Johnson & Johnson Danger: Same As Getting Struck By Lightning

A chart rarely shown in the mainstream media because it doesn’t gin up hysteria about the virus.

by Kerry Dougherty

Here’s a prediction: We’re going to see a drop-off in the number of people being vaccinated against COVID-19. Thanks to bungling and fear-mongering by government officials.

Currently 3.1 million Americans are getting the vaccines daily.

Analysts will try to blame and drop on the Johnson & Johnson blood-clot scare — more about that in a minute — but a bigger reason will be the relentless messages of gloom from the Prince of Darkness, Anthony Fauci.

First Fauci urged Americans to get vaccinated. Then he declared that vaccinated people should continue to wear masks, avoid crowds, they should not travel and they should stay away from indoor dining.

He “can’t predict” when life will get back to normal.

If that’s true, what’s the point in vaccinations? Either the shots work or they don’t.

Ever since “14 days to slow the spread,” health “experts” and tyrannical governors have moved the return-to-normalcy goalposts. For months we were told that once the vaccines were here the emergency orders would be lifted. Now some seem to want to keep restrictions in place until the virus is gone.

And that day will never come.

Fauci and company seem to be terrified of any risk no matter how small. Whether they know it or not, their cowardly behavior is discouraging people from taking the vaccines.

We’ve been told the vaccines are between 65% effective (for J&J) and 95% (Pfizer). That’s a phenomenal rate. Much higher than for seasonal flu shots .

(And that doesn’t mean you have a 65% to 95% protection against getting seriously sick or dying from Covid after you’ve been vaccinated. It means that whatever your risk of death or serious illness was when you were unvaccinated is now cut by 65% to 95%.)

Check the chart above to determine your own risk of death from the virus without a vaccine.

It’s not just Fauci casting doubt on the efficacy of vaccines. President Biden — fully vaccinated since the beginning of the year — engages in pandemic theater whenever he appears in public mumbling through a wad of masks. Same goes for the Vice President and the governor of Virginia. Ralph Northam not only had COVID, but was also vaccinated last month. He must be crawling with antibodies. Yet there’s the governor all masked up in public, claiming to “follow the science.”

These officials may think they’re setting an example. What they’re really doing is snatching hope away from Americans who are weary of masks and restrictions. The best way to get people vaccinated is with a promise of a quick return to normal life.

The only reason the government is able to get away with this endless negativism is because brainwashed Americans have no concept of probability.

Don’t believe me? Go to a 7-Eleven when the Mega-Millions jackpot is closing in on $1 billon. You will see people buying 10, 20 or 50 tickets, believing that they’re boosting their odds of winning. They don’t understand that when your chance of winning is 1 in 302.5 million, buying a dozen tickets doesn’t move the needle much. Yet there they stand, clutching fistfuls of losing lottery tickets.


Which brings us to the Johnson & Johnson panic. When news broke that six people out of about 6.8 million doses distributed had developed a serious blood clot disorder and that one of the victims had died, government officials panicked and “paused” distribution of the vaccine.

The news media dutifully blasted out the headlines, adding to the fear factor.

This was a stunning over-reaction to a very rare-but-serious side effect.

In reality, the chances of developing a serious blood clot from the J&J shot is about the same as getting struck by lightning: One in a million.

By halting the distribution of the J&J product, government officials whipped up doubts and hysteria about all of the vaccines.

Combine that with Fauci’s gloomy pronouncements and it’s about to get tougher than ever to convince skeptical folks to roll up their sleeves.

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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40 responses to “Johnson & Johnson Danger: Same As Getting Struck By Lightning”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    Take a look at the IFR’s on the CDC website. Lower than this, but still not enough to truly take a vaccine. Even worse is to force it on kids who truly never were a problem.

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Your point of Americans not understanding probability is a good one. For instance, what might the reaction be if say 500,000 Americans died in plane crashes last year…??

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Cigarettes, fast food and booze do kill that many and far far more every single year. Maybe every month! In fact, they account for much of the COVID comorbidity. So you would ban those, too, I’m sure….

      I’ve had several friends tell me of the loss of their sense of smell and taste from this. Just protecting the ability to enjoy the nose on a ’15 Bordeaux was reason enough for
      us to get vaccinated, Vic! I’ve also been hospitalized and come out alive, but have no wish to go in again. Death is not the only risk. But I’ve lost interest in your health and be as foolish as you want — my only concern is the Control Freaks are using your status to maintain the “state of emergency.”

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Not breathing sucks, and yes, still cannot smell coconut (2 separate medical events), but I’m working on a recovery method — retraining — nightly foo foo drinks!

      2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

        I wonder the extent to which exposure to cigarette smoke (1st and 2nd hand) correlates to COVID case and severity?

        1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

          I answer my own question, it is believed smokers may have worse COVID outcomes, but not much evidence to suggest smoking makes it easier to get COVID. In fact there was some early thought smoking was protective, but that was probably due to bad interpretation of the data.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It is a fact on which I have relied. Picking up cancellations is a real cost savings.

      When terrorism was a “rare”, mostly European, problem the headlines of “Cruise Ship in Italy Attacked” was my signal for a cheap vacation.

      A good plane crash will lower fares for a week or two.

      Example. We did a 4-day Disney/Discovery Cove, air, food, and lodging for less than $500/person in mid-October 2001. The single biggest charge was for the rental car and airport parking.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Amplified by media and the fast-tracked combined Phase studies, the CDC is definitely overreacting.

    Acceptable losses.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      See, that’s the phrase that comes to mind on the whole issue. This whole feckless enterprise is premised on the falsehood that government can protect us from….uh, sickness and death in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. Might as well promise to stop the rain. The ChiComs really built a nasty bug here, loosed it probably by accident, and just changed the world for a decade at least. Adapt and move on. Got my shots, moving on….

      Most who are exposed don’t get sick, most who get sick get better, most who go to the hospital come out alive. The IFR numbers above are pretty solid, now. But still really smart to take the shots.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        So the whole vaccine thing is just more foolish nannyism for the clueless?

        1. Yes, I’m sure that is what he meant by: “But still really smart to take the shots.”

          1. LarrytheG Avatar


          2. Are you implying that the following statements are untrue?

            – Most who are exposed don’t get sick
            – most who get sick get better
            – most who go to the hospital come out alive.
            – The IFR numbers above are pretty solid, now.

            You must be, because those are the statements which preceded “But still really smart to take the shots.”. There was certainly no mention of anything being “foolish nannyism for the clueless…”

            You appear to have some serious reading comprehension issues. Were you never taught how to parse?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: “foolish nannhism” —>>>> ” This whole feckless enterprise is premised on the falsehood that government can protect us from….uh,”…. uh huh

          4. Your faith in the power of government is an inspiration to us all….

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            well – it’s not binary thing, donchaknow.

            Govt has a role – an important role that only it can do and I know that just pisses some people off to no end…. yeah…we gotta have DOD to protect us from the bad guys but GAWD FORBID we rely on science and
            Govt when it comes to disease…

          6. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Wayne, I have discovered life it better and blood pressure ten points lower if you do not engage the tar baby….

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            except when Steve can’t help himself and stumbles all over his own issues… 😉

            some folks here can’t help themselves when it comes to personal attacks on others that they clumsily try to disguise.

            If Steve REALLY believed what he says about Tarbaby or Wayne – they actually would not engage but instead can’t seem to help their own hypocrisy sometimes

          8. I’m having fun.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep… figures… you’re that kind of guy!


          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            I dunno, were you? What makes you the determiner of this ? You just take on that role because you think you are suited to it?

            pretty ambitious if you ask me….

            oh wait, this is YOUR OPINION? I see.

          11. That simplifies things. Thank you.

            I base my comments on what the author of an article/comment actually wrote, you base yours on what you wish a person meant by what they have written.

          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            and you base that view on what? your beliefs? Your opinion? Yep. Obviously you don’t know what you are talking about, right?

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        That, and Americans really aren’t brave. Undoubtedly the most frightened people on Earth.

        Oooh, “I got mine, you get yours”? Careful when you use that.

  4. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Two key points. First, the vaccinations work. Second, since the Thalidomide disasters decades ago, FDA has been very risk adverse. Congress can’t beat them up for problems that arise from not getting vaccinated but it sure will if it did nothing and there were more blood clot deaths. FDA is in a no win situation since we are not allowed to use informed consent to get the J&J vaccine.

  5. To build on Kerry’s point about COVID fear porn… Project Veritas has released video footage of CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester talking about CNN’s COVID coverage.

    • Chester: “COVID? Gangbusters with ratings, right? Which is why we [CNN] constantly have the [COVID] death toll on the side, which I have a major problem with – with how we’re tallying how many people die every day.”
    • Chester: “Like, why isn’t it high enough, you know, today? Like it would make our point better if it was higher. And I’m like, what am I f***ing rallying for? That’s a problem that we’re doing that.”
    • Chester: “It’s fear. Fear really drives numbers [TV ratings] … Fear is the thing that keeps you tuned in.”
    • Chester: “The special red phone rings and this producer picks it up. You hear [murmurs], and every so often they put it on speaker and it’s the head of the network being like, ‘There’s nothing that you’re doing right now that makes me want to stick. Put the [COVID death toll] numbers back up, because that’s the most enticing thing that we had. So, put it back up.’”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      The “fear porn” is a distraction stoked by folks on the right.

      At most of the vaccination clinics, they are thronged with people wanting the vaccine – there is no fear. It’s manufactured as a partisan issue to excuse the idiots and “skeptics” and anti-vaxxers…

      Most normal people want the vaccine, that’s the bottom line.

      The rest is a distraction from the nay-sayers.

      1. CNN are certainly not “folks on the right”, and yet the above statements from Mr. Chester make it clear that they are engaging in “fear porn” in their COVID coverage.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I’d say that 99% of the coverage I have seen on CNN is ANYTHING BUT “fear porn”. It’s the opposite. Of course it might depend on one’s own viewpoints as to how they perceive things themselves… donchaknow

          ” While broadcasting an increasing onslaught of coronavirus vaccine skepticism, Carlson repeatedly says that he’s just asking questions — and that we should ask questions.

          That much is true. But Carlson often serves up those questions with a heaping side of innuendo and little due diligence.

          “Don’t dismiss those questions from ‘anti-vaxxers,’ ” Carlson said Monday, using his trademark scare-quote voice, while noting that some European countries have paused the AstraZeneca vaccine over concerns about blood-clotting (that vaccine hasn’t been approved for emergency use in the United States). “Don’t kick people off social media for asking them. Answer the questions. … It turns out there are things we don’t know about the effects of this vaccine — and all vaccines, by the way. It’s always a trade-off.”

          “Democrats believe vaccines are the answer to everything,” Carlson said in November. “‘Shh. Don’t ask questions. Just take the shot.’”

          1. Is “Carlson” a CNN reporter?

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            He was. Learned it well, I’d say.

      2. Larry: “At most of the vaccination clinics, they are thronged with people wanting the vaccine – there is no fear.”
        and “Most normal people want the vaccine…”

        Then why did VDEM/VDH spend $9.4 million for vaccine outreach to Black communities?

        “Northam’s Vaccine Quotas”

        “The New Racism at a Danville Vaccination Clinic”

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Why? Because far fewer of minority communities came to those clinics.


          But there were PLENTY of people who came to get their shots… just not enough …

          1. No, Larry. VDEM/VDH set up vaccine centers for minorities. They aren’t signing up. So maybe you want to rethink your statement that “most normal people want the vaccine”? Or was that intentionally racist?

            No? So, if you wouldn’t say something rude to minority people, don’t say it about white people either.

          2. No, Larry. VDEM/VDH set up vaccine centers for minorities. They aren’t signing up. So maybe you want to rethink your statement that “most normal people want the vaccine”? Or was that intentionally racist?

            No? So, if you wouldn’t say something rude to minority people, don’t say it about white people either.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do you know WHY they are not signing up and what percentage?

            will repeat – most “normal” folks want the vaccine… yes… perhaps not the right word but certainly not intended to be “racist” which is more a cheap shot than anything real.

            One of the reasons for the minority community is lack of access to internet which unfortunately is how many did get signed up.

            There are a number of reasons why some don’t get signed up but some do want the shot but don’t have an easy way to get it – and that’s what Northam was trying to do.

            was it racist? as usual. Nope.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well, say what you wish, it ain’t the flu, it’s more contagious, deadlier, and ain’t gone nor finished with us, yet.

    Every infection is a mutation opportunity and every mutation is an opportunity to rise again. Did I say, “again”? It ain’t even finished with us for the first time.

    I wouldn’t put anything away. Not for a year or two.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      As I recall writing a year ago, we can do this fast or we can do it slow, and I prefer slow. But this bug is here to stay and most are going to get exposed at some point. Good for me, now I have the Pfizer shots and my odds just got way better.

      1. …or we can do it half-fast…

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