Jerry Falwell Jr., COVID-19 and the Insufferables

Jerry Falwell Jr.

by James A. Bacon

Writing for the Washington Post means never having to say you’re sorry. If you’re looking for examples, consider the case of Jerry Falwell Jr. and his decision to keep Liberty University open during the COVID-19 epidemic, even as virtually all other colleges and universities were shutting down.

“This public response indicates the staggering level of ignorance that informs Falwell’s leadership,” opined columnist Michael Gerson. “It is possible for students with mild or unnoticeable symptoms to spread the disease. … Yes, the fatality rate of infected colleges students is likely to be low. Yes places with broad community spread are more likely to see infection of the elderly and vulnerable, who are more likely to fill premature graves.”

“Irresponsible decisions like Jerry Falwell Jr.’s put untold numbers of people at risk,” ran the headline of a WaPo editorial. “These foolhardy, irresponsible decisions endanger not just those who … resumed their college studies but untold others who now run the risk of the novel coronavirus being passed on to them and their families.”

Liberty University moved most of its classes online. About 1,200 students made the choice to return. The New York Times reported that nearly a dozen students promptly came down “with symptoms that suggested Covid-19,” a factoid that was repeated endlessly in the media and mutated into the assertion that a dozen students actually had contracted the virus.

After provoking the usual hysteria, the Washington Post, New York Times, cable news and the rest of the hit-and-run media moved on. Only Wall Street Journal columnist William McGurn thought to tell the rest of the story.

So what actually happened? To start with, only one student tested positive for coronavirus. … Mr. Falwell says no [other] infections were traced back to campus. No Liberty student living on campus tested positive, and no staffer stationed on campus tested positive.

But what about all those infected-but-symptom-free students who spread the virus in the broader community? Here’s the latest data from the Virginia Department of Health dashboard.

It turns out that the rate of confirmed COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population in Lynchburg and surrounding counties (Amherst, Campbell and Bedford) is a tiny fraction of the rate in Washington Post country. For purposes of comparison, I selected Arlington, Alexandria, and Fairfax, all places where the ethos of the governing class and correct thinking about COVID-19 is in concert with that of the Washington Post.

And here is the hospitalization rate per 100,000 population. Pretty much the same story.




And last but not least, we have the death rate per 100,000 population. If anything, the differential is even more pronounced than for the other metrics.

In other words, there is no discernible community impact from Falwell’s decision to keep Liberty University open. Indeed, there is only one reasonable conclusion to draw: You are far safer from COVID-19 if you live in the environs of Liberty University than if you live in Washington Post country. The gap between the pundits’ hyper-ventilating warnings of catastrophe and reality could not be more profound.

Washington Post pundits are, as the old saying goes, often wrong but never in doubt. They are smug, arrogant and utterly convinced of their intellectual superiority. They live in such a bubble that they can’t conceive of the possibility that a fundamentalist, creationist, bible-thumping rube like Falwell could possibly know what he’s doing. They make their grand pronouncements, foment ridicule, and move on to the next culture-war target without ever revisiting their predictions to see if they came true.

If Falwell and members of the Liberty University community can be described as the “deplorables,” then Gerson, the WaPo editorial writers and like-minded brethren are the “insufferables.” Their haughty sense of superiority might be bearable if they weren’t so quick to tell everyone else how to live their lives — and call upon the coercive power of the state to enforce their predilections. But they have power over the rest of us, and that is why we resent them so.

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85 responses to “Jerry Falwell Jr., COVID-19 and the Insufferables”

  1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Great post. It tells in a nutshell the central story and lesson behind the Coved-19 “crisis.” How it was so overblown by the experts and falsely hyped by their enablers in the media, including the press. And how those very same people ignored or missed the real threats posed by the virus, the elderly, particularly those in congregate care, and hospitals.

    But there is an even greater story to be old. How the experts and press pushed the nation into an economic shutdown that will do far more long lasting harm than the pandemic itself. The end result is that we have a self induced real disaster on our hands that will reek harm for generations, worldwide.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      90,000 and counting. That’s overblown? How many, or who specifically has to die?

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        “On March 16, a 20‐​page report from Neil Ferguson’s team at Imperial College London quickly gathered enormous attention by producing enormous death estimates. Dr. Ferguson had previously publicized almost equally sensational death estimates from mad cow disease, bird flu and swine flu.

        The New York Times quickly ran the hot news about this new COVID-19 estimate:

        “The report, which warned that an uncontrolled spread of the disease could cause as many as 510,000 deaths in Britain, triggered a sudden shift in the government’s comparatively relaxed response to the virus. American officials said the report, which projected up to 2.2 million deaths in the United States from such a spread, also influenced the White House to strengthen its measures to isolate members of the public.”

        A month later that 2.2 million estimate was still being used (without revealing the source) by President Trump and Doctors Fauci and Birx to imply that up to two million lives had been saved by state lockdowns and business closings and/​or by federal travel bans.

        The following summary of the Ferguson/​Imperial College report provides clues about how the model came to generate such dramatic conclusions:

        In the (unlikely) absence of any control measures or spontaneous changes in individual behavior, we would expect a peak in mortality (daily deaths) to occur after approximately 3 months. In such scenarios, given an estimated R0 of 2.4, we predict 81% of the G.B. and U.S. populations would be infected over the course of the epidemic… In total, in an unmitigated epidemic, we would predict approximately 510,000 deaths in G.B. and 2.2 million in the U.S., not accounting for the potential negative effects of health systems being overwhelmed on mortality.

        This worst‐​case simulation came up with 2.2 million deaths by simply assuming that 81% of the population gets infected ­–268 million people– and that 0.9% of them die. It did not assume health systems would have to be overwhelmed to result in so many deaths, though it did make that prediction.

        Neither the high infection rate nor the high fatality rate holds up under scrutiny.” End Quote from CATO Institute.

        For more see:

        1. Steve Haner Avatar
          Steve Haner

          Well…..extrapolate the Greater New York area experience across the U.S. and you do get to 500,000 easy….

          1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            That is theory, not informed opinion, much less a reliable projection on which to close down a nation. Thus it was not what we hire experts for. Experts should understand the difference between New York and “across America” from the Get go. And New York did not come anywhere close to the assumptions driving those projections, not ever remotely close, and we knew that from very early April on, so why did we ignore real evident to contrary then? And continue shutdown in face of evidence, as it shutdown goal was achieved?

            And here, even now, they have that chronic problem of being unable to discern that difference after nearly three months of deep experience and learning to see difference between the New York experience to what might happen across the nation.

            Just this past weekend the former head of CDC said Coved-19 “is ten times more deadly than the flu.” He could not believe that statement based on today’s facts and scientific evidence.

            Nor did Dr. Fauci have the evidence, scientific or otherwise, to make that bald statement when he did in early March.

            Same is true with subsequent modeling of Imperial College of London on March 16, using unsubstantiated assumptions, on which we locked down the entire nation, doing immense harm to the nation. Why were those statements made then? And why do they continue even to this weekend, in face of all we have learned.

          2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            The initial ICoL model run was an estimate of BoJo’s “herd immunity” strategy and assumed the people would not even self-modulate behavior; they would just step over the bodies, keep calm and carry on. Had NYC done that, then you’d reach 500,000 without crossing a river.

            NYC presents a very special case, even in the US. Surely it has to be the largest, highest density of people per units area-time. LA doesn’t approach that. Saved by sprawl on 1/4 acre lots and hours of commuting on I-10 and the 105. Maybe some parts of SF and Chicago, but nowhere near as big as NYC.

            There are only 3 unique cities in America, New York, San Francisco, and New Orleans. All the others are just copies of Cleveland in various sizes.

          1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            More complete falsehoods from you.

          2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Thanks ma’am. That means a lot from you.

          3. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            More complete made up falsehoods from you.

          4. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Yes ma’am. It was difficult forging a conservative website.

          5. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            Here is the nature of snark artists.

            “I say say: Then for old history read the Constitution. Hint: Why only two senators per state?” Then read the federalist papers.”

            The snark artists accuses me of talking about a website smear 230 years later, because she does know what who wrote Federalist Papers, why, when, and with what result.

          6. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            I think you’ve lost the tread. Try following the thin gray line to the post of yours to which I was responding. Plus, I believe your conversation on the constitution was with Larry. I would never argue constitutional law with a real estate lawyer.

            3 with dinner?

          7. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            No, you lost the tread with a gratuitous smear of other people having nothing to do with this conversation.

          8. Acbar Avatar

            Thank you, NN, for leading us (those of us who actually read it) to this little dose of cold water on the red-hot frothing at the mouth in the Federalist these days.

          9. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            The author proves my #6 life assertion — telling people your opinion is easy, changing it requires hard work… thinking.

        2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          The Imperial College report was quite clear on its assumptions–uncontrolled spread. That is, it was predicting the number of deaths if we did nothing (and it note that such a scenario was unlikely). Whether one agrees with the conclusion, it is a legitimate approach to establish a baseline. It is somewhat disingenuous, after the governments (federal and state) took actions to mitigate the spread, to now say, “Ha, that prediction was just sensationalizing.”

          1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            No, Dick. I disagree. Many feel their was no evidence for its assumption. The gentleman who prepared it had a history of a serial alarmist in several past pandemic cases, and within the space of a week went from a million to 500,000 in Britain then a week later down to 20, 000 there before he was removed from his post by the British government for his chronic violation of his own mandates.

            To get a good start on all these issues, I would recommend this:

            Why lockdowns are the wrong policy – Swedish expert Prof. Johan Giesecke found on YouTube


          2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            You can follow up “Why lockdowns are the wrong policy – Swedish expert Prof. Johan Giesecke- with this:

            Nobel prize winning scientist Prof Michael Levitt: lockdown is a “huge mistake” found here:


          3. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            After those above two expositions we can get into far greater detail with a number of other recorded & written expositions on subject at hand. There is much to learn.

          4. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            This Doctor views are the Yin to the Yang of the Nobel prize winner Prof Michael Levitt, on how the rampant fear created by Government’s and media’s over reaction to the pandemic is causing far more harm than good. He provides explains the natural flow and ebb of pandemic’s ending perhaps sooner than later, a more optimistic view than Johan Giesecke’s, and some others.


  2. SGillispie Avatar

    This post is why BR is so important. We are now in an age where the media has transformed itself into a political weapon for the Democrat party and whatever agenda the corporate masters feel serve their interests.
    Keep exposing. We need it.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Interesting you don’t ALSO identify FOX as the political weapon for Trump and the GOP….

      nor these:

      Talk radio
      The Rush Limbaugh Show
      The Sean Hannity Show
      The Mark Levin Show
      The Glenn Beck Show
      The Dennis Prager Show
      The Savage Nation
      The Lars Larson Show
      The Alex Jones Show
      The Ben Shapiro Show
      The Buck Sexton Show
      Armstrong & Getty
      The Wayne Allyn Root Show

      National Review
      Newsmax Magazine
      The American Conservative
      The American Spectator
      The Weekly Standard
      Washington Examiner
      Taki’s Magazine
      Spectator USA

      The Epoch Times
      The New York Observer
      New York Post
      The Washington Times

      American Thinker
      Breitbart News Network
      Conservative Review
      The Daily Caller
      The Daily Signal
      The Daily Wire
      Political Thoughts
      Drudge Report
      The Federalist
      Fox Nation
      Free Republic
      The Gateway Pundit
      Independent Journal Review
      Louder with Crowder
      PJ Media
      Rebel News
      Right Side Broadcasting Network
      The Washington Free Beacon
      The Western Journal

      Political Thoughts
      Hot Air
      Michelle Malkin
      Power Line
      Zero Hedge

      How about you post all those nefarious leftist sites so we’ll have the complete list?

  3. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    Too bad Bezos doesn’t decide to save money like Gatehouse Media did with the Providence Journal – shut down the editorial board.

  4. “They live in such a bubble that they can’t conceive of the possibility that a fundamentalist, creationist, bible-thumping rube like Falwell could possibly know what he’s doing. ”
    I am a fundy, creationist, don’t know what a Bible thumper is. Not all of us are like Falwell, and not all fundy creationists are like Falwell.
    When folks know how to tell a Christian from a wanna be, and wanna be’s stop calling themselves Christians, we’d all be a lot better off.

  5. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Same with the hysteria over the crowded Florida beaches during Spring Break. Compare Florida to many other states today. This has been so political since the beginning, with the media so totally invested in this latest effort to destroy Trump. The known Falwell-Trump connection just made it that much more attractive an opportunity. DeSantis remains a punching bag, Cuomo a darling, when all can see which one had more citizens dying, which one ordered nursing homes to accept COVID patients. I hate watching the media outlets behave this way, but it is blatant

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    Well, I don’t think I’d ever call Falwell a “rube” but if Liberty has such a low infection rate then why aren’t they going back to in-person classes?

    In terms of WaPo, WSJ, Fox News, etc, et al… can we differentiate between opinion and actual “news”?

    We seem to be fine with blending them…sometimes.

    As bad as WaPo and the NYT are – anyone who has spent an evening washing FOX has got to admit – WaPo/NYT don’t have a stranglehold on bias… and as far as I know neither WaPo/NYT engages in conspiracy theories and the like.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      If you had enough integrity to read the WSJ article before criticizing its substance you would not have to ask your question born of ignorance.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I read all of them – and I take all of them with a grain of salt. When they all agree…I take that into strong consideration as probably some truth.

        Otherwise – the “anti” blather is just that…I don’t care who they are.

    2. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Agreed, Fox is no better. More the shame. I spent most time now on CNBC, largely because it gets the various guests on and lets them talk. You hear from people direct.

      VN: reading you recalls one of the most interesting interviews of my career, Madelyn Murray O’Hare, and her refusal to recognize gradations of Christianity. “The Episcopalian in his $20 million church is just as crazy (as a fundamentalist),” she said.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        The “echo chamber” is real and it’s not those lefty liberals !

        You can identify the echo chamber fairly easily.

        Just take not of an emerging controversy (or even longer term ones), go to one of those sites – capture the cutline and then google it and up pops all the like-minded sites…

        works every time. Is especially effective with conspiracy theories.

        1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          So Larry, you have just described yourself perfectly, an ideologue who never learns.

          “I read all of them.”

          No you don’t. That is self evident. Your ignorance of “them” shines through as does your chronic default to dismissive insults of others views.

          “I take all of them with a grain of salt.”

          Of that I am sure.

          Hence you cut yourself off from an entire world of learning and reading. All of it. So it’s a pity you take up so much of other people’s space here, while you blithely dismiss and/or misrepresent their views, and write endlessly on subjects about which you far too often are willfully ignorant, so wasting the time of others.

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    Oh Reed… your wisdom astounds… please regale me with

    And no.. I do not read your “favorites”. that’s mind rotting for sure!

    Your wisdom does impress though… I’m often amazed and so appreciative!

    but hey… wanna take another vote? it was fun!


  8. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    “And no.. I do not read your “favorites”. that’s mind rotting for sure!”

    Hence, from you we get this:

    “re: ” Our rights aren’t drawn from the Constitution, they are from the Creator and they are inalienable”

    in some folks minds, yes.. in the real world, no.”

    And from me this:

    ““re: ” Our rights aren’t drawn from the Constitution, they are from the Creator and they are inalienable”

    This is the most important political insight and principal in world history.

    This idea, its teachings, and its belief, is the rock on which all of our rights as human beings have been built and depend: all our freedoms, our sovereignty as individuals, and our unquestioned right to liberal, representative government. Without this idea and its rigorous practice in civil society, we descend into the law of the jungle, misery and barbarity.”

    And people can chose.

    And for you it’s a poll, or dismissive insult or comment. Such ignorance, shallow thinking, lack of education, respect or reflection.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Here is another illustration of what to Larry the G is “And no.. I do not read your “favorites”. that’s mind rotting for sure!”, and his claim that “I take all of them with a grain of salt.” is such an intellectual, emotional, and humanistic dead end.

      From WSJ Review Section last weekend.
      “America’s Forgotten Pandemic

      By Alfred W. Crosby (1989)

      3. Alfred Crosby was one of the first historians to disinter the memory of the 1918-19 Spanish flu. “The important and almost incomprehensible fact about Spanish influenza is that it killed millions upon millions of people in a year or less,” Crosby writes. “Nothing else—no infection, no war, no famine—has ever killed so many in as short a period. And yet it has never inspired awe, not in 1918 and not since, not among the citizens of any particular land and not among the citizens of the United States.” Not until Crosby wrote this landmark in medical history was the devastating disease properly acknowledged.
      The Great Influenza

      By John M. Barry (2004)

      4. John Barry’s immense gift as a writer and historian is to explain in clear and vivid detail the science of disease. Here he describes the body’s reaction during the 1918 pandemic as influenza evolved into viral pneumonia: “The immune system followed the virus into the lungs and there waged war. . . . And it killed. It killed particularly with ‘killer T cells,’ a white blood cell that targets the body’s own cells when they are infected with a virus, and it killed with what is sometimes referred to as a ‘cytokine storm,’ a massive attack using every lethal weapon the body possesses.” This massive counterattack by the immune system also had the effect of killing the host. For most influenzas, the mortality graph is shaped like a U, the victims being children and the elderly. The 1918 flu was W-shaped, with the peak in the middle, killing young adults who should have been most resistant. Although a historian, Mr. Barry has been a conspicuous adviser in pandemic planning at the National Academy of Sciences, in think tanks and in the Bush and Obama administrations. One lesson he learned: “The biggest problem lies in the relationship between governments and the truth.”

      For more, see:

      For Larry the G all this history, news, knowledge, human experience, and information is “rot.” Not worth a grain of salt. Hence we get his commentary here that is built on sand and illusion, instead of a view of reality based on human experience and learning.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        what is this? you spout out more mindless stuff that feeds your own biases?


        please go sit down.. control yourself.

        and I promise to go back to skipping your posts…

        deal ?

  9. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” This idea, its teachings, and its belief, is the rock on which all of our rights as human beings have been built and depend: all our freedoms, our sovereignty as individuals, and our unquestioned right to liberal, representative government. Without this idea and its rigorous practice in civil society, we descend into the law of the jungle, misery and barbarity.”

    And people can chose.”

    No….if we are lucky, we live in a Democracy and we do vote – to the dismay of folks like you apparently.

    “shallow thinking” my foot…. I’ve never seen it so well illustrated than with you … who then lectures to others as if you actually know something.


    Oh..and no.. dont’ start cussing… you know that’s bad form…


    1. MAdams Avatar

      We do not live in a Democracy, we live in a Representative Republic. If it were a Democracy it would be mob rule and there would be very little push back on the prevailing opinion of the day.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        A decade on Bacon’s Rebellion and Larry the G has yet to understand and accept the distinction between a Democracy and a Republic.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          It’s theory versus real world and practice.

          Some believe in fairy tales and theories.

          Others realize that vote counting is the reality whether it’s elections or Congressional decisions or SCOTUS decisions.

          some spend far longer than a decade insisting theory… but then claiming redemption when their guy wins… 😉

          1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            There you go again, Larry, you don’t read, not even current history so you got no clue as to “real world and practice.”

            Hint: Google Hilary, why she lost?

            Then for old history read the Constitution. Hint: Why only two senators per state?” Then read the federalist papers.

            And after that think and reflect for a change before you lecture us, feeding us all bad information.

          2. Nancy_Naive Avatar


            Reed lost the thread of this conversation with you and posted to me in another thread the following:

            “Here is the nature of snark artists.

            “I say say: Then for old history read the Constitution. Hint: Why only two senators per state?” Then read the federalist papers.”

            The snark artists accuses me of talking about a website smear 230 years later, because she does know what who wrote Federalist Papers, why, when, and with what result.”

            Not wanting to interfere with your exchange, but I’m sure you’ll appreciate this redirect, and will be able to help Reed get back on the right track.


        2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          In the event there are intervening posts made, Look up a post or two. I’ve repaired your thread with Larry.

          Keep calm and carry on.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            please don’t do me any favors! I’ve abandoned this thread. I almost never interact with Reed because he is so far out on a lot of issues that it’s futile. It’s a no go.

          2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            It’s his pot-valor. Courageous, and yet, confused.

        3. LarrytheG Avatar

          Yep, thanks.. saw that… futile exchange, moving on…..

          Reed has this issue about “teaching” others about stuff he “knows”!

          and also – have no idea why I would “believe” someone who is not an epidemiologists over hundreds of real ones… nor not an economist, but also “knows more” than most “official” economists also…

          but tis okay… it’s the nature of the beast….. and thanks..

          perhaps when threads get this tangled… it’s time to drop it.

  10. LarrytheG Avatar

    We are called a “Democracy” but I will allow that it is called a Republic.

    But at the end of the day – over time – we are governed by majority votes.

    We do that in elections. We do it in Congress and we do it on the SCOTUS – all majority votes… that’s what defines how our governance works.

    1. MAdams Avatar

      You will allow? We are not called a Democracy, that is in fact mob rule. Tyranny of the Majority were Jefferson’s exact words.

      A Republic is a form of government, democracy is an ideology.

      The filibuster has called and wished you would’ve managed to pass a Civics class.

      PS without the 17th Amendment, the State Legislatures selected Senators.

      The people don’t vote for who goes to the SCOTUS.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Jefferson is quoted for a lot of things – want me to provide some that I’m sure you’ll be troubled by?

        Most folks in the world refer to the US as a Democracy,… a representative one – yes but “representative” of population where one-man-one vote is how elections are conducted and the result is intended install leaders who did get the most votes.

        Anyone right now who is looking at the left-right politics of the States surely would have to admit that ‘representative’ is not what is happening as whoever is elected is accused of not representing everyone… standard practice…

        This is not about civics class. We understand how it’s laid out but we do not agree on how it actually does work. You guys most of all should admit that your views are NOT “represented” in today’s governance. Not even Jefferson would represent you I suspect.

        Most all of our governance decision-making is based on votes – from elections to local elected decisions, to State legislative decisions, to Congress and to SCOTUS. These are direct votes but designed to represent the majority of voters – that’s just the reality.

        That’s why you got Democratic governors..!!

        “civics class” is for those who spend all their time looking at words in documents and not how things really work in real life and then blather on and on about how it’s wrong.

        Either you actually do try to “represent” voters – what they want or not – rather than what you yourself believe.

        that’s the gig. You represent voters or you become a “reader” of the founding documents…

        1. MAdams Avatar

          The plethora of Jefferson quotes that exist aren’t germane to the topic at hand, in which you believe we live in a Democracy. I assure you, that we do not live in a Democracy.

          So an Appeal to Popularity, boy you sure do love your logical fallacies. Not even remotely the case, and that’s doesn’t make it a Democracy, as it’s clear you don’t even know what the word means.

          “Definition of democracy
          1a: government by the people
          especially : rule of the majority
          b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
          2: a political unit that has a democratic government
          3capitalized : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the U.S.
          from emancipation Republicanism to New Deal Democracy
          — C. M. Roberts
          4: the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority
          5: the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges”

          “Anyone right now who is looking at the left-right politics of the States surely would have to admit that ‘representative’ is not what is happening as whoever is elected is accused of not representing everyone… standard practice…”

          Nope, not at all but thanks again for trying and failing.

          “This is not about civics class. We understand how it’s laid out but we do not agree on how it actually does work. You guys most of all should admit that your views are NOT “represented” in today’s governance. Not even Jefferson would represent you I suspect.”

          Most of use guys? You mean the individuals who know how the Government works, and you who think you know but really don’t have a clue? Actually, yes Jefferson would’ve represented me very well, but more so after his reconciliation with Adams. Would you care for a History lesson too?

          Senators were never supposed to be voted upon, again the 17th Amendment says hello. Also, again the filibuster says hello and laughs at your completely lacking knowledge on the Government.

          “That’s why you got Democratic governors..!!”

          Democrat is a political party, nothing more.

          ““civics class” is for those who spend all their time looking at words in documents and not how things really work in real life and then blather on and on about how it’s wrong.”

          That’s factually incorrect, and there is nothing else that can be said about that.

          “Either you actually do try to “represent” voters – what they want or not – rather than what you yourself believe.”

          That’s why elections happen.

          “that’s the gig. You represent voters or you become a “reader” of the founding documents…”

          All ask again for a coherent statement.

  11. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Steve says “VN: reading you recalls one of the most interesting interviews of my career, Madelyn Murray O’Hare, and her refusal to recognize gradations of Christianity. “The Episcopalian in his $20 million church is just as crazy (as a fundamentalist),” she said.”

    Steve, what has this to do with the Coved – 19 virus? I would not ask this question of NN or Larry the G, or the Washington Post, but I am curious about what your answer might be.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      some of us already know… others are still clueless… 😉

    2. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Just a random reaction to VN’s comment about different flavors of fundamentalists/creationists. “Not all of us are like Falwell,” she said. Off the beaten path, sorry.

      1. Acbar Avatar

        But a very relevant observation nonetheless. SH, your observation about VN brings me to this: one of the most interesting facts about Mr Falwell is that he’s not fundamentally a preacher but a real estate lawyer, who not incidentally owns a ton of real estate purchased on what used to be the wrong side of the tracks in Lynchburg. And that real estate is more valuable with LU students in residence than in online classes. Now there’s a successful businessman and, as VN put it, a wanna-be Christian for you.

  12. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Falwell is not a rube. His pigeons are rubes.

    When Christ was alive, he rode an ass. Now, the asses ride him.

  13. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    It seems that the outburst against Falwell occurred after his first announcement of opening. If all the students had come back, that would have meant over 10,000 students returning from all parts of the country. As it is, only about 1,200 actually returned to live on campus. Perhaps that is the explanation for the low infection, hospitalization, and death rates in the Lynchburg area, rather than Falwell was right and all the critics were wrong. What he initially proposed did not happen and the possible repercussions did not occur, either.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Stop it. That’s logic, and rarely appreciated by those with a PoV to sell.

    2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      No, you both are operating in a vacuum of knowledge as to what is going on, including what is going on right there in the state of Virginia where Liberty College is located, and also the vast amount of knowledge and evidence accrued since the Liberty decision which validates and/or supports that decision. This is not a miracle in a vacuum. Nor is it making stuff up, a wish list, to project results one desires or one is biased for, to get a desired secondary result.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        So, are you saying that Falwell did not initially propose that all students return to campus after spring break?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          sounds a little like talking down to me.

        2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          No, Dick. Not a all. Read the article. It makes that plain.

          1. Acbar Avatar

            Reed, you are flat out wrong that it’s “plain.” E.g., This contains a copy of the actual notices sent out by LU to students.

          2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Uh oh, facts. I dunno Reed, Acbar has put a high hurdle in the path of your fantasy. Perhaps it is time for a strategic withdrawal?

            Nah, not you. Just push ahead. Facts are merely a niggling detail.

            Email — Alternative Fax.

  14. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    “So what actually happened? To start with, only one student tested positive for coronavirus. …”

    That’s not the same as “and 11 others tested negative.” In fact it neither confirms nor refutes that another 11 or so had symptoms and/or were tested.

    “Scotland has at least one cow that is brown and possibly on only one side.”

  15. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    About the data. If a student at liberty
    tests positive and is from Fairfax, does show up in the Fairfax table

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Is there a Fairfax, TX?

  16. LarrytheG Avatar

    does it depend on the definition of “community spread” in any way?

    Asking… because Peter’s question is a good one… i.e. how do we classify someone who has just come to a community from elsewhere and tests positive?

    and that also illustrates just how hard contact tracing might be in that scenario.

  17. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    About the data. If a student at liberty
    tests positive and is from Fairfax, does he or she show up in the Fairfax table

  18. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    You know, I have been reading the book on the 1918 mentioned here by John Barry. It is superb. I had read another of his works on the Mississippi Flood years ago.
    One of the points he makes is extremely apropos of the level of debate on this blog and in general. Some, aping Donald Trump, insist on calling the current pandemic the “Wuhan” virus as a kind of in-your-face by the usual right wingers who get their dog whistle cues from Trump.

    The Barry story is revealing because he explains how to 1918 Flu was Called the “Spanish” Fly. The pandemic actually started at Army bases in Kansas. They were taken to Europe by U.S. soldiers. It spread quickly and since most of Europe was at war, there was censorship. Flu news was so suppressed the only place where it was freely reported was in Spain where the news media still operated openly. Hence the name.
    Today, there is so much hate and mindlessness. Note this Post article today. More racism:


    I, for one, am really getting of tired of the constant putdowns on this blog. This post started with some nonsense about everything is what the WaPo says it is. I have been writing for them off and on for 10 years. The only time they have interfered with my work was when I got something wrong and it needed a correction. It and other papers and outlets have done excellent national stories about acute care facilities. BR has done a fine job on the topic, as has the hated Virginia Mercury, but to hear the cheerleader commentators here, you’d think that only BR was doing anything. Then you get idiotic comments that we should be so glad that there is BR around to write the exclusive (right wing?) truth. I hope BR had get back to being a non partisan outlet. What the state and world do not need at the moment is another small voice in the very cluttered conservative echo chamber.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      the “Spanish” Fly.

      Yikes no, no. That’s something entirely different.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Mr. Peter I did read about that discrimination towards Asian Americans. Did you see the New Black Panther Party protest at the Yum Yum Take Out in Washington DC yesterday? They are picking on a lawful immigrant who came from Hong Kong to DC to pursue the American Dream. The owner bleeds red, white, and blue. He loves this country. The protesters were shameful and disgusting. You cannot find this story in old school media outlets. I would post it but this story is reported only by the so called right wing media of today. That might cause high blood pressure and a commotion so you have to look it up yourself. I don’t think anything can be non partisan anymore Mr. Peter. Just like 1860 and 1968. Are you willing to concede that Asian Americans are caught in the cross fire of the left and right?

  19. SGillispie Avatar

    Here is classic Galuszka.
    With a put-down polemic he whines that he is tired of put-downs. As is often said, ‘they project by accusing others of what they are doing.”
    His intellect compromised by his hatred of Trump and anyone who might not share his views, he manages to suggest that the virus–whatever one wants to call it–did not start in Wuhan. Good luck with that argument.
    Rather than Trump apes, it seems that Wuhan is a dog-whistle to hate-filled leftists like Galuszka.
    Maybe Galuszka will punish us admirers of BR by refusing to write for it. Oh, say it isn’t so.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      You’re RIGHT!

      Therefore, we should call COV2 the “Wuhan Flu”. To be consistent, we can change the Spanish Flu to the Kansas Army Barracks Flu, and American Flu shall be the rebranding for AIDS.

  20. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Yes, I saw the a fly error after it was too late to fix.
    Gillispie. You are right that I dislike Trump. It is my righty to do so.

  21. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Yes, I saw the a fly error but it was too late to fix

  22. Jim Loving Avatar
    Jim Loving

    Hats off to Larry The G and his list.

    I added the following:

    Fox News
    Sinclair Broadcasting
    One America News Network

    and noted that the is incomplete but always updated, and noting that it does not include Social Media!

    and crafted an email and sent to my conservative/libertarian friends who have repeatedly parroted the “Fake MSM”, “progressive media”, “liberal media” and told them the next time they do so, just refer to my previous email and assume that I sent it to them.

    It saves email back and forth and we can move on. thanks again.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      One of the differences is that the mainstream media does not traffic in conspiracy theories whereas the “alternative” media seem to revel in it and significantly the media on the right that does NOT traffic in conspiracy theories – also does not call it out with other media also..

      1. Hysterical, Larry, you’re a cut-up! The mainstream media doesn’t traffic in conspiracy theories — except for the biggest conspiracy theory in the history of the United States, the Russian collusion delusion!

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          that’s NOT a “conspiracy theory” like we see in the right wing media.

          It’s a dispute about the govt’s behavior and I will allow that the FBI might have gone over the line but that’s NOT a “conspiracy theory” , it’s not at all like most of the conspiracy theories we see cooked up on the right – dozens of them and none of you guys on the right disavow them… you just stand by and be silent.

          here’s the latest: ” Trump promotes conspiracy theory accusing MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough of murder”

          now tell me who on the right is calling this out.

  23. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Heads of security and intelligence agencies overwhelmingly say Russia is guilty as charged. What is your evidence not so?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      it’s a little comical…because BOTH FLynn and Manafort WERE actually registered foreign agents and had roles on Trumps staff while they were. That is fact.

      One can argue what kinds of ties they had to foreign powers including Russia but equating this to a “conspiracy” is laughable. What exactly was the FBI supposed to do when they discovered both were foreign agents and had roles in the Trump campaign also?

      And do the rest of us feel comfortable about having registered foreign agents in our highest levels of govt?

      And we’re calling investigations into that – a “conspiracy” ?

      The FBI did seriously damage their own reputation when they lied to the FISA court and took other actions that were over the line but again the basic facts about Monafort and FLynn was that they were foreign agents.

      Now this and this is the kind of foolishness that not only the media on the right, but the GOP and Trump are doing:

      ” Michael Flynn’s name was never masked in FBI document on his communications with Russian ambassador”

      ” A Republican effort to determine who may have leaked the name of Michael Flynn in connection to his 2016 contact with the Russian ambassador has centered on the question of which Obama administration officials requested his identity be “unmasked” in intelligence documents.

      But in the FBI report about the communications between the two men, Flynn’s name was never redacted, former U.S. officials said.”

      “When the FBI circulated [the report], they included Flynn’s name from the beginning” because it was essential to understanding its significance, said a former senior U.S. official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive intelligence. “There were therefore no requests for the unmasking of that information.”

      When told by The Post that the name was never masked in the Dec. 29 communication, a Graham aide said the committee would still like the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s “written answer” to its question.

      The unmasking issue appears to be part of an effort by the president and his allies to tar former president Barack Obama with what Trump says was an unfounded criminal investigation into potential conspiracy between Russia and Trump associates — or what he now calls “Obamagate.”

      No media on the right is reporting this……..

    2. “Guilty as charged.” Guilty of what?

      It’s one thing to say that Russia meddled in the U.S. election, which nobody denies. It’s another thing to say that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, which was the thrust of two years’ of media-induced conspiracy mongering fed by leaks from anonymous law-enforcement and intelligence sources (who have since been identified and whose machinations have been laid bare).

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: ” media-induced conspiracy mongering fed by leaks from anonymous law-enforcement and intelligence sources (who have since been identified and whose machinations have been laid bare).”

        how about sending a link or two that makes your point?

        haven’t NYT/WaPO come out since then with updated info that
        shows that the collusion claim was not proved?

        and that’s NOT a “conspiracy” – like the ones that run on the right media most of which have no basis what-so-ever -;they’re just made up stuff and they never correct it later..they just stop running it.

        So you have ONE questionable false claim by the “liberal” media?

        How many “conspiracy theories” have run on the right media?

        dozens? and how many have been admitted to be debunked?

  24. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    James Wyatt. Of course bigotry can have multiply sources. I never said it did not. What’s a shame is when you criticize the president and you are a “trump hater.” Not long ago this space was crawling with Obama bashing

  25. […] the son of the prominent evangelical and university founder Jerry Falwell, Sr., is a high-profile Trump ally. But in recent years, he’s found himself involved in a number of […]

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