Jeanine’s Memes

From the Bull Elephant

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12 responses to “Jeanine’s Memes”

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Clearly a bipartisan line of folks for that….

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    Only 30 more minutes until I can go to CVS and get my Biden Booster shot! You see, I was vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine 7 months ago and everybody – the Israelis, health care workers, even Pfizer – admits that the efficacy of the Pfizer vax wears off over time. A couple of weeks ago Uncle Joe from Hooterville promised that I could get the booster today. But now I hear that’s not true.

    And the liberals hiss, “follow the science”.

    What science?

    The science from Israel or the very bizarre “science” coming out of Bozo Joe’s randomness factory?

    You see, what liberals mean when the say, “follow the science” is actually “follow the US government”.

    Science has nothing to do with it.

    So, are the vaccines (when given as boosters) suddenly dangerous? Were the US government “scientists” lying to us the whole time about the safety of the vaccines? Or are the American so-called scientists actually lying about the dangers of a booster shot in order to pressure the US into sending more vaccines overseas?

    Steven Salzberg suspects the latter.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      The problem with the anti-science types is they misunderstand science. They seem to expect one answer from the start that will never change no matter what else happens after.

      Once more – Science IS… and EVOLVING BODY OF KNOWLEDGE that does change as we do continue to investigate and develop more knowledge.

      Anyone who is looking for one answer that never changes needs more time on task in understanding what science is and is not.

      People are frustrated. They want answers they can depend on not to change, but science does not work that way at all, never has.

      Pick ANY field of science, whether it’s cancer or genetics or paleontology – and they ALL – DO CHANGE as time goes by and more data and information is developed.

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