In his “Deskside Chat” yesterday, Virginia Beach public school superintendent Aaron Spence spoke about teachers as if they’re toddlers in need of naps.

by Kerry Dougherty

Let’s review: Thanks to Gov. Ralph Northam, Virginia was the first state to close schools through the end of the 2020 school year, leaving children and parents scrambling to figure out how “remote learning” would work.

It didn’t.

Instead of throwing open school doors in the fall, Northam set rules so onerous that most could not reopen and some schools stayed virtual almost until the end of the 2021 school year.

Unsurprisingly, standardized test scores plummeted. At the Beach, the pass rate dropped by 19% from pre-pandemic SOLs.

Now here we are. Kids are back in school, wearing masks all day, distanced from their classmates and friends, eating silent lunches, being quarantined if it’s suspected they were within 3 feet for 15 minutes of a student testing positive for Covid.

Insanity. All of it.

Now this: Beach teachers, who’ve so far had in-person instruction for a whopping 37 days, are so “burned out” that the Virginia Beach School Board voted to make Wednesdays halfdays beginning November 17.

More insanity.

Kids don’t need LESS time in class. They need MORE. It’s almost as if students don’t matter anymore.

And parents? Those people trying to earn a living who don’t get to claim burnout to score halfdays? The heck with them.

They’ll just have to scramble for childcare on Wednesday afternoons now that the school board has thrown a monkey wrench into the school schedule.

In his “Deskside Chat” yesterday, Beach Superintendent Aaron Spence spoke about teachers as if they’re toddlers in need of naps.

“Many have told me they’re exhausted and burned out and it’s only October,” said the sad, scruffy superintendent.

He said teachers were “overwhelmed” in these “trying times” and that he needs his employees to “take care of themselves.”

Here’s an idea, Spence: Take care of the kids.

During last year’s virtual school teachers didn’t teach on Mondays. That was set aside for “planning” time. It was an open secret that teachers were getting their hair done, taking long weekends and otherwise enjoying their day off.

The losers? Kids.

Now they need Wednesday afternoons, too.

The losers? Kids.

Then again, who cares about the students? The governor doesn’t care about them. He closed their schools and at the behest of teachers unions made it nearly impossible to reopen them. The General Assembly certainly doesn’t care about kids, they passed HJ257, which allows principals to keep secret crimes committed in schools.

School boards? LOL. They forced kids into soggy cloth masks despite ample evidence that they do nothing to prevent the spread of the virus.

Parents still care. But they feel helpless. When they want to protect girls from boys in bathrooms and locker rooms they’re called transphobic. When they object to pornography in school libraries they’re accused of book burning. When they protest at school board meetings they’re called domestic terrorists.

If parents come out and vote next week, they can begin to reverse this Virginia trend of Kids Last.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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20 responses to “Kids Last”

  1. Does that guy live in his mother’s basement?

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      His picture looks like a mug shot.

  2. But it opens a whole new employment opportunity for remedial course instructors at colleges starting next year!

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    Doesn’t the state have a giant surplus? Why not spend some of that surplus on more teachers’ aides to help out during the school day? Why is part time teaching and part time learning the new answer to teacher “burnout”?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      see, that’s the kind of thing you might expect from principled opponents… a path forward – instead of all this backward crap.

      The things that are on the table are Pre-K, more help for kids who are learning disadvantaged – and year-round school.

      What Kerry and like-minded seem want to do is talk about all the stuff that has happened that they disagree with. There is no forward looking vision – just partisan hellfire and damnation. It’s what many conservatives do these days.

  4. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Add unions to the mix and kids will be unconsidered. It is a very bad picture someone needs to buy a Braun.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Just want to point out that the best states in the country for education are ones in which teachers are unionized.’

      The union/school issue is pure boogeyman politics IMHO but it “works” as the shiny object to get opponents mobilized.

  5. I’ve said for years that if we are to list the top ten priorities for public schools, the students would be number 15.

  6. tmtfairfax Avatar

    What a bunch of crap. One of my brothers teaches in a New Hampshire public school and a niece teaches in a public charter school. Both were in the classroom the majority of the time during the 2020-21 school year (i.e., in-person instruction. As far as I know, they are teaching in-person all of the current school year.

    Why couldn’t this have been done in Virginia. Our woke school board and administrators in Fairfax County, the ones that failed to bring online education to students for six weeks after everyone else started online teaching due to a failure to update software for three years, couldn’t even find a way to do any in-person instruction for special ed kids or for vocational ed kids. They have lots of theoretical compassion but don’t give a damn about real kids. We need to deconstruct public education and give every parent or guardian vouchers that they can use at any school willing to accept them on a non-discriminatory basis.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      ” Schools in New Hampshire were closed to in-person instruction on March 16, 2020, and remained closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year. ”

      This is the problem when people spread disinformation about the facts… and then use those lies to attack public education.

      1. Come on Larry, reread his comment. No misinformation posted. You are talking about AY 19-20 and he is talking about AY 20-21. Don’t let your need to be right get in the way of your reading comprehension.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          The point is that schools WERE closed in most places across the country INCLUDING New Hampshire and they did NOT stay open during the pandemic as was implied.

          More schools DID reopen partially in some places.

          But the basic narrative that no schools needed to close, and it was an overreaction – and it cost kids education dearly – i.e. Kids Last – is totally false and a favorite narrative of conservatives who repeat it over and over by starting off with how much the kids “lost” – as if it was a choice.

          1. It was a choice and a poor one made on bad science and the need to be seen as taking action instead of actually making informed decisions. The need to make people feel afraid for political gain was a decision that will haunt all politicians for years to come.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yes, that’s the standard line from conservatives, but it’s simply not the truth if you look at the situation around the world.

            Are you basically saying that the science on a worldwide basis was wrong and that all the things done in response to that “bad science” were wrong.

            That all other countries also did it to make people “afraid” for “political gain”

            Are you saying that all the corporations and businesses and hospitals and colleges and other institutions all did it wrong.

            So basically a worldwide conspiracy of sorts.


            or do you somehow separate out the US from other countries around the world and the 600,000 deaths were not true or a hoax?

          3. When was the last time you chose to drive your car Larry? Did you consider that the probability of being involved in an accident was nearly 0.5% and that the accident results in death is 0.02%? Did you consider that over 1.2 mil people die in auto accident each year (worldwide)? Using those numbers like the C-19 numbers, why aren’t we calling to close the roads and keep people out of cars and trucks? Biden should mandate that cars stay parked and everyone telework, but he won’t. It is all about risk analysis. Unfortunately, our leaders chose risk paralysis instead. My youngest child’s school is a private Christian school and they chose to stay open through the 20-21 school year. By taking prudent precautions, like you do when driving, they got through the year without anyone in the extended school family dying.

            People that live in fear tend to depend on their governments to come save them. Do you wan to live that way? A good amount of our political class wants us to live like that. Not a worldwide conspiracy, just horrible human nature. Absolute power corrupts.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’m not calling on closing the roads because I know that risk is always there but I do support laws to restrict people and their behaviors that could harm others.

            I want others to have drivers licenses and to be stopped when engaging in behaviors that can increase risk to others – like drinking or reckless driving, etc.

            We also give childhood vaccinations – even though a percent of them actually can do harm – it’s risk analysis.

            The reason the schools were closed is more than just the kids – it was dense congregation of both kids and adults who could then carry and spread the disease to others in their families and from there to others they were in contact with.

            It’s the way that contagious diseases spread – and kill.

            I don’t understand you guys. I don’t understand your “logic” or your reasoning because it goes against everything we have normally done about contagious diseases – especially new ones that we don’t yet have totally calibrated.

            You’re basically impugning much of science worldwide, much of government worldwide and much of thousands of local governments and school systems in your condemnation as if you have more knowledge and intelligent than all those others.

            Even many private schools took such measures.

            How can that really be?

            I did have a question: ” My youngest child’s school is a private Christian school and they chose to stay open through the 20-21 school year. By taking prudent precautions, … ”

            What measures did they take and what knowledge/sources did they rely on in determining which measures to implement and which to not?

          5. ‘but I do support laws to restrict people and their behaviors that could harm others.’ …like releasing David Simpkins?

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Nope. Just because Govt gets some things wrong sometimes does not change the things it does that do work and do protect people. It’s not, never is perfection and promoting the idea that if it is not, it fails is just dumb binary logic.

            We can never stop every idiot that drinks and drives and kills others but the laws that restrict that behavior do result in less idiots engaging in that behavior – and less people hurt and killed.

            It’s totally odd that Conservatives who have been recognized as “law and order” types for decades have now jumped the shark on this in such perverse ways.

            that all of life is “risk” (true) and people have freedom (yes) and we could die at the hands of some idiot exercising his “freedom” to drive drunk because that’s “risk” we need to learn to live with (totally off the wall faulty logic).

          7. Not to mention how pissed all that car driving makes Greta.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            Greta who?

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