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Judge: “Taxation without Representation is Constitutional”

It’s indeed a sad day when a judge can rule that (as reported by the Washington Post):

“nothing in the state or federal constitution blocks the General Assembly from setting up a regional “political subdivision” for the purpose of taxation. And the regional authority’s members are not required to be elected directly by the people, he ruled.” (emphasis added)

No wonder the NVTA and the cabal of politicians pushing through this shameful bill (HB 3202), went shopping for a judge in the People’s Republic of Arlington! And even though, Circuit Judge Kendrick finds himself in a conflict-of-interest–as he is an Arlington resident and by definition a defendant in the suit brought by the NVTA to validate the bonds–he refused to recuse himself and let a disinterested court rule on the case.

If the Virginia Supreme Court doesn’t overturn this decision on an expedited basis, Virginians will have done a full circle. We will become the subjects of unelected and unaccounted monarchs–only this time, the “monarchs” will be a bunch of do-good liberals and other profit-seeking businesses who plan on fleecing our wallets.

Our founding fathers must be turning in their graves…

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