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Kaine’s CTB: A Little Old, A Little New

Gov. Timothy M. Kaine has finally announced his appointments for Commonwealth Transportation Board seats that expired June. Two of the five appointments are reappointments: Mary Lee Carter, a former chair of the Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisors, and John J. “Butch” Davies, a Culpeper attorney and former member of the House of Delegates.

Bringing new perspectives are:

Kaine is to be credited for appointing three new individuals who bring strong areas of expertise and a variety of new perspectives to the CTB. Here’s how the Governor is spinning the appointments:

These public servants demonstrate our Administration’s continued commitment to innovation and reform that will help us maintain Virginia’s reputation as a national leader,” Governor Kaine said. “With the addition of VDOT Commissioner David Ekern, we are assembling a team of individuals who share practical, front-line experience in the critical linkage between local land use decisions and state transportation planning.

My gut reaction: If Kaine wanted a true change of thinking on the board, he would have selected five new appointees, not three. Of the three newbies, only Schwartz is likely to challenge Business As Usual head-on. (I say that based only on the formal credentials of the appointees. I know nothing about their personal philosophies, and am willing to stand corrected.)

Based on the contents of the press release, I see this as a cautious step in the right direction, not a dramatic departure from the old way of doing things. Can anyone else lend any insight?

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