Kasey Meredith Makes History at VMI

Kasey Meredith made national headlines yesterday when she became the first woman in the Virginia Military Institute’s 182-year history to serve as regimental commander of the Corps of Cadets. She will be responsible to the commandant of cadets for the training, discipline, health, welfare and morale of the corps.

“The great thing about VMI is it pushes you to do what you’re capable of,” Meredith said, according to the Roanoke Times. “I shot for every opportunity that I had. It’s amazing to see the way I’ve grown here.”

VMI is not for snowflakes. That makes it almost unique among all higher-ed institutions in the United States. Meredith, a Navy brat like myself, is planning a career in the U.S. Marine Corps. Thank goodness for VMI. We don’t need snowflakes in the military. We need warriors and leaders.


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15 responses to “Kasey Meredith Makes History at VMI”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Congratulations to Kasey. Regimental commander. Wow! I marvel how the cadets have remained focused and disciplined in what has been the most challenging time at VMI in over 160 years. I am not surprised. I expected this. It is the way of the institute.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Wow! How long have they been co-ed again?

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      I shall turn my rebuttal over to Colonel Potter.

  3. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Semper Fi Kasey!

    Curious how VMI could be so supportive and hospitable to a female like Kasey Meredith yet at the same time so “systemically racist” to black cadets as is claimed in the existing lawsuit. I’d offer that this is yet more proof that the lawsuit is bogus, a duplicitous construct of the Progressive Far Left that has taken over Virginia’s Governor’s Office, House, and Senate. This cabal just wants to destroy a superb state military college while further eradicating traditions that have existing there for almost 200 years through the narrow lens of revisionist history and the cancel culture.

    The lawyers representing VMI in this lawsuit should call on VMI Regimental Commander Kasey Meredith as one of its star witnesses to attest to VMI’s positive and unique culture.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Maybe she’s cute?

      1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

        Nancy Naive, so it’s OK to make condescending sexist comments toward a female if you assume she’s conservative? You’re a hypocrite.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Nah, only if there’s a chance it’ll freak out someone who voted for Grab-a-Crotch Trump

          1. The actual quote was:
            And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.

            Bush: Whatever you want.

            Trump: Grab them by the p****. You can do anything.

            Bush: Yeah those legs, all I can see is the legs.

            Any High School football player who’s scored a touchdown knows this.
            And then those girls go on to be housewives or maybe move out to Hollywood where their particular talents land them roles in pictures or on ‘The Apprentice’. Just ask Harvey Weinstein.

            Or are you really naïve?

            Oh, and furthermore, congratulations to the young lady, being responsible for the “training, discipline, health, welfare and morale of the corps”. lines up with a skillset she was born with; being a mother.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            That’s two on the same bait.

          3. Catchy phrase but like most things you write… No substance.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    So I have to ask , is this just more “virtue signaling” to keep the “reformers” happy?

    The treatment of blacks is not that different than the treatment of women for many years – just that women managed to escape some of it sooner but not completely. If you look at things like pay for the same work, or representation as leaders and CEOs, etc, they’re way better than the past but still not completely caught up.

    I congratulate the Woman for attaining that leadership role and more power to her and more like her from now on.

    And some history:

    ” VMI, which fought through the courts for six years to avoid coeducation, was ordered in 1996 by the U.S. Supreme Court to admit women or go private.”

    ” In 1968, the country was in the middle of the Vietnam War and Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated.

    It was also the year the first five black cadets at Virginia Military Institute was admitted, the first being Harry Gore Jr.

    “I hated VMI for three years,” said Gore.

    The young man from Hampton says he didn’t know what to expect.

    “Holy cow what did I get myself in to,” said Gore. “

    1. owen dunlap Avatar
      owen dunlap

      Larry – this just in — the school is set up to push you and make you feel not wanted ( all races and sexes) – its an adversarial system. VMI fought so hard to remain single sex as it felt it was a key part of the whole experience. And it was a key part of the experience — VMI may be a better school because of the change – but for sure different than when it was single sex. VMI was so late to accept black cadets because the state in general and society at the time was racist – yes/ look it up 50 yrs ago the south and the country in general had a strong portion of the citizens think that segregation was best.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Well, as you point out, the “adversarial system” was NOT open to all equally.

        And yes, enrollment was dealt with 50 years ago, NOT because VMI and it’s leaders felt the time had come to do it but because they were FORCED and even after that – there has been resistance and indications that even after admittance, equality of opportunity may not be the same for women or blacks and THAT’S WHY it’s “big” news, that WOW – a Women has been appointed – with the emphasis not exactly on her qualifications, just that she’s a woman!

        I’m quite sure there are still those (who now fear the “cancel culture” who feel otherwise but keep quiet!

        We very much still have a sexist and racist society – truth be known. It’s much , much less so, but it’s still there but cloaks itself in how it speaks.

        1. Larry you are correct writing, “We very much still have a sexist and racist society – truth be known.”

          One respondent immediately assumed Cadet Meredith earned her position for her looks.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well I don’t know but most of the hoopla , the reason it made the “news” was her gender, not her looks.

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