Just as We Need Them More Than Ever, Virginia Libertarians Have Dissolved Themselves

by James A. Bacon

In a profound disagreement over philosophy, The Libertarian Party of Virginia has voted to dissolve itself. In a 7 to 5 vote, the state central committee contended that the national image of the party was now “functionally indistinct from other alt-right parties and movements.” But the national Libertarian Party declared that the dissolution did not meet the technical requirements of Virginia law and was illegal.

The decision in Virginia parallels a move among New Mexico libertarians to disassociate themselves from the national organization, and comes after a takeover of the national party by the Von Mises faction (named after Ludwig von Mises, founder of the free-market Austrian school of economics). Dissidents are threatening to launch a new national organization. (If you’re interested in the gory details, see this article in Reason.)

What a mess. Although I consider myself a libertarian-leaning Republican and flirted with joining the Libertarian Party, I don’t have a dog in this fight. I have paid no attention to the intense debate raging inside the party. Indeed, the libertarians’ fanatic dedication to ideological purity is what pushed me away.

I agree with libertarians that individual liberty is the highest and greatest political value, and share the view that we need less government, not more. But I also acknowledge that humans are governed by contradictory impulses, the world is a messy place, and a minimalist-government utopia is a fantasy no more practicable than the social-justice vision of “equity” for all.

I’m fine with the idea of holding up small government as an ideal towards which we should direct our energies, but I’m also cognizant that getting from A (where we are now) to B (where we’d like to be) is exceedingly difficult when most people have organized their lives around B. Libertarian-inspired ideas of abolishing the income tax or abolishing social security, for instance, would prove massively disruptive, even catastrophic, unless managed very carefully and phased in over a long period of time. It has taken the U.S. a century or more of creeping government growth to get where we are today. Rolling it back will require a century or more of work inventing new institutions to address the needs that government now does so inadequately.

Aside from my libertarian impulses, I am also a conservative in the Burkean sense of advocating change in measured increments. American society is now organized around Big Government. Big Government cannot be undone without precipitating unintended consequences (just as the implementation of Big Government itself created all manner of unintended consequences). If we are to rescue ourselves from the leviathan state, we must bring about change carefully, step by step, or the political backlash will put an end to our endeavors.

If the Libertarian Party wants to become more than a debating club that occasionally runs candidates for office, it must grapple with these realities.

The schism among Libertarians is a great shame, though, because we need a strong movement to champion individual liberty more than ever. American society has moved beyond the debate over the size of government — it’s big, getting bigger, we’re getting ever deeper in debt to pay for it, and both Republicans and Democrats seem fine with that. Now we’re debating even more fundamental issues — issues of personal identity.

The ascendant world view — the woke worldview — defines personal identity as first and foremost in terms of race, gender and sexual orientation. You’re White or Black, male or female, straight or LGBTQIA+, and the only question about your personal identity worth asking is where you stand in the intersection of group identities. This world view allows no room for just being who you are. No room for identifying first and foremost as, say… an artist who happens to be a straight Hispanic male who prefers the company of other artists. Or a triathlete. Or a bridge player. Or a teacher. Or a military veteran. Or an entrepreneur. Or a star gazer. There is no room in wokism to find common bonds that transcend race, gender and sexual orientation. Human existence is a never-ending power struggle between oppressors and victims.

Once upon a time, I could argue that most Virginians were “natural libertarians.” They weren’t well-versed in libertarian philosophy, but they had a live-and-let-live attitude. Don’t meddle in my business, and I won’t meddle in yours. I fear that is no longer true. Every sphere of human existence has become politicized and infected with the woke virus. We need a viable libertarian movement more than ever to inoculate ourselves from it.

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92 responses to “Just as We Need Them More Than Ever, Virginia Libertarians Have Dissolved Themselves”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    You are exactly right. Given the absurd egomania of Donald Trump and the senile incompetence of Joe Biden, there has to be a third way. If “Orange Man” and “Darth Vader in Depends” are the best that the two major parties can put forth we need a new party.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      The duo of Gary Johnson and Bill Weld wasn’t much better. The last 3rd party that had any salt was Ross Perot.

    2. Wahoo'74 Avatar

      OMG, “Darth Vader in Depends!” Love it! I’ll have to plagiarize that one.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    You are exactly right. Given the absurd egomania of Donald Trump and the senile incompetence of Joe Biden, there has to be a third way. If “Orange Man” and “Darth Vader in Depends” are the best that the two major parties can put forth we need a new party.

  3. The members of any group of true libertarians must, by definition, eventually break up and go their own way.

    1. And yet they marry and reproduce, and found giant companies like Koch industries, or take over the management of others like CNN. So perhaps you missed a step.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        It must be fun to try to be an unsuccessful iconoclast.

        1. Well I knew you could read or argue.

          But I was hoping with auto-correct you could at least type or spell.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Your contributions are ever so enlightening.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        It must be fun to try to be an unsuccessful iconoclast.

    2. And yet they marry and reproduce, and found giant companies like Koch industries, or take over the management of others like CNN. So perhaps you missed a step.

    3. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      That seems logically consistent and inevitable. The infection suffered by the VA and NM Libertarians arose from radical right folks, not woke liberals.

      1. The infection suffered by the VA and NM Libertarians arose from radical right folks, not woke liberals.

        Okay. I’m not sure what that has to do with my comment, but okay.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          The moderator attributes the crisis of libertarians to woke virus in America. Whether true libertarians can coexist with others or within a social contract is the issue.

        2. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          The moderator attributes the crisis of libertarians to woke virus in America. Whether true libertarians can coexist with others or within a social contract is the issue.

          1. They do tend to shun ignorant people, so I can see how some might conclude that.

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            How have you escaped their scorn?

      2. The infection suffered by the VA and NM Libertarians arose from radical right folks, not woke liberals.

        Okay. I’m not sure what that has to do with my comment, but okay.

      3. LarrytheG Avatar

        dead on correct.

      4. LarrytheG Avatar

        dead on correct.

      5. The Mises Caucus views itself as the therapeutic for the infection of wokeness.

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Toss in some bears and it’s virtually a guarantee.

      Although, to me the difference between a libertarian and a selfish hippie is small enough that they’re interchangeable.

      1. Like those libertarians who bused those dirty Venezuelan peasants right off their island this morning, and sent them to some military base on the mainland?

        I am wondering if the last senile “liberal” in a zoo somewhere will realize when it became a self-parody before it goes extinct.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Maybe they didn’t like being infiltrated by the rightwing neo-fascist Conservatives…

    1. Scott McPhail Avatar
      Scott McPhail

      ah yes the neo-fascist libertarians . .

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      JAB seems to accept such was inevitable. While libertarians posit peaceful existence, they are ripe for consumption by the aggressive right wing in American politics. Theirs was a kind of agrarian Utopia before the nation grew to its present population. At the same time, libertarians denied the reality of ethnic and racial treatment by the majority though they, too, were newcomers and immigrants.

      1. Wow. Would you consider having someone help you write these posts so we could at least understand what you are trying to say?

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy


    3. Scott McPhail Avatar
      Scott McPhail

      ah yes the neo-fascist libertarians . .

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        That is the point, the libertarians did not want to be co-opted by the neo-fascist rightwing Conservatives.

        1. I am thinking you have no actual acquaintance with any of the people involved.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            No, you’re not thinking at all…

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Maybe they didn’t like being infiltrated by the rightwing neo-fascist Conservatives…

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    There is no such thing as a true libertarian and there are a ton of wannabes and “lite”.

    There are no countries on earth that hew to pure libertarian principals of personal freedom and ownership of property because without govt laws and order , one’s freedom would be determined by whoever was bigger and stronger – like it was BEFORE there was government and instead marauding bands of thieves and killers.

    Libertarians WANT the protection of govt so they can be free and own property but they don’t want the govt telling them what to do with it.

    And one might think that pure “WOKE” is really about individual freedom and opportunity…. secured by govt , the same as Libertarians want but won’t admit.

    1. Larry which libertarian works have you ever read? “The Road to Serfdom”? “Anarchy State and Utopia” “Capitalism and Freedom”? “The Life and Death of Great American Cities”? Anything? I don’t care when it is a post I’m not interested in reading comments on. But when I do the boredom at having to read vacuous uninformed rants is really unpleasant.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        speaking of….. libertarians and vaccinations in general?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Vaccines? My body, my choice.
          Abortion? Your body, still my choice.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            so Libertarians are against Govt-provided vaccines?

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        speaking of….. libertarians and vaccinations in general?

      3. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        You don’t have to read or comment.

        1. Don’t get bossy. It’s an unattractive trait common to so many Democrats. Like car jacking or refusing to bathe.

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    There is no such thing as a true libertarian and there are a ton of wannabes and “lite”.

    There are no countries on earth that hew to pure libertarian principals of personal freedom and ownership of property because without govt laws and order , one’s freedom would be determined by whoever was bigger and stronger – like it was BEFORE there was government and instead marauding bands of thieves and killers.

    Libertarians WANT the protection of govt so they can be free and own property but they don’t want the govt telling them what to do with it.

    And one might think that pure “WOKE” is really about individual freedom and opportunity…. secured by govt , the same as Libertarians want but won’t admit.

  8. Scott McPhail Avatar
    Scott McPhail

    Let’s be honest, marijuana legalization, or even half legalization, has driven a stake through that shambling mass of ineffectuality known as the Libertarian Party

    1. So you think the most expensive and dangerous part of the government was its pot prohibition?

      You must be smoking some good stuff.

  9. Scott McPhail Avatar
    Scott McPhail

    Let’s be honest, marijuana legalization, or even half legalization, has driven a stake through that shambling mass of ineffectuality known as the Libertarian Party

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Can a party of curmudgeons actually exist?

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      BR parties regularly without a collective sense of the noise it makes.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Trees falling in the forest.

  11. Joe Jeeva Abbate Avatar
    Joe Jeeva Abbate

    As a doctor, you appear to have misdiagnosed the illness. It was not wokeness that infected the violent insurrectionists, inciting them to attack the U.S, Capitol like enraged zombies, it was Trump. It was this authoritarian, having taken over the Republican Party, who incorporated false data and fully blown conspiracy theories, who has infected the Libertarian Party and caused those who honestly desire an ethical and effective government to drop from the clearly racist, white supremacist influenced, and violent conservative movement where the Republican Party has moved. You will experience more of this splintering movement until you and the majority of Libertarians explicitly renounce the racists, Nazis, anti-science conspiracy theorists, and violent militias & insurrectionists.

    1. Joe, I presume you’re directing this comment to me.

      I hereby renounce racists, Nazis, anti-science conspiracy theorists, militias and insurrectionists. I never supported them in the first place, but if it makes you feel any better, I officially and publicly renounce them now.

      1. When will progressives renounce the racists and anti-science peeps who run the Democrat Party?

      2. Joe Jeeva Abbate Avatar
        Joe Jeeva Abbate

        Thank you, James. it does clarify things for me in the changing Libertarian universe.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I think JAB is bailing specifically because of the Alt Right infection of Libertarians just like it has a substantial part of the GOP.

          People that have been staunch Conservatives in the GOP are being told they no longer really have a party until they demonstrate loyalty to the “new right (alt right).

      3. Virginia Project Avatar
        Virginia Project

        anybody who imposes on you in such a way that you feel you have to issue such a response should be treated as a full-blown Maoist since basically they are

    2. Gibberish and smears.

      I think Kamala just had another staffer quit, so I bet there are job openings.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        well you TALK like a lot of libertarians – total la la land.

        1. Having read your posts I think you are very confused about who is in la la land.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            not a Libertarian in La La Land.

            you guys have a special flavor of it.

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “We Libertarians, out of an extreme sense loss on the death of the Queen…”

  13. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    “Natural libertarian” with a “live-and-let-live” philosophy” does not appear to apply to men who are dedicated to ensuring women are not permitted to make decisions about their own health, e.g., invasive ultra sounds, abortion, among a few.

  14. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    “Natural libertarian” with a “live-and-let-live” philosophy” does not appear to apply to men who are dedicated to ensuring women are not permitted to make decisions about their own health, e.g., invasive ultra sounds, abortion, among a few.

  15. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    My “ursprung” in my youth was similar to yours until some John Birchers tried to proselytize me. However our personal beliefs have evolved, libertarianism has evolved to equate individual liberty with absolutist character denying the notion of society to achieve common good, each for one another. How left alone do we truly wish ourselves to be? Clapping about big government is not relative. Deadly pandemics teach that left alone folks will die. The US learned in two World Wars that it could not be left alone. The issue is not “woke virus” but refusal to accept common norms.

    1. That seems to me to be totally factually incorrect. What we learned in the past few years is that the government lied to us about EVERY aspect of Covid – that masks work, that children are at risk, that we needed to close schools, that the serum was a vaccine, that natural immunity was not relevant, that the “vaccine” had no harmful side effects like cardiac, menstrual, or fertility disorders. They continue to refuse to disclose how much different government actors received in royalties from or own in stocks of pharmaceutical companies. We now know they tell government agencies to coordinate social media censorship of doctors and scientists who questioned the Covid orthodoxy and used control of grants to punish anyone who raised concerns. They also censored information and lied about the federal government’s role in creating the Covid virus with gain of function research.

      The Covid hoax – and every single bit of it was a hoax except for the fact hat there is a harmful respiratory virus – is one of the biggest arguments for libertarianism to come along.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        How’s your campaign for DC mayor progressing? If all y’all can rant about is Covid, you ain’t contributing much. Lotsa claims of lies without names. So, if we’ve all been hoaxed, what caused the deaths of so many thousands? Share with all your covert knowledge.

        1. I’m not running for mayor.

          Has the nurse come round with your pills?

          Btw your response totally missed everything I said.

          Are you under 18 or over 81? Is there an excuse?

        2. I’m not running for mayor.

          Has the nurse come round with your pills?

          Btw your response totally missed everything I said.

          Are you under 18 or over 81? Is there an excuse?

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy


          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            When did you cease running for mayor?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            He should. He’s get some pretty good feedback on his “thinking”.

          4. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            He was a Libertarian candidate for DC mayor some years. Listed as a realtor in DC.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Ah… so he got that valuable feedback from voters about his views..

    2. That seems to me to be totally factually incorrect. What we learned in the past few years is that the government lied to us about EVERY aspect of Covid – that masks work, that children are at risk, that we needed to close schools, that the serum was a vaccine, that natural immunity was not relevant, that the “vaccine” had no harmful side effects like cardiac, menstrual, or fertility disorders. They continue to refuse to disclose how much different government actors received in royalties from or own in stocks of pharmaceutical companies. We now know they tell government agencies to coordinate social media censorship of doctors and scientists who questioned the Covid orthodoxy and used control of grants to punish anyone who raised concerns. They also censored information and lied about the federal government’s role in creating the Covid virus with gain of function research.

      The Covid hoax – and every single bit of it was a hoax except for the fact hat there is a harmful respiratory virus – is one of the biggest arguments for libertarianism to come along.

  16. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    How to keep two Libertarian neighbors busy for years. Sneak in and steal their property stakes.

  17. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Jim, terrific, cerebral article. I confess I didn’t know of the Libertarian Party schism.

    Philosophically, I totally agree we need if not a 3rd party at least a viable alternative political philosophy that returns power to individuals and localities, away from autocratic centralized government. Democrats have totally succumbed to centralized social policies, de facto socialism. Republicans are incrementally better……but not enough.

    We need more Jeffersonian less Hamiltonian politicians!

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Hey! Have you been reading Sherlock here of late? He wants VDOE to rate the performance of local school principals and remove them if they don’t perform according to state standards.

      Youngkin is dictating what “history” can or cannot be taught and a “tip” line to report teachers.

      Myares the AG is “investigating” local police and schools to levy charges and prosecute.

      I would not call that “incrementally better”.

      What’s worse than “socialism”? Autocracy.

  18. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Jim, terrific, cerebral article. I confess I didn’t know of the Libertarian Party schism.

    Philosophically, I totally agree we need if not a 3rd party at least a viable alternative political philosophy that returns power to individuals and localities, away from autocratic centralized government. Democrats have totally succumbed to centralized social policies, de facto socialism. Republicans are incrementally better……but not enough.

    We need more Jeffersonian less Hamiltonian politicians!

  19. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Schism? Shattered is more apt…

    Libertarianism has many overlapping schools of thought, all focused on smaller government and greater individual responsibility. As interpretations of the non-aggression principle vary, some libertarian schools of thought promote the total abolition of government while others promote a smaller government which does not initiate force. Some seek private ownership of all property and natural resources while others promote communal ownership of all natural resources and varying degrees of private property.

    Bleeding-heart libertarianism
    Christian libertarianism
    Civil libertarianism
    Classical liberalism
    Consequentialist libertarianism
    Deontological libertarianism
    Free-market anarchism
    Green libertarianism
    Individualist anarchism
    Left-wing market anarchism
    Libertarian Christianity
    Libertarian conservatism
    Libertarian paternalism
    Libertarian transhumanism
    Market liberalism
    Market socialism
    Philosophical anarchism
    Social libertarianism

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      all over the map… and if they run for office, are they pledging to represent voters or their own views?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        They’re not the same?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          of course.

  20. john harvie Avatar
    john harvie


    … and alarming. Where do we go from here?

  21. Democrat media (BlueVirginia, the Prospect, Virginia Mercury, NBC) are very excited about this story.

    They failed to actually cover and investigate, for example by reporting that this vote was taken in secret by a state central committee with many deliberately kept empty vacancies so that the voting seems rigged.

    I talk to MEMBERS of the actual LP of VA almost every day – members and regional affiliates – and they say they are simply repopulating the state central committee without these people.

    Holly Ward works for a group, People for Liberty, that is a fundraising rival to the LP and could seek to supplant it by creating affiliates that become state political parties; no one seems to mention that in the coverage. Even if she is sincere in her beliefs this conflict of interest should be mentioned, no?

    People for Liberty is run by Dan Fishman, who was executive director of the Libertarian Party nationally for one term, several year ago, but was not kept on and re-hired. (I do not know if that was a mutual choice or not.) Before this May’s national LP convention Dan Fishman was making extreme charges about the Mises Caucus as a whole based on his opinions about particular individuals in e.g. the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire. (Mr. Fishman’s logic, which he presented to me one on one at a Leadership Institute breakfast meeting in Arlington VA this spring, was that an individual named Jeremy Kaufman, a libertarian from New Hampshire who is Jewish and a member of the Mises Caucus, had tweeted out some joke in very poor taste about the Holocaust. Ergo, according to Fishman, the Mises Caucus is an anti-Semitic group, perhaps for not banning him? (I guess Mr. Fishman has never heard any vintage Joan Rivers on SiriusXm’s “Netflix is a Joke” radio.)

    The various charges of bigotry are ludicrous. Gay people continue to be well represented in the LP, like me, the chair of the District of Columbia LP, or Dan Ford, the chair of the Libertarian Party of Loudoun County and a Mises Caucus member. (I could tiresomely add that Mr. Ford is also African American.) The edge lordy tweets from the Libertarian Party
    of New Hampshire, celebrating the death of John McCain and other items in bad taste, are reportedly the work of the aforementioned Jewish Libertarian, Jeremy Kaufman, so the idea that it represents anti-semitism might require some actual evidence.

    Holly Ward et al are people upset that they lost at the May national convention 650-150 to delegates that did not want Libertarians to try to appease or ingratiate themselves with “woke” media and Democrat think tanks, as so many Beltway liberaltarians do. hoping hat after being a CATO intern or entry level staffer they can ge job at Brookings or the Washington Post.

    The delegates removed an extreme pro-abortion plank so that individual candidates could take any position on the spectrum regarding abortion, without being in conflict with the platform. They changed a plank denouncing bigotry to make it clear that they do not think it is the government’s business to define bigotry and label people bigots, police speech or people so defined, or impose additional punishment on criminal acts because they are labelled by the government as bigotry.

    Another thing not mentioned much in the coverage of this hissy fit by the LPVA officers is that the GOP and Democrats do this stuff often, changing the locks on offices when one faction takes control, or seizing assets and deciding how they will be spent, as Donna Brazille detailed in her book on her time at the DNC and how Hillary Clinton’s faction seized control of funds raised. In that light this level of infighting may simply indicate that the party is now valuable enough to fight over.

    There are actually at least three current or former Libertarian Party candidates or officers running for office in northern Virginia right now, in Arlington, Herndon, and Manassas, for non-partisan local offices. Obviously they don’t won’t to be associated with all this drama, but they are evidence that libertarians are not leaving the political process.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Nah!! It was broadly reported perhaps not to your liking.

      1. I am afraid you haven’t learned how to marshal evidence or reason and make a persuasive case for anything. You should work on that. Otherwise people might draw uncharitable conclusions about you..

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        The pinnacle of vanity is worrying about the opinions of you held by those.about whom you don’t care. That’s why they call us “woke” and why we don’t care.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Why didn’t I think of that??? I’m so gullible.

    2. A non-Mises Caucus member of the LP of VA central committee shared this opinion with me:

      “I’ve done a thorough examination of the law and documentation related to this stuff, consulted with multiple lawyers, and Holly is undeniably
      guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor as of Tuesday morning. Like, no wiggle room kind of guilty. Which is…insane to me. How could she be so foolish to put herself in that situation? Of course it’s unlikely any prosecutor will care, but even so, it might have some relevance if there is civil action.”

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Wow! A comment upon your own comment. Who won? Y’all can report your thoroughly researched conclusions to police or other law enforcement. Y’all can spend a few dollars to seek an injunction.

    3. My experience is that LPVA was essentially non-functional already. They couldn’t even return phone calls or emails; that party is closer to a group of ideologically aligned, very lazy occasional bloggers than an actual political party with a platform that runs candidates.

  22. Virginia Project Avatar
    Virginia Project

    LP-VA was worthless. Was going to talk about GOP supporting L candidates in any district where no R candidates could be found.

    Couldn’t even return a phone call or email.

    Talk may be cheap but sophistry – the LP’s only actual product – has no buyers.

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