Keffiyehs, Yarmulkes and “Belonging” at UVA

by James A. Bacon

It’s “Palestinian Liberation Week” at the University of Virginia this week, and the Students for Justice in Palestine have organized loads of activities for antizionists, culminating with a “Die-In for Gaza” Friday.

“Wear your keffiyeh,” urges UVA’s Students for Justice in Palestine on its Instagram page. Keffiyehs are traditional Arab scarfs, which students wear to signal their solidarity with Palestinians seeking to combat “settler colonialism” in Israel.

Meanwhile, Jewish students have stopped wearing yarmulkes, Stars of David or other ornamentation that would identify them as Jews.

What does that dichotomy say about the sense of “belonging” — the holy grail of the Ryan administration — experienced by Arabs and Jews respectively at UVA?

The Jefferson Council has highlighted fears of parents of Jewish students who have spoken most openly about the hostile climate. We acknowledge that these parents do not speak for all Jews. The president of UVA’s SJP chapter, for instance, is a Jew. Many left-wing Jews have major reservations about Israeli policy toward Gaza and many oppose the conservative coalition in the Knesset headed by Benjamin Netanyahu.

Those differences are mirrored in the Jewish community at UVA. There is a marked division, for instance, between the Hillel House and the Chabad House. As a generality, Hillel House caters to more liberal/progressive students while Chabad appeals to more theologically and politically conservative students.

Five students speaking as representatives of Hillel House wrote a letter on April 3 to the Board of Visitors decrying what they call “concerted efforts to exploit Jewish students as pawns for political agendas.” The letter didn’t name names, but we’re pretty sure it refers to The Jefferson Council and/or certain Youngkin-appointed members of the Board.

However, even these students conceded they were unhappy about passage of the student referendum calling for the University endowment to divest itself of companies doing business in Israel. More to the point, they said this in their letter:

There have been instances where we do believe that students and faculty have acted with ignorance and hate. We are of the opinion that this is a small, but vocal, contingent of the University community….

Although much of the speech at student protests and events do [sic] not fall into this hateful category, we still have watched protests unfold where the Star of David was used in a derogatory political manner and we have heard chants exclaiming that “Jews are committing genocide.” … This kind of speech is hateful and crosses a line.”

Despite these misgivings, the five Hillel students say they “remain grateful” for all that President Jim Ryan, Provost Ian Baucom and Cedric Rucker (a senior executive in the Office of Student Affairs) have done to promote the “safety and well-being of Jewish students.”

For the record, The Jefferson Council has never suggested that a vast majority of students and faculty have been anything but accepting and welcoming to Jewish students at UVA. But the campus climate is not determined by the passive majority — it’s driven by a vocal minority of militants who feel empowered to speak openly, organize rallies and events, flaunt their badges of pro-Palestinian identity, dish out ethnic slurs, and ostracize the few students who openly proclaim their Judaism.

Whatever UVA leadership might have said to people in private, their words and actions have been ineffectual in altering the reality that pro-Palestinian students feel comfortable wearing their badges of loyalty while most Jews have stopped wearing theirs.

James A. Bacon is executive director of The Jefferson Council. This column has been republished with permission from the Jefferson Council blog.

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52 responses to “Keffiyehs, Yarmulkes and “Belonging” at UVA”

  1. Rafaelo Avatar

    Badges of loyalty. Interesting phrase.

    Cross dangling on a necklace; a hijab; a kufi; a yarmulke? A Robert E. Lee license plate?

    I see one on a pick-up regularly parked in what is otherwise an uninterrupted line of cars flouting lefty views on bumper stickers. Is it Southern identity; or expressing respect for a much maligned honorable gentleman; or just an upraised middle finger to the Woke?

    Conceding the right of free speech maybe the issue is should we exercise that right indiscriminately, not caring who one offends?

    Though trying to emulate Mr. Bacon’s commendable balance in this article — maybe offending people is the only way to get things done. You don’t wear your cross, hijab, or yarmulke, rainbow flag; Pittsburg Steelers logo, because you don’t want to take sides; don’t want to wear a badge of identity; don’t want to get involved. Is that a kind of cowardice?

    A condundrum.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Your choice of words reveals your bias. You say that Hillel “caters” to the liberal/progressive students while Chabad “appeals” to conservative students. “Caters” has a derogatory connotation while “appeal” is a positive word.

    You fail to mention that Hillel is the largest Jewish sudent organization on the UVa campus.

    Despite your protestation, after reading your articles, one is likely to come away with the impression that UVa is seething with antisemitism and Jewish students are cowering in fear. This group, the largest Jewish student organization, has a different perspective. As they say in their letter to the Board, ” We acknowledge that antisemitism is a top concern at UVA, especially among parents, although it is not as widespread as some outside of the University community believe.”

    As for the quote from the organization that you cited regarding hate speech that had crossed the line, the organization concluded, “Nevertheless, we feel supported by the University’s administration in issues surrounding Jewish students around Grounds.”

    You express consternation that Jewish students no longer wear yarmulkes and Stars of David. How many of them wore them before all this started? On college campuses I have been on in recent years, and in the general population, I cannot recall seeing people wearing yarmulkes except during ceremonial occasions.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      ” “It saddens us to see concerted efforts to exploit Jewish students as pawns for political agendas. Such efforts threaten the safety and well-being of Jewish students.” “

      1. You are also a wise person, Larry.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      Not so long ago there was a place where wearing Stars of David was required. It was not a positive thing there.

    3. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      “Jewish students no longer wear yarmulkes!!!” The Baconator has spoken and none shall challenge that credibility.

      1. That would be an unlikely circumstance. {g}

    4. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      “‘Caters’ has a derogatory connotation while ‘appeal’ is a positive word.”


      I’ve noticed that Jim’s left eye is 4 millimeters higher than his right eye…what does that connote?

    5. I’m a UVA student. If there have been real instances of antisemitism on grounds, the perpetrators should be held accountable. In fact, I hope that the university will do everything in its power to hold accountable anyone who has directed antisemitic slurs at or physically assaulted Jewish students on grounds. However, BDS and chants such as “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” are not antisemitic, as the ADL claims.

      I, personally, haven’t seen evidence of or heard of any antisemitic incidents on grounds. The Jefferson Council claims it has evidence of students targeted simply for being Jewish. If this is the case, they should share it. If I’m not mistaken, one of the students who made and publicized similar claims is currently being investigated by the honor committee for lying.

      The main issue at hand, as you state, Dick, is the attempt to conflate BDS and criticism of Israel with antisemitism. Israel, a state established through the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, continues to maintain the longest ongoing military occupation in the world. It has rightfully become a pariah state, like apartheid South Africa in the 90s. According to Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, Israel engages in a brutal system of apartheid. And, today, according to the UN Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that it is engaged in acts of genocide. So, the attempts to conflate activism against Israel with antisemitism are attempts to silence speech, and they should not be taken seriously.

      On a different note, I hope that Jewish students feel comfortable proudly wearing yarmulkes, stars of David, or whatever else they’d like to wear. Jews are not responsible for the actions of Israel, and Israel doesn’t represent all Jews. Thank you.

    6. You are a wise person.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Wow! So that’s how it’s spelled. I thought it was “Covfefe”.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Do you have a bound and gagged Biden in your pickup bed?

    1. What do you mean a bound and gagged Biden? I’ve got the whole set…

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        It’s the 2024 version of his basement campaign, implemented mostly by his campaign staff. It is less damaging than turning him loose to speak.

        Did you see that yesterday he made up a story about his uncle being eaten by cannibals. No joke.

        On the other hand, the House Freedom Caucus has just established the Floor Action Response Team to sniff out feints contrary to their interests.

        Really, you can’t make this stuff up.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Biden ought to try that. He’d make more sense speaking while gagged than he does without a gag.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        You should be so lucky as to only have an impediment.

    3. Chip Gibson Avatar
      Chip Gibson

      I would not let Biden get anywhere near my pickup, gagged, bound, or otherwise…nor, his big honkin’ White House bunny rabbit friend…nor, the babbling geranium who speaks for him… My 35-year-old pick-up has been horse kicked, but it will never be sniffed by a demoperv.

  5. Teddy007 Avatar

    For those interested in energy policy in Virginia, Axios is doing a public event in Richmond in May.

    “Join Axios for an event in Richmond convening leaders in the energy and renewables industries for conversations considering how collaboration among consumers, government and industry can spearhead the future of energy consumption in Virginia and beyond.”

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Hmm. A date, but no time and place. Hard to know if I could go….I guess you register, see if they “approve” you, and then they report on the time and place…Not expecting balance from Axios. The media is providing the marching music as the lemmings head for the cliff.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        I never understand people who see a conspiracy in everything. It is 19 days away and they have not confirmed all of the details yet. And why wouldn’t one want to hear the other side in a forum where one can ask a question or talk to someone privately after the official event. That is a good way to learn somethigng.

  6. Meanwhile, Jewish students have stopped wearing yarmulkes, Stars of David or other ornamentation that would identify them as Jews.

    I think they should set aside whatever fears they may have and wear what they want to wear.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I tried that. Got me thrown out of the grocery store, and THEY are the ones who sold me the zucchini.

      1. And people say this is a free country…


    2. Yes, they should not be afraid to do so. All Jews are not responsible for the actions of Israel, just like all Muslims are not responsible for the actions of Saudi Arabia or ISIS.

  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “But the campus climate is not determined by the passive majority — it’s driven by a vocal minority…”

    This is simply untrue.

    “…of militants…”

    Militants…?… smh…

    “…who feel empowered to speak openly…”

    I thought the old TJC position was that everyone should feel empowered to speak openly…

    “… organize rallies and events…”

    How dare they?!

    “…flaunt their badges of pro-Palestinian identity…”

    So, Conservative Jews should be empowered to “flaunt their badges of identity” but not those who are pro-Palestinian… got it.

    “…dish out ethnic slurs, and ostracize the few students who openly proclaim their Judaism.”

    Both protected speech but neither of which you provide any evidence of actually happening.

    Par for the course these days round here…

  8. Lefty665 Avatar

    “we have heard chants exclaiming that “Jews are committing genocide.” … This kind of speech is hateful and crosses a line.”

    That kind of speech is not hateful. Israeli murder of more than 30,000 Palestinians in the last 6 months and driving around 2 million from their homes while starving them is hateful. It also happens to be both true and speech protected by the 1st Amendment. If that is crossing a line then perhaps we need more of it.

    What do these poor delicate snowflakes want as redress, repression of speech by UVa in violation of the Constitution? They could choose to join the group “Jews against Genocide” and get on the right side of the issue. Divesting Israeli investments would be both a far more rational and constitutional act by the university.

    1. Characterizing war as murder is Hamas propaganda. When Hamas does nothing to feed its citizens, and its leaders shelter in 5-star hotels in another country, it is not Israel’s responsibility. Hostages are still being held and 300 drones and missiles in one day are a message Israel cannot ignore. Your speech is hateful and crosses the line.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        War, what’s it good for? Absolutely nothing.

        Those of us who care about Israel’s survival advocate for pulling it back from the murderous self destructive course it is on. Israel is creating enemies faster than it can kill them. Hatefulness is encouraging Israel to dig itself ever deeper into the abyss.

        1. You. Could substitute Gaza and Hamas for Israel in your reply and be speaking the truth.

    2. I’ve attended the two demonstrations in support of Palestine. I never heard that chant. It would be wrong to chant “Jews are committing genocide,” as Israel doesn’t represent all Jews.

      I did, however, hear the chant, “Israel, you’re committing genocide.”

    3. Marty Chapman Avatar
      Marty Chapman

      Lefty, you have bandied this 30,000 “murdered” Palestinians claim for some time now. Is it your claim that every person killed in Gaza since Oct 7, has been “murdered”. Several hundred Israeli troops have, no doubt, died. Were they “murdered”?

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        It is pretty simple. All the dead Palestinian civilians were murdered, all 30,000+ of them. The escaped Israeli troops shot by the IDF were also murdered, as were several hundred Israeli civilians murdered by the IDF’s out of control acts on 10/7.

        There are also some dead Hamas fighters. They were not murdered. Nor were they martyred as far as I am concerned.

        It is open for debate whether the poorly trained, poorly led and undisciplined IDF troops who have been killed were murdered by Israeli failures to train, lead and discipline. It’s been more than 6 months and the IDF has not been able to beat a gaggle of troglodytes armed with AKs and RPGs. Shades of us in Afghanistan.

        1. Marty Chapman Avatar
          Marty Chapman

          alrighty then!

  9. Chip Gibson Avatar
    Chip Gibson

    And goodness sakes, just think how sad those peace-loving friends of Hamas in Iran must be after Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, France, and United States smashed all of their toys and missiles…

    1. Chip Gibson Avatar
      Chip Gibson

      Thankfully, Iran was not trying to hurt any Israelis with their aerial demonstration.

  10. In reply to Dick (a much wiser person than most of those who engage with this blog) –

    I’m a UVA student. If there have been real instances of antisemitism on grounds, the perpetrators should be held accountable. In fact, I hope that the university will do everything in its power to hold accountable anyone who has directed antisemitic slurs at or physically assaulted Jewish students on grounds. However, BDS and chants such as “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” are not antisemitic. This conflation, as Hillel pointed out, is harmful.

    I, personally, haven’t seen evidence of or heard of any antisemitic incidents on grounds. The Jefferson Council claims it has evidence of students targeted simply for being Jewish. If this is the case, they should share it. If I’m not mistaken, one of the students who made and publicized similar claims is currently being investigated by the honor committee for lying.

    The main issue at hand, as you state, Dick, is the attempt to conflate BDS and criticism of Israel with antisemitism. Israel, a state established through the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, continues to maintain the longest ongoing military occupation in the world. It has rightfully become a pariah state, like apartheid South Africa in the 90s. According to Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, Israel engages in a brutal system of apartheid. And, today, according to the UN Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that it is engaged in acts of genocide. So, the attempts to conflate activism against Israel with antisemitism are attempts to silence speech, and they should not be taken seriously.

    On a different note, I hope that Jewish students feel comfortable proudly wearing yarmulkes, stars of David, or whatever else they’d like to wear. Jews are not responsible for the actions of Israel, and Israel doesn’t represent all Jews. Thank you.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      dead on correct on the “conflation”. time to call it out.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Mercy oh thou son of David. Thus poor blind Bartimeus cried.

  11. Israel continues to occupy the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and East Jerusalem, the longest ongoing military occupation in the world. Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territory is illegal under international law. Palestinians, along with the entire Arab World through the Arab Peace Initiative, have accepted the international consensus of peace based on two sovereign states on 1967 borders.

    Yesterday, the US vetoed Palestine’s bid for full UN member status. It is the US and far right Netanyahu government are the obstacles to peace. In 2019, Netanyahu said, “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” adding that, “This is part of our strategy.”

    Recently, Netanyahu stated, “Citizens of Israel, Everyone knows that it was me who – for decades – has blocked the establishment of a Palestinian state that would endanger our existence. My position has been, and remains, clear. It has only been reinforced since the terrible massacre of October 7. In any case, with or without a permanent settlement, Israel will maintain full security control over all areas west of the Jordan River. Of course, this includes Judea and Samaria, and the Gaza Strip.”

    It seems to me that Israel and the United States’s positions can be summarized as, “from the river to the sea, only apartheid there shall be.”

    Peace can only be based on equal national rights and dignity for both peoples. Israel, at the moment, is likely engaged in genocide. Israel barely attempts to hide this reality.

    At the start of Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza, Israeli Minister Avi Dichter stated, “we’re rolling out Nakba 2023.” The Nakba refers to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, a systemic, organized crime that took place in order to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. In December, Minister Smotrich, the second most powerful minister in the Israeli government, made Israel’s intentions clear when he said, “What needs to be done in the Gaza Strip is to encourage emigration.” He added that Israel’s aim for the “day after” would be to have “be 100,000 or 200,000 Arabs and not 2 million” remaining in the Gaza Strip. His statements were never contradicted by Netanyahu or Israeli government spokespersons.

    The United States is knowingly facilitating, aiding, and engaged in genocide against a stateless civilian population in the world’s largest open air prison. Shame on us, and shame on anyone who justifies this atrocity.

    It’s clear that Israel’s goal is to make the Gaza Strip uninhabitable and either kill, starve, or drive out the Palestinians. Israel has already killed more children than had been killed in all the world’s conflict zones combined in the past four years. And, today, 80% of those facing phase 5 catastrophic levels of famine are in the Gaza Strip.

    Each day, child are starving to death daily in Northern Gaza, where Israel claims that it has full operational control. Once again, anyone with a shred of humanity and decency cannot continue to justify this atrocity.

    I am so proud that students at UVA are active in opposing the US’s military and diplomatic support to the genocidal apartheid state of Israel!

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      The irony is thick and inescapable.

      As a noncombatant, I find myself naturally drawn to the side of the noncombatant. This is a war on noncombatants. It’s terrorism — a two-sided state-sponsored act of terrorism.

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Somebody’s playing the race card… and it ain’t gonna wash.

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Somebody’s playing the race card… and it ain’t gonna wash.

  14. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    Next week is the “Week of Palestinian Transgender Visibility “.
    This will be an interesting week.

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