Bacon's Rebellion

Krugman Unhinged

Paul Krugman advanced the argument in a recent NYTimes column — I kid you not — that there has not been a big expansion of government spending under the Obama administration. America needs more spending and bigger deficits in order to gin up some real stimulus!

I know, I know, Krugman is an easy target — like shooting fish in a barrel. But he won a Nobel Prize, forcrissake, and he’s a columnist in the New York Times, a newspaper that some people take seriously. What’s more, he’s so insufferably smug and contemptuous, he needs to be knocked down a peg or two. So, I do my best in the video above.

(Show mercy on me for the technical quality of the video. YouTube and video-making is a brand-new thing for me. But go ahead and thrash away at the facts and logic expressed therein.)

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