Judge Orders LCPS to Turn Over Investigation into the Assaults and Rape at Two County Schools

by Jeanine Martin

Loudoun County Circuit Court Judge James P. Fischer has ordered Loudoun County Public Schools to turn over its internal investigation into the assaults and rape that occurred in 2021 at two Loudoun County high schools.

The school system had argued that it was privileged information that they need not share with the public. Judge Fischer disagreed and ordered the report to be turned over to the public within 7 days.

From WTOP.com:

The ruling is a win for Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares, who has been fighting to expose how he says the school district mishandled the incidents.

The judge agreed with prosecutors from the Miyares’ office that the internal report on the 2021 sexual assaults and rape on school grounds was not protected under attorney-client privilege — noting that then-Superintendent Scott Ziegler gave the perception that any findings from the independent investigation were for the public’s benefit.

In a statement, Miyares’ spokeswoman Victoria LaCivita said in part, “We appreciate the courts time and attention to this matter.”

More on the story here.

This piece was originally appeared in The Bull Elephant and is reprinted with permission.

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9 responses to “Judge Orders LCPS to Turn Over Investigation into the Assaults and Rape at Two County Schools”

  1. And everyone who contributed to the decision to allow the second rape should be fired, have their name added to the list of bad employees [just like the discredited LEO list] and lose their pensions.

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Judge Fischer disagreed and ordered the report to be turned over to the public within 7 days.”

    Not accurate.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      In what way?

      Yesterday, WTOP radio was reporting that they were given 7 days.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        From Post article:

        “On Tuesday, Miyares spokeswoman Victoria LaCivita said the report has to be turned over to the attorney general’s office within seven days. Under the rules of the court, subpoenaed documents must be sealed and only available to the parties of the case, meaning the report will not be made public yet.”

        1. WayneS Avatar

          Okay, but did the judge make the [incorrect] order?

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I don’t think so. Miyares only subpoenaed for access to the investigation for his other related prosecutions. He did not ask for permission to make it public and there are privacy issues involved apparently.

          2. WayneS Avatar


  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Remove the carpet and behold you will find a bushel of nonsense that has been swept under the rug for many years.

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