Jeanine’s Memes

From The Bull Elephant.

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39 responses to “Jeanine’s Memes”

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      … for Trump.

      “Just find me 11,781 votes which is one more than we need. You can say you recalculated.”

      “First Massive Voter Fraud Discovered… in NC9”

  1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    These are funny. I’m waiting for someone to draw a cartoon about Ford’s idea to put a 1000 lb battery on the roof of an EV.

    Seriously, they need to look at lots of options in order to find workable ones.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It’s Ford (found on roadside, dead). Their last great idea was an exploding car for easy parking.

      1. I think “Fix Or Repair Daily” and other such monikers are relics of the 1970s.

        I own a 2012 5-speed Ford Focus as a commuter car. I bought it new in 2012 and the only things that have gone wrong with it are a broken regulator on the passenger-side window and a broken driver’s side door latch. The first was covered under warranty, and the second by a recall. It has had the lowest 10-year cost of ownership of any 4-wheeled vehicle I’ve ever owned.

        And I am far from gentle with it.

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          They more than made up for that by designing an engine (the 3.5L V6) with a waterpump that takes hours to replace AND, when it leaks, leaks coolant into the engine oil ensuring complete engine destruction, unless you somehow notice that it’s leaking coolant before that, which you probably won’t because it’s not leaking onto the ground.

          1. Ouch. Is it too late to swap it out for a 5.0L V-8 ?

            That is a bad design, but wouldn’t you catch the water pump leakage pretty early on if you check your oil every time you put gas in the car? Even a small amount of coolant in the oil will make it look more like chocolate milk than motor oil.

          2. how_it_works Avatar

            As far as I know, the 3.5L V6 is primarily used in FWD designs. Good luck fitting a 5.0L V8 there.

            You might catch the water pump leakage by religiously checking the oil..but not many people do that.

    2. It reads like a parody but unfortunately I suspect it is real.

      1.000 lbs on the roof of a vehicle?

      How safe would you feel carrying two Harley Davidson Sportsters on the roof of your Ford Explorer?

  2. David Wojick Avatar
    David Wojick

    Doing unseemly things for money might be good training for the GA.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      … what’s more Joe will dress up as Obama and lead us into World War Two…

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        what’s worse than senility? A senile psychopath!

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Better tell your boys and girls to get on the ball:

          Quinnipiac Poll: Do you think … is too old to effectively serve another 4-year term as president, or not?

          Joe Biden
          Yes: 68%
          No: 28%

          Donald Trump
          Yes: 34%
          No: 63%
          Better job responding to a national crisis:
          Trump 51%
          Biden 44%

        2. what’s worse than senility? A senile psychopath!

          Yes. Excellent point, and yet another reason Biden needs to go.

          And I’m not a psychologist but I think ‘sociopath’ is a more fitting description of him.

      2. I thought he already did that – or at any rate, claimed during a speech to WWII Vets that he had done it…


    1. Let me know when:

      1) The new battery technology is more than just marketing hype.

      2) The price of the EVs they produce with the technology is no more than 10% higher than a comparable ICE powered vehicle (before government subsidies).

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        $13B is a lot to spend on hype… but then Elon… well, never mind.

      1. Here’s hoping Dianne Feinstein doesn’t start wearing a bikini and Mitch McConnell does not start showing up on the senate floor in a Speedo.

        And I guess all bets are off if an avowed nudist gets elected to the senate in 2024…

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Here’s a wild thought. Does a president have the power to rescind a pardon? Given that pardons are derived from British Common Law and the King had the power to grant and rescind, as King Richard II did in 1300-something, could Biden rescind, oh say, Roger Stone’s pardon granted by Trump?

    1. If his goal if to violate the Bill of Rights in numerical order he’s going to need to house troops in our homes and allow warrantless searches before he starts down the “double-jeopardy” path…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Only if a pardon implies that double jeopardy comes attached. Double jeopardy is associated with charges and a trial — all of which the recipient had, AND LOST. There is no second trial. No new charge. In fact, the one thing that comes with a pardon is the admission of guilt.

        At the State level, there may be laws, restrictions, and definitions of pardons, but there are no such at the federal level. When they penned the Constitution, it was just assumed that pardons were “well defined”. As evidence that it is not, just consider the discussions of whether a president can grant a pardon to himself.

        Also, don’t forget that just last year the SCOTUS used English precedent in reversing Roe with the Dobbs decision.

        It’s commonly accepted that BCL prevails when no specific US law exists to the contrary.

        1. The 5th Amendment does not include the word ‘trial’.

          Here is the relevant wording:

          …nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb

          Rescinding a pardon and sending someone back to prison, or even placing them on probation, fits the accepted definition of being put “in jeopardy of life or limb”.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Bush did it. Of course, he rescinded before the subject accepted it… cooling off law? I don’t think the rescission involves pleading guilty twice.

            Here’s a related circumstance. Has a citizen ever committed a crime, been tried, found or pled guilty, been sentenced, served his entire sentence, and still been incarcerated beyond release? Uh yep. More than once.

          2. Of course people have had their 5th Amendment rights violated. But the fact that it happens does not make it right or constitutional.

            Otherwise, why criticize the police for shooting unarmed citizens?

            And even more on point, just because Bush did it doesn’t mean it’s constitutional.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            The last one covers a multitude of things.

          4. Indeed it does. And it really doesn’t matter which Bush you’re referring to…

        2. The 5th Amendment does not include the word ‘trial’.

          Here is the relevant wording:

          …nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb

          Rescinding a pardon and sending someone back to prison, or even placing them on probation, fits the accepted definition of being put “in jeopardy of life or limb”.

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