Jeanine’s Memes

From The Bull Elephant

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35 responses to “Jeanine’s Memes”

  1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    And let’s not forget the word of advice to Dustin Hoffman’s character in the movie The Graduate: “Plastics!”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      But that was TRUE. Look around you. We’re totally surrounded by plastics! And yes, to the point that they’ve become major components of the trash stream – both in landfills but also along roadways and in our waterways , now in our food and we’re breathing plastic!

      We STILL use a LOT of wood-based products. Virtually everything you get from Amazon comes in a cardboard box. Two areas not widely recognized. Bananas.. come in boxes, strong boxes… used – over and over – in food banks and similar. But also – MEAT, next time you’re in a Walmart or similar, check out where the meats are and if more is being put out – the meat comes in uber-strong, often plasticized boxes (combing the two “evils”).

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        ” also along roadways ”

        I think they need to resurrect those public service ads about not littering for the benefit of this new generation.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          The folks that litter are not influenced by ADs or requests to do the right thing… or even fines… and I DO
          think THER IS a correlation between do-gooder political leanings and non do-gooders “my taxes pay for this”!

          1. LesGabriel Avatar

            Are you implying that liberals litter less than political conservatives? I don’t know if there is any empirical evidence for this one way or the other, but some anecdotal evidence to the contrary.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Don’t really know, might be a cheap shot! 😉

          3. I pick up trash with my neighbors every couple of months. Part of the Adopt a Highway program.

            “I DO think THER IS a correlation between do-gooder political leanings and non do-gooders”

            Care to elaborate?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            goes to the purpose/role of govt with regard to cleaning up what others mess up.

          5. how_it_works Avatar

            I think there’s correlation between a culture that not only tolerates lazy slobs, but glorifies them, and litter.

            Taxes aren’t paying to clean the litter tossed in ditches.

            Property owners have to clean that up.

            Tossing one’s trash into a ditch evidences a lack of respect for other’s rights, which, in my opinion, is the result of a poor upbringing.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            maybe tolerate is a better word for some… certainly don’t glorify it and yes, resent having to pay taxes
            or bag fees to get it cleaned up. But the reality is that there are those that do it. I suspect it might be
            the same folks who also do other unthoughtful things like leave their cart in the parking lot park in the handicap spots
            when they are not handicapped or even worse, get a handicap card when they are not handicapped.. stand up in
            front of others so those sitting behind cannot see… cutting folks off in traffic, etc, etc… jerks and clods…

          7. how_it_works Avatar

            I love this guy’s YT channel:


            Watching the people who lose their mind when he asks them to put their shopping cart back…

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            dangerous work these days… road rage, people with weapons, “karens”…

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            must also be some genetic thing with folks who can’t go down a grocery aisle without totally blocking it
            for others…

          10. Lefty665 Avatar

            Anecdotally Virginia seems to be particularly bad on litter. My wife is from Ohio. Some of her first comments on moving here were “What’s with Virginia and all the litter? Ohio’s roadsides don’t look like this. You’re are a bunch of slobs.”

          11. how_it_works Avatar

            The HOA where I used to live had to hire someone to clean the parking lot due to all the trash.

            Where I live now, beer cans and fast food trash are commonly found in the ditches on these rural roads.

            A friend of mine lives up in PA in a rural area.

            Based on the lack of trash on the roadsides there, the people in PA know much better what a trash can is for.

          12. how_it_works Avatar

            The HOA where I used to live had to hire someone to clean the parking lot due to all the trash.

            Where I live now, beer cans and fast food trash are commonly found in the ditches on these rural roads.

            A friend of mine lives up in PA in a rural area.

            Based on the lack of trash on the roadsides there, the people in PA know much better what a trash can is for.

        2. I remember the ads in the 70s.


          1. Probably wouldn’t fly today, but I always thought this was effective.


          2. how_it_works Avatar

            There were ads in the 80s, too.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        It’s not people littering so much as plastic bags don’t just stay where you put them.

        The wind carries from the dumps and festoons the trees.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          yes. but if you look in the ditches or do a clean-up, you’ll find an enormous pile of stuff like plastic drink bottles, beer cans, fast food paper,cardboard, etc… some people are slobs. But yes, the plastic bags are almost like balloons when the wind
          gets them….. but the WORST offenders of all IMO are the folks who walk their dogs, pick up the poop in plastic bag, then
          drop it somewhere. What is wrong with people? Do-gooders without a clue.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, with poop in ‘im they stay poot. Oh, and mylar balloon releases when people die? No.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            people bag their dogs poop and leave it in areas where the dogs could easily poop off path and it would be fine. But… nooooo, they have to bag the poop, and then instead of properly disposing of it, they drop it somewhere for someone else to deal with. Not Cool. Who does this? Mylar releases are 1000 times less often – at least at the park I frequent while the dog poop baggers are abundant.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Just imagine what archeologists 10,000 years from now will think when they find preserved dog poop in plastic bags….

  2. LesGabriel Avatar

    Now the solution is to pay government 5 or 10 cents per bag.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    And while y’all was using paper bags, in the rest of the world they were using reusable bags… still are.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      They went to a bag charge in Fredericksburg. The Burg’s favorite grocery store is Wegmans and virtually everyone takes their reusable bags with them….Some of the checkouts don’t even have bags at all. Walmart is more of a mixed bag as they have a larger number of cretins as customers.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore


        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          informal : a stupid, vulgar, or insensitive person : CLOD, LOUT
          … they started doing stupid boy stuff, like trying to untie our straps and pour sand down our bathing suits. Really, guys were such cretins sometimes.”

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            for example. many more at Wegmans put their carts in the cart corrals ..than Walmart. The parking lot is cleaner, has a lot less trash. The lane between the parking lot and the store has elevated brick crossing paths that tends to discourage the kind of car/pedestrian jousting stuff that goes on at Walmart

  4. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    In Fairfax Co. I like the 5-cent charge for grocery plastic bags- that works for me. But we are completely banning plastic bags for yard debris, and I bet those big paper bags are coated with PFAS (forever chemicals). I bought some re-usable leaf bags, and the trash guys took one. Have 2 left, but now I am afraid to use them.

    Had a chance to tour the local drinking water plant, PFAS is going to be something they have to measure soon…suspect we’ll hear about it when the numbers come out.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      just curious – what do people use, should be using for kitchen garbage if not plastic?

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