Jeanine’s Memes

Jeanine’s Sunday memes from The Bull Elephant

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13 responses to “Jeanine’s Memes”

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Don’t worry, Kid, it’s genetic.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Eradicate Covid with vaccines,
      Withdraw from Afghanistan,

      Things you don’t practice.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        If that’s the way Conservatives think of withdraw, it’s no wonder they have such big families…!!

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Well that, and the Fugitive Fetus Act.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Ya know, it was much better when the white, evangelical, blue collar Right were the Silent Majority. They didn’t sound as stupid.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Wow. Chilling. I have not thought about it like this before. Lord have mercy.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, it wasn’t 1865 Richmond.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Actually, the one came on time, was right-sized, and got the job done.

      The other was delayed (for inexplicable reasons) and came a day late and a dollar short.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Can the government track the donut?

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