Jeanine’s Memes

From The Bull Elephant

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38 responses to “Jeanine’s Memes”

  1. Lefty665 Avatar

    That’s still funny…:)

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Still humor.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        creative ferment

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      The Road to Perdition.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Ya know, Trollie, the greatest irony of all is the very people who have spent decades defending the Jefferson legacy, creating and manning the TJI, TJC, etc., will vote this November to reduce him to less than a footnote; a parenthetical inclusion at best.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Ok, now that IS funny!
    But I don’t think VA can be looking down on TN currently.
    No income tax. More sane government. Population influx…

  3. David Wojick Avatar
    David Wojick

    Faced with diversity the boys opted for inclusion, with a bit of repurposing.

    My daddy made whiskey, my granddaddy did too. We ain’t paid no whiskey tax since 1792. (Old song)

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      …Watch them jugs a-filling in the pale moonlight

      1. David Wojick Avatar
        David Wojick

        Don’t use no wet nor rotten wood or they’ll catch you by your smoke.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Give it up. Gay deserved to be fired because she never should have been hired. If Ackman’s wife is a plagiarist, fire her. In fact, let’s fire all plagiarists and data fraudsters at all schools. We’d begin to fix that D/R imbalance. And let’s fire the plagiarist pretending to be President, too.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        One might want to have a Monica Crowley or Serb Gorka.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Which has what to do with what?
          Gay deserved to be fired, and it doesn’t matter if her critics were Rufo and Ackman and others.
          She never should have been hired. Period. And at supposedly #1 Haaaaaavaaaahd in particular!
          Plagiarism is bad. Lying is bad. Stealing is bad. Murder is bad. Rioting is bad. Genocide is bad.
          But since DEI is based on lies, Gay is the perfect representative of where a lying orthodoxy leads. There is real Truth. Not “my truth.”
          Oh, and there are 2 sexes.

          1. Teddy007 Avatar

            the idea that plagiarism has anything to do with partisan politics is wrong. many Republicans have been caught at it. And in education, the iron law is that when one looks at virtually any statistics, there will be a huge gap between whites (and Asian) students versus black students. The question is what to do about the gap.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Still making no sense…
            Nancy was diverting on Gay by citing a Business Insider piece alleging plagiarism by Ackman’s wife. While it was a hit piece, not giving time for a response, it had nothing to do with falsifying Ackman’s criticism of Gay. She was and is unqualified for the job she had. Period.
            Harvard went out of its way to try to hide and then excuse her plagiarism.
            So I still don’t get the Seb Gorka and Monica Crowley comments other than you are saying white Republicans do it, too, but I am not aware of the charges. They are meaningless as to Gay and the Harvard Corporation Board failures, which are clearly due to worshipping at the altar of DEI, their false religion.
            Finally, if you are suggesting that a huge gap between whites and blacks in education, how does promoting an unqualified black woman help close “the gap?”
            Kinda seems like racism to me…

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            But, but don’t you worship Kendi in “How To Be An Anti Racist”?
            “The remedy for past discrimination is present discrimination and the remedy for present discrimination is future discrimination”.

            Racism in defense of discrimination is no vice and merit in pursuit of equity is no virtue. Or something like that.

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Goldwater and MLK doing 5000RPMs in their graves!

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            Rats, I was hoping to hit red line at about 7,000. Guess I’ll just have to try harder.

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Please…for my heart’s sake – that was close enough!

          7. Teddy007 Avatar

            The idea that when white males are in charge of universities, that blacks do badly and that those white males just do not care and have never cared. And one of the arguments is when the entire leadership of an university is white and male and the rest of students are worse off.

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            That’s an argument, devoid of facts. A racist argument based on skin color alone. Are professional sports teams biased with overwhelming numbers of blacks compared to the population? Would the teams be made better with quotas? How about some trans and gays and other “marginalized” groups?
            DEI is a religion. A false religion. A false religion that its practitioners censor and exclude those who criticize it, because to the adherents, as a religion, it is non-falsifiable, even though the critics points do falsify it.

          9. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            That’s an argument, devoid of facts. A racist argument based on skin color alone. Are professional sports teams biased with overwhelming numbers of blacks compared to the population? Would the teams be made better with quotas? How about some trans and gays and other “marginalized” groups?
            DEI is a religion. A false religion. A false religion that its practitioners censor and exclude those who criticize it, because to the adherents, as a religion, it is non-falsifiable, even though the critics points do falsify it.

          10. Teddy007 Avatar

            It is not devoid of facts. At virtually every university in the U.S. blacks have a lower graduation rate than whites or Asians, have lower GPAs, and are less likely to major in STEM or business.

            And professional sports teams to do have legacy hires, give preferences to family members of employees, or not have developmental employees, and did not discriminate as late as the 1970’s against blacks. The sports to college admission comparison is a poor argument from people who need to study the issue more.

          11. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Still devoid of facts. And racist to boot.
            Just the color of skin determines one’s life?
            How come in white families you can find quite different outcomes among siblings? And in black families?
            Does individual behavior matter?
            You cite the lower black GPAs and graduation rates as “proof.” It is only data, and there are many other possible explanations.
            Like SAT scores. (Oh, that’s right….RACIST)
            Or amount of time spent studying?
            Or percentages from broken homes (bad for all people)?
            Income level?
            Crappy govt schools, particularly in “marginalized” neighborhoods, but Dem politicians and corrupt teacher unions won’t permit changes because they don’t really care about anything except money and power.

            Oh, and “legacy” sports teams and there was discrimination 50 years ago! What a crock. Nepotism occurs in the academy today. How many couples are employed by UVA? How many of the spouses have different last names? On purpose to hide it? And did you know, before UVA Admissions quit cooperating with me, that the “legacy” offer rate was the highest rate, but the legacy SAT mean was squarely in line with the means for all other racial groupings. It did not appear to be a “preference” at all.

          12. Teddy007 Avatar

            Graduation rates are facts. Admission rates are facts. GPAs are facts.

            And when one noralizes for parents education, parents income, and parents occupations, blacks still underperform versus whites and especially Asian-Americans. So the question is whether the university should try to do something about it or not. And legacy admissions require applicants who have parents who attended the same school and those parents and grandparents attended at a time with fewer black students. And the data from SFFA showed that being an athlete was the most valuable, that is generally went to applicants from upper middle class or higher families, and that legacy and employee family admissions were about equal. The data also showed that the affirmative action of Harvard benefitted the children of rich blacks over poor blacks because all blacks receive the same advantage but that poor black students were not given an additional advantage in admission for being poor.

            If one starts with the bigot belief that all blacks are unqualified, then one is going to make oneself look like a fool when discussing education.

          13. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Are you describing yourself? If one starts with the bigot belief that race is the only factor, then one is, by definition, a racist. Why should the universities “fix” the problem, which they can’t? Why not start at grade school level? Why not do the single best thing for future success and be honest about intact families? The success formula – graduate high school, get a job, get married, have kids. 80% chance of a middle class life.

            You know black alumni favor “legacy” admissions for their children? But that is a headfake.
            The UVA data revealed that legacies did not really receive a preference. It likely indicated the parents were well-educated and presumably had a higher income.
            You are also aware of the mismatch problem?
            Why not quit judging people by race? Judge by their individual character and accomplishments. Like MLK wanted until the racist DEI adherents gained power…

          14. Teddy007 Avatar

            One needs to learn about risks. How is doing to hire an 18 y/o with no experience and no training? What is the chance that that non-college educated person can keep the job long enough to develop savings and attract a mate. What is the chance of staying married instead of getting divorced. And having kids having nothing to do with being middle class. In reality, having children increases risks due to health risk, financial risks, divorce risks.

            Of course, the black alum favor legacy admissions but those blacks who are not legacies do not support legacy admissions. What is bad about legacy, athlete, and employee family admissions is that society sees those students are smarter and more talented that those who were not admitted even if those not admitted have higher GPAs and test scores. And the SFFA evidence showed that Harvard and UNC-Chapel Hill use a significant advantage for legacies.
            And I have actually met the person who writes about overmatches and undermatches. However, a person is better off with a degree in American Studies from Harvard than a business degree from Northeastern.

          15. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            One needs to consider risks/rewards. UVA is not worth the cost currently in-State, much less out of State. American Studies is a worthless, America-hating degree. I know. Son #3 graduated from UVA with that major. He and one girl were the only ones in the major who liked America. No profs did. This was 2011. UVA’s indoctrination is a disservice. The kids do not know how to engage intellectually, and are scared to. I know from my current student daughter. And I quite disagree – I bet the business degree from Northeastern was a far better expenditure than the fake prestige, false eliteness of a Harvard degree.
            WHO is going to hire an 18 year old with no experience and no training? Many companies. And why does a worthless degree from an “elite” school make you any better? I think the false sense of entitlement is a detriment. Besides being saddled with debt for the worthless degree. Individual choices and behaviors matter. You are not destined to anything based on the color of your skin.
            Don’t have kids because they are expensive? So, can I guess you are good with baby-killing for convenience?
            The DEI/CRT/Gramscian Marxist worldview is evil, destructive, unAmerican.

          16. Teddy007 Avatar

            Virtually no company is going to hire an 18 year old with no experience and no degree. That is the issue with education, training, and credentials. A full time job for an 18 y/o is almost impossible to get. They will have to string together part times jobs and gig jobs to make any money.

            And one should look at the book “Parenting to a Degree” to see the real risks of attending college, picking a majoring, and getting a job.

          17. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I’m paying for it. I have paid full price for every year for 5 kids. And I guess you don’t watch Mike Rowe or are aware that trades are in high demand. Or do people only count in your world if they have an overpriced, pretty worthless degree? Somehow, before all of the “help” from the government, people got jobs, and college was affordable. It is currently a scam. If not a scam, why does Joe Biden keep trying to stick the college debt of “the educated” on the uneducated? Scam. Scam. Scam. And poisonous indoctrination factories.

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        Just wait for AI, plagiarism on steroids.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I’m just curious how you can look at a black person and know if they are eminently qualified, or an affirmative action appointee?

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          You can’t. But Gay was. And is. She was not a scholar. She was a DEI grifter her whole career. And she chased off actually accomplished black male law and economics profs.
          When will you quit your paternalistic reverse racism trying to excuse her plagiarism?
          White savior complex much?

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