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Labor union endorses Potts

The Daily News-Record reported:

On Monday, he (Russ Potts) went to Staunton to pick up the endorsement of UE Local 160 Virginia Public Service Workers.

“He knew a lot of the problems that we were going through,” said Allen Layman, president of the statewide organization and the Western State Hospital chapter. Layman said Potts voice would be important at the Virginia Bar Association’s gubernatorial debate next month

The Augusta Free Press reported:

“We don’t like to be taken for granted,” union president Allen Layman said on Monday after announcing that the union had thrown its support to the independent gubernatorial candidacy of Winchester Sen. Russ Potts.

“The Democrats automatically assume that all union peoples are going to follow the Democratic ticket. But as I’ve told a number of people, in our membership we have Republicans, we have independents, we have moderates, and we have liberals and progressives. And all of us are tired of being taken for granted,” Layman told The Augusta Free Press.$35157

Amazing! Tim Kaine’s faith-base campaign needs to wake up… before it’s too late.

~ the blue dog

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