By Peter Galuszkacantor

When I looked at my Richmond Times Dispatch, I was stunned. I couldn’t find a story that their wunderkind Congressman, Eric Cantor, the kind of Republican they love, had gotten a big deal job with Moelis & Co., a New York boutique investment bank.

There was the story in the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post. Finally, the RTD straggled  on with brief piece at 6:22 a.m. on its Website.

Maybe it’s embarrassment. Cantor, the former House Majority Leader, could do no wrong with his Main Street Republican friends or the editors of the local newspaper. His wife, Diana, was on the board when the newspaper was owned by Media General. Then came his stunning defeat in a June primary to unknown David Brat, who ran a mash-up of a Tea Party and Libertarian insurgency.

Moelis says it is hiring Cantor “for his judgment and experience” and ability to open doors, says the Journal. He’ll live in Virginia and have offices in Washington and New York.

Well, that was quick! Or maybe not. Cantor has raised $1.4 million from the financial services sector, as well as lots from managed care. His sense of entitlement is astounding. First, he thought he didn’t have to bother with the home folks in the Seventh District any more, costing him the election. They he arranged (with Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s help) a special election.

Doing so would get his replacement in office faster and thus Virginia can keep its seats on some important committees. But it also frees Cantor to take his plum job.

You didn’t read it in the RTD first! Somethings will never change.

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4 responses to “It’s Oh, So Richmond!”

  1. According to the Moelis press release: “In his new role, Mr. Cantor will provide strategic counsel to the Firm’s corporate and institutional clients on key issues. He will play a leading role in client development and advise clients on strategic matters.”

    Hmmm. Cantor will help with “key issues” and “strategic matters.” Because he did such a superlative job in those areas for the House of Representatives?

  2. Cantor is just doing what Newt and the current head of the Heritage Foundation and many others did. He took advantage of his “deferred compensation” package. This congress is bought and paid for by “Money Changers” the same guys that Jesus threw out of the Temple. Nothing new here…maybe he stumbled deliberately…so he could cash out?

  3. Actually – Cantor’s competence as a political operative – especially in the day of Tea Party is a different skill / asset than his likely extensive knowledge of who’s who in the legislative world…

    Same deal with McDonnell – he probably knows Va govt and General Assembly pretty good…

    both would be excellent “analysts” of legislative terrain for a company to decide how to look after their interests.

    And if you think about it – a “crook” would likely know which legislators could be “approached” with material interest transactions!

  4. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    Everybody does, I guess. Uber hires David Plouffe, former Obama campaign adviser, to lead fight against ‘Big Taxi cartel’

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