller lists.

    The reach of DiAngelo’s White Fragility is such that she was recently a guest on the Tonight Show, and the book has become almost totemic in its significance. Recently, Robin Broshi, a member of a New York City Community Education Council, got outraged at her fellow councilmember during the group’s public Zoom meeting for bouncing a friend’s nephew on his lap.

    His crime? “It hurts people when they see a white man bouncing a brown baby on their lap and they don’t know the context. That is harmful,” she said, in obvious distress. “I would like to know how having my friend’s nephew on my lap was racist,” he asked. “Read a book. Read White Fragility,” she retorted.

    Fortunately, the notoriety has been such that at least a few notable people have read White Fragility and finally begun to condemn the insanity it provokes. Matt Taibbi, an avowed liberal who has recently become alarmed by the growing belief that “individual rights, humanism, and the democratic process are all just stalking-horses for white supremacy,” tore the book to pieces in a widely read review, noting, “DiAngelo isn’t the first person to make a buck pushing tricked-up pseudo-intellectual horses–t as corporate wisdom, but she might be the first to do it selling Hitlerian race theory.”

    The Hitlerian race theory bit isn’t really hyperbole. The entire book is a peaen to white identity politics, albeit a backhanded one. DiAngelo, who is white, insists that for white people to address racism they have to accept their identity as a white person and constantly be aware of how the mere fact of their skin color defines interactions with others. Once they’ve done that, only then can they begin to shed their racist behaviors but LOL JK you can’t really stop being racist because you’re still white and “anti-blackness is foundational to our very identities.”

    Now obviously there are lots of historical examples of why encouraging white people to find solidarity in their skin color could backfire. In that respect, the colorblind attitudes preached by Martin Luther King Jr. and his acolytes were successful in advancing civil rights, and not just because they encouraged white people to see black people as their brothers and sisters made in the image of the same God and therefore deserving of the same personal respect and political rights. Emphasizing the “content of their character” over the color of their skin made it clear just how superficial race-based solidarity of white culture is and why it was worth rejecting. In fact, DiAngelo makes a point of explicitly rejecting the “content of their character” argument, arrogantly oblivious to the hubris involved in a white lady dismissing MLK’s civil rights legacy.

    While frustration over perceived lack of racial progress since the MLK era is understandable, it beggars belief that anyone, let alone someone who professes to oppose racism, would look at the last 70 or so years of American history and say, “I think we need to get white people to start thinking about how their skin color unites them.” But here we are….

    For much more of this highly useful article go to:

  18. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    For a fuller, broader and highly useful and informativve discussion of these issues, I recommend this article published today:

    “What To Read Instead Of ‘White Fragility’
    Sooner or later you’re going to encounter these anti-American ideas about addressing racism in your workplace, on kids’ homework, or in the faculty lounge – and you can’t be fragile when confronting it.” by Mark Hemingway.

    Here is its opening:

    “At this point, a lot of people merely yield or acquiesce to the will of their accuser out of misplaced guilt or fear of the reputational harm that comes with being branded a racist. If you are foolhardy enough to raise questions of the accuser about the veracity of the complaint, or are merely confused about what’s being alleged, a discussion will not ensue. There will be variations of the same theme: “I AM TIRED. AND EXHAUSTED trying to explain your white privilege to you. DO THE WORK.”

    What does “do the work” even mean? Well, if you want to go down the academic rabbit-hole from which this emerged, in neo-Marxian critical theory argot the term of art is “praxis.”

    In his late-phase Marxism, Jean Paul Sartre defined “praxis” as the transformation of the world in accordance with a specific ideological end. So when you’re told “do the work,” leftists don’t mean any kind of personal development that would allow for unique circumstances, individual understanding, and personal agency. They have a very specific program in mind for you to follow.

    So we get passages like this from a priceless open letter in Portland Monthly where “white people” are addressed en masse and told to “Consider your performative solidarity officially on notice”:

    I advise you to check your white guilt and the impulse you may now feel to reach out to the Black folks in your life. DO NOT CALL YOUR BLACK FRIEND RIGHT NOW! This might be a novel concept, but consume content about the Black experience produced by Black creatives and thought leaders—not white non-experts on Blackness you feel safe with. We all have the same internet, and from it you have equal access to books, culturally-specific contemporary publications, podcasts, and other seemingly endless resources that can be the impetus for your own self-examination.

    t’s telling that engagement is one-sided – you’re not to be engaged until you’re immersed in a “culturally-specific” and political understanding of their choosing.

    To that end, the author above provides a link to a Google doc with a slew of resources to get woke. The suggestions range from relatively benign or helpful (read Toni Morrison novels!) to eye-rolling (follow The New York Times’ Jamelle Bouie on Twitter) to pernicious works influenced by critical race theory that damage race relations and interpersonal relationships (the work of Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi, authors of White Fragility and How to Be an Anti-Racist).

    By now it should be obvious what’s going on. If you’re aggressively confronted about alleged personal weaknesses, shut out from dealing directly with the supposedly aggrieved party, told you can only begin these failings by engaging with and agreeing to a specific doctrine, and at that point you relent… congratulations! You’ve just joined a cult.

    The purging of wrongthink will be total. Last month, The New York Times published an op-ed encouraging people to send texts “to your relatives and loved ones telling them you will not be visiting them or answering phone calls until they take significant action in supporting black lives either through protest or financial contributions.”

    The Kafka Trap

    While critical race theory is seeping into the culture from a lot of different directions, it’s worth looking at the two most influential books, White Fragility and How to Be an Anti-Racist, which are currently dominating the bestseller lists.

    The reach of DiAngelo’s White Fragility is such that she was recently a guest on the Tonight Show, and the book has become almost totemic in its significance. Recently, Robin Broshi, a member of a New York City Community Education Council, got outraged at her fellow councilmember during the group’s public Zoom meeting for bouncing a friend’s nephew on his lap.

    His crime? “It hurts people when they see a white man bouncing a brown baby on their lap and they don’t know the context. That is harmful,” she said, in obvious distress. “I would like to know how having my friend’s nephew on my lap was racist,” he asked. “Read a book. Read White Fragility,” she retorted.

    Fortunately, the notoriety has been such that at least a few notable people have read White Fragility and finally begun to condemn the insanity it provokes. Matt Taibbi, an avowed liberal who has recently become alarmed by the growing belief that “individual rights, humanism, and the democratic process are all just stalking-horses for white supremacy,” tore the book to pieces in a widely read review, noting, “DiAngelo isn’t the first person to make a buck pushing tricked-up pseudo-intellectual horses–t as corporate wisdom, but she might be the first to do it selling Hitlerian race theory.”

    The Hitlerian race theory bit isn’t really hyperbole. The entire book is a peaen to white identity politics, albeit a backhanded one. DiAngelo, who is white, insists that for white people to address racism they have to accept their identity as a white person and constantly be aware of how the mere fact of their skin color defines interactions with others. Once they’ve done that, only then can they begin to shed their racist behaviors but LOL JK you can’t really stop being racist because you’re still white and “anti-blackness is foundational to our very identities.”

    Now obviously there are lots of historical examples of why encouraging white people to find solidarity in their skin color could backfire. In that respect, the colorblind attitudes preached by Martin Luther King Jr. and his acolytes were successful in advancing civil rights, and not just because they encouraged white people to see black people as their brothers and sisters made in the image of the same God and therefore deserving of the same personal respect and political rights. Emphasizing the “content of their character” over the color of their skin made it clear just how superficial race-based solidarity of white culture is and why it was worth rejecting. In fact, DiAngelo makes a point of explicitly rejecting the “content of their character” argument, arrogantly oblivious to the hubris involved in a white lady dismissing MLK’s civil rights legacy.

    While frustration over perceived lack of racial progress since the MLK era is understandable, it beggars belief that anyone, let alone someone who professes to oppose racism, would look at the last 70 or so years of American history and say, “I think we need to get white people to start thinking about how their skin color unites them.” But here we are….

    For much more of this highly useful article go to:

  19. WayneS Avatar

    “It is important that as leaders we recognize that this positioning may also put these leaders at risk for increased public scrutiny, so they need our support more than ever.”

    Why does he seem to be trying to avoid, or at least deflect, public scrutiny?

  20. WayneS Avatar

    “It is important that as leaders we recognize that this positioning may also put these leaders at risk for increased public scrutiny, so they need our support more than ever.”

    Why does he seem to be trying to avoid, or at least deflect, public scrutiny?

  21. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    “By “anti-racism,” Lane is not referring to the goal of encouraging students and teachers to be accepting of all races and ethnicities — in the words of Martin Luther King, to judge an individual by the content of his character, not the color of his skin — he is referring to an ideology that posits that “structural” racism is endemic in Virginia’s schools and is responsible for the African-American and Hispanic academic achievement gaps.”

    “And because we are moving into this new phase, some people feel that the civil rights movement is dead. The new phase is a struggle for genuine equality. It is not merely a struggle for decency now, it is not merely a struggle to get rid of the brutality of a Bull Connor and a Jim Clark. It is now a struggle for genuine equality on all levels, and this will be a much more difficult struggle. You see, the gains in the first period, or the first era of struggle, were obtained from the power structure at bargain rates; it didn’t cost the nation anything to integrate lunch counters. It didn’t cost the nation anything to integrate hotels and motels. It didn’t cost the nation a penny to guarantee the right to vote. Now we are in a period where it will cost the nation billions of dollars to get rid of poverty, to get rid of slums, to make quality integrated education a reality. This is where we are now.” – MLK

    Lane and MLK seem pretty consistent to me…

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Superintendent Lane has outlined the mission as dismantling systemic racism. The only way I see to achieve this is to redistribute resources. Affluent communities are going to have surrender a portion of their resources to less affluent communities. This exchange of resources will not occur without a fight. Money is involved. Large sums of it. If you look at the larger context of the brewing “cultural revolution” it is staggering sums of money. People are not just going to hand this over it must be taken. MLK’s 1968 Poor Peoples Campaign is classic example.

      1. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
        Eric the Half a Troll

        You realize Lane is the Superintendent of Public Instruction. I don’t think his authority extends to redistributing resources of entire communities. You may see educational funding redistribution but that may actually be a warranted endeavor.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead V

          I know who Lane is and we will find out in the days ahead the manner in which educational resources will be redistributed. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. What lies beneath is the potential for a massive redistribution of wealth and resources across the nation and society. That will produce conflict. It always has been so in the past. Why would it be different today and tomorrow?

        2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          “But this is just the tip of the iceberg. What lies beneath is the potential for a massive redistribution of wealth and resources across the nation and society.”

          Bingo. I believe that money (and power) is the primary overriding issue for the “anti-racists” crowd. If closing the education gap was important to anti-racists crowd, they would have closed that cap decades ago using charter schools, including Success Academy, models.

          Hence, I believe the anti-racist crew does not want to close the education gap; they think they need that gap to gain money and power for themselves at the expense of America’s children.

        3. djrippert Avatar

          “You MAY see educational funding redistribution …” I know you’re well informed from comment strings on other blogs. You must know that educational funding redistribution already happens at great scale in Virginia today.

          Also, per student spending on K-12 education than Washington, DC is second only to New York. It’s just under twice the national average. It has been that way for years. Has this extra money made DC public schools a shining example of excellence in education?

          This might help … DC is 49th out of 50 states and DC. New York is 22nd despite spending the most per student.

          In 2016-17, 68 percent of DC public school students were African American, 18 percent were Latino, 10 percent were white, and four percent identified as other.

          Lots of money spent in a system that is 86% black and Latino with miserable results.

          More money doesn’t seem to bring about more equity.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        There are ways to dismantle systemic racism other than redistributing resources. They involve removing obstacles in some people’s way or equipping them with the skills that will enable them to get a bigger piece of the pie, while contributing to society to make the pie bigger for everybody.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead V

          You are right Mr. Dick. There are numerous obstacles that can be removed. A great example is reading comprehension levels in the 11th grade that are really at a 4th or 5th grade level. That should immediately produce mandatory afterschool remediation until the correct reading level is achieved. In today’s world every time a concession is made and correction implemented the bar gets moved to another level. It makes me wonder if dismantling systemic racism is about enabling a bigger piece of the pie or just taking most if not all of the pie. Don’t mess with my sweet potato pie. Nothing finer in the world.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Sweet potato pie! Spoken like a true son of Southside.

  22. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    “By “anti-racism,” Lane is not referring to the goal of encouraging students and teachers to be accepting of all races and ethnicities — in the words of Martin Luther King, to judge an individual by the content of his character, not the color of his skin — he is referring to an ideology that posits that “structural” racism is endemic in Virginia’s schools and is responsible for the African-American and Hispanic academic achievement gaps.”

    “And because we are moving into this new phase, some people feel that the civil rights movement is dead. The new phase is a struggle for genuine equality. It is not merely a struggle for decency now, it is not merely a struggle to get rid of the brutality of a Bull Connor and a Jim Clark. It is now a struggle for genuine equality on all levels, and this will be a much more difficult struggle. You see, the gains in the first period, or the first era of struggle, were obtained from the power structure at bargain rates; it didn’t cost the nation anything to integrate lunch counters. It didn’t cost the nation anything to integrate hotels and motels. It didn’t cost the nation a penny to guarantee the right to vote. Now we are in a period where it will cost the nation billions of dollars to get rid of poverty, to get rid of slums, to make quality integrated education a reality. This is where we are now.” – MLK

    Lane and MLK seem pretty consistent to me…

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Superintendent Lane has outlined the mission as dismantling systemic racism. The only way I see to achieve this is to redistribute resources. Affluent communities are going to have surrender a portion of their resources to less affluent communities. This exchange of resources will not occur without a fight. Money is involved. Large sums of it. If you look at the larger context of the brewing “cultural revolution” it is staggering sums of money. People are not just going to hand this over it must be taken. MLK’s 1968 Poor Peoples Campaign is classic example.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        There are ways to dismantle systemic racism other than redistributing resources. They involve removing obstacles in some people’s way or equipping them with the skills that will enable them to get a bigger piece of the pie, while contributing to society to make the pie bigger for everybody.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead V

          You are right Mr. Dick. There are numerous obstacles that can be removed. A great example is reading comprehension levels in the 11th grade that are really at a 4th or 5th grade level. That should immediately produce mandatory afterschool remediation until the correct reading level is achieved. In today’s world every time a concession is made and correction implemented the bar gets moved to another level. It makes me wonder if dismantling systemic racism is about enabling a bigger piece of the pie or just taking most if not all of the pie. Don’t mess with my sweet potato pie. Nothing finer in the world.

  23. LarrytheG Avatar

    No answer so far to my “tracking” question.

    Who knows what “tracking” is in schools?

    James should know.

    what’s the definition of “tracking” and how does it relate to “equity”

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Mr. Larry tracking is pretty old now and dates back the days of the New Immigrant wave after WWI. Pretty much an industrial model to classify students on abilities, skills, language, and reasoning. I was tracked at Stonewall Jackson High School. Heading for a vocational education. Then my father, the only time he ever went to my school, met with my guidance counselor and completely rearranged my course work. He picked out everything I was to study for the 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. New track sent me to college. Tracking is most definitely not going to fit in today’s world of equity based education. One thing that is crystal clear to me now: Academics/Achievement are now on the backburner. The number one priority of modern public educators is combating systemic racism with anti-racism practices. I don’t think the standardized test scores are going to be any different.

  24. LarrytheG Avatar

    No answer so far to my “tracking” question.

    Who knows what “tracking” is in schools?

    James should know.

    what’s the definition of “tracking” and how does it relate to “equity”

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Mr. Larry tracking is pretty old now and dates back the days of the New Immigrant wave after WWI. Pretty much an industrial model to classify students on abilities, skills, language, and reasoning. I was tracked at Stonewall Jackson High School. Heading for a vocational education. Then my father, the only time he ever went to my school, met with my guidance counselor and completely rearranged my course work. He picked out everything I was to study for the 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. New track sent me to college. Tracking is most definitely not going to fit in today’s world of equity based education. One thing that is crystal clear to me now: Academics/Achievement are now on the backburner. The number one priority of modern public educators is combating systemic racism with anti-racism practices. I don’t think the standardized test scores are going to be any different.

  25. Atlas Rand Avatar
    Atlas Rand

    That cringeworthy piece of writing had ALL the buzzwords of the day. Didn’t know if he could do it, but by golly he got them in there! In all seriousness, the mantra of the left right now is that if you repeat a falsehood frequently enough you can make it true. Thus we keep hearing the gong of systemic racism, to beat you into submission until you accept hearing it, and then eventually to believe it might hold water. Intelligent people need to reject this dogma, and with vitriol.
    Critical race theory, where most of this originates, is a curse to our society and needs to be discarded as the intellectual refuse it is.

    I think Larry has never dealt with TJ kids before. They are SMART. Not only that, they are driven, prepared, and most are very successful. Is it racist that in a still majority white area that the majority of them are Asian, or is it a sign that the culture and focus on education has served those students well? The joy of a truly equal society is that each is rewarded for their own gifts, and their own success. If it’s all Asian then so be it. No student, because of their “experiences” deserves a spot in the school. You earn it with quantifiable knowledge and work.

    Tracking refers to sorting kids of equal ability, ie Special Ed, gifted, etc. It’s common and serves the purpose of letting the high fliers soar without being dragged down by those of lesser abilities. Those disruptive and uninterested students can be left together to fail together. With regards to “equity “ some complain minority children aren’t put into these fast tracked or special programs because the inherent racism of the evaluators prevents it. That general is a bunch of hogwash, in my experience. What’s even worse is to push students not prepared for it into more advanced programs to fail.

    On a side note I first heard of Matt Taibbi when he did a discussion with Sam Harris. I found him to be generally well reasoned and an interesting viewpoint.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I know TJ type kids. The question is how do they get that way from K-1?

      “Tracking” put kids of perceived equal ability and potential in the same group and therein lies a problem.

      But in a low-income neighborhood school where the majority are “behind” – there are often no other higher level classes in those schools in part because only a few kids might be higher level – and it’s a staff/resource issue.

      But again – do you WANT TO KNOW – WHY there are not a demographic percentage of black kids that qualify for TJ?

      Do you think it’s because of their race or what?

      1. NorrhsideDude Avatar

        Some kids are just lucky wicked smart.
        Or parents invest in their kids. Mine told me to go to college but never really invested in me. In fact I got abandonded when addiction took my mom out of the equation and my dad was wrapped up in severe depression. I was taught to read early though and was lucky enough to be smart and loved school. But in my direct peer group it was ok to love school. Plus I was big and had a chip on my shoulder so those who called me a nerd got their asses handed to them.
        But most of the time parents make a huge investment in their kids. I have a developmentally challenged daughter, and I have made sacrifices to do my best to prepare her to be the best she can be. And she knows I believe she can be whatever she puts her mind to being. She’s told she is loved and is told I will sacrifce anything I can to help her dreams come true because that is my dream too. And that she is worthy… I think that’s missing and why I have begun to slightly see some of anti-racism messaging…
        I feel for the kids who for whatever reason that don’t get that investment. And even when some parents invest everything some kids don’t take to it or honestly can’t perform at high levels.
        So the kids getting into TJ were prepared for a test or outrageously gifted.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          re: ” Some kids are just lucky wicked smart.”

          they are indeed and it has nothing to do with race.

          And if a child has access to a GOOD school – that can make as much or more difference than a lack of parental support.

          As everyone is saying right now – “in person” is “better” – and even more important for at-risk kids.

          There are vast differences in neighborhood schools – in student body achievement.

          Can you tell me why a low-income neighborhood school might score 20 points lower on SOL reading?

          not one or two kids – the entire school.

          and another school down the road that serves an upscale neighborhood with college-educated parents will score 20 point higher on reading SOLs – not just one or two kids – the entire school.

          That’s MORE than just one one parent/child duo.

          If the world worked according to “some kids are wicked smart” – you’d see that across all schools in a district. Each school would have their share of “wicked smart” kids. When you get to the TJ level – it does not shake out that way so that kids are from across the district schools…

          Should we be concerned about that and want to find out why?

          1. NorrhsideDude Avatar

            Well a poor school, with poorly prepared kids (not knowing colors or numbers or letter) from day one, witb poorly educated parents, in a crime infested neighborhood is not typically going to attract top notch educators. And that sucks. But besides taking kids away from bad parents (and this is the same for large tracts of Appalchia too not just inner city) I’m not sure what you can do when kids aren’t supported at home.
            Of course we should be concerned. I don’t believe that vast numbers of any community wants children to be left behind. We should strive to do better. I tried to do better than my parents did.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: that sucks.

            Do you think it is appropriate for the leaders in our education system to try to address that issue?

            “that sucks” – without any other action – basically means you are willing to let a child fail to achieve their potential because they got “bad” parents?

            Is that the way our public education system should work ?

            I think we should be working to find better ways to provide an education to kids who are disadvantaged. I do not think it’s acceptable to walk away and say it’s bad luck with parents.

          3. NorrhsideDude Avatar

            Unless you plan on removing kids from homes then yes it sucks to have parents who for whatever reason can’t suppport you academically. Just like it sucks to be developmentally challenged, blind, or any other disorder.
            It sucks means I recognize the problem. And yes we should provide each child Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) as required by law. If kids aren’t getting that then the school district should be sued. But that doesnt mean every kid will succeed. It means they get to walk in the same classroom.
            A bunch of these issues have been created by crappy governments. Ask RVA why they spent more per student than most districts and couldn’t build a school while Henrico built mega temples of education while spending less?
            And now RVA is not opening for any kid this fall… talk about SUCKS… those kids won’t even have the dream of football to bail them out now.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: it sucks –

            it happens that way no matter the school?

            In theory – all kids get “help” according to their disadvantages to help them achieve their potential.

            Do you think there is a difference in the staffing and resource levels/learning opportunities in schools depending on the neighborhood?

            Do you think neighborhood schools with a large number of free and reduced get more resources (like Title 1) on top of the standard faculty staffing?

            What I read says there are funding and resource disparities between “rich” schools and “poor” schools within a district.

            A kid with talent in a poor school does not have access to the same array of programs that a kid in a rich school has because the poor school is focused on under-performing kids and the rich school provides separate programs for the talented kids.

            I think the “equity” words we are hearing – are alluding to issues like this.

            It’s a shot across the bow of school districts that have wide disparities between schools in the same district.

          5. NorrhsideDude Avatar

            Equity across schools can be an issue and that’s why I stated all kids deserved FAPE. Thats why you have magnet schools to cater to certain programs not every student would qualify for academically.
            You can’t expect every senior in a school district to be prepared take advanced placement physics nor does every kid want to.
            But that is also true in white poor localities as well. I’m pretty damn sure Newport News offers way more of a variety of classes than Giles County. Newport News schools are way more diverse. So is Giles County systemically racist towards their white students? Of course not. There is no doubt racism in the world. But it is not the answer for every difference in opportunity or outcome. And of course we can always and should do better for our kids. But potentially setting quotas, because that is the only logical way to guarantee outcome, is disgusting because it will take away from another kid…. at Harvard those kids are Asian…

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Across the school district – why would you not expect each school to send their share of wicked-smart kids to the Magnet school?

          Why doesn’t the Magnet school reflect the population demographics of the entire school district?

          Do you think these issues are worth taking a closer look at in terms of “equitable access” to the Magnet school?

          If a kid in a given school has promise as a higher achiever – but that school has no higher level program track for him/her to receive higher level education – what should be done? Is that an equity issue?

          Do you think all schools have higher level education tracks for kids with higher potentials? if they do not – is that an equity issue?

          1. NorrhsideDude Avatar

            They do send their smart kids to the magnet schools… and the drama kids to the acting magnets school and so on… plus we have regional governors schools for the ultra smart kids.
            And if your parents care enough they can move you to a better school district.
            Of if your’e fast Benedictine will give you an aqesome free education (LeBron James got one in Ohio).
            But sometimes you grow up with crappy parents in a crappy county or city who sucks (Petersburg and Richmond) and yes, then the chips are against you. But then the taxpayers need to care enough to elect a school board who decides you deserve to have a decent education. Again the community and parents must VALUE education. That is why so many non English speaking non white immigrants have made it here in the US.

        3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          It would be a much better world if all kids had parents with your attitude.

      2. djrippert Avatar

        Your argument would only make sense if Asian-American kids were “tracked” on an accelerated trajectory vis-a-vis white kids. Asian-American kids constitute a vastly disproportionate percentage of TJ students vs children in Fairfax County overall.

        Do you believe that Asian-American kids in Fairfax County are “tracked” ahead of white kids because they are Asian?

  26. Atlas Rand Avatar
    Atlas Rand

    That cringeworthy piece of writing had ALL the buzzwords of the day. Didn’t know if he could do it, but by golly he got them in there! In all seriousness, the mantra of the left right now is that if you repeat a falsehood frequently enough you can make it true. Thus we keep hearing the gong of systemic racism, to beat you into submission until you accept hearing it, and then eventually to believe it might hold water. Intelligent people need to reject this dogma, and with vitriol.
    Critical race theory, where most of this originates, is a curse to our society and needs to be discarded as the intellectual refuse it is.

    I think Larry has never dealt with TJ kids before. They are SMART. Not only that, they are driven, prepared, and most are very successful. Is it racist that in a still majority white area that the majority of them are Asian, or is it a sign that the culture and focus on education has served those students well? The joy of a truly equal society is that each is rewarded for their own gifts, and their own success. If it’s all Asian then so be it. No student, because of their “experiences” deserves a spot in the school. You earn it with quantifiable knowledge and work.

    Tracking refers to sorting kids of equal ability, ie Special Ed, gifted, etc. It’s common and serves the purpose of letting the high fliers soar without being dragged down by those of lesser abilities. Those disruptive and uninterested students can be left together to fail together. With regards to “equity ” some complain minority children aren’t put into these fast tracked or special programs because the inherent racism of the evaluators prevents it. That general is a bunch of hogwash, in my experience. What’s even worse is to push students not prepared for it into more advanced programs to fail.

    On a side note I first heard of Matt Taibbi when he did a discussion with Sam Harris. I found him to be generally well reasoned and an interesting viewpoint.

  27. NorrhsideDude Avatar

    Atlas Rand
    The funny thing is most of the people in the TJ area will say ” damn those Asian kids work their asses off to get in that school” and not “damn racist Asians are controlling that school’s admissions” .
    Just like when most people see that Asians on average make the highest incomes. Most people say “those Asians really push their kids to achieve”.
    I wish I saw more Asians represented on these “diversity” teams. But honestly they are too busy succeeding.

  28. NorrhsideDude Avatar

    Atlas Rand
    The funny thing is most of the people in the TJ area will say ” damn those Asian kids work their asses off to get in that school” and not “damn racist Asians are controlling that school’s admissions” .
    Just like when most people see that Asians on average make the highest incomes. Most people say “those Asians really push their kids to achieve”.
    I wish I saw more Asians represented on these “diversity” teams. But honestly they are too busy succeeding.

  29. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

    Asian as a single category is a stupid artefact of white Americans insistence that the world can be divided into easily definable racial groups. When you look at subgroups of Asians in America you see that only three have better median incomes than whites – Indians, Philippinos, and Japanese. Chinese are about on par and everyone else is below. It’s just that Indians and Philippinos make up such a large share of the Asian racial category they distort everything else. And that of course doesn’t begin to touch the issue of Asian immigrants mostly coming from middle to upper class backgrounds already, not from an oppressed position like Black Americans live under.

    I’m just not sure what’s supposed to be so scandalous about Lane’s commitment to anti-racism. Because there are only three options to explain the gaps in this country between Black and white.

    1) Innate biological and genetic difference; this position has been taken behind the woodshed so many times we might as well leave it there.

    2) Cultural difference; this is silly – Black Americans are steeped in American culture just as white Americans are, Hell, it was forced on them by white Americans.

    3) Systematic racism; this is the only plausible explanation remaining. America has never addressed what was forced up the kidnapped and enslaved Africans that were brought here and their descendants and pretty much every effort has been thwarted – Reconstruction rolled back by Jim Crow, the open housing revolts of the 60s make it so by the time Milliken rolls around Brown has become unenforceable, Shelby Counting nerfing the Voting Rights Act, and so on.

    Literally the least our institutions can do is commit themselves to anti-racism, but even that is too much to ask. Because why? It might make white people feel bad? Spare me this bleeding heart conservatism. Because Black students won’t know they’re victims of institutional racism until they’re indoctrinated? That’s deeply insulting given that Stokely Charmichael and Charles Hamilton coined the term in 1967. Because the students won’t work as hard if the racism they labor under is acknowledged by the state? They already know the deck is stacked against them, maybe the system showing a willingness to unstack the deck will give them some hope.

    There is no good reason to oppose this effort by VDOE, just a bunch of bad ones.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      You are going to get your wish. This is not only going to happen it will happen for a generational period. It will be measurable as well. My bet is that the numbers will tell us the same thing we have always known. Success in schools can be attributed to:
      1. Intact family structures.
      2. Income of family.
      3. Education level of family.
      4. Homeownership of family.
      5. Participation in social institutions (church, YMCA, Boy Scouts, etc).
      6. Employment stability of breadwinners in family.
      7. Health of breadwinners in family.
      8. Number of hours committed to family structure.
      9. Number of actual instructional contact hours at school.
      10. Quality of instruction and instructors at school. Reduced class size too.
      11. Number of structured days in a academic setting.
      12. Availability of extra instructional resources to meet high standards.
      13. Quality of extra instructional resources that produce higher outcomes.
      14. High academic standards with built in remediation services.
      15. High standards of conduct in academic setting with built in remediation services.

      Notice how I did not include race?

      1. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

        Oh, but honey, you did mention race, you just don’t realize it because you refuse to acknowledge the existing disparities in those metrics and their origins. Bless your heart.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead V

          But is that systemic and designed ala Jim Crow? Don’t you honey me you honey bee.

    2. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      “Asian as a single category is a stupid artifact of white Americans insistence that the world can be divided into easily definable racial groups.” See, I kind of agree with that, but I would freely substitute other categories for “Asian” and still consider it a true statement. I made that point about Hispanic yesterday. I would also offer substitutes for “white” in that sentence, because they are not alone is seeking self-delusion or political advantage. Race itself is a totally cultural invention.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        “Most of what Whitehead points to are mostly #2 with some #3 rolled in. That intact nuclear family is a big one.”

        I agree but add that Success Academy proves that poor, but committed, single parents’ cooperating with highly quality, committed schools also builds scholars in abundance.

    3. djrippert Avatar

      “Asian as a single category is a stupid artefact of white Americans insistence that the world can be divided into easily definable racial groups.”

      And you think that black Americans are typically 100% of African descent? What race is Tiger Woods?

      You are whatever race the world perceives you to be. Tiger Woods is perceived to be African-American although I’d bet that less than 50% of his ancestry is from Africa.

      When those on the left speak of “people of color” do they exclude Indian-Americans (not American Indians)? How about Philippinos? Japanese? So, these “people of color” have higher median incomes than white Americans. By your own definition (see #3 above) doesn’t that demonstrate another form of systemic racism?

      I don’t know what to make of Mr Lane’s missive. He spends a lot of words not saying much. Perhaps if he gave some examples it would help to clarify his points.

  30. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Jim has used the classic debate tactic of constructing a straw man and proceeding to knock it down. He takes it upon himself to say what Lane means by “anti-racism.” Nowhere in Lane’s letter did I see anti-racism even defined and certainly not in the terms that Jim uses. Nowhere in Lane’s letter is there discussion, or even allusion to, “white privilege, white guilt, and white fragility.”

    I do think that all these equity directors and equity coordinators are just padding in an already bloated local and state education bureaucracy. The people in these positions will spend their time going to meetings and listening to a lot of blather and, in turn, convening meetings in their local school divisions and subjecting to teachers to more blather.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Your point about Jim creating a “straw man” is fair. My complaint with Lane’s commentary is that it is unintelligible. Either he’s writing in some kind of politically correct code language or he’s just rambling. Back to Jim – when a top public official publishes rambling thoughts on a public website perhaps he or she invites others to try their hand at interpreting what he or she really means.

  31. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Jim has used the classic debate tactic of constructing a straw man and proceeding to knock it down. He takes it upon himself to say what Lane means by “anti-racism.” Nowhere in Lane’s letter did I see anti-racism even defined and certainly not in the terms that Jim uses. Nowhere in Lane’s letter is there discussion, or even allusion to, “white privilege, white guilt, and white fragility.”

    I do think that all these equity directors and equity coordinators are just padding in an already bloated local and state education bureaucracy. The people in these positions will spend their time going to meetings and listening to a lot of blather and, in turn, convening meetings in their local school divisions and subjecting to teachers to more blather.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Your point about Jim creating a “straw man” is fair. My complaint with Lane’s commentary is that it is unintelligible. Either he’s writing in some kind of politically correct code language or he’s just rambling. Back to Jim – when a top public official publishes rambling thoughts on a public website perhaps he or she invites others to try their hand at interpreting what he or she really means.

  32. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Another good recruitment day for Virginia’s private schools…..

    1. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

      The fact that you see this as an indictment of the policy and not of parents who don’t want to be part of anti-racist institutions says a lot.

      1. NorrhsideDude Avatar

        I’m fine with your premise there of calling out the parents not wanting to be anti-racist.
        Can we also call out the absentee parents? Are the anti-racists going to swoop in with their white savior syndrome and teach the less fortunate how to do school right? Seriously this is the part that puzzles me. And I am really asking what you are proposing to help out kids who have it bad. Because they are not less, i just don’t understand, besides money, what others can do for them when their parents don’t value education.
        And I did go to an inner city school. Had plenty of friends of many colors, but my parents told me I had to go to school to succeed. Most of them saw things much differently.

      2. djrippert Avatar

        As Dick Hall-Sizemore writes in his comment anti-racism is not defined by Mr Lane. Given that the term has no standard definition I have no idea what an anti-racist institution might be in Mr Lane’s mind. My guess is that you don’t know either.

        1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          No one to my mind has defined a single instance of systemic racism. Or anti-racism.

  33. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Another good recruitment day for Virginia’s private schools…..

  34. NorrhsideDude Avatar

    Yep. With the new work from home paradigm you will see a shift to some rural schools and those who remain in cities will be looking at private schools.
    RVA is a great example. Every city friend I have (left and right) pulls their kids from RVA schools in the 5th grade and either 1.) Moves 2.) Invests in private school….
    The really really bad thing, and I am serious, is the kids who are going to get hurt the most are those who can least afford it socially. It really really sucks because they are not less.

  35. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Likely good public K-12 education will be destroyed in ever larger swaths across Virginia over the next decade should this crew of ideologues remain in power. Mandated and enforced equality of outcome is the kiss of death in public school systems. It’s a poison bill, a utopian dream that destroys most all kids’ chances for a good education. Now we know why the SOLs have been watered down to the point of producing fraudulent results.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Mr. Reed you are right about the watered down SOL tests. 20 years ago I was very critical of this approach. Looking back now SOLs were moving in the right direction. Had this been left in place as George Allen built it things might be different. The key missing ingredient was the need to fund remedial services to students and maintain them until the objective was achieved. Underperforming students should have stayed after school or come in early everyday until they reached an acceptable cut score. Year round schooling would have been even more beneficial. Instead, starting in 1998, everything was instantly dumped on teachers and school leaders to do more with the same resources. Great teachers and able leaders paved the way and the ones on the margins fell behind.

  36. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Likely good public K-12 education will be destroyed in ever larger swaths across Virginia over the next decade should this crew of ideologues remain in power. Mandated and enforced equality of outcome is the kiss of death in public school systems. It’s a poison bill, a utopian dream that destroys most all kids’ chances for a good education. Now we know why the SOLs have been watered down to the point of producing fraudulent results.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Mr. Reed you are right about the watered down SOL tests. 20 years ago I was very critical of this approach. Looking back now SOLs were moving in the right direction. Had this been left in place as George Allen built it things might be different. The key missing ingredient was the need to fund remedial services to students and maintain them until the objective was achieved. Underperforming students should have stayed after school or come in early everyday until they reached an acceptable cut score. Year round schooling would have been even more beneficial. Instead, starting in 1998, everything was instantly dumped on teachers and school leaders to do more with the same resources. Great teachers and able leaders paved the way and the ones on the margins fell behind.

  37. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” Can we also call out the absentee parents? Are the anti-racists going to swoop in with their white savior syndrome and teach the less fortunate how to do school right?”

    There are a LOT of “absentee” parents if you’ve been paying attention . They’re raising holy hell cuz they have to stay home and help their kids learn.

    But is your point that the public schools instructional model is based on kids who have parents who help them and those kids without those kinds of parents are just screwed?

    ‘If mom is a single parent and she works her ass off at low paying jobs because she herself doesn’t have a decent education – you’re going to be content with the child ending up like her because the schools basically require parents that “help” and kids without are just screwed?

    Is that what we call “equal” opportunity or “equity” ?

    on the Asian kids. Can we get some income and education demographics?

    It really has little to do with race. It’s about low income, low education parents who have kids – not unlike early in the country’s beginnings, low educated parents farmed for a living and sent their kids to school to get “educated” and no most of those farmer parents could not really “help” their kids but the schools did, in fact, educate a LOT of those kids with minimal parental help. That is those farmers who were not slaves or descendants of slaves.

  38. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” Can we also call out the absentee parents? Are the anti-racists going to swoop in with their white savior syndrome and teach the less fortunate how to do school right?”

    There are a LOT of “absentee” parents if you’ve been paying attention . They’re raising holy hell cuz they have to stay home and help their kids learn.

    But is your point that the public schools instructional model is based on kids who have parents who help them and those kids without those kinds of parents are just screwed?

    ‘If mom is a single parent and she works her ass off at low paying jobs because she herself doesn’t have a decent education – you’re going to be content with the child ending up like her because the schools basically require parents that “help” and kids without are just screwed?

    Is that what we call “equal” opportunity or “equity” ?

    on the Asian kids. Can we get some income and education demographics?

    It really has little to do with race. It’s about low income, low education parents who have kids – not unlike early in the country’s beginnings, low educated parents farmed for a living and sent their kids to school to get “educated” and no most of those farmer parents could not really “help” their kids but the schools did, in fact, educate a LOT of those kids with minimal parental help. That is those farmers who were not slaves or descendants of slaves.

  39. Tom Banford Avatar
    Tom Banford

    I am kind of inclined to use structural bias in lieu of systemic racism. In that the structures of many aspects of society include a bias against the minority as designed by the majority.

  40. Tom Banford Avatar
    Tom Banford

    I am kind of inclined to use structural bias in lieu of systemic racism. In that the structures of many aspects of society include a bias against the minority as designed by the majority.

  41. Good comment, UATW. DHS, you are right of course, anti-racism is not defined in Lane’s letter. Neither is systemic racism, as JWW5 already noted. Neither is “equity” — a term with lots of different meanings dependent in large part on how you come down on systemic racism. What bothers me is, we all understand there’s a problem with something we’re calling systemic racism, but bureaucrats need data points to measure and to find those you need very clear, precise definitions. Instead we have this garish think-speak terminology being thrown out there calling for an executive to be added to the already-bloated administrative overhead of every school district and perhaps soon to every school — to accomplish what, exactly? Yes there are systemic racist attitudes in our schools but how are you going to define the problem or measure implementation of a solution to it? Ultimately, how are you going to decide if these expensive new additions to the school administration are doing a good job, or accomplishing anything at all for that matter? And because of their politically-sensitive subject area, you know if you don’t define what they are there to do up front, you will never eliminate those positinos.

  42. Good comment, UATW. DHS, you are right of course, anti-racism is not defined in Lane’s letter. Neither is systemic racism, as JWW5 already noted. Neither is “equity” — a term with lots of different meanings dependent in large part on how you come down on systemic racism. What bothers me is, we all understand there’s a problem with something we’re calling systemic racism, but bureaucrats need data points to measure and to find those you need very clear, precise definitions. Instead we have this garish think-speak terminology being thrown out there calling for an executive to be added to the already-bloated administrative overhead of every school district and perhaps soon to every school — to accomplish what, exactly? Yes there are systemic racist attitudes in our schools but how are you going to define the problem or measure implementation of a solution to it? Ultimately, how are you going to decide if these expensive new additions to the school administration are doing a good job, or accomplishing anything at all for that matter? And because of their politically-sensitive subject area, you know if you don’t define what they are there to do up front, you will never eliminate those positinos.

  43. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” A great example is reading comprehension levels in the 11th grade that are really at a 4th or 5th grade level. ”

    well maybe, that’s part of this “equity” deal, no?

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      I don’t see this as an equity issue. This problem doesn’t care about race. I view it as a deficiency. It is not necessary to factor in race. It can happen to anybody for a variety of reasons. This gap in reading comprehension is a deficiency that can be corrected fairly quickly with immediate, consistent, and daily demands until the deficiency disappears. I cannot tell you how many juniors I jump started over the years with this simple approach. It actually produced 3 passing SOL scores as well. US History, Reading, and Writing. 3 for one bang and no extra charge. No help from the English teacher and no help from the Reading Specialist. I didn’t want their help. They would just get in the way, clog up the drain, and slow me down. Never paid one extra dime for going the extra mile either.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: ” This gap in reading comprehension is a deficiency that can be corrected fairly quickly with immediate, consistent, and daily demands until the deficiency disappears.”

        I hear this a lot from my many teacher friends. In the k-6 – it’s about doing this to get them up on grade level before they hit middle school.

        I’m told that in the early grades they Learn to Read then in the second half of k-6 , if they did learn to read – they then read to learn.

        Congrats James for all that you did as a teacher – You must know that a lot of us can remember back to school and particular teachers that we are thankful we had… and you’re surely one of them also.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead V

          Thanks Mr. Larry that was a good exchange today. Maybe some of our questions on today’s topic will get better answers soon.

  44. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” A great example is reading comprehension levels in the 11th grade that are really at a 4th or 5th grade level. ”

    well maybe, that’s part of this “equity” deal, no?

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      I don’t see this as an equity issue. This problem doesn’t care about race. I view it as a deficiency. It is not necessary to factor in race. It can happen to anybody for a variety of reasons. This gap in reading comprehension is a deficiency that can be corrected fairly quickly with immediate, consistent, and daily demands until the deficiency disappears. I cannot tell you how many juniors I jump started over the years with this simple approach. It actually produced 3 passing SOL scores as well. US History, Reading, and Writing. 3 for one bang and no extra charge. No help from the English teacher and no help from the Reading Specialist. I didn’t want their help. They would just get in the way, clog up the drain, and slow me down. Never paid one extra dime for going the extra mile either.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: ” This gap in reading comprehension is a deficiency that can be corrected fairly quickly with immediate, consistent, and daily demands until the deficiency disappears.”

        I hear this a lot from my many teacher friends. In the k-6 – it’s about doing this to get them up on grade level before they hit middle school.

        I’m told that in the early grades they Learn to Read then in the second half of k-6 , if they did learn to read – they then read to learn.

        Congrats James for all that you did as a teacher – You must know that a lot of us can remember back to school and particular teachers that we are thankful we had… and you’re surely one of them also.

  45. djrippert Avatar

    When did “equity” replace “equality” as the goal and what is the difference?

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Equality is equal opportunity.

      Equity, in contrast, is the government guarantee of equal outcome to everyone irrespective of circumstance, merit, or virtue. Thus, equity is a variant of Marxism, including where those in control get rich and privileged at the expense to those who, stripped of their hard earned wealth, pay for the privileges of their elite masters who also distribute their wealth to others, including the poor and lower middle classes who in turn become serfs of those giving them handouts. Then the government declares war against the rest of the middle classes, and all of those who otherwise are independent of government and its elite rulers.

  46. djrippert Avatar

    When did “equity” replace “equality” as the goal and what is the difference?

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Equality is equal opportunity.

      Equity, in contrast, is the government guarantee of equal outcome to everyone irrespective of circumstance, merit, or virtue. Thus, equity is a variant of Marxism, including where those in control get rich and privileged at the expense to those who, stripped of their hard earned wealth, pay for the privileges of their elite masters who also distribute their wealth to others, including the poor and lower middle classes who in turn become serfs of those giving them handouts. Then the government declares war against the rest of the middle classes, and all of those who otherwise are independent of government and its elite rulers.

  47. LarrytheG Avatar

    there is a difference between equity and equality.

    in a nut shell – it has to do with ACCESS to opportunity.

    Do all kids have the same chance at a good education – to be able to acquire the education that is needed to be able to compete successfully for a merit spot in a Magnet school?

    So if you show me a list of all the kids at the Magnet school and it included fair representation from all schools in the district – I would concur on equity. If not, then I think it’s reasonable to go find out why.

  48. LarrytheG Avatar

    there is a difference between equity and equality.

    in a nut shell – it has to do with ACCESS to opportunity.

    Do all kids have the same chance at a good education – to be able to acquire the education that is needed to be able to compete successfully for a merit spot in a Magnet school?

    So if you show me a list of all the kids at the Magnet school and it included fair representation from all schools in the district – I would concur on equity. If not, then I think it’s reasonable to go find out why.

  49. LarrytheG Avatar

    Here’s equity.

    Two kids – both are “gifted” – high IQs significant potential.

    One of them is in a school that has an existing curriculum”track” for gifted students – higher level math, reading, science… teachers who are skilled in the content and in teaching gifted kids.

    The second kid is in a poor neighborhood school with a high number of at-risk kids and it has no gifted curriculum – most of the funding is going for reading specialists for the kids who are not on grade level.

    The gifted kid has no access to a gifted curriculum at that school. There are few gifted and they cannot afford it.

    some years later – the two of them apply to a Magnet School that is based on “merit”. The kid that got access to higher level material – easily qualifies after years of higher level material. The kid who did not – does not qualify. He’s clearly not qualified – even though he meets the criteria for “gifted”.

    that’s an issue about equitable access to equal opportunity.

    One kid gets it and the other does not. Remember they both have high IQs and have obvious potential but the school cannot accommodate them.

    That’s what is behind this “equity” kick.

    One presumes that all schools within a given school district are all funded the same and they all have the same equivalent staff and staffing experience.

    Read this:

    Comparability of State and Local Expenditures Among Schools Within Districts: A Report From the Study of School-Level Expenditures


    This report examined the extent to which state and local expenditures were equitably distributed across schools within districts, based on school-level expenditure data for the 2008–09 school year that districts and states reported in response to a requirement under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Overall, the study found that per-pupil personnel expenditures from state and local funds often varied considerably across schools within districts, and nearly half of all schools (47 percent) had per-pupil personnel expenditures that were more than 10 percent above or below their district’s average.”


    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Malcolm X would agree with you.
      “When you live in a poor neighborhood, you are living in an area where you have poor schools. When you have poor schools, you have poor teachers. When you have poor teachers, you get a poor education. When you get a poor education, you can only work in a poor-paying job. And that poor-paying job enables you to live again in a poor neighborhood. So, it’s a very vicious cycle.”

      Booker T. Washington said essentially the same thing 70 years prior to X’s speech in 1962.

  50. LarrytheG Avatar

    Here’s equity.

    Two kids – both are “gifted” – high IQs significant potential.

    One of them is in a school that has an existing curriculum”track” for gifted students – higher level math, reading, science… teachers who are skilled in the content and in teaching gifted kids.

    The second kid is in a poor neighborhood school with a high number of at-risk kids and it has no gifted curriculum – most of the funding is going for reading specialists for the kids who are not on grade level.

    The gifted kid has no access to a gifted curriculum at that school. There are few gifted and they cannot afford it.

    some years later – the two of them apply to a Magnet School that is based on “merit”. The kid that got access to higher level material – easily qualifies after years of higher level material. The kid who did not – does not qualify. He’s clearly not qualified – even though he meets the criteria for “gifted”.

    that’s an issue about equitable access to equal opportunity.

    One kid gets it and the other does not. Remember they both have high IQs and have obvious potential but the school cannot accommodate them.

    That’s what is behind this “equity” kick.

    One presumes that all schools within a given school district are all funded the same and they all have the same equivalent staff and staffing experience.

    Read this:

    Comparability of State and Local Expenditures Among Schools Within Districts: A Report From the Study of School-Level Expenditures


    This report examined the extent to which state and local expenditures were equitably distributed across schools within districts, based on school-level expenditure data for the 2008–09 school year that districts and states reported in response to a requirement under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Overall, the study found that per-pupil personnel expenditures from state and local funds often varied considerably across schools within districts, and nearly half of all schools (47 percent) had per-pupil personnel expenditures that were more than 10 percent above or below their district’s average.”


    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Malcolm X would agree with you.
      “When you live in a poor neighborhood, you are living in an area where you have poor schools. When you have poor schools, you have poor teachers. When you have poor teachers, you get a poor education. When you get a poor education, you can only work in a poor-paying job. And that poor-paying job enables you to live again in a poor neighborhood. So, it’s a very vicious cycle.”

      Booker T. Washington said essentially the same thing 70 years prior to X’s speech in 1962.

  51. NorrhsideDude Avatar

    That is all true unless someone breaks the cycle. In my family I decided to break it. Put myself throughs school and will find a way to pay for my girl so she can move solidly into the upper middle class and hopefully she will find a way to do for her children.
    No doubt escaping poverty takes a monumental effort or luck. The military is also a great way to out for people who use all the advantages. My boss talks about how he did that all the way through graduate school. And he is a BIPOC….
    But what Lane misses is that this is not striclty a race based issue. It’s also an Appalachian issue in his own state.
    I am down with facing these issues on a socio-economic basis… the race component is just damn ugly and won’t get anyone anywhere.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      There are always a few like you Northside Dude but most are not.

      And if there truly were no way to break the cycle we could all walk away secure in the knowledge that there was no remedy.

      You don’t believe that and neither do I.

      The current efforts by VDOE are ugly looking no two ways about it and really bad because if their goal is to get folks on board – that’s not the way. It comes across more as pandering than leadership.

      Make no mistake – we do have a structural problem. People can pretend otherwise or just deny it – but the truth is we do.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Norrshide Dude I share your sentiments. I have no doubt you will do your part to propel your daughter to the next level.

  52. NorrhsideDude Avatar

    That is all true unless someone breaks the cycle. In my family I decided to break it. Put myself throughs school and will find a way to pay for my girl so she can move solidly into the upper middle class and hopefully she will find a way to do for her children.
    No doubt escaping poverty takes a monumental effort or luck. The military is also a great way to out for people who use all the advantages. My boss talks about how he did that all the way through graduate school. And he is a BIPOC….
    But what Lane misses is that this is not striclty a race based issue. It’s also an Appalachian issue in his own state.
    I am down with facing these issues on a socio-economic basis… the race component is just damn ugly and won’t get anyone anywhere.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      There are always a few like you Northside Dude but most are not.

      And if there truly were no way to break the cycle we could all walk away secure in the knowledge that there was no remedy.

      You don’t believe that and neither do I.

      The current efforts by VDOE are ugly looking no two ways about it and really bad because if their goal is to get folks on board – that’s not the way. It comes across more as pandering than leadership.

      Make no mistake – we do have a structural problem. People can pretend otherwise or just deny it – but the truth is we do.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Norrshide Dude I share your sentiments. I have no doubt you will do your part to propel your daughter to the next level.

  53. Racism is a problem, but as Rogers and Hammerstein said in South Pacific, it has to be carefully taught (by the parents in most cases). Schools are competing with wayward parents with in-born racism to re-program the wayward students with progressive liberal values, and ditto on other progressive values.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      TBILL – how can a parent who has a 5th grade education and can barely make enough money to pay for their family going to be able to “help” a child learn stuff they themselves don’t know?

  54. Racism is a problem, but as Rogers and Hammerstein said in South Pacific, it has to be carefully taught (by the parents in most cases). Schools are competing with wayward parents with in-born racism to re-program the wayward students with progressive liberal values, and ditto on other progressive values.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      TBILL – how can a parent who has a 5th grade education and can barely make enough money to pay for their family going to be able to “help” a child learn stuff they themselves don’t know?

  55. Jim Loving Avatar
    Jim Loving

    This is not just a Virginia phenomenon or issue, it is nationwide.

    I first heard concerns about postmodern philosophy bogging down five years ago, and have read about incidents on US and Canadian campuses (Jordan Peterson and Bret Weistein perhaps the most famous examples) of professors being cancelled because of their views and speech which was deemed racist, misogynistic or anti-LBGTQ.

    I dismissed these concerns these past five years, believing the good of postmodernism (egalitarianism, civil/human rights for all humans and all creatures and the environment) outweighed this off the rails thinking.

    No more. I have read enough concern now from people and stories of the re-education programs underway from voices from the left or sympathetic to both left and right values and positions, that I believe this could go in a very bad direction for the nation because this necessary moment of reckoning is being high-jacked by this thinking (Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, deconstruction,) and when white people said “What can we do?”, the proponents of this thinking were ready and rolled out the many books and programs (I am reading a few “Me and White Supremacy, “White Fragility”, and will hear the author, Ibram X. Kendi on “How to Be an Antiracist” speak on Monday.

    As Bret Weinstein points out, the millenials trained in K-12 and higher Ed the last 20 years are now working in key institutions and these ideas are being rolled up as doctrine and solutions.

    There is much available commenting on and critiquing this roll-out and its implications. John McWhorter is writing a book on how the Antiracist movement is off the rails. Brett Weinstein, since being cancelled at Evergreen college three years ago and predicting this moment, has been speaking regularly on this phenomenon.

    I am not completely sure what I personally can do or what others can do, but for certain educate yourself on these teachings, and engage in the discussion and challenge assumptions and doctrine that is already deemed as “given.”

    Here are a few links to other voices pushing back on this. There are many, not just from the right.

  56. Jim Loving Avatar
    Jim Loving

    This is not just a Virginia phenomenon or issue, it is nationwide.

    I first heard concerns about postmodern philosophy bogging down five years ago, and have read about incidents on US and Canadian campuses (Jordan Peterson and Bret Weistein perhaps the most famous examples) of professors being cancelled because of their views and speech which was deemed racist, misogynistic or anti-LBGTQ.

    I dismissed these concerns these past five years, believing the good of postmodernism (egalitarianism, civil/human rights for all humans and all creatures and the environment) outweighed this off the rails thinking.

    No more. I have read enough concern now from people and stories of the re-education programs underway from voices from the left or sympathetic to both left and right values and positions, that I believe this could go in a very bad direction for the nation because this necessary moment of reckoning is being high-jacked by this thinking (Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, deconstruction,) and when white people said “What can we do?”, the proponents of this thinking were ready and rolled out the many books and programs (I am reading a few “Me and White Supremacy, “White Fragility”, and will hear the author, Ibram X. Kendi on “How to Be an Antiracist” speak on Monday.

    As Bret Weinstein points out, the millenials trained in K-12 and higher Ed the last 20 years are now working in key institutions and these ideas are being rolled up as doctrine and solutions.

    There is much available commenting on and critiquing this roll-out and its implications. John McWhorter is writing a book on how the Antiracist movement is off the rails. Brett Weinstein, since being cancelled at Evergreen college three years ago and predicting this moment, has been speaking regularly on this phenomenon.

    I am not completely sure what I personally can do or what others can do, but for certain educate yourself on these teachings, and engage in the discussion and challenge assumptions and doctrine that is already deemed as “given.”

    Here are a few links to other voices pushing back on this. There are many, not just from the right.

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