Keeping Up with Wokeness: “Indigiqueer”

Credit: Bing Image Creator, mutating COVID virus

by James A. Bacon

In the thought bubble of intersectional oppression, language mutates faster than COVID-19. It’s almost impossible for us normies to keep up. I consider it a point of professional pride to stay up to speed, but even I find it astonishing at how rapidly the woke mind virus is evolving.

Delving into the thinking of left-wing faculty at the University of Virginia introduced me to the idea of the United States as a product of “settler colonialism.” The ideology goes far beyond the assertion that European settlers in North America brought nothing but disease, war and dispossession of indigenous peoples. This strain of progressivism propagates a fairy-tale narrative that indigenous societies lived in concordance with progressives’ 21st-century fantasies.

As the oppression narrative has evolved, progressives now aim to “decolonize gender,” as part of a larger project of taking back power from the colonizers. That entails celebrating the “indigiqueer” of North American peoples who didn’t conform to Westerners’ gender binary. (Islamic conquerors imposed their gender binary upon indigenous societies of Africa, but progressives don’t lose much sleep over that.)

Yup, “indigiqueer” is now a word.

You can learn about it just by opening up your Microsoft Edge browser and viewing the algorithmically-driven news feed. This morning I was treated to, “What Does It Mean to ‘Decolonize’ Your Gender.”

I accept the idea that some indigenous societies had different ideas about gender. In Little Big Man, a 1970 movie starring Dustin Hoffman that highlighted the charlatanry and debauchery of White frontier society while romanticizing the life of the Plains Indians, an important secondary character was an effeminate male who took on a female role within Cheyenne society. Given how the movie was produced decades before the trans movement became a thing, I surmise that the role was based upon legitimate ethnographic reports.

But to depict indigenous societies as fairylands of gender justice is a bit too much. Indigenous societies warred with one another as frequently as European societies did. When given a chance, they slew the males and enslaved the women and children. Enslaved women were not treated as gender equals. They did the scut work of indigenous society. They were, to borrow the vocabulary of today, “oppressed.” But the history of indigenous slavery, enslavement, and slave-trading is whitewashed — or should I say “wokewashed”? — in progressives’ narratives.

The re-writing of history serves a modern-day purpose, of course, as the Decolonize-Your-Gender article makes clear.

From the movement for a free Palestine to the Puerto Rican crusade for independence to the push for Hawaiian sovereignty, taking back land and ancestral knowledge lies at the root of decolonial struggle. For Land Back, the decentralized movement for the sovereignty of Indigenous peoples, decolonization means “the reclamation of everything stolen from the original peoples: land, language, ceremony, food, education, housing, healthcare, governance, medicines, kinship.”

Only America’s pampered educated elites could advocate returning to the lifestyles and living standards of 15th-century, pre-Columbian society. Someone should survey America’s five million or so indigenous peoples to find out if that’s something they aspire to. I expect the overwhelming majority would just like to restore the dream — dare I call it the American dream? — of building a better life for themselves free from busybodies telling them what that life should be.

Dwelling upon and demanding restitution for ancient wrongs is a dead end. Sorry, descendants of slaves and indigenous peoples, no reparations for you. Sorry, descendants of Confederates whose homes and farms were destroyed in the Civil War, none for you either. Sorry, Southerners of all races immiserated by Northern tariff and banking policies. Sorry, farmers crucified on the cross of the gold standard. Sorry, coal miners and factory workers who labored in hellish conditions. The past is past. We are powerless to undo the wrongs done to, and inflicted by, our forebears.

Our goal should be forward looking: to maximize liberty; provide security, opportunity and uplift to all Americans; find and fix the flaws in our institutions; and adapt to the world’s ever-changing economic, technological, environmental, and threat conditions. If we can’t forgive and forget ancient grievances, we’ll find it impossible to build a better society today.

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34 responses to “Keeping Up with Wokeness: “Indigiqueer””

  1. Bill Theus Avatar
    Bill Theus

    Your next to the last paragraph is fabulous.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Yeah, he shredded that scarecrow…

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    would it matter?

  3. Bedfordboy Avatar

    You're the reparations advocate. Please enlighten us all how the calculations are made, who does the paying and who is entitled to receive payments. Are there offsets if a white ancestor was scalped at Little Bighorn or kidnapped and sold into slavery by the Moorish corsairs? Are there to be contributions by the African tribes who actually rounded up their fellow Africans and sold them to the slave traders? How do you factor in the daily harm minorities are doing to each other (check, e.g., Chicago crime stats for last weekend)?

    Your grand theories always seem to break down when you're pressed for details.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Where did I? When the indians took slaves did they institute Jim Crow laws when they were forced to free them? Crime stats? Want to weigh in on why? No theories.. just try to make sure we do get an accurate narrative at the front… when
      we say the oppression is "ancient"… sorta like all those indian slaves and such.

      1. Bedfordboy Avatar

        No further questions Your Honor.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I got one for you if willing.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Judge: Relevance objection is sustained…

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Tell the Haitians.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I spent the first 35 years trying colonize in as many locales as possible.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Noble work, glad you were up for it.

  6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    So, I clicked the link to the article and stopped in the first sentence when I discovered that there is such a thing as Native Tic Tok. They have been conquered again. This time by China. The writer claims to be a transmasculine Two Spirit. Had to look that one up. Almost broke my tricorder.

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: " Yup, indigiqueer is now a word."

    actually been a word for about 20 years, eh?

    "Indigiqueer is a pan-Indigenous term that celebrates a person's gender identity, expression, and sexual and romantic orientation as they relate to their indigeneity. It was created in 2004 by Thirza Cuthand (Plains Cree) to title the Vancouver Queer Film Festival's Indigenous/two-spirit program. Cuthand used the term to acknowledge that not all LGBTQIA+ Indigenous people identify with the term "two-spirit". Indigiqueer is a distinct identity from Two Spirit and LGBTQPAI+, and people can identify as Indigiqueer in addition to these other identities. For example, someone might identify as Indigiqueer and pansexual, or Indigiqueer and non-binary."

    I'm not much on it myself, but I consider it something that some folks do care about and so I give them due respect on it. Their perceived "heritage" is every bit as important as others.

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: " Dwelling upon and demanding restitution for ancient wrongs is a dead end."

    what if the "ancient wrongs" continued for decades or centuries and continue in some forms?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Like you actually care. You just want their votes for your team.

      Attended the Blackfriars Theater in Staunton Saturday night. The young actress doing the intro acknowledged the "indigenous" people of the region who had their land stolen. No indication they've given any of it back. No mention if they had also stolen it from somebody else before that… Then on to the tale of bloody conquest and greed and other immorality that usually underlies one of the Bard's evenings of entertainment. First seen in an Elizabethan England with an economy based on conquest and exploitation.

      This tripe was on sale in the lobby:

      On a perfect Saturday night, about 1/3 of the seats filled, 99.5% bought by us oppressors. I wonder why the seats are empty?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Why can they build casinos?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Because the mob has always needed front men. Trust me, the oppressors still get the biggest cut. 🙂

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            ah… so the mob got the US to do that?

      2. Not Today Avatar
        Not Today

        Because the show was stodgy, everywhere-done Shakespeare and not Hamilton?

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “Dwelling upon and demanding restitution for ancient wrongs is a dead end. Sorry, descendants of slaves and indigenous peoples, no reparations for you.”

      This is another straw man from this article. No evidence that any indigenous groups are calling for restitution was provided. It is being used to segue into a “just accept everything as it is and you will be fine” argument. It is the sort of thing often heard during the colonialism era.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        You are so correct about the strawmen.. geeze… it’s monotonous! Not calling for reparations, calling for honestly in the history and well as multi-generational damage that resulted and prejudice still with us today.
        Yes.. “slavery was bad, there was a lot it in a lot of places, but then it ended and everything was good and righteous and we have to stop dwelling stuff that is over”!

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        For Land Back, the decentralized movement for the sovereignty of Indigenous peoples, decolonization means “the reclamation of everything stolen from the original peoples: land, language, ceremony, food, education, housing, healthcare, governance, medicines, kinship.”

        How is getting your land back not a form of reparation?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Reparation is not about stolen land is it?

          " the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury. "

          Native American actually own land and regulate it apart from the States including the ability to put casinos on it.

          The other "problem" was that Native Americans were not considered "Americans" nor had the full rights of "Americans" during the formation of America. That's what "colonization" is really about. It's way more than "taking land".

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Reparation is not about stolen land is it?

          " the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury. "

          Native American actually own land and regulate it apart from the States including the ability to put casinos on it.

          The other "problem" was that Native Americans were not considered "Americans" nor had the full rights of "Americans" during the formation of America. That's what "colonization" is really about. It's way more than "taking land".

  9. Chip Gibson Avatar
    Chip Gibson

    Yankee carpetbaggers travelling from Delaware to Old Virginia.

  10. VirginiaGroyper Avatar

    Maybe if we just ask nicely they’ll forget about their grievances 🙄

  11. AngloVirginian Avatar

    Oppressor? I hardly know ‘er!

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Roanoke. Gettier. $10M defamation and $10M Virginia “insulting words” statute lawsuits filed against Youngkin School Board screamer. Apparently, a teacher objects to have been labeled by name as a “groomer for pedophiles” by a fellow (Gettier) too woefully, and willfully, uneducated enough to know not to use real names in your Right Wingnut conspiracy theories.

    “And that, children, is how you can tell a real prostitute from a police decoy. Don’t forget tomorrow’s test.”

  13. KnowNothing Avatar

    The Indians had been stealing land from each other, violently, for hundreds of years before Europeans showed up. I doubt they ever did a “land acknowledgment,” unless it was to brag about their conquests. Some perspective:

  14. Lefty665 Avatar

    I never knew that colons varied by gender.

  15. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “But to depict indigenous societies as fairylands of gender justice is a bit too much.”

    No one did. This is your straw man.

    Why does this topic rile the Right so much? This movement actually seems to have a point that you even begrudgingly acknowledge. They pose no threat to you all yet you feel compelled to attack them relentlessly.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Exactly what I thought also.. WHY is this such a thing with the right? It's similar to their earlier problems with homosexuality and it seems to be rooted in concern about others who are "different" in various ways, including culture… it's like an aversion to diversity itself.

  16. StarboardLift Avatar

    Rapid, yes. Someone at Northrop Grumman shared with me these options from which one picks in the Pronoun section:


    No typos. Help?

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