Killing the Digital Goose for Its Golden Egg

Jared Walczak of the Tax Foundation

By Steve Haner

The last time the General Assembly made a similar mistake with the Virginia tax code was 20 years ago. It was 2004, and the complaints that business was not “paying its fair share” came from Republicans in the House. They introduced and quickly pushed through a bill that stripped sales tax exemptions from multiple categories of business. Sound familiar?

Twenty years later the only thing that has changed is that the bad idea is now coming from Senate Democrats. The anti-business rhetoric sounds the same. The sales or use taxes of up to 6-7% they seek to impose on business-to-business digital transactions (goods and services) will reach into every Virginia company, large and small. It will simply be passed along in higher prices. The only winners are their out-of-state competitors who have no such taxes in their states.

Doubt it? If you are a Dominion Energy customer, pull out your last bill. There is a line item under “non-bypassable charges” that reads “Sales and Use Surcharge.” That is one visible reminder of the 2004 debate. The sales tax exemption enjoyed by utilities on their inputs was one of the few repealed, and the utilities just added it to your bill, rich and poor, residential and business customers alike.

The Senate Democrats’ plan will make that a much bigger number on your monthly bills.

The 2024 proposed digital tax on business transactions, now dubbed a “tech tax” by its opponents, needs to disappear from the final budget when the Assembly finally gets one. The Tax Foundation last week put out another statement warning about it. But what everybody should have heeded was a study produced by the same group a year ago.

The author was Jared Walczak, who used to work as a legislative aide at the Virginia Capitol, so is well known here. He was writing about an ongoing study group at the Multistate Tax Commission trying to provide some parameters for expanding the sales and use tax to the digital world. He wrote:

But let’s be transparent about this: The real money isn’t in your Spotify account, your Netflix subscription, or that next Kindle book. It’s in digital controls, cloud computing, inventory management, automated production lines, digital payments, machine learning, software (and platform and infrastructure) as a service, digital advertising, and data processing.

In short, the basic project of defining digital products for tax purposes is to create a massive inventory of business inputs, many either untaxed or only partially taxable at present (whether in tangible or digital form), and to slip them into sales taxes that are supposed to be imposed on retail transactions.

Walczak all but predicted that an effort to impose a narrow sales tax on personal digital purchases would transform into a pyramid of digital value-added taxes on business.

The General Assembly is scheduled to adjourn Saturday, but to do so the conference committee seeking compromise between the two chambers on the state budget needs to finish its work. Given that Democrats just took the reins back with slim majorities, there is added pressure on them to demonstrate competence and command by finishing on time.

Both the House and the Senate Democrats accepted Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin’s idea of expanding the state’s sales and use tax to various digital goods and services, things now exempt as they are not “tangible goods” under traditional definitions. Then they went their separate ways.

The biggest gap between the House and Senate budgets was then created by the Senate’s decision to apply the sales tax on business purchases of those digital goods and services, which was not in Youngkin’s original proposal. That change added close to $1 billion in projected revenue, which the Senate promptly spent on highly popular items with strong constituency backing.

Behind the scenes, an epic struggle is probably underway. On one side is the business community that understands the depth of this tax increase on them, and its impact on profits and competitiveness. On the other side are those powerful advocates for higher government spending. Where the House of Delegates negotiators come down, well, that is the $1 billion question.

Governor Youngkin’s March 1 letter to legislators on his budget priorities implied a veto on the issue, but as lines in the sand go, he drew a faint one. His letter never specifically mentioned the damage such a tax would do to Virginia’s carefully honed reputation as a high-tech haven. The Chamber of Commerce, technology councils, and other corporate players were probably disappointed.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch highlighted how Youngkin was continuing to push his overall tax package in the letter, but it is not a major theme. His letter also mentions working with the legislature toward a consensus set of tax proposals to bring to the 2025 session, which will be his last.

A concentrated public push through the summer and fall of this year is the only viable alternative now, and that is how tax reforms – whether reductions or increases or a combination – make it to passage. Put the suggestion in the “better late than never” pile. If the effort is made, invite Jared Walczak and do not invite the Multistate Tax Commission.

But the Senate negotiators may ignore Youngkin this week and concentrate on winning over the House to this massive, ill-advised tax hike. Persuading Democratic delegates to spend another $1 billion should be easy. Then issuing a veto and making it stick is the Governor’s problem.

First published this morning by the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy. 

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13 responses to “Killing the Digital Goose for Its Golden Egg”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Please help me to understand these provisions.
    1. Under my Amazon Prime subscription, I can stream music, TV shows, and many movies for no additional cost. Under my monthly Hulu subscription, I can stream TV shows and movies at no additional cost. What in those examples would be taxable?
    2. What is an example of a “business-to-business” transaction that would be taxable under the Senate proposal?


    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Businesses pay outside firms for data storage, website design and hosting, Internet management, shipping management, a whole host of cloud services like those Jared listed in his report that would all be taxed, and again AWS would pay tax on its purchases, then have to add the tax on again to its customers. Who might add it to their customers. A pyramid. You would pay tax on your monthly or annual Amazon membership plus tax on any additional download you purchased (I “rented” Airplane last month). You would also pay tax if you had a personal AWS or Microsoft account with data storage.

      Basically everything going on in alllll those data centers. It will be a hot mess figuring it all out and a field day for auditors.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    Truth is , ANY tax on business including sales and use IS passed on to the customer. No big revelation there!

    But I’m willing to listen to some specific instances of “business-to-business” taxes and the fiscal impact.

    Another truth is that local and state govt has to pay for services and it takes taxes and “fees” to do that.

    The idea that we can “cut” taxes and not services does not work at the County level (at least the ones in my region) and most of them are not exactly proliferate spenders nor are they full of excess employees that could be cut either.

    That leads me to believe that such discussions are really more about taxing the guy behind the tree than “killing the golden goose” per se.

    And no, I do NOT like paying taxes at all but at the same time the mindless mindset that any/all taxes are evil and wrong no matter what is lacking in basic intelligence also IMO.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The fight over applying the sales tax in particular to B2B transactions has a long history, back to the invention of sales taxes. It was intended for the final, retail end user, but over the decades has crept into more and more B2B categories. Do you tax the steel and the wire purchased by the shipyard, for example? Or Dominion’s purchase of nuclear fuel? Big bucks possible…

      Part of the problem is few other states do this. CA doesn’t for one. The competitive impact is huge.

      Kept lobbyists like me going, I admit — and from here I can SMELL how much money is being spent on this battle down at the GAB. I should blow this popsicle stand and go get a contract!

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Value-added tax?

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        Under this new rule, would your previous lobbying charges have been taxed?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Luckily my limited intelligence is of the non-digital kind.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Several of us are fortunate that way:)

            In my years wandering around the GA about the only times there was real strife was years when there was not enough money to spread around.

            That makes me very reluctant to bet against legislation that gives the pols an additional billion dollars to spend, Repub or Dem.

            Think you have the title right, killing the goose that lays the golden egg. Dunno how to get pols to look beyond their noses. Short term pleasure vs long term deal breaker.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            I was thinking of this comment from you, “Businesses pay outside firms for data storage, website design and hosting …”.

            Website design is normally a consulting project delivered by people.

            Under that definition for “website design” I assume it would not be taxed.

  3. WayneS Avatar

    Next up: the air we breathe as a “tangible good”…

  4. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Titled most appropriately!!!! You are correct, the Dems will have no problem spending the money. Youngkin is weak.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I launched a torpedo on this on X toward Mark Warner. He seems to be one of the few Democrats who will understand this risk and could get the Senate to back off. If he will.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        All things being equal – if such a tax was levied and it applied to all businesses so the impact was to all across the board how would that harm businesses if they could write it off as an expense and address it in competition?

        If the tax does applies to all businesses – how does that actually harm them if they all still provide services and charge for those services but taxed equally?

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