Jewish Parents Decry Double Standards at UVA

by James A. Bacon

A half year after Hamas terrorists assaulted Israel, hostility at the University of Virginia toward Israel and Jews is unrelenting, according to parents of Jewish students there. In collaboration with other parents, Julie Pearl complained in a letter Tuesday to Rector Robert Hardie that a “blatant double standard against Jewish students persists at UVA.”

Pearl’s letter was prompted in part by the administration’s response to a recent incident in which a truck with digital billboards rolled through the University displaying messages critical of Hardie. One screen said, “Rector Robert Hardie won’t confront antisemitism” while another said Hardie is “unfit to lead U.Va.” The administration’s reaction was to criticize the slogans and investigate who was behind the stunt, Pearl said.

“How does the billboard incident directed at you merit outrage, an immediate statement of condemnation, and investigative action … while the ongoing harassment and intimidation faced by Jewish students receive no such response?” she asked.

By contrast, University officials have failed to act on formal complaints lodged by Jewish students through the “Just Report It” system, Pearl alleged.

“Responses received have been generic acknowledgments via email, offering assurances of available resources,” said one parent in a statement that Pearl submitted as an attachment to her letter. “Similarly, emails and letters sent to UVA administrators from concerned parents have been met with generic replies leaving the hostile environment unaddressed.”

The lackadaisical response to offenses against Jews contrasts vividly to the administration’s overkill in response to a string of supposed racial incidents in the fall of 2022, none of which turned out to be warranted. When a White man put a noose around the statue of the ancient Greek poet Homer on the Lawn, President Jim Ryan proclaimed the act a hate crime and called in the FBI to find the perpetrator. When the man was finally identified and arrested, he said he was protesting pedophilia.

Pearl’s letter and affidavits from Jewish parents come at a time of increasing tensions at UVA.

In February students voted in a referendum to demand that the UVA endowment divest itself of investments that did business in Israel.

Last week Student Council passed a resolution asking for additional prayer space for Islamic students.

Also last week, The Jefferson Council has learned, an Honor Code complaint was filed against Matan Goldstein, who has been the only Jewish student at UVA willing to speak openly to the media in defense of Israel in its conflict with Hamas. The complaint alleged that Goldstein, who held aloft an Israeli flag during an October 25 SJP rally at the Rotunda steps, lied in an interview to CBS-19 news when he said he had been assaulted.

Goldstein had no comment about the allegations, but The Jefferson Council has learned that he has engaged Gregory Brown of Brown & Gavalier in Charlottesville, the same firm that successfully represented Morgan Bettinger against the University.

The Jefferson Council’s sources within UVA’s Jewish community describe the filing as a reprehensible weaponization of the Honor Code to silence political opponents.

Pearl’s letter included another attachment listing 27 incidents involving students and ten involving faculty that Pearl argued were antisemitic or showed a strong bias toward Palestinians. These included:

  • A student advocating for Hitler’s final solution;
  • The SJP’s statement in October supporting the wiping out of Israeli villages “by whatever means”;
  • Jewish student social events require protection;
  • Calls and chants for the removal of an entire country’s population, promoting genocide of Jewish people;
  • Assault, such as spitting at Jewish students;
  • Jewish students hide their identity out of fear of bullying and harm;
  • Posters displaying images of violence taken against Jewish people–the bulldozer used in the 10/7 attack that killed 1,200+ and abducted over 200 more;
  • Verbal assault calling a Jewish student a “dirty Jew.”

In the past, UVA students, staff and faculty have been investigated and punished at UVA for saying the wrong thing — not just engaging in hate speech, but committing “microaggressions” — about Blacks, Hispanics, transgenders and other so-called “marginalized” groups. But no such solicitude has been forthcoming for Jewish students, Pearl noted.

Some of the incidents Pearl listed have been reported in the media, but many have not. Jewish students report being subjected to ethnic slurs, including the derogatory term “kike,” which Jews perceive as analogous to the “N” word. Individual Jews have been accused of being Nazis or supporting genocide. A common theme in the list is blatantly one-sided portrayals of the Israel-Palestinian conflict in classrooms.

One incident involved the Halal Kitchen food truck often seen on the Grounds. “On March 1, 2024 an employee of the Halal Kitchen food truck parked on Grounds and asked customers if they supported the Palestinians,” Pearl wrote. “If they answered ‘yes,’ they were told they would receive a discount. This incident was reported to [senior vice president of operations] Colette Sheehy who said someone from the university told the worker to cease and desist.”

In the face of widespread student and faculty hostility toward Israel, University officials have staked out a position of studied neutrality in the face of the increasingly hostile climate toward Jewish students. They are reaching out to Muslims and Jews in private conversations. They’ve established a religious diversity task force to probe religious discrimination. They’ve scheduled an academic lecture series to explore Israeli-Palestinian relations. And they’re investigating complaints of discrimination and harassment.

But even that neutrality is suspect.

During the February-March meeting of the Board of Visitors, some board members repeatedly pressed Hardie to address the issue of antisemitism on Grounds. In a heated confrontation with board member Bert Ellis, he steadfastly refused to discuss the issue in open session, claiming that the board would address “student safety” in closed session. 

In other signs of institutional bias, two members of the religious task force created to look into religious discrimination had signed a letter criticizing Ryan for not showing sufficient sympathy to Palestinians in his public statements. No militantly pro-Israeli Jews were appointed to the task force. Also, the lecture series sponsored by the Provost’s office about the Israel-Palestinian conflict, as the Jefferson Council has illumined, lined up speakers heavily skewed in sympathy toward the Palestinians.

“We urge you and the rest of the Board of Visitors to take proactive steps against antisemitism and create an environment where Jewish students feel safe, without the need for security, to openly identify themselves without fear of harassment,” Pearl wrote.

“When they can do so,” Pearl added, adopting the language of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion often applied to other minorities, “it will demonstrate that all students at UVA are genuinely valued, supported, and feel a sense of belonging.”

James A. Bacon is executive director of The Jefferson Council. This article has been republished with permission from the Jefferson Council blog.

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99 responses to “Jewish Parents Decry Double Standards at UVA”

  1. WayneS Avatar

    Any word on how the federal investigation is going?

  2. Carter Melton Avatar
    Carter Melton

    Welcome to the new America where wonk-based tribalism and identity politics threaten our very social fabric.

    1. Chip Gibson Avatar
      Chip Gibson

      Honored to see your name here, Sir. God Bless you and yours.

  3. Teddy007 Avatar

    Most of the Jewish parents have a definition of anti-semitism that seems to includes being against the current policies in Israel. In reality, those are two very different things.

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      Only a NAZI would be against murdering people in their charity food truck!!!

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        Sarcasm rarely working in writing. It takes body language to make it work.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          A note can help. I thought he came through pretty clearly:), hence my thumbs up.

  4. Lefty665 Avatar

    There is a big difference between opposing Israel’s war crimes against Palestinians and anti-semitism. Just as there is a big difference between sympathy for Palestinian victims of Israeli crimes against humanity and anti-semitism. Conflating criticism of Israeli war crimes, or sympathy with its Palestinian victims, mostly women and children, with anti-semitism is at best misguided, and possibly stems from less charitable motivations. The behavior is clear, its motivation somewhat less so.

    The international laws against war crimes are also clear. They have been ratified by Congress and are US law too. Again I link the guidance on war crimes that the USMC provides our soldiers.

    No one supporting or advocating war crimes or its perpetrators,
    regardless of religion, should be surprised when they encounter
    resistance. For example, flying Israeli flags today is no more admirable than flying Nazi flags would have been 80 years ago. Both are protected speech, but neither is sheltered from criticism which is also protected speech.

    Over the years one of the things about conservatism that has been attractive to me is conservative support of the Constitution, structure and the rule of law as governing principles of our country.

    The current disregard of US law, specifically the internationally established prohibition of war crimes and crimes against humanity, by many conservatives, some here on BR, is disappointing. It makes me wonder if many conservatives really believe in conservative principles, or whether that is just convenient lip service.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Another thing a lot of conservatives have respect for is due process.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      To advocate the destruction of Israel, the “from the river to the sea” mantra, is to advocate genocide. Perhaps some just want the Israelis to leave, but most want then dead and cheered on Oct. 7. I lose no sleep over their fate. Hamas has chosen to get those civilians killed. The IDF has proven conclusively that Hamas was/is embedded in hospitals and other protected places just to give the Lefty665s of the world a chance to pretend they care about rule of law — when they just want Israel destroyed.

      That said, given the nature of this war, American Jews need to grow some cojones and give as good as they get. It will be a rough time. I hear the Hamas supporters and I SEE the 9-11 terrorists and I too say, never again.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free”

        Hmmm…. nothing about the destruction of Israel at all…

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Remember that “From the river to the sea” started as Israeli advocacy to eliminate Palestinians from the West Bank. That is an ill wind that blows nobody good.

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        If you truly care about Israel’s survival you would be advocating that it cease and desist the war crimes that it has been committing on a large scale for coming up on half a year.

        “Hamas has chosen to get those civilians killed. The IDF has proven conclusively that Hamas was embedded in hospitals and other places”

        Israeli killing of Palestinian civilians to get Hamas and attacking hospitals, refugee camps. and other places are explicitly war crimes and in violation of US law.

        It is disappointing that you disregard both international law as ratified and adopted as US law. Not much of a conservative if you advocate violating US law. How would one tell you’re not really a progressive in drag?

        How long have you placed fealty to Israel above your loyalty to the United States? Good thing you’ve never taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution.

        1. StarboardLift Avatar

          “The international laws against war crimes are also clear. They have been ratified by Congress and are US law too..”

          Thing is, neither Russia nor Ukraine nor Hamas nor Israel is beholden to US law.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            They may or may not be, but law against war crimes is the law of the land in America. If we as citizens care about our Constitution and system of governance we will follow our laws.

            Saying the other guys do it to justify our illegal actions or our being accessories to crimes against humanity is a slippery slope to the bottom.

            We need to be better than that.

        2. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          You choose to hide your identity. I can live with your disappointment. Israel could have just leveled Gaza in a few days, as we did parts of Japan, but trying to root out Hamas more surgically has really hamstrung their operations. I am not going to second guess the situation from here. They decide on the ground what they need to do.

          The deaths of aid workers is tragic, but aid workers in a war zone must know the risks they are taking. Hamas makes the Nazis appear civilized in their conduct.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Living with your advocacy of war crimes and crimes against humanity should be a little harder. Unfortunately there is little indication that you have any respect for US law either. I had thought better of you, but I can live with my disappointment in you.

          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Like the other nameless cowards who come here to carp, you invent my positions. I don’t advocate the cruelty of war, I recognize it as inevitable when the enemy is this evil and has no rules themselves. Funny how you never condemn the people who started this, hide behind women and children, and still hold civilian hostages (feel free to swear out that warrant for THEM breaking the law!)

          3. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Like the other nameless cowards who come here to carp, you invent my positions. I don’t advocate the cruelty of war, I recognize it as inevitable when the enemy is this evil and has no rules themselves. Funny how you never condemn the people who started this, hide behind women and children, and still hold civilian hostages (feel free to swear out that warrant for THEM breaking the law!)

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            When logic and rule of law fail, go for the ad hominem. All it demonstrates is the emptiness of your invective. I can live with that.

            You say: “the cruelty of war, I recognize it as inevitable when the enemy is this evil and has no rules themselves.”

            It may be inevitable, but it is a war crime and crime against humanity. That is clearly and explicitly identified by the Geneva Conventions, ratified by Congress and adopted as US law.

            It is your disrespect of law, due process and the Constitution that are most offensive.

            I have never advocated for Hamas and have in fact condemned their war crimes, among which the taking of hostages is prominent.

            We are fortunate you have never taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution you so clearly disparage with your advocacy of crimes against humanity. Are you going to hold a Burn a baby for Bibi rally?

            Here again is the USMC guidance on war crimes it provides our soldiers: While ignorance may be blissful to you, it is no substitute for knowledge. You might at least try reading what the Marines have to say about war crimes and what acts (those you advocate) are both prohibited and prosecutable.

          5. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            A “burn a baby for Bibi” rally? Now who is resorting to ad hominem…

            I had an uncle on Guadalcanal. He could give you a lecture on war. If you know that because you served, I salute that, but I support Israel and its leaders have to make the decisions for themselves in this existential struggle. I bet they aspire to the same rules, really. If they decide to change their tactics, I will still by default support them.

            I had another uncle who went across France into Germany in 1944-5 and he could have talked about Malmedy. No SS prisoners taken after that one….

            Rules of war. Funny guy, you.

          6. Lefty665 Avatar

            Just replying in kind. Well, are you going to hold the rally or is your support for crimes against humanity just twaddle?

            I also have relatives who served in WWII. Although they chose not to, they also could have given lectures on the horrors of war and the necessity for worldwide rejection of war crimes. That includes the uncle who spent the war at Oak Ridge and had a special horror at the hundreds of thousands of civilians his work helped kill.

            I have taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and I work to honor that oath.

            Your support of Israel’s war crimes is no better than the good Germans support of the Nazis and their war crimes.

            If you really supported Israel you would be working to pull it back from the abyss it is speeding towards. Its survival is at stake yet you keep your foot firmly on the gas to its destruction. With friends like you, Israel breeds enemies faster than it can kill them.

          7. Lefty665 Avatar

            Actually upon reflection, my response below that I was replying in kind to your ad hominem attack mistakenly bought in to your mischaracterization.

            In the last half year Israel has killed more than 30K Palestinian civilians, most of them, 25k or more, women and children. That is a clear war crime. To put some perspective on it the death toll is half as many dead in 6 months as we suffered in Viet Nam over 20 years.

            Your statement was:
            “the cruelty of war, I recognize it as inevitable when the enemy is this evil and has no rules themselves.”

            Framing your statement as “burn a baby for Bibi” while hard is a clear and appropriate characterization of your position. It is not an ad hominem attack on your person as you attacked me.

            I did appropriately ask, to which you have not replied, Is your support for crimes against humanity just twaddle?

            Well, is it sincere support for war crimes in violation of US law or is it simply twaddle? Again, that is not an ad hominem attack, it is a question, perhaps indelicately phrased, giving you the opportunity to reaffirm or retract your support for war crimes.

            Willful disregard of law is not a position of anyone who sincerely fancies themselves a conservative.

            The truth is that the IDF is an atrocious, as in atrocities, fighting force. It is inexperienced, it is poorly trained, it is poorly led and it is trigger happy. That is a bad combination. What it is best at is killing unarmed women and children. It is no longer the premier fighting force of yore.

            Worse yet it is directed by deranged Zionists, some of whom are convicted terrorists, who think they are on a mission from God to cleanse Israel of heathens.

            For Israel’s own good we need to pull them back from destroying themselves. The way to do that is to stop supplying offensive weapons. That would quickly bring a halt to the madness. No good can come of continuing to supply 1 ton bombs for Israel to use use in a confined area with more than 2 million civilians.

            I repeat the question: Is your support for war crimes in violation of both international and US law sincere or is it simply twaddle? I add others, how many babies has Bibi burned today? Is that part of what you rationalize as “inevitable”?

          8. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            Steve, responding to nameless Lefty665 is a waste of time and energy. He has no interest in understanding you.

          9. Lefty665 Avatar

            Nor he me. Guess we’re even. I at least have respect for the rule of law and Constitution.

    3. StarboardLift Avatar

      There is a big difference between opposing Israel’s war crimes against Palestinians and anti-semitism. Just as there is a big difference between sympathy for Palestinian victims of Israeli crimes against humanity and anti-semitism. Conflating criticism of Israeli war crimes, or sympathy with its Palestinian victims, mostly women and children, with anti-semitism is at best misguided
      Can you hear the bias in the way you’ve framed these few sentences?

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        My bias is against war crimes, crimes against humanity and the war criminals who commit them. That is my bias yesterday, today and tomorrow. I embrace it.

        Opposing Israel’s war crimes is not anti-semitism.

        Sympathy for Palestinian civilians, more than 30K of whom, mostly women and children, have been murdered by Israel with our support in the last half year is not anti-semitism.

        Trying to pull Israel back from its self destructive campaign of war crimes is not anti-semitism. Israel is creating enemies much faster than it is able to kill them.

        If that be bias, make the most of it.

        1. Chip Gibson Avatar
          Chip Gibson

          Israel’s campaign is not self-destructive. Israel will prevail, despite the pain and sacrifice.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Open your eyes. Israel’s campaign of war crimes, killing more than 30,000 Palestinian civilians in 6 months, is creating enemies a lot faster than it is killing them. 1 billion Muslims vs 8 million Israelis are very bad odds.

            Sure Israel will prevail if prevail means replacing several thousand Hamas militants with 300,000 people now radicalized and enraged by Israeli murder of civilians, their families and relatives. Good luck with that next cycle.

            Israel is creating its own death sentence. People in America who care about Israel are trying to pull Israel back from the abyss, not becoming cheerleaders for crimes against humanity.

          2. CJBova Avatar

            There are no statements from Hamas on how many of their militants and supporters are among those 30,000, not how many civilians are among the Hamas military operation sites. Also no matching comments from you on actual and undeniable war crimes by Hamas. Israel does not have elimination of Palestinians as part of its charter but Hamas says “Israel will exist and continue to exist until Islam shall obliterate it.”

  5. Marty Chapman Avatar
    Marty Chapman

    What is needed and frankly has been needed for decades is a hard war resulting in Hamas being crushed followed by a generous peace.

    1. They’ve been doing that for decades, and all it does is foment anger and drive desperate civilians towards Hamas. What’s the definition of insanity again?

      1. Marty Chapman Avatar
        Marty Chapman

        The civilians chose Hamas. Hamas chose to attack Israel savagely. The consequences are predictable. The fighting can end tomorrow if Hamas releases the hostages (assuming any are still alive)

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          not all “chose” Hamas, especially the kids.

          Advocating/justifying the killing of kids will not win and it will get more and more people in the world against Israel.

          1. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry, Hamas started this. They can stop the killing by laying down their arms and releasing the hostages. Who is advocating killing children other than Hamas?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Hamas is not killing the kids. What will happen to the kids that Israel does not kill, when they grow up? Will they become Hamas? What’s the outcome for Israel long term if the kids grow up to become Hamas?

          3. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry who was Hamas killing when they invaded Israel on 10/7/23 and started this war? Who is using Palestinian schools and hospitals as shields for military facilities? Once again, Hamas can end this war tomorrow!

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            THe kids they don’t manage to kill will grow up to become what? Hamas? What Israel is doing is basically assuring Hamas will live on and continue unless Israel engages in a endless war to kill all of them?

          5. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            More likely they will be flown to the United States illegally by this administration where they will continue to destroy what is left of this Country.

          6. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry, I gather you are abandoning your argument that “Hamas is not killing kids” You seem to lack focus. Perhaps you could somehow work “Jim Crow” into your next post, just to come full circle.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            what? Hamas did kill kids but so has Israel , 10 times over and continues to.

            what kind of “focus” do you have here – certainly not the truth.

          8. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry, in successive posts you have denied Hamas killed kids, then reversed and said Hamas did kill kids. So which is it?

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            where did I deny that? I said they have but so has Israel at about 10 times as many.

          10. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry is this at all familiar?

            “Hamas is not killing the kids. What will happen to the kids that Israel does not kill, when they grow up? Will they become Hamas? What’s the outcome for Israel long term if the kids grow up to become Hamas?”

          11. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry? I saw you post earlier. I know you are out there somewhere.

          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            The point here is how does Israel expect to “win” if they continue to kill civilians, women and kids? The kids the Israelis don’t kill will grow up to become Hamas and their kids will and so on.

            There is no way Israel is going to kill all of them – but what they will do is insure that whoever survives will be forever enemies of Israeli with most of the rest of the world also against Israel including many in the US.

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            No it’s not. Is that the entire post? What I meant if this is an exact quote is that Hamas is not killing their own kids , that those kids, right now, are being killed by Israel – about 10 times as many or more than Hamas did kill on Oct 7.

          14. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Larry are you posting so much that you honestly have to ask me what you posted? This seems a little obsessive/compulsive (maybe more than a little!) Going forward I have no desire to enable this behavior, so please refrain from commenting on my posts and I will refrain from commenting on yours.

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            good enough. THANK YOU!

          16. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Hamas has already brutally killed children. That is what started the war. Short and distorted memory does not help here.

          17. Lefty665 Avatar

            There is one documented child murder on Oct 7. That is a crime, as is taking hostages. The evidence also is that around half the people killed on Oct 7 were killed by the out of control IDF.

            You are correct, a “Short and distorted memory does not help here.” Willful ignorance or believing propaganda do not help either.

          18. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Every single aspect of your comment is unequivocally false. There were 38 children killed on 10/7 with an additional 42 being abducted into Gaza.


            If you’re unable to refrain from posting false information, I will say again you should cease posting. You’re inability to make any form of logical argument on this topic lends more to your being antisemitic than anything else.

          19. Lefty665 Avatar

            How many of the children killed on 10/7 were killed by the IDF? Perhaps more than were killed by Hamas. Regardless each of those deaths is a tragedy. Taking of hostages, children or otherwise is a war crime.

            The antisemitsm charge is not only false but defamatory. You know better. Your advocacy for suppression of speech is beneath you. Have a nice day.

          20. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            None were killed by the IDF, making a false accusation doesn’t make it true. Stop with the all lives lost are tragedy act, it doesn’t work. You make that statement then absolve Hamas of their actions at every turn.

            “The antisemitsm charge is not only false but defamatory. You know better. ”

            Actually, it’s not defamatory.

            ” Your advocacy for suppression of speech is beneath you. ”

            That’s a nice strawman you setup there, but you can burn it down all you like, I never suppressed speech. Invoking counterpseech doctrine is the exact opposite.

            “you have been weighed, you have been measured and you have been found wanting”

          21. Lefty665 Avatar

            mene mene tekel upharsin your own self.

            Have a nice day.

          22. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Cool you can use Google for a language you don’t speek to make a threat, that you’d lack the ability to follow through with.

            However, it’s false because I’m advocating Monroe Doctrine while you’re advocating intervention.

          23. Lefty665 Avatar

            Hey I learned that from a New Yorker cartoon when I was about 15. That’s a long time ago.

            Thanks for the entertainment. I’m just going to keep laughing at your foolishness until you come to your senses, which I trust will be soon.

            Have a nice day.

          24. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I don’t even think you know what language it is or what it means.

            “Thanks for the entertainment. I’m just going to keep laughing at your foolishness until you come to your senses”

            About what? You making unfounded accusations without a shred of evidence? Or that you’ve got a hardon for intervention?

            Between the two of us, I’m not the one spouting propaganda and I actually citey sources.

          25. Lefty665 Avatar

            He he, keep it up, you make an old man laugh. Thank you.”citey” “citey” all you want to, and remember lefty loosey, righty tighty 🙂

            Have a nice day.

          26. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Typos are the last bastion of someone who can’t prove their point.

            I’d suggest you quit while you’re very far behind and lacking the intellectual honest to comment on this subject.

            I will also take that as an admission you have no idea what you said, just thought it was clever.

          27. Lefty665 Avatar

            “Typos are the last bastion of someone who can’t prove their point.”

            Exactly. Try that as often as you please, but it will never be a winning strategy. 🙂

            When you accused me of anti-semitism and said that I should stop posting because you disagreed with me, the only rational response was to laugh at you. I will continue to do that until you come back from this frolic you are on, regain your senses and have reasonable things to say. Dignifying your current nonsense by engaging it would be a mistake.

            Until then there is something very simple you can do. If you don’t like what I’ve got to say don’t read it. Nobody is holding a gun to your head. It’s not like I’m Israel and you’re a Palestinian in Gaza and can’t escape.

            Until you regain your senses and again have interesting things to say here’s something for you to read to pass the time. You were in the Army. Dunno if you weren’t paying attention when they were talking about war crimes or if you just forgot. A chilling number of the itemized war crimes describe Israel’s actions in the last half year.

            If you cared about Israel’s survival, as I do, you would be working to pull it back from the abyss, not encouraging it to commit more war crimes. Israel is creating enemies faster than it can kill them.

            Have a nice day.

          28. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “When you accused me of anti-semitism and said that I should stop posting because you disagreed with me, the only rational response was to laugh at you. I will continue to do that until you come back from this frolic you are on, regain your senses and have reasonable things to say. Dignifying your current nonsense by engaging it would be a mistake.”

            You should take time to actually read what I said, it’s clear by the statement you just setup you haven’t. That is SOP with you and the topic of Israel.

            “Until then there is something very simple you can do. If you don’t like what I’ve got to say don’t read it. Nobody is holding a gun to your head. It’s not like I’m Israel and you’re a Palestinian in Gaza and can’t escape.”

            False, I can invoke counter speech doctrine and call you out for making glass statements. That is something you don’t like, you’d prefer no one questioned your fallacious statements.

            If you think that Israel is holding them in, you need to find a map and see their other boarders and ask yourself why.

            The UCMJ governs the military, not the Marines. You don’t know.the first thing about war, conflict or war crimes. You make outlandish claims without any evidence to the fact.

            “If you cared about Israel’s survival, as I do, you would be working to pull it back from the abyss, not encouraging it to commit more war crimes. Israel is creating enemies faster than it can kill them”

            That’s a flase canard, the only thing you’re doing is absolving Hamas of their crimes and pointing a finger at Israel.

          29. Lefty665 Avatar

            There is an old Brother Dave Gardner routine about a guy, Junior, and his girlfriend on a motorcycle going up a mountain road behind a big old truck. The bumper sticker on the truck reads “I may be slow, but I’m ahead of you”. It does not end well for Junior. 🙂

            Have a nice day.

          30. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            How does pointing out you’re parroting false information, not work out for me?

            You keep making the same statements ad nauseum, problem with that is you provide no evidence and haven’t the foggiest idea about war crimes.

            You’re out of your depth, if you’d like me to go back to your first comment on the topic in October, we can point out where you blamed Israel from the outset.

            I mean if you want to argue “war crimes” you might want to take it up with an expert pointing out you’re wrong l.


            See as the education I was provided on warfare, I’m aware that mitigating circumstances exist, like when you’re attacked from a prohibited place and proportional response. Clearly topics you didn’t gleen from your “internet” education on warfare.

          31. Lefty665 Avatar

            🙂 rave on `All right,’ said the Cat; and
            this time it vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end of the tail,
            and ending with the grin, which remained some time after the rest of it
            had gone.

            Have a nice day.

          32. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Lets ask two very simple question.

            Under what grounds did Hamas have the right to commit a terrorist act on 10/7?

            Also, does Israel have the right to respond to a terrorist act?

          33. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Lefty, let’s flip that how many kids in Gaza have been killed by Hamas? How many more will be left destitute because the war Hamas started?

          34. LarrytheG Avatar

            They did indeed on a terrible one day atrocity.

            So now, Israel does it daily and kills 10 times as many?

          35. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            The atrocity did not end after that one day; however, it is tough to argue against your overall position here….

          36. LarrytheG Avatar

            Hamas is not killing the kids. What will happen to the kids that Israel does not kill, when they grow up? Will they become Hamas? What’s the outcome for Israel long term if the kids grow up to become Hamas?

          37. Lefty665 Avatar

            “Who is advocating killing children other than Hamas?”

            Israel with its murder of more than 30,000 Palestinians, 25,000+ of them women and children, and 15,000 or more of that number are children. That is a crime against humanity and Israeli policy.

            That is not just “advocating” that is actual murder by the Israelis. We are accomplices to crimes against humanity.

          38. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            I gather your figures come from Palestinian sources. As General Sherman supposedly observed “War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over”.

          39. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You do realize that warfare significantly changed during the two intervening world wars and long drawn out cold war. Nonetheless, Sherman targeted military and industrial infrastructure not civilians and had very specific rules for his campaign designed to protect the civilian population:

            “IV. The army will forage liberally on the country during the march. To this end, each brigade commander will organize a good and sufficient foraging party, under the command of one or more discreet officers, who will gather, near the route traveled, corn or forage of any kind, meat of any kind, vegetables, corn-meal, or whatever is needed by the command, aiming at all times to keep in the wagons at least ten days’ provisions for the command and three days’ forage. Soldiers must not enter the dwellings of the inhabitants, or commit any trespass, but during a halt or a camp they may be permitted to gather turnips, apples, and other vegetables, and to drive in stock in sight of their camp. To regular foraging parties must be intrusted the gathering of provisions and forage at any distance from the road traveled.

            V. To army corps commanders alone is intrusted the power to destroy mills, houses, cotton-gins, &c., and for them this general principle is laid down: In districts and neighborhoods where the army is unmolested no destruction of such property should be permitted; but should guerrillas or bushwhackers molest our march, or should the inhabitants burn bridges, obstruct roads, or otherwise manifest local hostility, then army commanders should order and enforce a devastation more or less relentless according to the measure of such hostility.

            VI. As for horses, mules, wagons, &c., belonging to the inhabitants, the cavalry and artillery may appropriate freely and without limit, discriminating, however, between the rich, who are usually hostile, and the poor or industrious, usually neutral or friendly. Foraging parties may also take mules or horses to replace the jaded animals of their trains, or to serve as pack-mules for the regiments or brigades. In all foraging, of whatever kind, the parties engaged will refrain from abusive or threatening language, and may, where the officer in command thinks proper, give written certificates of the facts, but no receipts, and they will endeavor to leave with each family a reasonable portion for their maintenance”

          40. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            the nature of war has changed very little. It is cruelty. Sherman and Grant crushed the Confederacy and just as importantly implemented a generous peace as envisioned by Lincoln. This is essentially what the Israelis are attempting.

          41. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            No, Sherman snd Grant crushed the ability of the Confederacy to wage war and largely spared the population. Israel has no plan for peace and certainly will not be providing mass immunity from persecution to any member of Hamas.

            Sorry but war has changed very much in intervening years and this is nothing like our Civil War. There are modern day parallels available to you but they don’t seem to bolster your case.

          42. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Eric, the Civil War is long over and heavily studied, thus we have a good understanding of what happened and why. The current Israel/Hamas conflict is ongoing, thus our ability to know what is happening and why is very limited. I believe Israel is justified in destroying Hamas. I also believe the destruction of Hamas will be followed by a generous peace that will give the Palestinian people a chance to be free, live in peace, and prosper. But FIRST Hamas, like the Confederacy, Nazi Germany, and Imperial Japan, must be crushed!

          43. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Lefty, here is an idea. I think you should renounce your U.S. Citizenship, travel to Gaza and join Hamas in their struggle.

          44. Lefty665 Avatar

            Well aren’t you precious. Bless your heart. Thank you so much. It is responses like yours that reassure me that I’ve got it right.

            Israel is in the process of destroying itself. The IDF is a mess, after six months they can’t defeat a clutch of troglodytes in a small area armed with AKs and RPGs. They’re ill trained, ill led, poorly disciplined and trigger happy. All they’re really good at is killing women and children with 1 ton bombs we have given them.

            Maybe if they invade Lebanon to attack Hezbollah, as they are threatening to, and get their butts kicked by a peer force Israel will come to its senses and cease committing crimes against humanity.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “The fighting can end tomorrow if Hamas releases the hostages (assuming any are still alive)”

          Based on statements from Netanyahu, this is simply untrue. As horrific as this reality is, the fact that Hamas has hostages seems to be the only thing providing any protection to the Gazan population at this time.

          1. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Eric, are you really trying to justify mass rape, murder, and kidnapping? Releasing ALL the hostages (including several U.S. citizens) is the minimum requirement for a cease fire.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Eric, are you really trying to justify mass rape, murder, and kidnapping?”

            Not at all. Isn’t it clear I oppose Israel’s actions in Gaza?

          3. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            So Eric, how should Israel have responded?

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            There are plenty of pieces out there suggesting a better way. To imply that Israel has no alternative to mass killing of women, children, and male civilians is simply false. Here is just one example:

          5. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Eric, you might want to go back and review that one

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Why? I thought it was a realistic evaluation of the situation and an even handed statement on the alternatives available to Israel. The final suggestion was “Israel should not try a full ground invasion that aims to put tanks in the streets of Gaza City. Instead, it should employ airstrikes and special forces targeted at high-value Hamas targets paired with limited mass ground operations — if any.”

            This is clearly not the approach being employed by Israel – nor what you are suggesting. They may soon be moving that direction due to the damage their standing in the world they are taking from the tactics they have employed to date. If Netanyahu is to be taken at his word, I doubt it though.

          7. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Eric, what do you think Israel has been doing for the last 10 years if not airstrikes and Special Forces raids? Hamas supporters use these actions to justify Oct 7. Do you see the cycle here?

        3. Lefty665 Avatar

          The consequences have been the murder of more than 30,000 Palestinian civilians, most of them women and children.

          The Geneva Conventions, ratified as US law, require the protection of civilians. They explicitly state that it is a war crime to kill civilians to get at combatants.

          The consequences are “predictable” only if you embrace war crimes, crimes against humanity, as policy.

          Again the USMC policy on war crimes, mostly taken verbatim from the Geneva Conventions: You might try reading this and understanding how our military understands the laws of war.

          1. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            War is Hell. There is no murder in that, at least not by your apparent definition(s). Stop the terror and God’s People of Israel will stop the war. Simple stuff.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            I’ll say it again, in smaller words this time. My definition, both apparent and real, is both US and international law. War crimes are criminal acts. They are murder.

            Read the Marine Corps instruction I linked in the post you replied to. It describes war crimes simply and clearly to help Marines stay out of the brig for committing them.

            It is indeed simple stuff. But to understand even simple stuff you need to be willing to learn.

            A big part of the problem in Israel today is Zionists under the delusion they are executing a mandate from god to exterminate infidels from land they think god gave them.

          3. CJBova Avatar

            The Islamic Resistance believes it is their mandate from Allah to cause Israel to cease to exist by any means necessary. Israel never spoke of eliminating infidels from their land. Keep the delusions straight.

          4. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Lefty, I have made no mention of the Marines or Geneva convention. Our military is not involved. I am fairly certain the laws of war require a declaration of War. Even the Japanese made an attempt to declare war just prior to attacking Pearl Harbor. Have both Israel and Hamas signed the Geneva protocols? If not, I do not see the relevance .

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            War crimes and crimes against humanity are international established norms.

            Violating them, committing war crimes, are crimes whether or not those committing them have signed them.

            The Nazis had not signed humanitarian laws, but we hung them for their crimes against humanity. Was that wrong?

            We supply Israel with the weapons they use to commit war crimes. That is against both US law and makes us an accessory to crimes against humanity.

            Your suggestion that the Geneva Conventions are not relevant is beyond belief for a civilized person. As was said of McCarthy, have you no sense of decency?

          6. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Lefty, 1. Germany was a signatory to the Hague Conventions . 2. Germany surrendered unconditionally at the end of WW2. Nazi leaders were afforded public trials. 3. If you believe the Biden Administration is violating the law by aiding Israel you are free to file suit in U.S. District Court and seek an injunction.

          7. Lefty665 Avatar

            Israel has also ratified the Geneva Conventions. Its leaders should also be afforded public trials for their war crimes.

            Patience grasshopper. The country seems more than ready to turn Biden out of office for many reasons, including support for Israeli war crimes. That’s coming quicker than a suit would.

          8. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Good luck serving that indictment Hoss! Is that a Trump Endorsement?

          9. Lefty665 Avatar

            Nope, I’m an Indy and voted that way in both ’16 & ’20. How about your own Trumpy self grasshopper?

            There’s at least 6B people in the world who would be pleased to serve the indictments. Some of them will likely have the opportunity. The odds ain’t good for 8M Israelis. It is in Israel’s best interests to step back from the abyss.

          10. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            I have not endorsed a candidate. I had some (forlorn!) hope for DeSantis. PS – I “snatched the pebbles from your hand” several posts back!

  6. Chip Gibson Avatar
    Chip Gibson

    In your debt, yet again, Mr. James Bacon. The situation aboard UVA is clearly grave in several regards. Time to awaken from the grasp of evil and that woke disease which has distorted reason and truth. Wake up and stand up, Old Virginia. Remember the Commonwealth Motto and repeat it daily.

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