Jeanine’s Memes

Normally, I’d say, “Last one out, turn off the lights.” But Governor Gavin Newsome beat me to it.

(From The Bull Elephant)

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32 responses to “Jeanine’s Memes”

    1. how_it_works Avatar

      Obvious fake news. That 911 call was actually answered.

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    California has led the nation on reducing emissions.

    First by outlawing leaded gasoline:

    Then it set emission standards that later the US adopted as Clean Air Act.

    In each case, there were naysayers and critics just like today.

    In each case, the naysayers and critics have been proven wrong.

    We have much cleaner air because of California’s leadership on clean air regulations.

    Not without issues, no question. But it’s silly and ignorant to diss California on these issues IMO.

    1. how_it_works Avatar

      Leaded gasoline is still used and available as AV (aviation) gasoline. It’s described as “low lead” but the lead levels are still high enough to screw up the catalytic converter in any vehicle that someone is dumb enough to try using it in. (It has a 100 octane rating and some people think it’s a cheap way to get high octane gasoline).

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        It is but the point is – just as it is with carbon – not ZERO now but major reductions we can do now and over time until we get closer to zero.

        There have been and will always be yahoos who manage to screw things up.

        Again, you’re driving a much cleaner car right now because of California.

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          I’m driving a much cleaner car right now because of Robert Bosch GmbH.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            not the only thing…

          2. how_it_works Avatar

            Not the only thing, but likely the biggest.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            The catalytic converter was invented by Eugene Houdry, a French mechanical engineer and expert in catalytic oil refining who lived in the U.S. around 1950.

          4. how_it_works Avatar

            And the 3-way catalytic converter (what your car and every car since 1980 is required to have) was invented by John J Mooney while he worked for Engelhard Corporation.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Recently saw some data that California produces no more non-CO2 energy today than it did 20 years ago. The ratio of carbon to non-carbon production has barely budged, in large part because of retired nuclear. I’d show you the data but you’d just ad hominem attack it because that’s what you do. Then California adds to the flat-lined wind and solar power by importing from across state lines. Move there, Larry. Please. I’ll pass the hat.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Ad Hominem? no way, your dishonest way of diverting the dialog.

        You likely can’t show credible data from objective sources and so you claim it’s Ad Hominem to point that out.

        California leads the way. Not without issues. People raised hell when California went to unleaded gas and raised more hell when they went to stricter emissions regs on cars but they stuck with it and it got worked out and right now today, I bet you are driving a cleaner car because of California.

        Just like you will be using cleaner electricity at some point – due to California leadership.

        If we depended on you Conservatives to do this – we’d be nowhere cuz that’s what ya’ll do… you fight against doing what needs to be done , always have.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive


  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    The cars that you and I drive today. Unleaded gas, low emissions, better gas mileage – were pioneered in California.

    1. how_it_works Avatar

      Oh, but the oxygen sensor, required to make a 3-way catalytic converter work correctly, was developed in Germany by Bosch.

      And Volvo (Swedish) was the first manufacturer to use oxygen sensors and 3-way cats.

      EDIT: 3-way cats reduce NOx (nitrous oxide) emissions to nitrogen and oxygen. The alternating lean/rich mixture facilitated by the use of the oxygen sensor provides the correct “chemical feedstock” to the catalytic convertor make this reaction work.

      Two-way catalytic convertors only reduce HCs and CO to CO2; they have no effect on NOx.

      Three-way catalytic converters do it all, reacting with NOx, HCs, and CO.

    2. how_it_works Avatar

      Oh, but the oxygen sensor, required to make a 3-way catalytic converter work correctly, was developed in Germany by Bosch.

      And Volvo (Swedish) was the first manufacturer to use oxygen sensors and 3-way cats.

      EDIT: 3-way cats reduce NOx (nitrous oxide) emissions to nitrogen and oxygen. The alternating lean/rich mixture facilitated by the use of the oxygen sensor provides the correct “chemical feedstock” to the catalytic convertor make this reaction work.

      Two-way catalytic convertors only oxidize HCs and CO to CO2; they have no effect on NOx.

      Three-way catalytic converters do it all, reacting with NOx, HCs, and CO.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Maybe, but California led the way in the US – utilizing technology to reduce emissions and their regulations were the model for the EPA Clean Air Act and the cars that you and I drive today.

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          No maybe about it, a lot of the engine control hardware used to reduce emissions was developed by Bosch.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            what does it matter who developed the technology? What matters is the regulations put in place that motivated the development of those technologies.

            California did it first and other states followed but years after the technology was developed because they lagged on the regulations that required it.

            We no longer have distributor caps or basic carburetors either – all Bosh-developed?

            Hey, the funny thing is what country’s cars got caught cheating on air emissions?

          2. how_it_works Avatar

            Bosch did in fact develop fuel injection!

            And the technology came BEFORE the regulations. It almost always does.

            (It’s kind of difficult to expect people to to be compliant with a regulation, that for compliance, requires technology that hasn’t been developed yet).

            And I can separate the country from it’s individual corporations and it’s history.

            I mean, would it be fair for me to think that Virginians are all a bunch of neo-confederate troglodytes that think Massive Resistance was a good idea?

            No it would not.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            It took more than on technology to develop modern engines and it don’t matter when the technology was developed if there were no regulations that would require that technology and other technology necessary to develop modern engines.

            It’s sorta like arguing that unleaded gas was created before it was required. no?

          4. how_it_works Avatar

            Larry, there were no regulations that REQUIRED GM to offer the 1984 Chevrolet Cavalier (I own one) with fuel injection instead of a caburetor, but they did it anyway.

            Can you figure out why?

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Geeze guy. Car makers offer a lot of different things that are not required.

            That’s not the point.

            The point is when something IS required to lower emissions or required for safety or other reasons for a public benefit.

            No one sought to buy a car with lower emissions for their personal benefit. No one would pay extra for it even if the technology was available.


          6. how_it_works Avatar

            “No one sought to buy a car with lower emissions for their personal benefit. No one would pay extra for it even if the technology was available.


            I think you are dead wrong on that.

            For example…why do people decide to take used oil to be recycled instead of pouring it into a stream or a storm drain, even if that’s easier?

            You think it’s entirely because they’re afraid of getting busted and fined for doing that?

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Plenty of people still drain their oil onto the ground or worse let it go down the storm drain. Mainly because it is cheaper, easier, and that is how they have always done it – those government regulation are just plain stupid after all.

          8. how_it_works Avatar

            Yes, just like plenty of people modify their diesel truck to roll coal, or throw their fast food wrappers into the nearest roadside ditch, or…

            We can properly call those people “@$$holes” and it’s up for debate whether Virginia has more than their fair share of them in the population.

            One thing is certain though, they seem to concentrate in places like Manassas.

          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Difference between a Good Ol’ Boy and a Redneck; a Good Ol’ Boy tries to get the beer bottle to land in the bed of his pickup.

          10. how_it_works Avatar

            I always thought that the difference is that the Good Ol’ Boy has a city, county, or state job.

          11. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, if you’re gonna have to pick ’em up anyway…

          12. how_it_works Avatar

            Thought they had “Adopt-a-highway” so someone else could volunteer to clean up after the slobs that roam Virginia’s roads….

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “What California is today the rest will be tomorrow.”

    The second mule in line has a terriblr view.

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