Is California-Style Shoplifting Coming to Virginia?

by James A. Bacon

California has become notorious as a shoplifter’s paradise where prosecutors downplay “minor” crimes and the criminal element has responded, quite rationally, by increasing the brazen looting of retail outlets. The theft is so rampant in San Francisco and Los Angeles that dozens of drugstores and other retailers have closed shop. I’ve long wondered if such phenomena would reach Virginia, which has elected a good number of prosecutors who, in the California mold, have professed an intention to ameliorate the impact of a supposedly racist criminal justice system upon racial minorities.

I had seen no sign of such social disorder in Virginia… until today. I happened to be perusing the Fredericksburg Police Department crime report of March 28th, when I came across this notice, along with the photograph posted below:

Ulta, 1696 Carl D. Silver Parkway, 3/21, The store manager reported two males and a female entered the store and stole approximately $15,000 worth of merchandise before exiting. While leaving, one of the males knocked a customer to the ground. Photos of the suspects are below.

This is not your ordinary shoplifting. It’s not your standard stick-up. The operation was premeditated and blatant– and it is plausible to suggest that it was modeled on similar heists in California, where shoplifting has morphed into large-scale, organized crime.

Unlike in California, where SF and LA police departments barely bother to arrest anyone for shoplifting anymore, police in Fredericksburg still do nab people for so-called “minor” crimes — including an incident of petit larceny and shoplifting that occurred the same day. But one might reasonably inquire how such cases are treated. Are they prosecuted? If not, has the criminal element concluded that it can get away with things that would not have been tolerated previously?


Fredericksburg’s Commonwealth’s Attorney, Libby Humphries, has served since August 1, 2021.  She had assumed office on an interim basis when her predecessor retired, and then won an uncontested election in November. Her bio in the Progressive Voters Guide notes that she had previously worked as a prosecutor in Charlottesville, and had received her law degree from the University of Virginia.

The bio says she supports “community-facing” prosecution, which seeks to reduce incarceration, detention, fines, and fees. “The approach prioritizes community safety and health over punishment and aims to reduce “disproportionate harm caused to Black and brown people by the criminal justice system.” Humphries opposes cash bail, and she supports drug policy reform, alternatives to incarceration, and the “8 Can’t Wait” initiative aimed at reducing the police use of force.

Humphries attended Black Lives Matter protests in response to the police murder of George Floyd and believes law enforcement and the court system must be reformed to prevent the killing of more Black people. Humphries also advocated for changing the name of Jefferson Davis highway, the removal of Confederate monuments from public spaces, and the removal of a slave auction block from downtown Fredericksburg.

It might be a stretch to suggest that the audacious, California-style theft of $15,000 from the Ulta beauty store was a downstream consequence of Humphries’ progressive policies — it’s just one incident, after all. But it is certainly worth exploring the possibility that her social-justice approach to criminality has emboldened Fredericksburg’s criminal element. I’ll be watching for more of this kind of behavior, and I would be grateful if readers would alert me to examples taking place elsewhere in Virginia.

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29 responses to “Is California-Style Shoplifting Coming to Virginia?”

  1. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    But for Bacon’s vigilance, we would not know that a single incident in Fredericksburg foretold the advent of Left Coast-style robberies in VA. “Paradise Plundered” in CA re-emerged in VA. Worse, though, is evidence of a woke prosecutor whose bio may inspire further robberies. PTL for anti-woke shout outs.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Sure, one swallow a summer makes! A job pulled off my three working together also pales compared to what is happening elsewhere. If and when they are caught and treated leniently, that will get my attention.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        OK. Then all can address or comment on soft on crime prosecutors. Hopefully, it will be done sans cynicism.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Woke? Does that mean minority? Dang, the veils are getting thin.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        walking that line………

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          There’s a line? It ain’t a dog whistle if everybody hears it.

  2. The incident may be a one-off, it may be a sign of things to come. It bears watching — that’s all I’m saying.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Sorry, but your cynicism prints were the message of the piece. Such detracts from the narrative point whatever it was. Cynicism is hurting journalism and commentary.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        It is hard to be cynical enough when surveying the damage that prosecutors with Ms. Humphries’ philosophy are doing where they are in power. We’ll see what she does when and if the police make arrests.

        Unless these robbers each have been having bad skin days, it is hard to equate this robbery of Ulta Beauty with personal needs. It has the earmarks of a contract theft. If so, that should bring conspiracy charges.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        No point from which to detract…

      3. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        “Cynicism is hurting journalism and commentary.”

        News Flash, journalism is all about cynicism and the truth.

        Also, I don’t think you know what that word means, but that’s par for the course in your incoherent ramblings.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Gee, it’s remarkable. Can’t imagine that this is anything other than a one-off. After all, Virginians don’t murder, do drugs, nor cheat on their taxes.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “I can’t say conclusively that the audacious, California-style theft of $15,000 from the Ulta beauty store was a downstream consequence of Humphries’ progressive policies…”

    Just another JAB piece of “nothing I am saying is supported by facts… but that ain’t gonna stop me…!!”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      … but it COULD be that way! 😉

      where are we seeing this movie elsewhere? FOX? in the Senate hearings for SCOTUS?

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Is that the “broken windows” theory? Punish those who illegally cut down trees on public spaces and there will be no murders.

  5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Before Ms. Humphries can do anything, police have to arrest someone for this theft. Before implicitly accusing her of being too soft, you should at least give her a chance to see what her actual attitude would be.

    On a broader note, although it does not apply in this case, the increase in the threshold of grand larceny may become a problem. For many years, theft of anything with a value of $200 more constitued a felony in Virginia. As years passed and inflation increased values, that threshold needed to be increased. In 2018, the General Assembly increased it to $500. However, without giving the system time to adjust to that new felony level, the 2020 GA raised it to $1,000. I feel that was a mistake. I am probably old enough for my sense of how much things cost to be outdated, but I still think stealing more than $500 worth of stuff is a big enough deal to constitute a felony.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I love how the retail groups called it a “cost of living increase for thieves.”

  6. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    When did cynicism become verboten?
    Is it un-American to suspect political hacks will act like political hacks and cause greater harm?
    The Fredburg crime does look suspiciously like the Cali smash and grabs. The Commonwealth’s attorney does have a pure Leftist pedigree. Did the robbers look like Ulta supplies were something needed? So they are going to fence them for cash for who knows what. Did systemic racism make them rob Ulta? Maybe Ulta is a class struggle symbol of rich white woman oppression? (I haven’t exactly spent a lot…any…time in one, but I have seen black women come out…so maybe that theory doesn’t fly). Would it be OK for the CA to prosecute them fully?

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    More Broken Windows theory and policing from the white right wing…

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Typical liberal twaddle. A smash and grab, $15,000 heist and an assault on an innocent customer becomes “Broken Windows theory”.

      You know wha they say … a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        The crime isn’t broken windows, although a smash & grab…

        It’s the whole accusation by James that a not-so-punitive, rehabilitation first prosecution policy leads to massive crime waves. That is the Broken Windows, aka Zero Tolerance, Theory.

        Not getting parking tickets won’t keep you guys from cheating on your taxes.

  8. DJRippert Avatar

    JAB’s points are well taken. A smash and grab + assault in Fredericksburg looks a lot like similar crimes on the rise in California and elsewhere. Meanwhile, the relevant prosecutor ran for office on a woke campaign of non-prosecution. This is certainly an event worth tracking.

    There are apparently photographs or videos of the perpetrators, including one who was too dim-witted to wear a mask. I suspect that arrests will be forthcoming. We’ll see how Libby Humphries reacts.

    Meanwhile, Democrats are running scared of their 2020 calls to defund the police. The types of crimes described in this post have voters outraged and the voters have a long enough memory to recall the Dems efforts to defund the police. And, yes – it happened in Virginia too. But the revisionist history being supplied by the left is that there were never really calls to defund the police – well, at least not in Virginia. BS …

  9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    I’m not saying that the Virginia GOP wants to sentence women to death for having an abortion… but it bears watching…. (right, JAB…?)

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      …. or 3 strikes ….for shoplifting or drug possession.

  10. DJRippert Avatar

    JAB’s points are well taken. A smash and grab + assault in Fredericksburg looks a lot like similar crimes on the rise in California and elsewhere. Meanwhile, the relevant prosecutor ran for office on a woke campaign of non-prosecution. This is certainly an event worth tracking.

    There are apparently photographs or videos of the perpetrators, including one who was too dim-witted to wear a mask. I suspect that arrests will be forthcoming. We’ll see how Libby Humphries reacts.

    Meanwhile, Democrats are running scared of their 2020 calls to defund the police. The types of crimes described in this post have voters outraged and the voters have a long enough memory to recall the Dems efforts to defund the police. And, yes – it happened in Virginia too. But the revisionist history being supplied by the left is that there were never really calls to defund the police – well, at least not in Virginia. BS …

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      This is little more than the typical Conservative/GOP political campaigns to paint Dems as soft on crime in hopes of winning elections and instituting even tougher laws and criminal justice sanctions.

      keep in mind that the US ALREADY has MORE people in jail than any other country in the world (as a percent of population).

      In other words, those on the right, want even higher incarceration rates!

      One might think that as a result of our tough-on-crime stance, that we’d have the lowest crime rates, no?

  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    Central Park in Fredericksburg, including the Walmart sits right next to I-95 with exit ramps that go directly into it.

    We do get our share of pass-through hit-run types. All up and down the east coast, there are similar things at businesses just off of I-95. Fredericksburg is not unique.

    As far as the local prosecutor, we know almost nothing about her other than “questions” which amount to what-a-bout-ism, that she “could” have “issues”, etc, etc..

    It really is sinking low IMHO. It seems sometimes that too many Conservatives are playing this game these days. It’s wrong and tiresome.

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