It’s Easy to Love an Insurgent Without a Voting Record

GOP candidates in the 10th who lost the nomination to Hung Cao (in dark blue jacket) show unity at a rally for him last week.

by Ken Reid

Leave it to GOP primary voters in Virginia to support the no-name insurgent candidates over incumbents who have demonstrated an ability to win elections. A case in point – the 10th congressional district GOP firehouse primary May 21.

The supposed frontrunner, Prince William Supervisor Jeanine Lawson, lost badly despite raising more than $900,000 in donations and key endorsements — Delegate Dave LaRock, R-Loudoun, former state senator Dick Black, and former Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli.

Hung Cao, a Vietnamese immigrant and retired Navy captain with a distinguished career and life story, was nominated with about 7,700 votes, Lawson, 5,000, Brandon Michon, 2,000 or so, as of the ninth ballot, in rank-choice voting.

Cao ran a superlative campaign, and got Asians, veterans and parishioners in Leesburg megachurch Cornerstone Chapel (where he belongs) to vote for him. He raised about $500,000, largely from Vietnamese across the nation. I think he can beat incumbent Representative Jennifer Wexton; but Lawson, a female with a solid base in Prince William County, would have been the stronger nominee.

Lawson’s vote could have been depressed by an anonymous texting campaign focused on her support for a June 2020 non-binding resolution in support of Black Lives Matter (BLM) in the aftermath of the national outrage over George Floyd’s death at the hand of Minneapolis police. She, like most of us, did not know at the time what a corrupt Marxist organization BLM is. (You can watch a clip of the board meeting here.)

As a 10-year elected office holder in Loudoun, including four years on the Board of Supervisors, I would get these resolutions all the time and I summarily voted for them. But GOP primary voters didn’t know those details. All they know is BLM is a bad group and Lawson voted for their resolution. Lawson did not return my emails or phone calls for this article.

Cao has no voting record, so no material for a smear campaign. But because Lawson has a voting record, as do a number of elected representatives running in the 2nd and 7th district primaries June 21, I fear Republicans will look to the “nonpolitician” no-name candidates, thus dooming GOP chances to win a majority of our delegation to the U.S. House.

State Senator Jen Kiggans, R-Virginia Beach, elected in 2019 to the 2nd congressional district, is facing attacks from Jarome Bell and Tommy Altman on her votes on LGBTQ issues. Never mind she also stood against defanging the police and other “woke” legislation Democrats passed in Richmond. Her district is much like Cao’s — it leans Republican but has large Democratic voting blocs. Kiggans is by far the best candidate but expect incumbent Democrat Elaine Luria to win if Bell or Altman wins the nomination, in my humble opinion.

Same goes for the 7th congressional district. There,  three of the six GOP hopefuls hold elected office. They have had to vote on a variety of matters during their terms – their opponents have not. All it takes if for a candidate or PAC to blow their votes out of proportion in a smear campaign, and Republicans will have a no-recognition nominee and Democrat Abigail Spanberger will get a third term in the House.

I guess if Hung Cao beats Wexton, will someone challenge him in 2024’s GOP primary for being not Trumpian or conservative enough? Same goes if Kiggans, Altman or Bell gets the GOP nomination, defeats Luria, and then faces an insurgent no-name outsider in 2024 because of one or two votes in the U.S. House.

God forbid, if an elected official makes a decision on something!

I fully recognize there are times when folks with “experience” also become entrenched and have to go.  But that logic applies to folks already holding office, not those seeking a higher office.

How long will Republicans keep voting with our hearts, not our heads, thinking ideologically, not strategically — and this year in particular, when we have a great chance to blow the Democrats out in the midterms due to a faltering economy?

GOP primary voters should be thinking strategically June 21. Look at the totality of the candidates’ records, and don’t don’t get fixated on one vote or one tweet. If Republicans want to nominate the best candidates to beat Democrats in the fall, that means giving special consideration to folks who have already run for office and won.

Ken Reid is a former Loudoun County supervisor and member of the Leesburg Town Council and currently lives in Tysons Corner. He is active in Republican politics in Virginia and authored the book, The Six Secrets to Winning ANY Local Election and Navigating Elected Office Once You Win.

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30 responses to “It’s Easy to Love an Insurgent Without a Voting Record”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    From the Bacon’s Rebellion “about” section: ” Bacon’s Rebellion is rare among Virginia’s leading political blogs in having no partisan affiliation.” With that in mind, why is this partisan appeal posted here.”

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Because you can post similar advice to the Democrats, Dick.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        What? Why would he? Democrats haven’t nominated complete nuts… yet.

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Ask the moderator!!

  2. WayneS Avatar

    As a 10-year elected office holder in Loudoun, including four years on the Board of Supervisors, I would get these resolutions all the time and I summarily voted for them.

    Why? Why would you vote for a resolution without reading, understanding, and agreeing with it?

    1. Ken Reid Avatar
      Ken Reid

      I didn’t say that. these are non binding non controversial resolutions on behalf of citizens , scout groups etc. oe stating the board’s position on a matter. as I noted in the article Lawson probably didn’t know what BLM was and if you wa5ch the video she asked alot of questions. she probably voted yes b3caue Africa American members of her board wanted it and to show unity in the aftermath of the Floyd deary, which even conservatives were outraged about atbthe time. hindsight is 2020, and here it was June 2020

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well, a little late to look at his creds now, now ain’t it?

  4. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    “Cao ran a superlative campaign, and got Asians, veterans and parishioners in Leesburg megachurch Cornerstone Chapel (where he belongs) to vote for him. He raised about $500,000, largely from Vietnamese across the nation.”

    Sounds like a candidate well-positioned to ride the electoral wave that appears to be building. Plus, what are the Democrats and the NPR types going to say? It was wr0ng for the GOP primary voters to pick the (based on the picture above and its caption) only non-white candidate? Perhaps the Washington Post will run a feature explaining how CAPT (Retired) Cao “ain’t really Asian.”

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Her district is much like Cao’s — it leans Republican but has large Democratic voting blocs.”

    Cao’s district is Solid Blue according to CN Analysis.. FYI…

    1. WayneS Avatar

      You’re absolutely right. Cao doesn’t stand a chance. Wexton is going to win in a landslide. Her supporters have nothing to worry about. In fact, most of them can skip voting this time around and it won’t make any difference to the outcome.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        They certainly didn’t turn out for T-Mac to pull out a win.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Just saying it is not a Lean Republican district as Ken contends. Even with the Youngkin R high water mark, the current district went D by 5 points.

        But we will vote… you can count on that…

  6. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    This is 100% Fox News material. Bacon’s Rebellion is now a mouthpiece for the Republicans.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      What? It is an establishment Republican bemoaning the rise of non-establishment Republicans. I think the article is an absolute croc of BS but it is one establishment Republican’s opinion of the Virginia Republican establishment.

      If you want to write an article describing the battles within the Democratic Party for access to the ballot in Virginia – go ahead. I’d be interested in an article contrasting the Democratic candidates – you know, the growing rift among the Dems between between the far left and actual Communists.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        The dog whistles are deafening …

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Is now? NOW? Where you been Willis?

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      As it was in the beginning….Jim let all the D’s post without asking me!! (Dick adds great depth on state issues and I enjoy having a foil.)

    4. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      As it was in the beginning….Jim let all the D’s post without asking me!! (Dick adds great depth on state issues and I enjoy having a foil.)

  7. DJRippert Avatar

    Sounds like another establishment Republican who is bemoaning the loss by a fellow traveler in the establishment.

    As for it being “easy to love an insurgent without a voting record” – perhaps Mr. Reid has already forgotten the Republican primary for Governor in 2021 where Glenn Younkin (an insurgent without a voting record) defeated establishment Republican Kirk Cox before going on to defeat the former governor of Virginia.

    Mr. Reid is emblematic of the establishment Republicans who run around firehouse primaries rubbing elbows with other establishment Republicans without knowing a damn thing about the base.

    People are sick of business as usual – from both sides of the political spectrum.

    1. Ken Reid Avatar
      Ken Reid

      Krk cox wasn’t yoingkins main opponent it was this self styled outsiders Pete Snyder snd Amanda chase. and you don’t think youngkin is “establishment ” I think you need a lesson un how government and politics works

  8. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    “Look at the totality of the candidates’ records, and don’t don’t get fixated on one vote or one tweet.” Gee, started writing about VA politics for pay in 1976. Got into the game for pay at RPV in 1986. At no time has that statement above not been a laugh line….What a dreamer.

    And come on Dick, I hand out political advice for free and my partisan history is clear to all. Ken, nothing wrong with running a newcomer versus somebody with experience, especially for Congress (they don’t actually DO anything). In a field that large, the one who stands out, who has an angle, who can draw the biggest circle in the complex Venn diagram, will win and Cao did.

    1. Ken Reid Avatar
      Ken Reid

      and what happens if he wins and makes a decision someone doesn’t like? do we throw him out for another “newcomer” or maybe he just does nothing for his constituents but becomes a popular talking head for conservative media? is that where we’re headed in this country or at least within the GOP?

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Excuse me, did he say, “To MAGA”?

  10. Turbocohen Avatar

    “I will look forward to supporting Kevin McCarthy as Speaker” – Jen Kiggans

    Deal Breaker for me.

  11. vicnicholls Avatar

    This article is a symbol of why the R party loses so much. Establishment R’s haven’t one diddly fart clue of kitchen table issues, nor of marketing. Jenn Kiggans is one of them. A very nice lady, but she doesn’t have what it takes in a # of areas to win. Jarome Bell does and will not knife us in the back when he gets up there. He can also go into Luria’s areas and talk to folks unlike the other 3 candidates.

    Let me give the example of Chesapeake. They’ve put up multiple no name folks who have never even spoke before any public body on camera. If they can’t manage being on the hot seat and standing up for something before they get elected, what makes them think they’re qualified otherwise? I’ve watched things get scheduled during meetings that are held by the elected body they’re running for!

    Being a member or officer of the political party doesn’t guarantee you know what to do for the public.

    Establishment R’s are, in a # of cases, unfit to choose the next leaders. Get rid of folks after 3 terms. That will help. Youngkin voted to limit his power. Either one and done or two and thru for terms. Otherwise, too much power tripping. This applies to *local* issues only.

    1. Ken Reid Avatar
      Ken Reid

      so, then , any one who gets elected to something snd then seeks another office is thus “establishment ” and should be ruled out for the GOP nomination? is that.what you’re saying?

      1. vicnicholls Avatar

        If they move to another office, that’s fine, otherwise yes. 1 and done or 2 and thru. Stops people from accumulating power for themselves, moves it along so fresh new ideas are in. It also would stop the party power players from controlling elections and who gets on the ticket. We’ve had a ton of that problem in Chesapeake to the point of even the D’s are saying the infighting is a joke.

        People keep wanting to hold on to control and power at all costs. It is about ego and person rather than the party and how it can do govt. better.

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    Many in the Conservative/GOP base – have a love/hate relationship with the establishment. We’ve seen this over the years and it seems to have gotten worse.

    But as far as I know, folks can run as independents and Conservatives seem to like rank choice so why not further wean yourselves from the “establishment” and get on to forming a non-GOP, “true” conservative group?

    It’s becoming increasingly clear that the GOP itself is less and less able to reach compromises within their own wing much less with Dems on major issues like immigration, social security, global trade, even foreign policy.

    The establishment GOP is trying to keep it all together. I just don’t see the same problem with the Dems. They got their wackos… but they seem to know when to compromise for the proverbial half loaf at times.

    1. Ken Reid Avatar
      Ken Reid

      if we go down that purist route then nobody can serve in elected office. have yiu ever run or served in office where you have to make a decision?

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