Lame Duck Northam Tries to Piggyback on Youngkin’s Success

by Kerry Dougherty

Is this guy for real?

Does Lame Duck Ralph Northam honestly believe that by Tweeting about the odious grocery tax with just 32 days left in his term he can somehow claim this populist issue for his own?

Virginians can be thick sometimes — heck, they voted for Northam in 2017 — but they aren’t stupid.

Northam had four years to scrap the regressive grocery tax that squeezes the poor more than the rich. Four years to convince his fellow Democrats to do away with a tax on every loaf of bread sold in the commonwealth. Four years to offer relief to every family in Virginia.

But Northam’s pals in Richmond were too busy springing murderers from prison and passing silly bills about balloon releases to care about the tax on food.

Let’s be honest. Hard-working, law-abiding Virginians were never a top priority for the far-left crowd in Richmond. Instead the Dems fretted incessantly about criminals. Their punishments were too harsh. Their prison terms too long. Their bail too high. They needed to get on the voter rolls.

The majority in Richmond viewed the police with suspicion while they did the bidding of their benefactors: trade unions, abortion enthusiasts, gun control advocates and environmental extremists.

For four years Virginia’s power-drunk Democrats — who believed Virginia would be blue forever — forgot all about ordinary people. They danced with teachers unions and ignored parents. And they watched with delight as the commonwealth’s coffers overflowed, in part by over-taxing the populace and collecting a levy on almost every morsel Virginians consumed.

That is why they were shellacked in November and why the mid-term elections promise a decimation for the Democrats around the country.

Back to Northam’s sudden fondness for tax reform.

While it’s true that in 2017 he muttered something about the grocery tax, it was a watered-down version of what Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin promises. While Youngkin wants to scrap the grocery tax entirely, sparing all Virginians the indignity of paying a tribute to the government every time they buy a quart of milk, Northam vaguely indicated that he wanted to end it for the poor, without giving a specific income limit.

As best we can tell, Northam mentioned the grocery tax a couple of times during his campaign. He never acted on it, nor pressured the General Assembly to terminate the tax.

Suddenly, with a month left in his term, Northam included it in his hasty proposal for a two-year budget.

Does Northam think he can piggyback on Youngkin’s success this way?

Fact is, when Democrats say they want to “help” minorities and the poor, they focus on criminals, as if all underprivileged people are lawbreakers.

Conservatives, on the other hand, have a more expansive understanding of what it means to be poor. They know that the poor want safe neighborhoods every bit as much as the affluent. The underprivileged want good schools — that are open and in-person — as much as the middle class. And with soaring inflation, folks on tight budgets want to be able to put food on the table without paying the state for the privilege.

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a sales tax on food is especially cruel to society’s most disadvantaged.

Sales taxes worsen income and racial inequalities. Low-income people pay much more of their income in sales taxes than higher-income people do because they must spend a very large share of their income to meet basic needs. The lowest-income fifth of families … pay almost eight times more as a share of their incomes in sales taxes than the top 1 percent of families (those making more than $553,200), on average: 7.1 percent versus 0.9 percent. The revenue systems in states that rely too heavily on sales taxes thereby create additional barriers for lower-income residents, making it harder for them, for example, to afford daily expenses like gas for their cars or to rent in neighborhoods with more opportunities — which, in turn, may make it more difficult for them to work their way into the middle class.

Sales taxes on groceries have an especially harmful impact on income and racial inequities since low-income families tend to spend a larger share of their income on groceries.

Searching the General Assembly website I can’t find a single bill that was introduced in the past four years to abolish the grocery tax. Maybe I missed it. If this had been a Northam priority a bill ending the tax would have been proposed, passed and signed.

It wasn’t.

Unlike Northam, Youngkin campaigned hard on scrapping the grocery tax.

Should Youngkin go dark on the grocery tax — and I’m betting he won’t — and wait until there are packing boxes all over the Governor’s Mansion to toss out a few bromides about the tax, he’ll be a failure.

Like his predecessor, Ralph Northam.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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44 responses to “Lame Duck Northam Tries to Piggyback on Youngkin’s Success”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    There is just too much to attack here and I don’t want to waste any more time. But, let me take just one statement:

    “Hard-working, law-abiding Virginians were never a top priority for the far-left crowd in Richmond.”

    And who was it that expanded Medicaid to include the working poor? And who was it that increased the minimum wage?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      There are people in politics over the years that I have grown to dislike, but Northam is not one of them. I think that has come through, despite the many differences of opinion.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I realize that. I apologize if it seemed that my comments were aimed at you, rather than Kerry.

        By the way, I think your comment was most gracious. It is too bad that others on this blog don’t have the same attitudes.

        1. Kerry throws out so much drivel that it is increasingly hard to take anything that she says seriously. It must be sad to live in her world where everyone is out to get her and where half of the citizens of the Commonwealth are evil.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar

            “VaNavVet Dick Hall-Sizemore • an hour ago
            Kerry throws out so much drivel that it is increasingly hard to take anything that she says seriously. It must be sad to live in her world where everyone is out to get her and where half of the citizens of the Commonwealth are evil.”

            Than counter her arguments with facts, elsewise you’re invoking ad hom attacks which makes you no better.

            PS: still waiting in on that DD-214.

          2. As Dick stated there is just too much to attack here and not worth wasting any more time. BTW how are things there in “birther” world.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar

            “As Dick stated there is just too much to attack here and not worth wasting any more time. BTW how are things there in “birther” world.”

            Attack does not mean debate, I realize words are hard for squids. As far as the “birther” comment, I’m not sure where that comes from. Sounds like the deflections, when is that DD-214 going to appear, you had no problem questioning others service and requiring proof, show me yours I’ll show you mine.

          4. Sounds maybe like something you did with the girls when you were a kid. LOL

          5. Matt Adams Avatar

            “VaNavVet Matt Adams
            an hour ago
            Sounds maybe like something you did with the girls when you were a kid. LOL”

            So more ad hom attacks and refusing to provide evidence of your statements. This is the point where you would often get accused of stolen valor. However, under the 1st amendment your entitled to be the fraud you are unless you’re fleecing people for money. However, I can still ridicule you for being a fraud, and I will on every occasion possible.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar

          “Dick Hall-Sizemore Stephen Haner • an hour ago • edited
          I realize that. I apologize if it seemed that my comments were aimed at you, rather than Kerry.

          By the way, I think your comment was most gracious. It is too bad that others on this blog don’t have the same attitudes.”

          Apologizing for broad-brush statements and then invoking another broad-brush statement. It’s almost like you’re disingenuous, oh wait you are.

        3. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Who me?

    2. vicnicholls Avatar

      Increased minimum wage and all of it blown to smithereens because of inflation. Medicaid = hard working law abiding Virginians, can you please give the data for that?

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        You are of course correct that inflation is wiping out wage increases. You probably don’t want to hear that the reckless expansion of the money supply with deficit spending started with Trump. 🙂 The standard assumption by many that all people on public assistance are lazy drug addict criminals lines right up with your insane medical opinions.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Cheap goods are around the corner… see double and triple ordering.

        2. vicnicholls Avatar

          So another personal attack rather than asking me about deficit spending first. Next, asking for data is what a lot of folks are doing on here, so I question why I can’t ask for it. There are no assumptions, outside of working folks I know that are or will be on it, hence the reason for asking.

        3. vicnicholls Avatar

          Still taking the Democratic way of ad hominem attacks rather than look at the science on COVID and how the USA has been mucking it up?

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        The inflation would have happened even if minimum wage had not been enacted. So, the increased wages help to deal with inflation.

        Before Medicaid was expanded in Virginia, it was estimated that 138,000 people were in the “coverage gap”–they were not eligible for Medicaid, but did not earn enough to be eligible for ACA subsidies. After expansion, those 138,000 were eligible for Medicaid, as well as a lot of people who were eligible for ACA (those between 100% and 138% of the poverty rate), who could switch to Medicaid, rather than pay the ACA premiums. It was first estimated that would total about 400,000 people, but the number grew to 494,000 by December 2020, due to the pandemic.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          “The inflation would have happened even if minimum wage had not been enacted. So, the increased wages help to deal with inflation.”

          That is not a conclusive statement, there are two schools of thought from economists on that. One being it doesn’t impact inflation the other being it does. When you create an artificial floor with too high of a government-mandated wage you distort the market and raise inflation. The empirical evidence for the argument that age increases don’t impact inflation are weak. You might be increasing someone’s spending power but too high of an increase just negatively impacts employment and that higher value is offset by inflation. Thus our current situation with LFPR only slightly returning to pre-pandemic amounts.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Yep. Medicaid expansion was/is specifically for the working poor – those who don’t qualify for original Medicaid and could not afford health insurance, not even ACA insurance.

          The Medicaid Expansion along with the ACA provided real health insurance to hundreds of thousands of Virginians who prior had few options and those who got seriously ill often went bankrupt..

          Medicaid Expansion happened after years and years of GOP refusal and the Dems finally got enough votes to do – only then did the GOP agree.

        3. vicnicholls Avatar

          Matt not only said what I did, but purchasing power during the Trump years and Biden years, are what? It was better during the Trump years than the Biden years.

        4. vicnicholls Avatar

          Not really. The estimates I’ve seen are that we’ve still lost ground with the inflation.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Don’t count your inflation until the shipping problems are hatched. Multi-ordering will result in big inventories and discounts coming.

        1. So when will the shipping problems be resolved?

          The ship full of Metzeler tires was still sitting off the coast of California the last time I checked a couple of weeks ago. It’s been stuck there for a couple of months with no docking/unloading date set.

          I had to go with a set of Dunlops for my recent tire replacement. I was worried my German motorcycle might reject British tires, but so far it has allowed them to stay on it and I have been impressed with their performance.

          In fact, they worked very well this morning under simultaneous emergency braking and swerving to avoid hitting the horse that ran out in the road in front of me.

          There’s nothing like an early morning adrenaline rush…

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Your bike won’t reject Brit tires. Don’t be silly. Just put a drip pan under it.

          2. Good idea.

            Dare I hope that if I can find a set of Metzeler’s to put on my Triumph it will stop leaking oil?

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            No. Never. Back in the 80s a cohort had a Norton which he kept in his living room. He put a baking pan under it but there were still spots on the rug leading to the door.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            BTW, bet the horse liked the rush too. Of course, they get theirs from umbrellas and balloons. Daughter got hers from a bucking horse.

          5. The horse was absolutely terrified and very agitated. It was also nearly hit by a tractor trailer hauling chickens. If I had been in a car I would have stopped with my flashers on, called the sheriff’s dispatch center, and waited for animal control to arrive.

            On the bike, stopping at the scene would have put me at risk of being trampled to death, so I pulled into a lot a little further up the road and called for help from there.

  2. Super Brain Avatar
    Super Brain

    Northam was the gov when the cash pile built up not Youngkin. As usual partisanship overrides logic and math. Happens both ways.

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    OMG, Northam just did EXACTLY what Youngkin asked him to and included “tax reform” in his introduced budget. He could have taken that $2.1 billion and spent it on some highly popular political third rails, making it that much harder for the 2022 GA to work in some revenue reductions without people pretending to bleed out. If this poor guy saved a woman from a burning car you people would find a way to trash him. We won. Let him take his victory lap and leave.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Youngkin takes the victory lap. Northam sings the swan song. Just to straighten out the metaphors.

      1. John Martin Avatar
        John Martin

        Thank you, Governor Northam!

    2. You mean something like this?

      “If he had really meant to help her he’d have grabbed her purse while he was getting her out of the car. It was right there on the passenger seat not two feet from where she was sitting. Now, thanks to his inaction, she has to apply for all new IDs and credit cards when she gets out of the hospital.”

  4. tmtfairfax Avatar

    It’s just one more example of Northam’s willingness to say or do anything to promote his image. I did appear in blackface. No, I didn’t. Only in the mind of the WaPo editorial board is Northam a good Governor. But wait a minute, first they wrote he ought to resign.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No good deed goes unpunished…Ralph did Youngkin more than one solid in the incoming budget, now that I’ve seen more. Dealing with this crowd these days I often remember that Star Trek episode when the aliens asked Kirk to take his ship and leave because the illogical, violent humans were just more annoying then they could stand.

      “Errand of Mercy”

      Claymare : We do not wish to seem inhospitable but, gentlemen, you must leave.

      Ayelborne : Yes, please leave us. The mere presence of beings like yourselves is intensely painful to us.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        John Colicos made the coolest Klingon. Smart and ruthless.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          He was better working with the Cylons, selling out the human race…

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            If you saw the original BSG in the theaters Baltar was executed. But on TV he made it for 12 more episodes.

  5. Virginia Project Avatar
    Virginia Project

    it’s staggeringly easy to tell who in this discussion has never missed a meal in their lives

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Or slept through Bible class…

  6. Hard-working, law-abiding Virginians were never a top priority for the far-left crowd in Richmond.

    I disagree. Hard-working, law-abiding Virginians were the people the far-left crowd in Richmond were going after with their ridiculous new anti-gun laws and proposed anti-gun laws. We were definitely a priority for them.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      and their kids with indoctrination in schools.

  7. John Martin Avatar
    John Martin

    Yeah, he is in the middle of building a budget, the idea of eliminating this tax is resurrected and Governor Northam proposes putting it in place. Awful, huh?

    And then you call it a populist idea. So Youngkin is a populist?

  8. John Martin Avatar
    John Martin


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