No Republican Says “Pregnant Persons”, WaPo

By Steve Haner

There is no way House Republican spokesman Garren Shipley used the term “pregnant person” in discussing the ongoing campaign debate over the abortion issue with a Washington Post reporter. The reporter or an editor intentionally broke up his quote to insert the now politically correct term in a recent story.

Here is the paragraph, with a highlight to show the direct and indirect portions of the quote:

“Voters have a very distinct choice,” said Garren Shipley, spokesman for the House Republican Caucus, which paid for what he called a “six-figure” ad campaign. “Republicans have been absolutely clear from the get-go” that they favor a 15-week limit with exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the pregnant person, he said. “But Democrats can’t give you a straight answer about what they want to do.”

Shipley would have referred to the life of the mother or the life of the woman. But, no, The Washington Post could not even use those terms in a direct quote in today’s environment. In woke Post land, people who are not women, who are not born with wombs, can carry unborn children.

The story focused on a new GOP-sponsored 30-second broadcast ad also tied to a website, and having the Post cover the development at all was a boost to Shipley’s team. The story concedes Democrats are less clear about their intentions. That one issue is already dominating the airwaves, with both sides accusing the other of blatantly lying about their plans if given control of the legislature.

The truth is there are some Republicans who want a total ban, but nowhere near enough to pass that, or even a six-week bill. Even a 15- or 20-week bill might not pass with GOP control. There are some Democrats who favor reducing or ending the requirements that are now imposed on late-term abortions, and they put in a 2019 bill and have proposed constitutional amendments that quite clearly did exactly that. But again, there may not be enough Democrats in favor of killing late-term unborn babies to pass such a bill, as the short patron list from 2019 demonstrates.

Of course, the 2024 Assembly will have many new faces on both sides. Voters who care about this are right to press the candidates for positions or to press incumbents about their past votes.

Brace yourselves for an October of conflict and confusion on this issue. But shame on The Washington Post for once again putting ideological posturing ahead of basic biology. Remember that the next time some Democrat lectures you about following the science. Why do women put up with this insult that denies them their superpower?

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53 responses to “No Republican Says “Pregnant Persons”, WaPo”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “The story concedes Democrats are less clear about their intentions.”

    And given recent recordings of candidates speaking honestly (for once), Republicans are less than honest about their true intentions.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I stand by my basic premise. Barring a huge change in the Assembly, which nobody predicts, the votes are not there to ban abortion and the votes are not there to open up unrestricted third trimester abortions. A GOP majority might get enough votes for a 15-week bill, but one that allows the same opportunities for a later procedure under the rules that already exist for abortions in the third trimester. Why don’t Democrats just say, “we support current law?” Because many of them do want to see it more open in the later weeks, and they dare not alienate that faction.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Why not just leave it for now? We have a perfectly good law now.

      2. Could it perhaps be that they really want the issue and the energy it gives their campaigns more than late term abortions?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          And could it be Republicans make their traction claiming that Democrats want to forego the forceps for a fork at birth?

        2. Matt Adams Avatar

          What you described is exactly why it was never codified in 50 years. If you don’t have anything to stir the base with hyperbole, you don’t have voters.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    Most Dems supported Roe. I saw no big movement to make abortion less restricted.

    Things changed with the SCOTUS killing Roe and the GOP basically running amok to increase restrictions and bans.

    And the GOP found out that they totally misread the voters – AGAIN!

    Now they fear being tagged for their abortion stances that they will likely try to advance if they can unless they lose so they’re playing hide and seek games and claiming it’s the Dems who are trying to “undo” current abortion law.

    Do we trust the GOP on abortion?

    The real irony is that from what I understand 3rd trimester abortions are truly rare and almost always with serious complications. There is no “baby killing” except in the conservative rhetoric.

    This goes right back to whether or not a candidate is going to represent voters or represent his/her own morality/ideology IMO. You know when they’re doing what the GOP does on some issues, what that answer is and while some voters will get misled, many will not.

    If you want more abortion restrictions – vote GOP!

  3. Garren Shipley Avatar
    Garren Shipley

    Thank you, Steve. You are indeed correct. I certainly did not say “pregnant person.” I said “mother.”

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      They really are not going to print the term “mother” because that concedes the point that the entity losing its life is a “child.”

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        This coincides with the fact the terminology switches from miscarriage to still birth at 20 weeks.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        It’s either that, or they fear it’s a pregnant pause…

        Unless there are other children, they’re not mothers. At best, they’re expectant mothers.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    The term “pregnant person” has to be the height (depth?) of ridiculousness of p.c. If the use of the term is a bow to the trans folks, it is still unnecessary. Associating “pregnant” exclusively with women does not apply that any woman can become pregnant, rather, it signifies that only women can become pregnant.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Actually, there is a trans couple in Brazil (where else?) in which they’ve grayed the line, at least to the point where I began to get a headache.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Isn’t it currently someplace around 24 weeks in Va law? And the “pro-life” are willing to settle at 15? Hmmm a highly principled stance. Ooh boy, I’ll say. I have more respect for the total ban’ers.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yes, pass a 15 week bill and the procratinat0rs will just decide earlier. I would expect about the same number of procedures per year.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        15 is the step-wise path to even tighter if they can. The pro-life folks have no limits at all. It’s ALL “murder” to them and if they can they will outlaw it as well as birth control!

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I don’t. They are declining anyway. With better education and birth control, we can get the numbers way down without screwing with our heads.

      3. Not Today Avatar

        Procrastinators being those who don’t get bad news until their “20-week anatomy scan” which, in reality b/c of scheduling, can occur as late as 22 weeks?

  6. Not Today Avatar

    I’m not sure why/how it became a thing of mockery to respect/reflect all affected people in discourse but here we are. Pregnant persons is inclusive of women, girls, men and intersex people with a uterus who produce eggs and become pregnant. It’s INCLUSIVE and representative. Bigots are running the show. SMH. Maybe just mind your own business is a good plan? There aren’t nearly enough women on this site. Y’all are clueless about the feminine zeitgeist. Focus on policies that actually improve the lives and prospects of women, not the language/terminology!

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      You are right so stick around despite some of the moderation… your voice and perspective are sorely needed!

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        You all ignore the point that Shipley said woman and the Post changed it. That was wrong and silly. Most readers will think Shipley said pregnant persons.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I did not. If WaPo actually did that it’s bad journalism. WAPO is far from perfect and some writers are worse than others but consider the other news sources these days and show me a better one!

          But in this post you are responding to, I’m encouraging Not Today to stay and participate even though the moderation she is receiving seems targeted to her and more strict than what is used for other commenters. It’s almost like a pattern, with some commenters getting different levels of moderation for very similar speech.

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            I got zapped yesterday, if that makes you feel better. Had to circle back and write something more polite to our Current Occupant.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well, you’re one of the ones that sometimes engages in that kind of talk IMO. But good! Did you get an explanation of why by the way?

          3. No. Not Today has been engaging in personal attacks, including one today, as did Matt Adams in response. Both sides have been deleted. Any further incidents will result in suspension of commenting privileges.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            pretty sure she was responding to personal attacks that started on the other side.

            That’s been my experience with him unless he’s changed.

          5. It doesn’t matter where it starts. Both get deleted now.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            It matters if someone is initiating it usually and the other responds……… need to get the guy who is initiating it on a frequent basis IMO . There are a ton of folks here who never do that. He is not one of them.

            Not Today comes out of the gate fiesty but never initiates an AD Hom… she tries over multiple threads to not then she gave up.

          7. It is often the retaliator who goes to the penalty box.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar


        2. He posted that he said mother. Even harder for WaPo to accept.

        3. Not Today Avatar

          I don’t support journalists editing commentary. I ALSO don’t support demonizing inclusive language, which is what this post did.

    2. What else is there to do but mock those who are so deluded that they believe the fantasy that men have uteruses and produce eggs? That’s right out there with flat earthers. Be careful you don’t get too close and fall off the egg.

      1. Not Today Avatar

        Lemme break it all the way down since words and science and specificity are hard…people who identify their gender as MEN, and intersex individuals who have a uterus and produce eggs (many don’t or can’t), also get pregnant. Whether you agree with their gender ID or the science of intersex biology or not, this happens. These people exist. They matter.

        1. Biology is biology, follow the science. People can and will identify and live however they want. I don’t care, nor would it matter if I did, that is their right and I support that. Where it crosses the line and infringes on my rights is demanding that I ignore the science and deny the biology to assert that men have the plumbing to have babies. It just ain’t so. It is not your right to force me to agree that it is any more than to force me to accept that the earth is flat.

          1. Not Today Avatar

            Not again?

            Are posters here unaware that gender ID is a protected classification in VA? For all your gnashing of teeth and handcuffing of teachers, it is illegal to discriminate (including harassing by repeated misgendering) on that basis in this state. Just FYI for those who no longer work.

          2. The code you cite is for health insurance companies: Title 38.2. Insurance » Chapter 34. Provisions Relating to Accident and Sickness Insurance » Article 6. Federal Market Reforms » § 38.2-3449.1. Prohibited discrimination based on gender identity or status as a transgender individual

          3. When you insist that gender(mind) means that men can have babies and that I have to agree to that or I’m discriminating you are way out in la la land and in denial of sex(biology). Nor is the world flat. Clear??

            I neither gnash my teeth or handcuff teachers as you whippersnappers try to mischaracterize those of us who are older and wiser, and you similarly mischaracterize Virginia law as it relates to trans people.

            It is my hope that with enough time you will mature and learn to make honest arguments. I encourage you to engage that process and will lend a hand with fact based discussion. However, I’m not holding my breath waiting to see what your learning curve looks like.

          4. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            It is my hope that with enough time, you will learn to distinguish matters of judicial conflict from opinion and speculation. We *all* have opinions. The courts will decide (and then re-decide as needed to maintain legitimacy).

          5. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Yes, it is. Parents are currently arguing (and SCOTUS will decide) whether teachers using students’ preferred pronouns in contravention of parent direction is ‘healthcare’ and/or the ‘provision of healthcare’. VA law speaks to this issue.

            If it’s NOT healthcare and is in fact speech, the students should (no guarantees with this court) have the right to choose what they want to be called regardless of what their parents want them to be called. If it is healthcare, then VA parents can direct care subject to laws that prevent healthcare providers from withholding care on a discriminatory basis, no?

          6. Pronoun use is not healthcare, nor is it free speech in the Virginia classroom. It follows an administrative policy of a school district. You seem to be trying to rewrite the VA Code on Health Insurance carriers (i.e., companies) to apply to school administration. If you have a different code section in mind, please cite it.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            She’s just giving her opinion, no?

          8. It’s not making any sense.It doesn’t relate to the Va Code citation. No reference to a case as mentioned comes
            up in a search,

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            When I read it, she’s basically saying she thinks the courts will decide the issue and she lays out on what basis she thinks they might do it. It’s just her opinion. Lots of comments here in BR “make no sense”, right? 😉

          10. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            SCOTUS will determine this. Not you, and not me.

          11. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Au contraire, you do care, as do I. You care to enforce your view. I care to live and let youth live with limits that stop at my nose. You want to force teens to adhere to your view of propriety and see them as property / owned by parents. I don’t. See the difference? My teens/young adult are THRIVING. Kids with less enlightened parents/more restrictive backgrounds are struggling IME. Do you see different family histories? How diverse is your orbit?

          12. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Au contraire, you do care, as do I. You care to enforce your view. I care to live and let youth live with limits that stop at my nose. You want to force teens to adhere to your view of propriety and see them as property / owned by parents. I don’t. See the difference? My teens/young adult are THRIVING. Kids with less enlightened parents/more restrictive backgrounds are struggling IME. Do you see different family histories? How diverse is your orbit?

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