Keep Your Eye on Virginia, Mr. Youngkin

Glenn Youngkin addressing the Nebraska Republican Party convention. Photo credit: Nebraska Republican Party by way of the Nebraska Examiner.

by James A. Bacon

The buzz in the national media about Governor Glenn Youngkin’s national political aspirations is reaching a cicada-like crescendo. Over the weekend, Virginia’s Governor spoke to the Nebraska Republican Party at the invitation of Cornhusker Governor Pete Rickets. As the Nebraska Examiner put it, “Many conservatives see Youngkin’s win in Virginia as a model for harnessing the energy of base voters who love former President Donald Trump, without turning off suburban voters, who do not. ”

Youngkin has been coy about his intentions. “I think that there’s a lot of speculation around presidential stuff, and therefore my head’s down, I’m paying attention to Virginia,” he told the Examiner. “I’m helping out other governors.”

Youngkin may have a winning political formula that could play well across the country. I don’t know. But I do know there’s something he does not have: a proven track record at governing.

I’ve been encouraged by what he has said and done so far, but the first six months in office for a Virginia governor don’t tell you much. Youngkin stepped into office days before the 2022 General Assembly came into session. He was handed a budget by outgoing Governor Ralph Northam, and lawmakers were dealing with bills that had been in the works for months. As is true with every incoming Virginia governor, he could only tinker at the margins.

The next 12 months will tell tale of how good he is at governing.

The Virginia electorate closely resembles the racial/ethnic/demographic mix of the United States. The state legislature in Virginia, like the U.S. Congress, is closely divided between Democrats and Republicans. Like the U.S., Virginia has developed an iron triad in which the Democratic Party, advocacy groups expert in lawfare, and a mainstream media committed to “social justice” now dominate the public discourse. The Left has the power to frame the issues that command public attention.

Thus, to give but one example, a 2021 traffic stop and tasing of an African-American motorist in the Town of Windsor (in which no one was injured and the driver was let off without a ticket) warranted far more media attention than newly released 2021 Crime in Virginia data documenting the second year of a homicide surge that killed African-Americans in vastly disproportionate numbers. The traffic stop fit the media’s systemic-racism narrative, the homicide data did not.

If Youngkin can enact his agenda in the teeth of opposition from media, Democrats, a phalanx of Leftist lawfare warriors, and partisan state employees leaking grievances to friendly media — the same handicaps Republicans contend with nationally — he can demonstrate that he may have the chops to do so nationally. But until he can prove himself, he’s just another fresh face. Right now, he needs to focus 100% of his attention on getting things done in Virginia.

Youngkin follows a long line of Virginia governors who have entertained fantasies of presidential office — Doug Wilder, George Allen, Jim Gilmore, Mark Warner, Tim Kaine, and Terry McAuliffe. Only Kaine came close.

News flash: Virginia may be the mother of presidents, but it’s been a long time since a Virginian won the presidency. From the perspective of national politics, we’re just another state. At least the aforementioned Virginia governors had records of proven accomplishment they could run on. Youngkin doesn’t have that yet. Please finish out your term, Governor. Virginians elected you to win the battles here at home.

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34 responses to “Keep Your Eye on Virginia, Mr. Youngkin”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    Since the signing of the bills to law is over, he has some free time. He is not the only one who stumps for others. Its not out of hand yet. Some of what you indicate are issues are handled by his staff.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    If Too Tall Glenn is too busy to govern, I know somebody who would love to have a crack at leading our great state.

    1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      You got that right!!

  3. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

    I have always thought that the best candidates for president come from the gubernatorial ranks. They have executive experience, something the “average” senatorial candidate does not have. Seven sitting governors have been elected president, and five of them were elected in a bunch, beginning with Hayes, Cleveland, McKinley, Wilson, and FDR. (Only 12 years separate Wilson from FDR.) A half-century later, Clinton and Bush II joined the list.

    The drawback on running as governor, it would seem to me, is name recognition. Senatorial candidates dominate the media.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      All 6 months of it.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Palin didn’t have much more experience as gov than that when she got on the ticket with McCain…

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          As a pig with lipstick.

          Some people claim that McCain voted not to repeal Obamacare as a thumb in the eye to Trump. I say that above all he loved America. McCain threw the election rather than let that woman anywhere near the White House. Like a doctor, he buried his mistakes.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Actually, if the greedy b*stards had not crashed the world’s financial system between the conventions and the election we’d likely be in Palin’s second term now. McCain and Palin were rapidly closing the gap on Obama and Biden until the collapse turned the world upside down. I’d say that McCain loved himself above all.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      I’m not sure it qualifies as the “best” candidates but it is significant that currently at least 10% of the nations governors are dipping their toes in the presidential waters. ’24 could be quite a frolic.

      Some of us have been bitching for a long time that the Dems, going back three decades to at least Clinton, have done little to nothing to develop a bench of upcoming candidates.

      The generation behind the boomers is bare unless you count Beto or Buttigeig as hot prospects. The following generation with AOC and Chelsea ain’t looking so good either.

      The Repubs have their own problems.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Of course the downside to his aspirations is that he will do to Virginia whatever makes him popular in Arizona, Kansas, South Carolina… and we get the bone.

  5. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    In Virginia, it is hard to run for POTUS and serve a restricted four year term as Governor. Alligators from every which way but loose. Plus, there is that pesky control of Senate and House that is so close to turnover at every election.

    Trumpsters may not have as much influence with the final outcome of the congressional hearing for Jan 6 approaching. It isn’t meant to have Trump convicted in court, only in the eyes of the people.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Ain’t nothing restricted about Presidential fever. If Trump remains worthy in the eyes of some, more money should be poured into vision and cognition health. What Jan 6 Committee is instructing is the depth to which the narcissist was willing to go and corrupt others along the way. I’m in favor of his candidacy in 2024.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    Weird, he goes to a solidly Red state to tell them how the GOP can win.

    And yep, he’s doing the culture war thing… CRT, transgender, voting security, law/order, Higher Ed freedom of speech, tuition costs, meritocracy, and more.

    JAB worries about the MSM and embedded “leftists” but the GOP and Youngkin think they have winning issues because they will pull the independents and some suburban voters like Youngkin did.

    STILL, going to Nebraska to tell Nebraskans how to go RED is obviously not why he’s there at all.

    If the Va GA goes Red in Nov, watch Youngkin sail!

    He’ll run as DeSantis LITE!

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Mussolini Heavy.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        “Tuition costs” is a culture war issue, Larry?

        It is not going anywhere and the phase will eventually pass.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          yep, the leftist higher ed folks raise tuition so they can give low cost scholarships to folks of color who would not normally quality on grades or income.

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            That’s about 10% of the recent increases. 🙂 That’s the cover story!

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          I don’t think he heard you. Pushed the wrong “reply” button there, Bubba.

          Whaddya know, he heard you.

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Ya takes yer soap box where you find it. Youngthing is perfect foil for VP candidacy for GOP to demonstrate “balance” and inclusiveness.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    It’s as close to going to Iowa as you can get to going to Iowa without actually going to Iowa — the State that holds the 1st primary that’s as close to a primary without actually being a primary — to give a speech that’s as evasive as you can give about national aspirations and still be as gooey mushy as you really are.

    Pretty evasive and noncommittal on FTN too.

    1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

      Iowa is awesome. I will be at the Iowa State Fair — the nation’s best and largest state fair — on August 15. Headlining the entertainment that night is a 93-year-old guitar picker named Leroy Van Dyke. Without looking, can anyone here tell me the name of his top two hits?

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        No, but neither can I imagine being able to pick at 93 not to mention getting out and gigging. That’s astonishing.

        1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

          Thanks for replying, Lefty. Leroy had big hits with “The Auctioneer” in ’56 and “Walk on By” in ’61.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Please report back on how it goes. Amazing that he’s still out there. I remember “Walk on By”, but guess I was too young for “The Auctioneer”.

          2. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

            Will do!

  8. VaPragamtist Avatar

    Every 4 years its the same song-and-dance about Virginia governors. There’s always talk about the VA governor running for president because in the year before midterms, only VA and NJ have gubernatorial races. They’re arguably the most impactful partisan races in the post-presidential off year. And because (except for McAuliffe), the governor’s mansion has always gone to the party opposite the White House since the 1960’s, it creates more media excitement.

    Mostly the talk is just that–talk. Some supporters and staff might get giddy at the prospect, especially fresh off a win, but it takes much more to make that jump from gov to viable presidential candidate.

    Kaine was the exception, largely because of well-placed and cultivated political connections (especially Mike Henry). The writing was on the wall for Kaine as VP in 2016 from at least 2007. The only threat to that scenario was the potential to split the Virginia vote if Bob McDonnell ran or was tapped as a VP pick (a very real prospect until he became radioactive as the result of a federal investigation that Neil MacBride wasn’t moving on. . .but of course Neil MacBride suddenly resigned, soon after which Dana Boente immediately announced charges), but I digress. . .

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I think Youngkin and the current GOP messaging is real.

      Dems are, once again, not going to turn out and the GOP is running on culture war steroids scooping up independents and suburban women.

      1. VaPragamtist Avatar

        Let me clarify: the hype and hope are always real. And the post-presidential, pre-midterm gubernatorial election gives the gov significant attention. But that attention historically wanes after the midterm when everyone starts throwing their hat in the ring.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          pending any scandal or other disaster, I think Youngkin has legs and if the Va Ga flips in the mid terms, he’ll be cooking with gas as they say.

          The Dems are in a funk and busy chewing on each other.

          1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

            I still say “cooking with gas.” If it weren’t for b/w movies shown on the Turner Classic Movie Channel, I wouldn’t be talking at all.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hey Youngkin! Practice your “Watch me mimic DeSantis’ every move” routine now. And ask Pence what it’s like to be 2nd banana for a jerk.

  10. Lefty665 Avatar

    If the Va GA goes Red in Nov, watch Youngkin sail!

    Hate to break it to you Larry, but the Va GA is not up for election in November. The prospects for it going Red or Blue in November are very slim. The next GA elections are in 2023 (that is next year).

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      True, unless the Fed court rules in favor of the challenge to the 2020 district boundaries.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        I was commenting on Larry’s repeated assertions about GA elections in November.

        Ain’t nobody in Virginia (except Larry) expecting a GA election in Virginia this year.

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