Judge: TJ Is for Gifted Students, But…

by Asra Q. Nomani

Fairfax County Circuit Court Judge John Tran denied a request by 15 local parents to force Fairfax County Public Schools to reinstate race-blind, merit-based admissions tests to Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, America’s No. 1 high school, but clearly stood on the side of the parents in their noble defense of gifted education and the value of merit-based admissions.

The decision is a blow to the future of the school as a place that nurtures the area’s top science. technology, engineering and math students, as local educrats replace the test with an essential popularity contest, complete with scoring for students who best match a subjective “Portrait of a Graduate,” complete with race-based quotas and biases for life “experiences.”

But hundreds of local parents — most of them immigrant — scored a huge win for America in waging a months-long battle, complete with school board speeches, petitions, letters and direct action protests, in an effort that is not over. They overcame fear of retaliation and cultural traumas of coming from societies where speaking out is punishable by death.

Theirs is a victory for standing up for their belief in the American Dream. The judicial setback just proves that the war for America and its future will be a long one.

Since the killing of George Floyd last May, advocates of the ideology of critical race theory have exploited the tragedy to hijack school boards, school systems and schools themselves with divisive thinking that pits people against each other based on race and attacks the very idea of merit, leading to painful battles like the one that has embroiled the TJ community for months. To pursue a race-based agenda to increase the number of Black and Hispanic students at TJ by slashing the number of Asian students at the school, the local Fairfax County school board and its school officials actually argued that TJ was not a school for gifted students, who typically emerge in the top 2 percentile of peers in IQ and cognitive development.

For reasons of COVID-19 and bureaucracy, the judge, who came to the United States as boy from Vietnam, said race-blind tests to TJ couldn’t be reinstated. Importantly, however, in denying the injunction, Judge Tran declared in a heading in his order, “TJ, a Governor’s School, is a Program for Gifted Students.”
The judge didn’t buy the local school officials new script for TJ and said: “TJ is an Academic-Year Governor’s School Program that provides what Defendants credibly describe as an ‘alternate service option’ for gifted students. The debate over whether admission to TJ is restricted solely to students who have been identified as ‘gifted’ is misdirected.”

Here are five key conclusions by the judge.

1. TJ is a “school solely for gifted students.”
• He affirmed an earlier decision “that TJ, as a Governor’s School, is a school solely for gifted students. The evidence, as a whole, presented at the hearing does not alter this determination.”
• The judge scolded Fairfax County Public Schools for denying that TJ is a gifted school. “Some may complain that the existence of Governor’s Schools promote elitism,” he wrote. “Regardless of such complaints, Defendants’ curious insistence that TJ is not a school solely for gifted students continues to be unpersuasive.”
• He cited documents by Fairfax County Public Schools and the Virginia Department of Education, noting: “TJ is identified under the Fairfax County Public Schools Local Plan for the Gifted. It is regularly reported to the VDOE as a program option that Fairfax provides for gifted students.”
• “Notably, testing was part of the admissions standard in 2017,” he wrote, “and was found to be an appropriate non-biased measure providing ‘qualitative and quantitative information.’”
• The judge said: “The Court remains convinced that TJ is a school solely for gifted students as long as it remains a Governor’s School.”

2. Merit-based tests are “the equivalent of a blind audition.”
• He wrote: “From the Court’s perspective, there is a value in standardized testing to the extent it provides an impartial and objective platform by which to select competitive candidates. The test scores are the equivalent of a blind audition.”
• He said: “The argument that some students gain an unfair advantage because they have the means to take advantage of preparatory materials, teachers, and classes goes too far when it leads to the conclusion that to combat inequity, testing must be eliminated.”
• He noted: “Instead of eliminating standardized testing, educators could redouble their efforts and direct needed resources to increase awareness, exposure, and access to preparatory materials and teachers in underserved school communities. The students in those communities would be better served in learning how to prepare for admission to TJ, and in the process learn the steps for admission to universities who continue to rely, in part, on standardized tests.”
• Unfortunately, he concluded: “Absent a clear mandate from either the General Assembly or the Board of Education directing the use of standardized testing for admission into a Governor’s School or other programs for the gifted, the School Board’s decision to eliminate standardized testing does not appear to be subject to reversal under judicial review.”

3. The School Board acted in a “rush to judgment and not a deliberate process.”
• The judge said: “The conclusion that certain decisions are beyond judicial review does not support Defendants’ argument that the School Board’s decision to eliminate standardized testing had been reached after much debate and consideration of multiple proposals.”
• In a reprimand to the Fairfax County School Board, he wrote: “The debate may have been extensive but this lawsuit calls into question the deliberateness and transparency of the decision.”
• “To suddenly cancel a November test in October suggests a rush to judgement and not a deliberate process,” he wrote. “The testimony describing the devastation of students upon learning of the cancellation was both credible and impactful during the hearing.”
• The judge said, “Even accepting the rationale that standardized tests unfairly eliminated qualified candidates who had a ‘bad testing day,’ why eliminate the tests altogether? Why not just give test results less weight than what had been previously granted absolute finality? Why not allow students to take the test without making test scores either a precondition for the application process or a deciding factor for admission? The standardized test scores became a barrier to admission because the admissions committee made them a barrier. In approaching a holistic consideration of qualitative and quantitative components in the selection process, why not keep the data offered by standardized testing as a relevant factor?”
• He called out the school system for its hypocrisy, asking: “Why are standardized test scores reliable measures of a second grader’s giftedness or of the giftedness of a transfer student who is a stranger to the school system, but then are decidedly unreliable when deciding whether to admit a student to the school?”

4. New 1.5% quota is ‘arbitrary and capricious.’
• Fairfax County Public Schools is putting in place a new zip code quota that allows the “top 1.5% of students at every middle school,” automatic entry into TJ, although school board members are sending out confusing and conflicting information on whether that is the top 1.5 percent of all students at a school or the top 1.5 percent of students who qualify for TJ. Either way, Judge Tran slammed the new quota system.
• He wrote: “The recent proposal of offering a spot at TJ to the top 1.5% of students at every middle school suffers the same arbitrary and capricious flaw as any other quota system. That system creates more questions than answers. For example, what happens to the students who attend schools that attract a large population of gifted students?”
• He further asked: “How will the quota define who falls within the top 1.5% of a school designed solely for gifted students? What if a middle school has an overabundance of students in the top 1.5% of their class who are uninterested in STEM? Why use a quota system when educational policies that foster diversity are permitted and encouraged, allowing academic institutions to consider the role of locality and personal experience as relevant factors in admissions decisions? Many reasons exist why quotas are controversial and disfavored.”

5. Plaintiffs ‘diligently pursued their claims.’
• Judge Tran ultimately argued that the timing is not on the side of the plaintiffs, but he wrote, “The delay is not the fault of the plaintiffs. Plaintiffs have diligently pursued their claims. They promptly filed their Complaint and have assembled the evidence needed to present their claims in as favorable a light as the circumstances will allow. The Court further agrees with the plaintiffs’ position that the request for a preliminary injunction is appropriately directed to preserve the status quo — defined as the “last uncontested status between the parties which preceded the controversy.”
• Although the school system officials only used racial objectives as there motivation, the judge accepted the last-minute excuse of COVID-19 by TJ Admissions Director Jeremy Shughart as a reason to deny the the injunction. He wrote: “The delay and burden on the school division are significant,” saying, “The Court accepted and found credible the statement of TJ’s Director of Admission that it would be difficult if not impossible to restore the testing that had been abruptly cancelled in November. When considering the deference accorded to the School Board’s operation of the school systems, along with difficulties expressed, the public interest favors the defendants.”
• The plaintiffs showed convincing proof that admissions tests could be administered immediately but the judge wasn’t convinced.

The judicial battle was lost but, in winning key arguments over TJ as a school for gifted students and the defense of tests for race-blind admissions, the brave 15 parents who went to court last week won in our struggle for the American Dream.

Asra Q. Nomani is the mother of a student at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. She is a cofounder of the Coalition for TJ, which supported the lawsuit to protect merit education at the school. She can be reached at asra@asranomani.com. This column has been republished with permission from her substack account.

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26 responses to “Judge: TJ Is for Gifted Students, But…”

  1. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

    “…argued that TJ was not a school for gifted students, who typically emerge in the top 2 percentile of peers..”

    What an odd argument to make…

    “…top 1.5% of students at every middle school…”

    Oh, I see, they were saying 2 percentile isn’t actually gifted enough and they want a higher caliber of student. Now maybe kids will get to enjoy being kids for a while instead of spending summers and weekends engaged in test prep courses just to get into a public high school.

    1. “Now maybe kids will get to enjoy being kids for a while instead of spending summers and weekends engaged in test prep courses just to get into a public high school.”

      School officials do not force students to apply for and/or attend the school.

      A child’s parents might, but the school system has no control over that.

  2. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

    “…argued that TJ was not a school for gifted students, who typically emerge in the top 2 percentile of peers..”

    What an odd argument to make…

    “…top 1.5% of students at every middle school…”

    Oh, I see, they were saying 2 percentile isn’t actually gifted enough and they want a higher caliber of student. Now maybe kids will get to enjoy being kids for a while instead of spending summers and weekends engaged in test prep courses just to get into a public high school.

    1. “Now maybe kids will get to enjoy being kids for a while instead of spending summers and weekends engaged in test prep courses just to get into a public high school.”

      School officials do not force students to apply for and/or attend the school.

      A child’s parents might, but the school system has no control over that.

  3. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    These are the politics NOVA overwhelmingly votes for… so accept your identity politics and move on. This the new reality for Virginia and it isn’t going anywhere.
    Just wait until Secretary Kamras takes over.

  4. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    These are the politics NOVA overwhelmingly votes for… so accept your identity politics and move on. This the new reality for Virginia and it isn’t going anywhere.
    Just wait until Secretary Kamras takes over.

  5. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    From whence cometh the elitist?

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Who knows? But we know where they end up, right? The only college in America named for two queens….

      I wanna know which lawyer was good enough at judge shopping to get this case in front of an immigrant from Vietnam. Well done. I’m kinda with Baconator, the voters in that county have set the tone for this. But the debate is raging in the GA so it is not just TJ. Not something I’m paying close attention to. Here’s the bill, which drew 41 nays:


      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Oral Roberts?? Oh wait, no. Too obvious.

        Okay, 68 years of white privilege, and me eyeballs immediately locked on Tran with exactly the same thought. But, not a Mexican judge, eh?

        1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

          I wish I would have known you while I was growing up. You could have showed me the ropes as to becoming privileged. It would have helped my parents too. They might have had some money to help pay my brothers’ and my college tuition.

          My dad would have been pissed, however, at the notion that he was privileged. After his dad died and my grandmother lost the house and lived on a $68 per month WWI veteran’s pension, she put my dad and one of his brothers on a bench at the city office building and tried to give them away because she could afford them. As my dad always said, “Nobody wanted us. Ma had to take us home.”

          My grandmother put in a bid for a small 800 sq. ft. house that was up for back taxes. She was outbid, but after being told of her situation, the winner withdrew his bid and Grandma got the house. Soon thereafter, and realizing that she had $68 a month, her father, mother, mother’s nurse (great grandma was dying of heart failure), aunt and two of her adult kids moved in. The great grandparents lost their house to foreclosure. This was 1931.

          Privileged, my ass!!!!

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Uh, paid my way through all 6 years working at or near minimum wage forbthe 1st 4. Well, it took 6 to do the 4 year part and 4 to do the last 2.

            White privileged doesn’t mean filthy rich. It can mean attending a nearly all-white college built on a piece of land that was designated for low-income housing in the midst of white middle class housing at a time just after red lining that was snatched from its high density fate by an all-white city council making a deal with a 400-year old nearly all-white college to open a satellite campus to block the feds.

            That too is white privilege.

          2. TooManyTaxes Avatar

            I worked, saved and denied myself lots of things to pay for college. I did it in four years.

            I didn’t go to an all-white college and it wasn’t located in an area designated for low-income housing. The biggest project I worked on while an undergraduate was with a foreign student from Jamaica. We split the work 50-50 as directed by the supervising professor and got equal recognition from the Minneapolis City Council.

            If you did things about which you now feel guilty, pay for them yourself. Don’t drag the rest of us into to your guilt trip.

            As I wrote “Privileged, my ass.”

      2. “The only college in America named for two queens….”

        Okay. That made me laugh.

  6. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    From whence cometh the elitist?

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Who knows? But we know where they end up, right? The only college in America named for two queens….

      I wanna know which lawyer was good enough at judge shopping to get this case in front of an immigrant from Vietnam. Well done. I’m kinda with Baconator, the voters in that county have set the tone for this. But the debate is raging in the GA so it is not just TJ. Not something I’m paying close attention to. Here’s the bill, which drew 41 nays:


      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Oral Roberts?? Oh wait, no. Too obvious.

        Okay, 68 years of white privilege, and me eyeballs immediately locked on Tran with exactly the same thought. But, not a Mexican judge, eh?

        1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

          I wish I would have known you while I was growing up. You could have showed me the ropes as to becoming privileged. It would have helped my parents too. They might have had some money to help pay my brothers’ and my college tuition.

          My dad would have been pissed, however, at the notion that he was privileged. After his dad died and my grandmother lost the house and lived on a $68 per month WWI veteran’s pension, she put my dad and one of his brothers on a bench at the city office building and tried to give them away because she could afford them. As my dad always said, “Nobody wanted us. Ma had to take us home.”

          My grandmother put in a bid for a small 800 sq. ft. house that was up for back taxes. She was outbid, but after being told of her situation, the winner withdrew his bid and Grandma got the house. Soon thereafter, and realizing that she had $68 a month, her father, mother, mother’s nurse (great grandma was dying of heart failure), aunt and two of her adult kids moved in. The great grandparents lost their house to foreclosure. This was 1931.

          Privileged, my ass!!!!

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Uh, paid my way through all 6 years working at or near minimum wage forbthe 1st 4. Well, it took 6 to do the 4 year part and 4 to do the last 2.

            White privileged doesn’t mean filthy rich. It can mean attending a nearly all-white college built on a piece of land that was designated for low-income housing in the midst of white middle class housing at a time just after red lining that was snatched from its high density fate by an all-white city council making a deal with a 400-year old nearly all-white college to open a satellite campus to block the feds.

            That too is white privilege.

          2. TooManyTaxes Avatar

            I worked, saved and denied myself lots of things to pay for college. I did it in four years.

            I didn’t go to an all-white college and it wasn’t located in an area designated for low-income housing. The biggest project I worked on while an undergraduate was with a foreign student from Jamaica. We split the work 50-50 as directed by the supervising professor and got equal recognition from the Minneapolis City Council.

            If you did things about which you now feel guilty, pay for them yourself. Don’t drag the rest of us into to your guilt trip.

            As I wrote “Privileged, my ass.”

      2. “The only college in America named for two queens….”

        Okay. That made me laugh.

  7. It looks to me like the judge told FCPS that they are acting like a bunch of dumbasses, but that the issue of elimination of standardized testing as an admission requirement is not within his realm of authority.

    I respect a judge who engages in judicial restraint.

  8. It looks to me like the judge told FCPS that they are acting like a bunch of dumbasses, but that the issue of elimination of standardized testing as an admission requirement is not within his realm of authority.

    I respect a judge who engages in judicial restraint.

  9. Matt Hurt Avatar

    It appears to me that the author of this post brings out the judge’s criticism of the inconsistency of the division with regards TJ in particular as compared to the overall gifted program. It seems to me that the cleaner path forward for the Fairfax school board is to officially change the mission and designation of TJ from a school for gifted students to whatever criteria they would like. So long as they moved forward in a manner consistent with their new designation and mission, wouldn’t that eliminate these specific criticisms?

    Also, everytime I see an issue like this, I am reminded that everything is OK until it’s not. So long as enough of the citizenry fails to buck on this, the Fairfax school board will likely continue down this path. Fairfax is a huge school division that enrolls over a tenth of the students in the state, but the percentage of students whose parents feel are negatively impacted by this issue is extremely small. Even those constituents in Fairfax County who might be sympathetic to the claims of these parents are likely not following this case closely, or more likely may not be aware of it at all. Even those who are aware will likely forget about all of this by the next school board election since this didn’t impact them directly.

    There is so much hyperbolic noise from the right wing and left wing media outlets, that most folks don’t pay much attention to such things. When everything’s a crisis, then nothing is, especially to folks who work for a living, have families to attend to. They have better things to do that worry and fret over everything that their betters in the media tell them they should be upset about.

  10. Matt Hurt Avatar

    It appears to me that the author of this post brings out the judge’s criticism of the inconsistency of the division with regards TJ in particular as compared to the overall gifted program. It seems to me that the cleaner path forward for the Fairfax school board is to officially change the mission and designation of TJ from a school for gifted students to whatever criteria they would like. So long as they moved forward in a manner consistent with their new designation and mission, wouldn’t that eliminate these specific criticisms?

    Also, everytime I see an issue like this, I am reminded that everything is OK until it’s not. So long as enough of the citizenry fails to buck on this, the Fairfax school board will likely continue down this path. Fairfax is a huge school division that enrolls over a tenth of the students in the state, but the percentage of students whose parents feel are negatively impacted by this issue is extremely small. Even those constituents in Fairfax County who might be sympathetic to the claims of these parents are likely not following this case closely, or more likely may not be aware of it at all. Even those who are aware will likely forget about all of this by the next school board election since this didn’t impact them directly.

    There is so much hyperbolic noise from the right wing and left wing media outlets, that most folks don’t pay much attention to such things. When everything’s a crisis, then nothing is, especially to folks who work for a living, have families to attend to. They have better things to do that worry and fret over everything that their betters in the media tell them they should be upset about.

  11. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    Mrs. Nomani for FCPS School Board.

  12. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    Mrs. Nomani for FCPS School Board.

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