Jeanine’s Memes

From The Bull Elephant

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87 responses to “Jeanine’s Memes”

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Light a man a fire and he’ll be warm for a hour.
      Light a man afire and he’ll be warm for life.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        They’ll both burn for about an hour. One fire fits all…

    2. Not Today Avatar
      Not Today

      Yikes. Way to self own. Bastardizing Jesus all by yourself. KEEP GOING.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Community note:

        The quote “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” is a Chinese proverb. It’s been attributed to the philosopher Lao Tzu, but its origin is uncertain.

        Facts are stubborn things.

        1. Not Today Avatar
          Not Today

          True that. At the same time, claiming the mantle of Jesus with a Eurasian meme riff off a biblical parable, is helpful because??

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I understand the humor but the reality is …. despite all the aid provided over the last two years, the Russian – Ukrainian War has bogged down into a WWI style stalemate where both sides suffer casualties at scale.

      Nobody is winning.
      Nobody is losing.
      Everybody is dying.

      As usual, neither the Biden Administration nor NATO has a plan for the Ukrainians to actually win and end the war.

      Another “forever war” with no plan for victory.

      We’re getting very good at those.

      Either amp up the aid to the point that Ukraine can win or cut the aid out entirely.

      Continuing to fund a bloody stalemate might just be the worst possible idea.

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        I think it’s time to “Act Now to Stop War and End Racism”.

        Speaking of which, where are those people? It’s like they crawled into a hole when Obama got elected and haven’t been heard from since.

      2. how_it_works Avatar

        I think it’s time to “Act Now to Stop War and End Racism”.

        Speaking of which, where are those people? It’s like they crawled into a hole when Obama got elected and haven’t been heard from since.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar


  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive



    And who was President?

    BTW, unemployment under 4% for the longest streak in 50 years!

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Sure, because the labor participation rate is still below where it was pre covid,

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Okay Boomer. No, really, okay Boomer.
        Boomers are leaving, and have been at about 1M/yr since 2010. Note the little down blips in GenX and Millennials. Nits.

        The downward pressure is all that post-WWII baby meat leaving.

        C’mon. You knew this! You’ve been claiming that the HUGE impact of Boomers leaving was going to tank the SSA for years. And, you didn’t think it would affect the workforce numbers?

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          The fall in the participation rate was connected directly to covid and not to the curve of boomers retiring, although that was happening too.

          I have NEVER claimed that Boomers leaving the workforce was going to tank SSA. Saying that I have is outright false.

          One of the few things Greenspan did right was to set SSA up to prefund Boomer SSA payouts. The problem is funding was predicated on 90% of wages being subject to FICA. Bring FICA coverage back up to 90% of wages and SSA is funded for the better part of the next century.

          After the Greenspan reforms subsequent earnings went overwhelmingly to the top earners and FICA limits did not index to cover 90% of earnings. Currently we are down in the low 80s% of wages covered, the shortfall is getting ever closer and nobody has done squat to fix it. People making more than $168,600 and their employers like the 6.2% FICA tax break each get when they hit that limit.

          The issue ain’t Boomers and has not been since 1981. SSA has NOT been an inter generational wealth transfer for 40 years. Try to keep a little more current please. At least get into the current millennium.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Don’t get your panties wadded up. By YOU, I meant the conservative crowd. Yes, SSA can be saved again. It can work. But not by this Congress.

            The point was you can “count” the workforce loss from covid by the blips. We lost about 3M GenXers and 3M Millennials from the work force, but they’ve nearly all returned (we ain’t making more of them). And the GenZ crowd lost a year.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            So… completely out of the workforce or what?

            Gig economy?

            Don’t forget, independent contractors like Uber, Lyftt, etc pay FICA tax also but it’s referred to as :

            “Self-employment tax applies to self-employed people who earned more than $400 during the year. The self-employment tax rate — a combination of Social Security and Medicare taxes — is 15.3% for 2023 and 2024.”

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, no. Look at the two curves. They plunge and then slowly rise back. Each line dropped ~3M and gained back maybe 2.8M, so a loss of 200K.

            Gig work? Maybe. But, covid itself could have eliminated the GenXers.

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            Ok:) It seemed pretty pointed. While no longer a Dem I ain’t a conservative. I still call myself a New Deal Dem. You know, a populist. That gives me some solidarity with a certain segment of the country. There is no room for that in today’s Dem party, although that was known as “the base” for 40+ years..

            Boomers were part of the job loss. Some of them took that as a signal to retire. The issue remains, the low unemployment rate is largely a function of the labor participation rate that dropped precipitously with the covid shutdown. It has not recovered, and Boomer retirements are only a part of the issue.

            A lot of the jobs are crap jobs too, kids with degrees working at jobs where a HS diploma would be over qualified. One quote recently was, “Yeah there are lots of jobs, I’ve got 3 of them”. Raw job counts are diddling with statistics. Also around 60% of recent graduates are living at home w mom & dad which is a message about the job market in itself.

            The job market ain’t all wine and roses, and there’s a lot of illegal pressure on the bottom end that also keeps everybody’s wages low. That’s part of why wages have not kept up with inflation.

            There’s a lot of monkey motion in BLS’s statistics too. That’s a discussion for another day and beware, that will make eyes glaze over. Short take is that U6, while not great, is a better measure of unemployment than the shiny U2 number you and the campaign are touting. The cartoon in the lede has it about right.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, cheer up. Was a time a certain President said that manufacturing jobs were way up. Of course, that included “manufacturing” hamburgers.

            No, the job market ain’t all that rosy, but infrastructure spending will help that, and even “boondoggles” of renewable energy will help. We better do something.

          6. Lefty665 Avatar

            Yeah, but do something even if it’s wrong is proving to have limits. Obama’s caution to never underestimate Ol Joe was insightful.

            Your chips and blueberry pie line above was right on:)

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Voice of experience. But that was long ago. Made the mistake a couple of years back of trying it again. 22% THC. Slept well, after about an hour of being certain that death had come.

          8. Lefty665 Avatar

            These days a little dab will do ‘ya, but the munchies haven’t changed much:) Long ago not much liking paranoia was reason enough to not smoke too much.

            How’d the tune go “One toke over the line sweet Jesus, one toke over the line” or something like that.

          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            So that’s what it meant! I was always a bit more like John Prine’s song.

          10. Lefty665 Avatar

            “Your flag decal won’t get you into heaven anymore”?

          11. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Illegal Smile. For some reason I grin a lot! I still remember the old man asking what I thought was so funny. “Uh, uh, just thinking about a joke Steve’s dad told.”

          12. Lefty665 Avatar

            It don’t cost very much and it lasts a long while.:) Good, I was afraid you were going for Sam Stone and I didn’t want to go there.

            I miss Prine. He wrote an amazing number of great songs and stayed true to himself for his whole life.

          13. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Uh yep. During the begging sweeps on PBS one year, they ran a THREE-hour concert he filmed.

          14. Lefty665 Avatar

            The early years when he and Steve Goodman played together were spectacular. Goodman was one heck of a talented guy too.

          15. Lefty665 Avatar

            Here’s a funny one on job markets. Turns out California has the highest unemployment rate in the country at 5.3%. The 300,000 new jobs they reported last year turned out to actually be 50,000. Oops. The Joker won’t be happy about that.

            From a Woody Guthrie tune:
            Claifornia’s the garden of eden
            a paradise to live in or see
            I’ll tell you what
            you won’t find it so hot
            if you don’t have that dough re mi


          16. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Live in California, but not so long as you become soft. Live in New York, but not so long as it makes you hard.

          17. Lefty665 Avatar

            And another report that the Fed shows that BLS jobs numbers nationally were way over counted. Also that full time jobs took a big hit. What gains there were were part time. Not a pretty picture.


          18. DJRippert Avatar

            There you go again … muddying the issue with facts.

          19. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Those aren’t facts, see my prior article/link, they’re anecdotes.

        2. Not Today Avatar
          Not Today

          The denial is strong. As an X-er parent of Zoomer kids, none of us expects boomer wealth to go anywhere but the pockets of elder care conglomerates/tycoons. KEEP GOING. Rage against (vs. prepare, persuade, teach, facilitate, share) the dying of the light. Great strategy.

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            There are things boomers can do to prevent their wealth from lining the pockets of elder care conglomerates, but they require a bit of planning.

            EDIT: Virginia is still a “filial responsibility” state, so if your boomer parent really screwed their finances up, well, you can be forced to pay for their medical care. Isn’t that nice?

            Not enough that you loaned that parent (who got half of everything in the divorce) thousands of dollars they’ll never pay back, now they’ll come for you to pay their medical care too.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It’s the poorhouse mentality of the conservative thinker. And by conservative thinker, I mean that they do little of it.

          3. how_it_works Avatar

            The poorhouse mentality cuts across political lines. For example, the shack-up girlfriend of a friend, on the rare occasion she has a political thought, is along the lines of “Trump sucks”. She’d be in a homeless shelter if she didn’t live with her boyfriend. I suggest that it matters not who is President, her situation will never change until she starts taking responsibility for her life, which, if it’s not happening at age 41, will never likely happen.

          4. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            The poor house behavior cuts across MALE lines. Women are largely thriving and increasingly flexing their political and social muscles, hence the backlash.

          5. how_it_works Avatar

            I know as many dysfunctional males as I do females. I live near Manassas, though. Perhaps it’s different elsewhere.

          6. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            And yet, women are primarily raising kids, with or without men. Square that loop.

          7. how_it_works Avatar

            The circle of dysfunction continues. A loop it is.

          8. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Which one? The one where my childhood friends who got PG and have parented alone for 18 years and are celebrating their kids’ achievements have fly by night jerks trying to claim credit for their donation?? The one in which men ignore national stats on male child abandonment and ignore/avoid culpability? The one in which men think that their wants and needs are the most important? Find the dysfunction.

          9. how_it_works Avatar

            It’s different in my world. I know of many products of single-parent households that aren’t doing so hot.

          10. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            So do I, none of whom have positive male relations.

          11. how_it_works Avatar

            Is there a correlation between being offspring of a single parent household and not having a positive male relation, I wonder?

          12. how_it_works Avatar

            Is there a correlation between being offspring of a single parent household and not having a positive male relation, I wonder?

          13. how_it_works Avatar

            Is there a correlation between being offspring of a single parent household and not having a positive male relation, I wonder?

          14. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            If the donor is a deadbeat, yes.

          15. how_it_works Avatar

            Oh by the way, she was actually IN a homeless shelter in North Carolina when she messaged him on Myspace (shows how long ago it was) asking him to come save her. So there’s a basis for my belief that she’d be in a homeless shelter today if it weren’t for him.

            Well, that and her lack of financial discipline which results in him having to pay her taxes every year because she’s a 1099 contractor (for a daycare) and can’t manage to save enough through the year to cover the taxes.

            I told him to let the IRS come after her, they’ll just garnish her wages to pay the taxes, problem solved and she learns a life lesson.

          16. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Umm…ok. These feel like very, VERY personal problems.

          17. how_it_works Avatar

            It’s enlightening to learn how dysfunctional some folks are. Like if your social circles normally do not let you encounter such people.

          18. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            No, my social circle do not match yours. In my social circles, women have stayed home, sacrificed their professions, or worked their asses off to raise decent human children, while their husbands or boyfriends were deployed/otherwise occupied.

          19. how_it_works Avatar

            Yea, so you don’t probably know anyone who has died of an overdose, let alone one that was female. I do. EDIT: It’s not like I knew her well at all, friend of a friend.

          20. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            So, you don’t know me, or the addiction I’ve witnessed or lived through. Long before white people cared about or were affected by opioids, my community was ravaged by crack. I SAW what those women and men did for a fix from my bedroom window. The fact that you don’t know her well, never knew her story except tangentially? Yet feel comfy using it is a stain on you. I’ve BTDT and survived and I’m here to speak on it.

          21. how_it_works Avatar

            Yea, well, Manassas had a crackhouse in the 1980s too, it was documented in a story in the Washington Post. No information is available as to the racial makup of it’s customers, though.

          22. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            You are so foul right now, bless you for exposing the site.

          23. how_it_works Avatar

            Foul? You’re operating with your own facts right now.

          24. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Not. But KEEP GOING.

          25. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Nope. I’m operating based on facts and impact, with the occasional anecdote thrown in for color. You’re lashing out, wildly? uncontrollably? Incoherently? Methinks I struck a nerve. Are you one such person? Do you know your kids’ shoe size, doctor, dentist, favorite color/cartoon character, food?

          26. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            So that’s a ‘NO’.

          27. how_it_works Avatar

            Oh and by the way I asked MS Copilot “Did white people use crack in the 1980s” and it said:

            Yes, during the crack epidemic of the 1980s, crack cocaine was used by individuals of various racial and ethnic backgrounds, including white people. The epidemic saw a surge in crack use across many cities in the United States. While the media often portrayed crack as predominantly affecting African American communities, there were also significant numbers of white individuals using crack. For instance, in the New York City area, it was estimated that more than three-fourths of the early crack consumers were white professionals or middle-class youngsters from suburban areas1. Additionally, a report mentions that people who admitted to using crack were 52% white, 38% black, and 10% Hispanic2. These statistics highlight that the impact of the crack epidemic was widespread and not limited to any single demographic group.

          28. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Right. ‘Cause AI-generated content is a substitute for fact and experience in the context of a conversation. How old are you? 12?

          29. how_it_works Avatar

            It included citations for everything it said. I would have included them, but I felt like not wasting the effort on you.

          30. Lefty665 Avatar

            Looks like MS Copilot woke to the same bell as Google AI, black Nazis and white crackers. Be interesting to check where those percentages came from. They may have as much validity as Cohen’s non existent court citations. The current iterations of AI sound good, but they sometimes are not quite ready for prime time.

            My impression from the ’80s was that crack was mostly black and powder mostly white, but it was all coke.

            It wasn’t like that was a law except for the disparate penalties that were enacted. They busted folks a lot harder for crack than coke. That turned out to have a very racially disparate impact.

            That leads to an inference that woke Copilot may be making the numbers up. Or, they may really tell a different story (see below).

          31. how_it_works Avatar

            From what I can tell the stats came from the DEA, cited by a source that Copilot used. It didn’t make anything up, but may be using unreliable sources. As far as who used what, crack was reportedly cheaper than powder. I hypothesize that the difference between who used what had more to do with socioeconomic status than race. Impression I have is that powder cocaine is/was a rich person’s drug. If I had to guess, I’d say that today’s white meth user is demographically similar to the 80s white crack user.

          32. Lefty665 Avatar

            Maybe the raw numbers don’t mean quite what they look like at first glance.

            “52% white, 38% black, and 10% Hispanic”

            That means that black people were about 3X more likely to be crack users than their percentage of the population while white and hispanic people were under represented.

            The difference of absolute numbers in the population might lead, for example, to absolutely more white than black crack users, but at a far lower incidence. 52% white users compared to roughly 66% of the population, hispanic at 10% users to 20% of the population, and black at 38% users to 12% of the population. Leads one to think that crack was far more prevalent in the black community than the white or hispanic.

            My “crackers” comment was a play on crack not an opioid reference. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.:) But your inference may be right that crack was to some extent a socio economic issue. More money led to more blow and less to more crack.

            Usage patterns may also have had something to do with where the CIA was dumping the coke and crack it was deadheading in on the return trips from sending arms to the Contras. Their air operation rather conveniently avoided customs.

          33. how_it_works Avatar

            Certainly, it’s similar to how, by absolute numbers, more white people on welfare than black, but blacks (as a percentage of the population) are more likely to be on welfare than whites.

            My discovery via an archived Washington Post article that there was a crack house in Manassas in the 80s certainly made me start thinking about who was using crack back then. The racial demographics of Manassas at that time weren’t exactly like that of SE DC or Southside Chicago…

            (no, I don’t at all recall what I searched for to find that article either!)

            As far as opioids, I initially thought I was replying to “Not Today” (who did mention the opioid epidemic in comparison to the crack epidemic) then realized my comments about the opioid epidemic might seem non-sequitur in a response to you so I removed them.

          34. Lefty665 Avatar

            My recollection from those days is that the Manassas area had a pretty “inclusive” mix. There was a significant low income black population in addition to poor white and more affluent folks. That would make a “crack house” not an unusual phenomenon. Certainly all drugs were available, just as they all certainly are today. It was also home to Lorena Bobbitt and her ex.:)

            Glad I didn’t lead you astray with my “cracker” pun. Not to lead us off on another tangent, my experience with the South Side of Chicago in the ’60s was scary as was D.C. There we didn’t stray too far out of Georgetown, the 14th Street corridor and Northwest in general.

          35. how_it_works Avatar

            Back in the early 90s there was a problem in Manassas with LSD, to the point that a kid showed up to Osbourn Park HS high on the stuff. Reportedly, two administrators showed up to remove him from class and he was not seen again for the rest of the year. A couple years after that I heard rumors about a dealer (of LSD) getting busted in the Point of Woods townhouse community. There were also rumors about a mailman who sold weed and would deliver it to your mailbox. Would be interesting to get James Wyatt Whitehead’s thoughts on drugs and Manassas, wish I could ping him to this comment.

            I actually did once meet the ex of Lorena Bobbitt, I lived in the same Maplewood Park apartments that he did.

            My dad grew up in the South Side of Chicago, he was born in the late 30s…he left there before it got really bad.

          36. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Nephew and next door neighbor. Rough to witness. There is a saying, “there but by the grace of God…”

          37. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            These situations are real. Full stop. I’m not discounting your experience just your misogyny. Also, they’re not the norm/indicative of normative behavior. MEN are failing.

          38. how_it_works Avatar

            If I didn’t see it for myself I’d have trouble believing that people like this really exist.

          39. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Does she smoke? It shortens the wait.

          40. how_it_works Avatar

            Just weed.

          41. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            That’ll work. Just keep potato chips and blueberry pie within reach. Diabetes is the new cancer.

          42. how_it_works Avatar

            She does have T2D, and still eats sweets.

      1. Montgomery Burns is one of the finest golfers in the world…

        …as long as his assistant Waylon Smithers is caddying for him..

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I just about fell off the couch at a clip of a Stormy Daniel’s interview. She said something akin to having put all the details in her book and then made a quip about “and then I realized that a lot of people don’t read, I should have made a picture book… uh, no I shouldn’t have.”

    Around 2:20


    I suspect the real reason the DOJ is suing Apple for being a “monopoly” is that the FBI still hasn’t figured out how to hack the iphone to spy on users.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    So, the spousal unit grabbed the remote and I had to sit through her channel flipping between The Voice and The Bachelor. It occurred to me that if The Bachelor runs long enough, statistically speaking, the network should be able to get a Dateline or 20/20 episode out of at least one of the pairings.

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