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Keeping State Roads Clean and Clear

Phew! Between the flow of stories from three days worth of Commonwealth Transportation Board meetings and the eruption of the Cville Bypass cost-estimate controversy, its been crazy here at the Rebellion. I’ve got a couple more stories to file from the CTB conclave and a couple of press releases to attend to but, frankly, I need a break from transportation. I will leave you with some random facts presented at the CTB meeting yesterday and then turn to other subjects.

Number of potholes patched by the Virginia Department of Transportation in fiscal 2011: 108,203.

Acres of grass along state roads and highways mowed: 159,000.

Number of stranded motorists assisted by safety service patrols: 53,300.

Dead animals removed from state roads: 12,000 … at a cost of $3.9 million, working out to an average of $325 per critter.


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