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The Kaine Mutiny

Is Gov. Timothy M. Kaine’s political future being destroyed by his support for Dominion Virginia Power’s plans for a $1.8 billion coal-fired plant in Wise County?

You may not read about it the mainstream state newspapers, but it’s all over the Democratic Blogosphere and even The Wall Street Journal. Fervor over greenhouse gases has reached such a hot temperature that Kaine’s erstwhile supporters are trashing him for backing the plant proposed by Dominion which has given him up to $230,000 in political contributions.

While backing the Virginia City Hybrid Energy Center, which would be among the top air polluters in the state when built, he is also pushing a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the state 30 percent by 2025.

Is this Inconvenient Truth going to end Kaine’s political future which not long ago was so bright that he was talked about as a vice presidential nominee? Does this show that old-style politics in Virginia, that of cronyism and big corporate political funding, still rules? Some Democrats think so. Hence, “The Kaine Mutiny.”

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