Is K-12 Absenteeism Too Complex a Problem for an Administrative Fix?

Source: Virginia Department of Education. There is a strong correlation between days of school missed and educational under-achievement.

by James A. Bacon

In releasing the 2023 Standards of Learning (SOL) scores, which showed marginal overall improvement from the disastrous 2022 results, Team Youngkin added a bit of useful analysis — it drew a connection between poor educational performance and school absenteeism.

The Virginia Department of Education press release noted that students in 3rd through 8th grades who missed more than 18 days of school scored 18% lower in reading exams than students with regular attendance. Students who missed more than 36 days scored 43% lower. Similar discrepancies occurred in the math exams.

This should come as a surprise to no one. Students can’t learn if they’re not in school (or home school, which these children are not).

To raise SOL scores, the Youngkin administration is targeting the school skippers. #AttendanceMattersVA, according to DOE, “works with Virginia schools and parents to increase attendance by communicating the importance of attendance to families, expanding breakfast after the bell programs, ensuring that every child has a trusted adult at school, monitoring and celebrating successes, and reducing barriers to attendance such as transportation and mental health challenges.”

Clearly, something must be done. These ideas seem as reasonable as any other. But I fear that the problem may be so deeply rooted in social dysfunction that the initiative will prove ineffective.

Let’s start with the opening priority in the VDOE statement: that “communicating the importance of attendance to families” is something that the state needs to do.

Think about that. The underlying premise is that some parents are insufficiently aware that their children benefit from attending school but might be induced by reason to do better.

How can any American alive today fail to understand the crucial importance of education? We’re not talking about 16-year-olds who drop out of school to take a job and help support the family. We’re talking about kids who are eight to 14 years old! It became universally accepted in America more than a century ago that every child needs to be literate and numerate in order to function in industrial-era society. Education is even more imperative now in the knowledge-era society. This is so basic, so fundamental; how can anyone fail to grasp it?

There is something profoundly broken about a society in which the state needs to explain to parents that they need to send their children to school.

Perhaps the problem is not the parents’ ignorance. Perhaps some parents are so incapacitated by their circumstances — homelessness, drug addiction, lethargy, sloth, whatever — that they cannot bestir themselves to exercise the discipline their children require. If that’s the case, then reason is not likely to persuade them.

The #AttendanceMattersVA initiative also mentions reducing “barriers” to school attendance… such as transportation. By transportation, VDOE presumably is referring to school buses. Assuredly, there is a shortage of school bus drivers, just as there is of teachers. Is VDOE suggesting that children are physically unable to get to school? If so, that’s a scandal, but it’s a readily fixable one. Increase pay, hire more drivers, run more buses! But I am skeptical that this is a root problem. The bus-driver shortage has been chronic for years. Skipping school has surged since the COVID lockdowns.

The press release also mentions “mental health challenges.” This also requires explanation. What kind of mental health challenges? Depression? Anxiety? Childhood abuse and trauma? It would be helpful to know. If mental health is a significant contributor to the absenteeism problem, it is not easily addressed. The proliferation of mental illness in society at large is ill-understood and remedies so far have proven unequal to the challenge.

Going down the list of priorities, I have no idea what VDOE hopes to accomplish by expanding “breakfast-after-the-bell programs.” Perhaps the goal is to remove children from toxic home environments as early in the day as possible and keep them in non-toxic school environments as long as possible. That’s consistent with the notion, also expressed, of ensuring that every child has a “trusted adult” at school, which implies that many children do not have trusted adults at home. If this is the case, then say so!

I strongly suspect that absenteeism is a complex social and psychological phenomenon that cannot be solved through administrative action. What’s frustrating is the habit of VDOE officials of cloaking their words in euphemisms encumbered by evasions and bound up by circumlocutions. We need more clarity, which requires more candor.

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16 responses to “Is K-12 Absenteeism Too Complex a Problem for an Administrative Fix?”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Perhaps some parents are so incapacitated by their circumstances — homelessness, drug addiction, lethargy, sloth, whatever — that they cannot bestir themselves to exercise the discipline their children require.”

    Yeah, “some parents” … whatever… there but by the grace of God go I… and you presumably…

    1. That’s sure helpful and constructive. Thanks so much.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        So is stereotyping, to be sure, eh…?

        1. Comments from a fragmental troll, always. Predictable but sad.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Trump’s favorite voters in training.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        If I had to guess, I’d guess that the localities with the highest rates of chronic absenteeism are sky blue.

        Care to wager?

  2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    Exactly. I criticized this part of the plan in my own critique.

  3. “We need more clarity, which requires more candor.” What a pregnant criticism! Perhaps the lack of candor is from ignorance; perhaps the lack of clarity is from lack of understanding. But also, perhaps the lack of candor and clarity is a conscious evasion of truths well understood: the social programs necessary to make a real difference are politically unpopular and, therefore, unmentionable.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      And very, very expen$ive.

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Scratch the word communicating and replace with compelling. The kids need to be in school by any means necessary. The correlation between attendance and achievement is irrefutable.

  5. …VDOE statement: that “communicating the importance of attendance to families” is something that the state needs to do.

    Parents/guardians of children enrolled in public schools in Virginia are required to sign a statement at the beginning of each school year acknowledging that they have received a copy of, among other things, the Commonwealths’ compulsory school attendance law.

    § 22.1-279.3. Parental responsibility and involvement requirements.

    C. Within one calendar month of the opening of school, each school board shall, simultaneously with any other materials customarily distributed at that time, send to the parents of each enrolled student (i) a notice of the requirements of this section; (ii) a copy of the school board’s standards of student conduct; and (iii) a copy of the compulsory school attendance law. These materials shall include a notice to the parents that by signing the statement of receipt, parents shall not be deemed to waive, but to expressly reserve, their rights protected by the constitutions or laws of the United States or the Commonwealth and that a parent shall have the right to express disagreement with a school’s or school division’s policies or decisions.

    Each parent of a student shall sign and return to the school in which the student is enrolled a statement acknowledging the receipt of the school board’s standards of student conduct, the notice of the requirements of this section, and the compulsory school attendance law. Each school shall maintain records of such signed statements.

    If that does not “communicate” to parents/guardians the importance of school attendance then I don’t think anything will.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    The “complexity” is that if a kid is functionally crippled in reading by 3rd grade – easily determined by their SOL score – they will not be “interested” in courses that require reading and reading for content and being absent is more fun that more “failing” and if forced to attend, some find misbehavior to be diverting.

    If a kid cannot read by 3rd grade – what follows often is absenteeism and behavior problems. Nothing “complex” about it!

    We won’t fix absenteeism until we fix 3rd grade reading and we won’t fix 3rd grade reading for ED kids if we continue to teach the way we do now.

    I’d LOVE to see some real transparency from whatever other non-public schools that specifically target and limit enrollment to ED kids.

    1. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
      Ronnie Chappell

      Good point. IMO schools should hold back kids in grades K-3 who can’t achieve grade level reading benchmarks. It’s hard to hold back a 13-year old. Not so difficult to hold back a 5 or 6 year old.

      Daily school attendance not a priority in some households. Perhaps parents would make more of an effort if they knew absence rates of 15 to 20 percent meant their children had to stay home for the rest of the school year.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        used to be…if at year end, you did not “pass”, it was on to summer school for you. Now days, we are being told that they can’t be held back nor be sent to summer school… but they sure as heck can be promoted to the next grade where they still can’t read.

  7. …VDOE statement: that “communicating the importance of attendance to families” is something that the state needs to do.

    And is something it already does…

    Parents/guardians of children enrolled in public schools in Virginia are required to sign a statement at the beginning of each school year acknowledging that they have received a copy of, among other things, the Commonwealths’ compulsory school attendance law.

    § 22.1-279.3. Parental responsibility and involvement requirements.

    C. Within one calendar month of the opening of school, each school board shall, simultaneously with any other materials customarily distributed at that time, send to the parents of each enrolled student (i) a notice of the requirements of this section; (ii) a copy of the school board’s standards of student conduct; and (iii) a copy of the compulsory school attendance law. These materials shall include a notice to the parents that by signing the statement of receipt, parents shall not be deemed to waive, but to expressly reserve, their rights protected by the constitutions or laws of the United States or the Commonwealth and that a parent shall have the right to express disagreement with a school’s or school division’s policies or decisions.

    Each parent of a student shall sign and return to the school in which the student is enrolled a statement acknowledging the receipt of the school board’s standards of student conduct, the notice of the requirements of this section, and the compulsory school attendance law. Each school shall maintain records of such signed statements.

    If that does not “communicate” to parents/guardians the importance of school attendance then I don’t think anything will.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I guess they need to be “empowered” by Youngkin?

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