Is DOJ’s Focus on Healthcare Monopolies Coming to Virginia?

by James C. Sherlock

The Acting head of the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division, Richard A. Powers, yesterday delivered a speech that described the Justice Department’s new goals, strategies and resources for criminal antitrust enforcement.

The clouds have darkened over Virginia’s healthcare monopolies.

The Commonwealth. Virginia has failed in its duty to oversee its healthcare industry.  The full extent of that failure has been detailed in previous columns.

It has failed in two major ways:

  1. The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) has been captured by the healthcare provider industry that it regulates. Indeed VDH has been actively complicit in industry evasion of antitrust statutes through its administration of Certificate of Public Need (COPN) law.
  2. The Commonwealth’s regulatory structure has a strategic vulnerability. Neither the VDH that regulates providers nor the State Corporation Commission that regulates insurers can adequately oversee integrated health care delivery and insurance companies to prevent or detect what amount to internal conspiracies in restraint of trade. In the wrong hands, integrated provider monopolies and regionally powerful insurers can serve as weapons against competitors to both.

Federal antitrust authorities

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)  warned the General Assembly six years ago that the Commonwealth, through VDH administration of COPN, was blocking their ability to enforce federal antitrust law.

Anyone who bet that the federal government would let that situation continue appear to have lost. Both the FTC and DOJ will pursue aggressively civil remedies against abusive monopolies.

But only DOJ can bring criminal charges.

Mr. Powers has led the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division’s Criminal Program for more than three years.

DOJ leadership has felt stymied for decades by federal judicial rulings that gave deference to states to regulate healthcare monopolies that they themselves had crafted under COPN laws. Virginia may be the worst offender.

DOJ and FTC appear ready to test state action doctrine in court.

New law – new antitrust opportunity. New in 2021 is a federal law, Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act of 2020. The Act amended the McCarran-Ferguson Act to clarify that, except for certain activities that improve health insurance services for consumers, the conduct of health insurers is subject to the antitrust laws.

Both DOJ and the FTC can pursue convictions against the perpetrators of anticompetitive activities who have wielded vertically integrated combinations of healthcare delivery monopolies and healthcare insurance companies illegally to limit competition. State action did not create those combinations.

New DOJ prosecutorial resources. Historically DOJ’s Antitrust Division has suffered a shortage of prosecutorial resources. No Longer. Mr. Powers said that subsequent to the President’s EO on antitrust enforcement, additional experienced prosecutors have been transferred to the Antitrust Division from other offices in DOJ.

Health care is the focus of enforcement. Health care was clearly the industry to which the President directed the EO, and the only one to which Mr. Powers repeatedly referred in his remarks.

He discussed corporate compliance programs.

“While effective compliance programs prevent crime, they also allow early detection if a violation nonetheless occurs. A company with a robust compliance program will be more easily able to identify the misconduct and bring it to our attention, including giving us the evidence we need to make determinations about its responsible individuals. That early detection and cooperation may very well allow the company to qualify for leniency.

At this point, it is useful for us to identify the potential targets of DOJ action in Virginia. Two questions will lead us to the answer:

  1.  Which of Virginia’s regional healthcare monopolies do not have “robust compliance programs?” And
  2. Which are vertically integrated healthcare delivery and health insurance corporations?

Compliance programs.

The two extremes of compliance programs among Virginia’s regional monopolies appear to be Inova and Sentara.

Inova shows evidence in its corporate structure and the oversight of its holding company and two operating components by separate independent boards that it is serious about antitrust compliance.

Sentara’s governance structure begs the question of whether board oversight is a priority, or even possible. One independent board oversees the holding company. The “boards” of the operating companies are run by corporate executives.

The evidence from Sentara’s various scandals has made it clear for a long time that complexity of its structures, including its healthcare and health insurance businesses, a mix of 60 or so different companies, cannot be adequately overseen by a single board at the holding-company level.

The advice to large healthcare conglomerates on antitrust compliance comes from their legal shops. I will assume that lawyers for all of Virginia’s regional monopolies know antitrust law and provide good advice.

But corporate lawyers can only advise, not direct.

Vertically integrated health insurance and healthcare companies. Virginia has two vertically integrated healthcare provider and health insurance companies — Sentara/Optima and Centra/Piedmont Community Health Plan. The other provider monopolies have joint ventures with independent insurers.

Centra/Piedmont to my knowledge has not shown the same anticompetitive aggressiveness as Sentara and, with four hospitals, is likely not a big enough fish even if it has.

Is Sentara a target of DOJ? That leaves Sentara in the spotlight. Its recent actions give evidence that it knows it.

First, Sentara bailed out of the Cone Health merger under pressure from the North Carolina Attorney General. It would not be surprising if the new Justice Department focus on healthcare antitrust was part of that pressure.

Second, three weeks ago Virginia’s ex-Secretary of Finance Aubrey Lane stepped into the newly created role of Chief of Staff at Sentara. That could be read as a strategy to prepare a successor to the current CEO with no history with the company in case it needs to deal with the Justice Department seeking leniency.

We’ll see.

In the meantime, I recommend Sentara restructure its board oversight to something resembling a concern for antitrust compliance.

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9 responses to “Is DOJ’s Focus on Healthcare Monopolies Coming to Virginia?”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    The canary case will be Luxottica, if. Sentara has naught to worry until then.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      They seem to be having some ongoing trouble in Europe, but didn’t they receive anti-trust clearance from the U.S. in 2018 for their merger with/acquisitions of Essilor?

      Or are they up to something new?

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You may prove right, but I don’t think so.

      The White House characterized the focus of the E.O. as follows:

      “Announces a policy that enforcement should focus in particular on labor markets, agricultural markets, healthcare markets (which includes prescription drugs, hospital consolidation, and insurance), and the tech sector.”

      As for the company itself, even after merging with Essilor, the combined EssilorLuxottica still has larger competitors, led by Walmart (WMT) and Costco (COST) vision centers. Most of the brands each sells are from EssilorLuxottica competitors.

      Luxxotica has Target’s eye centers among the big three retailers.

      Direct-to-consumer only online competitors include EyeBuyDirect, Zenni Optical, Liingo Eyewear, GlassesUSA and Warby Parker.

      Warby Parker is the leader in that market. It is also noticeably philanthropic.

      Hard to categorize EssilorLuxottica in the eyewear business as a bigger deal for DOJ than regional monopolization in the healthcare and health insurance industries.

      Pretty sure the White House doesn’t want to see headlines about DOJ suing because Oakley or Michael Kors glasses cost too much.

  2. Jim, speaking of Aubrey Layne’s leap from Sec. Finance to Sentara, did you pick up on the fact that VCU’s CFO, Melinda Hancock, has joined Sentara as chief administrative officer?

    1. Super Brain Avatar
      Super Brain

      Sentara wanted a hospital in Danville but had to settle for a clinic in Chatham Gretna. Would have been a god send to Danville.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Sentara would never get a COPN to build a new hospital in Danville.

        It’s only alternative would be to acquire SOVAH Health’s Danville and Martinsville hospitals.

        Sovah Health – Danville is a 250-bed hospital. It is the second largest employer in the City of Danville.

        SOVAH is profitable, in considerable part because SOVAH Danville serves as the regional medical center for the SOVAH hospital in Martinsville. The high profit cases from Martinsville are referred to Danville.

        So a buyer would have to purchase both. The value of the two together is worth far more than each individually.

        Hard to see SOVAH selling at a price that Sentara would be willing to pay for hospitals in a very poor region of the state with a declining population.

        Then there is the antitrust issue. Since the purchase would not constitute a COPN award, the feds could be counted on to intervene to stop it.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I did not. Thanks.

      I note that a picture of Megan Perry, Sentara’s Corporate Vice President for Mergers and Affiliations, still appears on their website.

      But, then, Aubrey Lane’s picture is not up yet.

  3. […] Sherlock’s July 23 column highlights the recent speech by Assistant Attorney General Richard Powers, acting head of Justice’s Antitrust Division. […]

  4. […] As writer James Sherlock noted in a column in Bacon’s Rebellion, “The clouds have darkened over Virginia’s healthcare monopolies.” […]

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