Jeanine’s Memes

Sunday Memes — Gas and Jobs Edition from The Bull Elephant

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13 responses to “Jeanine’s Memes”

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Maybe she’s cuter?

    1. No, Larry, that’s called poverty. It’s typically associated with ruling oligarchies using the coercive power of government to plunder the poor.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Is poverty more present in 3rd world less govt countries , Jim?

  1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Where is the middle ground. You are both right!

    1. Matt Hurt Avatar
      Matt Hurt

      The momentum causes us to fly past the middle ground. It appears as a blur as we swing both ways throughout the political swings.

    2. tmtfairfax Avatar

      If Bezos were to shut down the Post, we’d all have a better chance at finding some middle ground. But when a major source of news is corrupt from top to bottom and represses news inconsistent with its editorial views, it’s harder to see anything in common.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Nothing to do with Bezos – that’s just a distraction from the hard right conservatism that has supplanted conventional and moderate conservatism.

        Hard – right takes no responsibility and blames everyone on others from Media to BLM to whoever and whatever they can try to affix blame.

        The media has always been there. Some of it is biased – left and right but to blame the media for the behavior of the actual people is evading the real issues – which is hard right extremism.

        Republicans that used to be mainstream are now RINOS – utterly rejected by the current right. Those RINOs did not move left – they have the same views they always had – but the right has moved far right , and blames others , including RINOs and CINOs.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    If you happen to know the names of any publicly traded companies that can solve any ONE of those problems, excepting of course those that created the problem, let me know and I’ll invest with them instead.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    Some of the things that differentiate developed countries from 3rd world:

    public education
    public roads
    public safety
    public health
    electricity – from a grid that moves on public right-of-ways

    When you ask Conservatives to name the bad/wrong things that govt does – not talking about the WAY they do it, but WHAT they do – listen to why they say and think about it. Think about a country without the things they say the government should not do then think about the countries in the world where govt does not do those things.

    1. Yeah, those are all things that government legitimately should do. Sadly, in the process of sticking its snoot into every sphere of human existence, government in the U.S. bungles the few things that it should be doing. We’re indistinguishable from Third World kleptocracies; the main difference is that we have the luxury of living off the riches bestowed by previous generations.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        So make the distinction. What countries do “TOO MUCH” govt and how does that compare to those nasty 3rd world Kleptocracies”?

        Ya’ll are tripping all over your lame ideology here.

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