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Jew-Hating Student Groups Crop Up Like Cockroaches. Virginia Is No Exception.

by Kerry Dougherty

As the world gapes in horror at the atrocities committed against the people of Israel malignant clots of the perpetually disgruntled appear, like cockroaches.

These brainwashed fans of Hamas cheer the murder of Jewish babies, the rape of Jewish women and the taking of Jewish hostages. They wave the Palestinian flag. They spew anti-semitism cloaked in something they call decolonization.

And where are these ghoulish fans of Islamic death cults found? College campuses, where else?

Many are oblivious to the fact that their nose rings, purple hair and non-binary existence would get them tossed off a tall building by the Islamists in the Middle East.

First out of the box were 31 student organizations at Harvard voicing support for the Palestinians. Not wanting to be outdone by the Cambridge brain trust, chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine at Stanford, Georgetown, Columbia, Swarthmore and George Washington University joined in the bloodthirsty, morally bankrupt cacophony. Then knots of nuts at the state schools jumped in: Florida State, University of Michigan, and the University of Illinois.

It didn’t take long for this nasty virus to infect Virginia. Misfits at William and Mary showed their solidarity with the Islamic rapists after the weekend bloodletting in Israel by harassing Jewish students who were raising relief funds for terror victims. And deranged hatred of the Jewish people crawled out of its hole at the commonwealth’s flagship: The University of Virginia.

In Charlottesville of all places!

Anyone else remember the national disgust over the white nationalist marchers in 2017 who carried torches and chanted “Jews will not replace us” and other Nazi slogans on the vaunted grounds of the university?

What do you suppose would have happened to any student who was part of that rally? No doubt some university body would have seen that they were drummed out of the school. Remember what they did to a student – Morgan Bettinger – who was falsely accused of making a racist remark?

Let’s see what happens to the latest assemblage of antisemites. Will they be run out of town? Or will there be a much more tolerant understanding of their loathsome presence at Thomas Jefferson’s once-great school under some phony claim of “diversity”?

University President Jim Ryan finally weighed in Wednesday, denouncing the violence but sidestepping outright denouncement of the Hamas supporters on the grounds. In his statement Ryan said he’d been dealing with a critically ill relative.

The student anti-semites have a right to speak and gather, of course. But the good people of the university community have a duty to condemn the Students for Justice in Palestine’s insane defense of terrorism.

The Jew haters are holding a “teach-in” in support of terror at the university later today.

Every Marxist professor at this state-supported school should condemn this brand of antisemitism with the same level of outrage and scorn that they heaped on the white nationalists with their slurs and their tiki torches.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited. 


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