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Kaine Establishes Sub-Cabinet on Community Investment

Gov. Timothy M. Kaine has issued an executive order establishing a Sub-Cabinet on Community Investment tasked with the goal of promoting “smart, sustainable growth” by ensuring that state funds are invested in projects that reduce “suburban sprawl.”

“Virginia loses 165 acres every day to development, and while we welcome growth and economic success, it is paramount that we grow in a wise and sustainable way with an eye towards conservation,” said Kaine in a press release. “The Sub-Cabinet on Community Investment will prioritize the state’s investments to make sure we protect Virginia’s precious natural resources for present use and future needs.”

The Sub-Cabinet’s will destribute grants, loans, matching funds and other discretionary funds to “incentivize desirable growth.” The press release identified the following principles:

“The Commonwealth will seek to invest in projects that promote compact development, consume less land, conserve open space, and minimize the negative social, economic, and environmental consequences of sprawl,” stated the press release.

The Executive Order is an outgrowth of an internal policy summit, facilitated by the Governor’s Institute on Community Design, which recommended policies for sustainable growth and open space preservation in the Commonwealth. The Institute is chaired by former Maryland Governor Parris Glendening.

“States that have been successful in protecting their natural resources, developing vibrant communities and improving mobility for their citizens have done so by encouraging cross-departmental collaboration,” said Governor Glendening. “The array of issues states face in addressing the impacts of growth and development demand such coordination and I commend Governor Kaine for taking this important step.”

The Sub-Cabinet will be chaired by Secretary of Natural Resources L. Preston Bryant, and consist of Secretary of Administration Viola O. Baskerville, Secretary of Commerce and Trade Patrick O. Gottschalk, Secretary of Finance Jody M. Wagner, and Secretary of Transportation Pierce R. Homer.

Bacon’s bottom line: This sounds like a positive step in the right direction, although the devil is always in the details. One thing that appears to be missing from the list of state “tools” for discouraging sprawl is transportation funding. I haven’t had a chance to read the Executive Order yet, so I shall refrain from further comment.

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