Is CovidWise Worth a Tinker’s Damn?

Last Thursday my son tested positive for COVID-19. The previous Sunday evening, he and I had cooked dinner together and watched “Mosul” on Netflix. (Worth viewing, by the way.) We were in close proximity for three hours or so. If he was infectious at that time, I was certainly at risk of catching the virus.

As it happens, both my son and I are registered with CovidWise, the state-sanctioned app that is supposed to alert users if they have been exposed to someone with the virus. The app uses a Bluetooth signal on your smart phone to know how close and how long you are to someone else with the cell phone app. If someone tests positive for COVID, the health department gives you a PIN, which you enter into the app. The app identifies everyone who was exposed to you within six feet for 15 minutes or longer within 24 hours within the past 14 days.

That’s the theory….

I have yet to see a notification. “No Exposures Detected,” my app says.

My son has been waiting for the Virginia Department of Health to send him that PIN, but, as of yesterday, he had yet to receive it.

I don’t know where the system broke down. Did he fail to do something? Were the COVID test results never conveyed to VDH? Does VDH have enough people on staff to follow up? Did the algorithm not figure out that we’d hung out in close proximity for three hours?

Who knows. But if the app didn’t work for us, I expect it hasn’t worked for others.

Draw your own conclusions as to what it’s worth. I’ll keep the app on my iPhone — but only because I’m too lazy to uninstall it.


P.S. I took a COVID test and it was negative.

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7 responses to “Is CovidWise Worth a Tinker’s Damn?”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I hope that your son does not experience serious symptoms and that your tests remain negative.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    Sorry COVID has invaded your family.

    The question is – for you – is one test enough to say you were not infected? Are you isolating from other members of your family?

    Where did Jamie get it? any ideas?

    Is VDH – contact tracing ? If that is gonna work, they gotta do it right away.

    So, you experience confirms my suspicions that the App is more theory than real – because if it were real – VDH would be touting how many folks got “detected” with the app and I hear nothing at all from them.

  3. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Hoping it’s mild. Don’t have to tell you of the gamut of symptoms. It’s not fun if a cough develops.

    Well, none of my phone apps is worth a damn. I don’t know where my phone is. I know it’s in the house since it is tied by Bluetooth to the house handsets and it has to be plugged in somewhere because the battery hasn’t died yet.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      It was in the car.

  4. Thanks, guys. The symptoms were pretty mild. The worst part for my son is self-isolating for a week. Still not sure if we’ll see him over Christmas.

  5. VDOTyranny Avatar

    Also, what happens if you’re visiting out of state? Is VA sharing data with other states?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      If somone visited family during holidays and go COVID – more than a few would not want to disclose that to contact tracers, in person or on an app.

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