Jeanine’s Memes

From The Bull Elephant.

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44 responses to “Jeanine’s Memes”

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      I guess that changing the country back means punishing women for having sex with the wrong man.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Who’s ya daddy?

      2. To the democrats it means punishing a child because his mother had sex with the wrong man.

        1. Teddy007 Avatar

          An embryo/fetus is not a legal human. Trying to claim that would require a change in the law and would cause a huge number of problems, first being it would make women second class citizens. All that because conservatives really hate that women have sex.

          1. When and why does the fetus become human? Do you still think it’s part of the woman’s body? Can you define woman? If not, how can you be sure they are 2nd class?
            Actually, republicans (who can define what a woman is) see women as valuable beyond the sexual role that the democrats assign them. Bill Clinton’s respect for Monica is typical of the respect dems have for women.

          2. Teddy007 Avatar

            Republicans seen as trans people as mentally ill and in need of therapy. But course, they used to believe that about all homosexuals. One would think that the Republicans would learn from their failures but they do not.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “Never in the course of human events has so much been given to so few for so damned little.” — anonymous taxpayer on the occasion of another federal grant to Elon Musk.

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Primary direction, backwards.

  2. Teddy007 Avatar

    Back to what? to the age of Jim Crow and women as second class citizens?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Uh no. Further. You forgot the part about black folks working for free.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        I sure that many Trumpist would see that as a feature.

        1. Is Trumpist the new N word?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar


          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            That’s not an n-word. Try numbnut.

          3. You lefties use Trumpist the same way your political ancestors in the democrat party used the N word – to smear, belittle and degrade those you consider to be your inferiors. It’s a convenient shorthand that allows you to use hatred instead of argument. Applying the inheritance rule of modern leftist political theory (you inherit the blame for evils committed hundreds of years ago), shouldn’t you be protesting against yourselves or something? How can you sleep at night knowing that you are behaving just like the bigots of the Jim Crow did?

            I’ll note in passing that you guys are really acting butt hurt.

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Nah!! Women and those others as non-citizens.

    3. It’s doubtful that even you believe that crap, but, I understand that, since you have no accomplishments for Brandon to brag about, lying about the opposition is all you got.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Tis only fake outrage to deflect woke conservative sensibilities from facts including alternative facts.

        1. As I said, having no accomplishments to brag about (except for the 8.7% SS increase), you are left with attacks on your opponents. It’s sad what the great democrat party has become.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Obamacare that the GOP has tried to kill and promises to again.

            Medicaid Expansion. Ditto

            lowered prescription drug prices.

            increased limits for IRAs

            to name a few.

            The GOP promises to kill most all of it.

          2. Is 0bama still running for president?

            Trump signed executive orders to reduce drug prices. Brandon blocked them at the beginning of his term. Now you guys want credit for something Trump began which you blocked. Typical.

      2. Teddy007 Avatar

        Repeating OAN and Newsmax memes does not make one look clever. The governor of Georgia is seriously discussing banning contraceptives. Because the Republicans really care about women?

        1. I doubt if many republicans will support him. However, the most extreme left position on abortion is any abortion at any time for any reason, and that is a mainstream democrat position. Would you oppose one of your candidates who ran on that position? It appears that, on abortion, gun rights, and many others, the most extreme left positions have been mainstreamed by the democrat party. You might want to consider your glass house before throwing rocks.

          1. Teddy007 Avatar

            So since a women might get a third trimester abortion that is reason for the Republicans to force 14 y/o girls to carry their rapist baby to term. I still do not understand that logic. There are almost no third trimester abortions in U.S. outside of the life or health of the mother. Why focus on something that does not happen very much just to punish women for having sex with the wrong man.

          2. It’s your contention that a 14yr old girl doesn’t know she’s been raped and is pregnant until the 3rd trimester, and only then is able to do something about it?

            Unanswered still is my question of when the fetus becomes a human being? Do you have an answer? Do you think you can kill it after it becomes human? Do you think you can kill it if you don’t know if it’s human?

          3. Teddy007 Avatar

            Most Americans would settle for a ban on abortion after 15 weeks (much like the laws in Europe). that gives women enough time to realize their pregnant and arrange for the abortion. It also reduces the gender selection abortion. Of course, exceptions would have to be made for the life or health of the mothers.
            The alternative is to make women legally nothing more than a uterus with legs.

          4. IIRC, that’s basically the plan that Youngkin proposed and you guys rejected. Have you changed your mind and now support it? Are you now opposed to the demands of the feminists for unlimited abortion?
            What is your core belief on the issue?
            Can you answer my questions about when it becomes human and when it is all right to kill it?

          5. Teddy007 Avatar

            That is not what Youngkin proposed. For Youngkin that was the starting point of the negotiations until the Republicans win control of the Virginia State Senate when abortion will be banned in Virginia.
            And why not describe exactly when an enbryo/fetus gets legal personhood and trumps the will of the mother?

          6. I thought you dems were in favor of democracy – you know, where people get together and discuss the differences in what they want and then vote to decide. Now we have a chance to do that, and you don’t want to.
            Wouldn’t the discussion of when the fetus becomes human be part of that process? Are you afraid you don’t have good arguments? You had 50 years of Roe to perfect your arguments – did you waste them? Don’t you know what you’re killing?

          7. Teddy007 Avatar

            If unquestioned access to abortion for the first 15 weeks of pregnancy was put on the ballot as a referendum by itself, it would win in a landslide in Virginia. And the pro-lifers would end up looking like idiots because anyone who interacts with a pro-life for more than a minute will hear women called irresponsible and sluts and will demand that women be punished for having sex with the wrong man.
            The main arguments are that women should have control of their own bodies and that women should be forced to be pregnant due to a contraception failures. Those arguments are very popular rather than the argument that raped 14 y/os should be forced to remain pregnant because my religion demands it.

          8. I’m glad to hear that you agree with a 15 week ban.

            I have had long conversations with pro lifers and none of them advocate that women be punished for who they sleep with or call them irresponsible sluts. I certainly don’t believe those things. Perhaps if you reread The Handmaidens Tale as a work of fiction and not a documentary, it may help.

            You argue:
            The main arguments are that women should have control of their own bodies and that women should [not] be forced to be pregnant due to a contraception failures. Those arguments are very popular rather than the argument that raped 14 y/os should be forced to remain pregnant because my religion demands it.

            I added the [not] as omitting it appears to be a typo.

            My rebuttal:
            None of us has complete legal autonomy over our bodies. e.g. We can’t use illegal drugs; even legal drugs require a prescription.
            The fetus is NOT her body. It has separate DNA and a separate existence. After a successful abortion, it’s dead, and she’s not.
            Laws must apply equally to all.
            I’m not allowed to force my religious beliefs on you. However, the fact that the bible (for example) says Thou Shalt not steal doesn’t mean that we can’t pass laws against theft using secular arguments.
            Our society does not allow us to kill another human being just because we profit or gain from the killing. Convenience, gain, making a better life for ourselves – none of those are valid reasons.

            My argument:
            A woman does not have the right to kill a human just because she wants to.

            Now I repeat my question:
            Wouldn’t the discussion of when the fetus becomes human be part of that process? Are you afraid you don’t have good arguments? You had 50 years of Roe to perfect your arguments – did you waste them? Don’t you know what you’re killing?

          9. Teddy007 Avatar

            Go look up Todd Akin when he ran for office in 2010. Go look up Rush Limbaugh when he called Sandra Fluke a slut. There was also backbencher Jason Lewis in congress
            The fetus is not separate and is dependent on the mother. Forcing a pregnant woman to carry a pregnancy to term for one’s religious reasons has no place in politics. And if life begins at conception, most forms of birth control including all forms of emergency contraception would be banned. Once again, pro-life really means controlling women because women are sluts and irresponsible. And pro-lifers are overjoyed with the idea of punishing women for having sex with the wrong man.
            But thank you for admitting that one’s politics is motivated by religious beliefs that women are second class citizens and need to be punished for being sluts.

          10. Well, I guess you’re done then.

  3. How little it takes to get the butt hurt left to squeal their fake outrage. The question yet to be answered is will they steal another election.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Not to worry. Plenty of GOP election deniers have already determined the Big Steal is in play. Squealing to begin in the PM of Election Day. Lawsuits in the AM next day.

      1. So when you lose, Brandon et al will accept the result quietly?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          yep, name calling is ya’ll signature… that’s what you do.

          1. You may wind up looking pretty bad if you don’t do a major edit on your prior posts.

  4. Since calling republicans election deniers seems to provide solace to the dems in their time of crisis, the words of Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDanielon the topic seem appropriate:

    “Our commander in chief, Joe Biden, going in front of the American people and saying, oh, look at this issue with election deniers. Well, here’s what Democrats are: they’re inflation deniers, they’re crime deniers, they’re education deniers.”

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