Journey Through Hallowed Ground: The Debate

The House of Representatives joined the U.S. Senate yesterday in passing legislation to designate the Journey Through Hallowed Ground a National Heritage Area. Unless President George W. Bush vetoes the legislation, which appears unlikely, the NHA designation will be enacted into law.

What will this mean for land use in Virginia? We can all find out at May 15 meeting of the Prince William County Committee of 100, which is presenting an incredibly timely debate: “Can Private Property Rights and National Heritage Areas Peacefully Co-exist in Prince William County?” Yours truly will be the moderator.

View details here. I hope to see you there!

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  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Do I read this to mean that Bush is likely to veto this legislation?


  2. Jim Bacon Avatar
    Jim Bacon

    Ray, thanks for catching the typo. I meant to say that it appeared unlikely that Bush would veto the bill.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    Sorry to learn that Chotank in King George County is not included in the Hallowed Ground heritage site. But Brenttown, between Cedar and Broad Runs in Prince William County is, and the grant became a Colony of Chotankers. Douglas Southall Freeman wrote, Family history is the only history made or written at Chotank. Will George Bush’s signature help give the Chotankers’ lives more history appeal than Disney’s America could have achieved? Michael Eisner planned to build Disney’s America on legacy Foote/Foot land.

    Avon Edward Foote

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