Jew-Hating Student Groups Crop Up Like Cockroaches. Virginia Is No Exception.

by Kerry Dougherty

As the world gapes in horror at the atrocities committed against the people of Israel malignant clots of the perpetually disgruntled appear, like cockroaches.

These brainwashed fans of Hamas cheer the murder of Jewish babies, the rape of Jewish women and the taking of Jewish hostages. They wave the Palestinian flag. They spew anti-semitism cloaked in something they call decolonization.

And where are these ghoulish fans of Islamic death cults found? College campuses, where else?

Many are oblivious to the fact that their nose rings, purple hair and non-binary existence would get them tossed off a tall building by the Islamists in the Middle East.

First out of the box were 31 student organizations at Harvard voicing support for the Palestinians. Not wanting to be outdone by the Cambridge brain trust, chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine at Stanford, Georgetown, Columbia, Swarthmore and George Washington University joined in the bloodthirsty, morally bankrupt cacophony. Then knots of nuts at the state schools jumped in: Florida State, University of Michigan, and the University of Illinois.

It didn’t take long for this nasty virus to infect Virginia. Misfits at William and Mary showed their solidarity with the Islamic rapists after the weekend bloodletting in Israel by harassing Jewish students who were raising relief funds for terror victims. And deranged hatred of the Jewish people crawled out of its hole at the commonwealth’s flagship: The University of Virginia.

In Charlottesville of all places!

Anyone else remember the national disgust over the white nationalist marchers in 2017 who carried torches and chanted “Jews will not replace us” and other Nazi slogans on the vaunted grounds of the university?

What do you suppose would have happened to any student who was part of that rally? No doubt some university body would have seen that they were drummed out of the school. Remember what they did to a student – Morgan Bettinger – who was falsely accused of making a racist remark?

Let’s see what happens to the latest assemblage of antisemites. Will they be run out of town? Or will there be a much more tolerant understanding of their loathsome presence at Thomas Jefferson’s once-great school under some phony claim of “diversity”?

University President Jim Ryan finally weighed in Wednesday, denouncing the violence but sidestepping outright denouncement of the Hamas supporters on the grounds. In his statement Ryan said he’d been dealing with a critically ill relative.

The student anti-semites have a right to speak and gather, of course. But the good people of the university community have a duty to condemn the Students for Justice in Palestine’s insane defense of terrorism.

The Jew haters are holding a “teach-in” in support of terror at the university later today.

Every Marxist professor at this state-supported school should condemn this brand of antisemitism with the same level of outrage and scorn that they heaped on the white nationalists with their slurs and their tiki torches.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited. 


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58 responses to “Jew-Hating Student Groups Crop Up Like Cockroaches. Virginia Is No Exception.”

  1. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    These students at all of the mentioned organizations are an embarrassment to their families, their education, and to the very concept of good and evil. What Hamas did and is doing is pure evil and there is no way to justify it. Evil is evil and anyone who doesn’t recognize it as such is ignorant and a poor excuse for a human being.
    This should not get equated with the plight of the Palestinian people and the need for peace.

    1. Turbocohen Avatar

      That is not true William. These students are a reflection of todays mainstream Democrat.

      1. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        That is such an erroneous and biased answer that no response is necessary

    2. Turbocohen Avatar

      That is not true William. These students are a reflection of todays mainstream Democrat.

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      They are a reflection of their education, not an embarrassment to it.

  2. Several VT deans who came out quickly in support of Ukraine last year are eerily silent today with any support of Israel against this Hamas terrorist pogrom.
    The silence is deafening…. or as POTUS put it,
    “silence is complicity.”

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      I don’t get it! VT, UVA, major corporate CEO’s, leaders of foundations and philanthropies. They all have issued weak statements. Nobody wants to pick sides.

      1. Warmac9999 Avatar

        Not anymore. Harvard pro hamas /palestine organizations are in real trouble as top employers have stated they will not hire individuals from those groups. Head of NYU law student organization had job offer revoked. These students are now poison to employers. A wonderful lesson is being taught to the woke.

  3. Carter Melton Avatar
    Carter Melton

    Kerry, thank you. I have been trying to articulate my feelings after seeing, yesterday, the clip of the Palestinians parading and celebrating in Tampa. The displays of misplaced support popping up on woke-sotten campuses around the country only amplifies my concern.

    At the risk of drawing a lot of incoming fire….I think The West better be less concerned and cowered over Leftist accusations of Islamaphobia, and more concerned about the danger created by the grip that radical Muslims have on their religion.

    1. William O'Keefe Avatar
      William O’Keefe

      Well said. We need fewer left or right accusations and more facts so that reasoned judgments can be made. We also need far, far less polarization.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    There is a difference between Hamas and the Palestinian people.

    There ARE innocent Palestinian people that have nothing to do
    with Hamas and intelligent folks DO recognize this and the problem of getting Hamas without harming great numbers of Palestinian citizens.

    I note that we, the US , has gone after Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, ISIS and other terrorists in a targeted way without killing great numbers of innocent people that are in proximity to the bad guys.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        You gotta want to know the truth and the truth is , there ARE innocent Palestinian folks in the same way that the Taliban hid among the innocent as well as the Viet Cong. But too many of us don’t
        learn, don’t want to learn.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Use the long handled shovel to start the hole.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            nope. As I said, you have to want to know the truth and get yourself away from simplistic ideas of good and evil… the world don’t work that way… and it’s hard for some folks to deal with apparently.

          2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            As you shovel make sure the dirt is far enough away from the hole. Wouldn’t want the soil sliding back in.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            like I said… the world is not so easy to deal with sometimes and some folks have trouble with it.

          4. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            You’d have accepted the claims of innocence from the mayors of the German towns outside the camps, Larry. Hamas is the state just as the Nazi’s were the state.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t accept the “claims”… Do you pay any attention at all to humanitarian groups, UNICEF and the fact that about half of them are kids? DO you want to know?

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            they are different things. The idea that you have to condemn Hamas if you are going to express concern for Palestinian civilians or else you “hate Jews” or some such… is just plain wrong IMO.

            As far as I know, Unicef is purely a humanitarian organization that stays out of the politics.

            In fact, THIS is the statement: ” NEW YORK, 7 October 2023 – “I am deeply concerned for the wellbeing of children in Israel and the State of Palestine. “With hundreds of civilians reportedly killed or injured, we are closely monitoring the situation for reports of grave rights violations committed against children.”

            ““UNICEF is calling for immediate cessation of hostilities and reminding parties of their obligations under International Humanitarian law to afford special protection to children. Every single child, no matter who or where they are, must be protected.””

            As I have said. Hamas are barbarians , no question what-so-ever but there are others who are
            not Hamas that have nothing to do with Hamas… 1/2 of the people in Gaza are kids.

          7. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Unicef refuses to condemn Hamas for atrocities against children against babies. Refuses to call evil out by name. The “C” in unicef stands for children. Mr. Larry I said use a shovel. You have upgraded to a backhoe. You don’t strike me as they heavy equipment operator type.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            you’re demanding that they condemn Hamas or else they’re not legitimate?

            Hey, you’re an Education guy.

            Does the following qualify as “education”?


          9. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            I’m not sharing my fox hole with you Mr. Larry.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            You’d be making a mistake.. I’d more likely to die fighting for you than the other!

    1. There is a difference between Hamas and the Palestinian people.


      On a related issue, can you explain why these innocent people elected Hamas to run run their government?

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Israeli operation of Gaza as an open air prison camp.

        One day perhaps the people on both sides will throw off their evil leaders and declare peace with each other. Until then the leader inspired atrocities will continue tit for tat and repeat.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        who says they did? And even if they did, does that justify ALL of them including kids being
        attacked ? There are two million civilians in Gaza and about half of them are kids.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Plus it was nearly 20 years ago at this point…

          1. Hamas is like ISIS. Same heritage, same beliefs, same methods etc. It has never believed in Democracy or other Western values.

            With that said, Hamas remains popular.

            Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority refuses to hold an election. Do you know why?

            Because Ismail Haniyeh from Hamas would win. At that point, Hamas would control Gaza and the Palestinian areas in the West Bank.

        2. UN orgs allow Hamas to put weapons caches/rocket launch pads/HQs in schools and clinics….. look at the 2009 ICRC policy about ‘civilians’ supporting terrorist organizations – -they are legitimate targets just like ammo and fuel depots were in WWII.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            what UN orgs? Are you saying that ALL civilians including the kids are “supporting” the terrorists?
            Where should the civilians in Gaza who do not support the terrorists supposed to go?

      3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “On a related issue, can you explain why these innocent people elected Hamas to run run their government?”

        The majority of the population did not vote for Hamas, you know…

    2. Israel pulled out of Gaza years ago and Hamas is the government in control. Hamas provides the lesson plans for schools and summer camps. An entire generation of youth have been brought up to exterminate Jews as their life’s mission.

      “For over ten years, summer camps for children and teens held in Hamas-controlled Gaza have served as a framework for inculcating an extremist ideology that glorifies jihad, terror and armed struggle against Israel with the aim of “liberating Palestine from the river to the sea.” The camps, most of which are operated by Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), also provide military training, such as practice with knives and firearms (in some cases with live ammunition); hand-to-hand combat; marching and foot drills, obstacle courses and tunnel combat. Campers also stage plays and enact scenes of fighting and capturing Israeli soldiers or firing rockets into Israel. Many activities are themed around the liberation of Palestine, Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, or deal with commemorating and glorifying terrorists.”

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        so about 800K kids… and the ones you don’t kill will grow up as Hamas… sounds like a plan, eh?

        1. Your plan?

          Some problems do not have simple easy solutions.

          One thing is clear, however. Pulling out of Gaza in the hope of “land for peace” has proven itself to be a colossal failure.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well, it’s surrounded by a wall and military checkpoints and most of the population cannot leave right? two million people. not gonna kill them all and if you bomb where they live and cut off
            the power and water, what will happen with 2 million people?

            my plan? FIRST to RECOGNIZE some fundamental realities when you’re talking about 2 million
            people. First step to “planning” especially if you’re bombing the crap of the place now.

          2. Israel called on Friday for more than 1 million Gazans to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip, ahead of an anticipated ground offensive to destroy Hamas’s terror capabilities.

            IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari told reporters that the evacuation order was meant to limit Palestinian civilian casualties, as the war against Hamas entered its seventh day.

            “We are fighting a terror group, not the Gazan population. We don’t want to harm civilians, but we cannot live with Hamas-ISIS rule near our border,” said Hagari on Friday morning.


          3. Israel called on Friday for more than 1 million Gazans to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip, ahead of an anticipated ground offensive to destroy Hamas’s terror capabilities.

            IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari told reporters that the evacuation order was meant to limit Palestinian civilian casualties, as the war against Hamas entered its seventh day.

            “We are fighting a terror group, not the Gazan population. We don’t want to harm civilians, but we cannot live with Hamas-ISIS rule near our border,” said Hagari on Friday morning.


          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            right. WHERE are they going? Can they leave Gaza? This is not going to end well… easy to see.. This is NOT how the US successfully went after terrorist leaders… WITHOUT harming large numbers of civilians – in this case… one million people who really have no where to go other than living in the streets.. It’s really dumb.

  5. Turbocohen Avatar

    BLM/Marxist UVA professors could condemn antisemitism with the same level of outrage and scorn that they heaped on the white nationalists with their slurs and their tiki torches, but they won’t because this is useful for the Democrats ‘progressive’ agenda.

    Every member of the student unions involved should be shared with every CEO so they know who they are hiring.

  6. Students discussed in the article above often want to talk about conditions in Gaza. Most have never been there and don’t know the history. I have been there and know the history.

    Hamas won over the people of Gaza by leveraging distrust and hatred of Fatah. Fatah was known for being corrupt, and rightly so.

    Yasser Arafat diverted nearly $1 billion in public funds to insure his political survival, but a lot more is unaccounted for.

    Jim Prince and a team of American accountants – hired by Arafat’s own finance ministry – are combing through Arafat’s books. Given what they’ve already uncovered, Arafat may be rethinking the decision. Lesley Stahl reports.

    Mahmoud Abbas isn’t much better, but preferable to Hamas. Unfortunately, Hamas has remained in control in Gaza.

    Hamas was founded with stated goal of destroying Israel, no mater the cost in lives on either side.

    With Hamas in control, it is 100% impossible for conditions to improve in Gaza. Money or resources given to them will be used to attack Israel, or diverted to its leaders who live comfortably in Qatar and Turkey.

    Even when funds bypass Hamas to fund projects designed to improve conditions in Gaza, the end result is often the same. Here’s an example.

    EU funded water pipelines despite Hamas boast it could turn them into rockets

    The European Union helped to build more than 30 miles of water pipelines for Palestinians despite Hamas terrorists boasting of their ability to forge an arsenal of home-made rockets from pipes.

    Brussels has poured almost €100 million into pipeline projects in territories controlled by the Islamist group over the last decade, a Telegraph analysis of the bloc’s foreign aid found.

    In 2021 footage emerged of Hamas terrorists excavating pipes from the desert that were eventually fashioned into home-made rockets.,fashioned%20into%20home%2Dmade%20rockets.&text=Their%20main%20armament%20has%20been,fertiliser%20and%20commercially%20available%20explosives.

    Hamas must be destroyed, but they are skilled at hiding behind women and children.

  7. Warmac9999 Avatar

    Try getting a top job when your resume lists something like hamas, hezbollah, etc. your profile will be searched quite closely and woke may get you excluded from that job you want.

  8. William Chambliss Avatar
    William Chambliss

    Where is Kerry’s link to these statements eminating from UVA and W&M? I can’t seem to find any.

  9. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    Excellent piece, Kerry. The key point is that the American left defines itself and its enemies with a fundamental oppressor/oppressed narrative.

    They specialize in tearing down the bridges of common humanity and values and leave chasms in their wake.

    They condemn as:
    – racial oppressors: white people;
    – religious oppressors: Jews and Christians;
    – political oppressors: conservatives;
    – economic oppressors: capitalists;
    – gender oppressors: straight people; and
    – any intersectionality of those groups is taken at its worst interpretation.

    In other words, a Black conservative is just a conservative. A gay capitalist is just a capitalist. Sephardic Jews are just Jews.

    Their remedies for any of those characteristics are conversion or extinction. Remember the Inquisition? The Holocaust?

    Same philosophy. Same penalties. Same evil.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      “Their remedies for any of those characteristics are conversion or extinction. Remember the Inquisition?”

      Yes, that was the Pope compelling religious doctrine over science, think Galileo, and enforced by the Pope’s storm troopers the Jesuits using torture and murder.

      The Palestinians and the Israelis have learned the lessons of the Inquisition well, torture and murder to get your way, and an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, ad infinitum.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      “Their remedies for any of those characteristics are conversion or extinction. Remember the Inquisition?”

      Yes, that was the Pope compelling religious doctrine over science, think Galileo, and enforced by the Pope’s storm troopers the Jesuits using torture and murder.

      The Palestinians and the Israelis have learned the lessons of the Inquisition well, torture and murder to get your way, and an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, ad infinitum.

  10. In addition to what’s bad, we should also recognize leadership.

    Excerpts from Ben Sass, President of the University of Florida:

    I will not tiptoe around this simple fact: What Hamas did is evil and there is no defense for terrorism. This shouldn’t be hard. Sadly, too many people in elite academia have been so weakened by their moral confusion that, when they see videos of raped women, hear of a beheaded baby, or learn of a grandmother murdered in her home, the first reaction of some is to “provide context” and try to blame the raped women, beheaded baby, or the murdered grandmother. In other grotesque cases, they express simple support for the terrorists.

    This thinking isn’t just wrong, it’s sickening. It’s dehumanizing. It is beneath people called to educate our next generation of Americans. I am thankful to say I haven’t seen examples of that here at UF, either from our faculty or our student body.

    In the coming days, it is possible that anti-Israel protests will come to UF’s campus. I have told our police chief and administration that this university always has two foundational commitments: We will protect our students and we will protect speech. This is always true: Our Constitution protects the rights of people to make abject idiots of themselves.

    But I also want to be clear about this: We will protect our Jewish students from violence. If anti-Israel protests come, we will absolutely be ready to act if anyone dares to escalate beyond peaceful protest. Speech is protected – violence and vandalism are not.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      The kid is majoring in Women’s Gender Studies or something like that. Good thing mom and dad’s basement does not require a job application.

      1. Support for Hamas is best done from a distance. The farther the better.

        Anyone in the LGBT+ group would likely be tortured and killed by Hamas. As would pretty much anyone with a Progressive mindset.

        “The Palestinian Authority and Hamas routinely torture human rights activists, women, LGBT persons, political opponents, so-called “collaborators,” and Palestinians who sell land to Jews, the non-governmental group UN Watch charged Thursday.”

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Palestinian support is way more than College Campuses … worldwide..

      1. As I mentioned to Mr. Whitehead, support for Palestinians is best done from afar. Non-Muslim women are particularly vulnerable.

        Both ISIS and Hamas are known to treat non-Muslim women as “sex toys,” said Chorev.

        Following the recent attacks, videos circulated of the terrorists glorifying Allah for sending them “sex slaves.” Israeli actress and advocate Noa Tishby shared footage released online by Hamas in which you can see several girls paraded through Gaza’s city streets, some half-naked and others with blood gushing from between their legs.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          No one is disputing the savagery of Hamas or the need to kill every last one of them but using their savagery as a distraction from what is being done to other non-Hamas Palestinians is pretty lame IMO AND it won’t work… the rest of the world IS watching. No excuses for harming non-Hamas folks.

          1. I would be very interested in exactly how you would do that.

            Egypt and Hamas will not let civilians exit.
            Hamas does not follow international rules of war
            Hamas combatants do not wear uniforms
            Hamas combatants include women and children
            Hamas stores rockets and ammunition in hospitals and Mosques

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Hamas is little different than the Taliban, ISIS or even the Viet Cong, right?
            The question is do you use the difficulty of going after them as justification
            for the killing of great numbers of civilians? The real world is a difficult place, no
            question, but hot heads make it even harder.

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